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    21 Sep: American tourists, stabbing and a tornado

    by , 09-21-2020 at 12:16 PM (179 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

    I'm in Belarus, I meet a family of 4 American tourists who are downgrading Europe. I step in and tell them about an average life of an European, to try to convince them they are wrong. I am not convincing the father, so then I turn to the daughter who seems a bit more open to it. Then some lunatic appears out of nowhere with a knife and stabs the man several times. No one else wants to come close and stop the killer. I pick up different things to use as a weapon and I approach him. I hit him in the head with something heavy and knock him down. Meanwhile I spot a big tornado in the horizon. I look around for places to take cover and see an entrance to an underground market. Unfortunately it is not very safe place, because it is basically an open patio excavated on the ground. Still, it is safer than the surface, so I drag the Americans down there with me. We try to find places to shelter and hang on to. I see a storage room that is made of concrete with a metal door and I slam it open and get inside.

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