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    27 Dec: End days and making out with Jesus

    by , 12-27-2018 at 10:19 PM (547 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

    Sharing a building with some other people and the group is about to grow to 14.
    We sit down to prep for the bad days ahead. We decide where we will put the beds for the newcomers, about constructing an escape tunnel and some defenses for the building. Finally we plan to research a way to kill ourselves in case things go really bad and we may be facing capture or starvation. It's a tough topic, but we feel we must have a plan for that to.

    Living with my parents in my farm, with my dogs, but also I have little brothers and sisters. We follow some religion, non-christian and I think non theistic, but my dad is really strict about morality, as if we were Amish.
    One day we are visited by Jesus himself and his gang and he is seriously hot and cool. They stay for some time, they need shelter. Me and Jesus, we fall in love with each other. I thought my dad would totally reject our relationship, since we are from some different religion, but actually he is very excited about it, because Jesus is famous and has status and he thinks this will be good for me.
    But the guys have to leave for some time and I wonder if he'll come back or not. He does and my dad prepares a feast to celebrate our engagement. Jesus arrives and we are so crazy for each other, we make out in the barn, halfway between the front gate and the house. We are seriously horny and we don't wanna let go, but I hear my dad calling and my younger brothers and sisters are looking for me, so Jesus says "go check on him while I bring in the rest of the guys". So I go talk to my dad to offer my help preparing the food, but he just asks me to take the dogs out of the kitchen so he can cook in peace.
    I go look for Jesus again and he is coming with two of his friends. To celebrate the occasion, he makes a miracle: it starts to rain carrots.

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