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    29 Jan: Ghost revenge

    by , 01-30-2014 at 11:24 PM (473 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

    (...) I start seeing ghosts. First they scare me, but then I become half lucid and lose my fear. Then I establish contact with them. They want my help. They seek a man, indirectly responsible for their deaths. A rich business man, with no moral, responsible for the despair of so many and cause of death of some of them. They want me to help them find him and kill him. I help them find where he lives and I wait by the entrance of his mansion with a bunch of ghosts floating around. When the man arrives home, the ghosts follow him and scare the bejesus out the guy. That's when I come in with a gun, when he is already freaked out by all those scary ghosts. They keep him all curled up on the floor, crying like a baby and ask me to kill him. That's when I'm invaded by a sudden overwhelming compassion for the guy. I can't pull the trigger. The ghosts keep telling me all the horrors he is capable of and pushing me to do it, but I can't. I start crying like a baby, I feel so much compassion for everybody, I can't honestly feel any anger for any being, I am drowning in tears for all the evil people in the world, because they are so ignorant, they don't know what they are doing.
    So I tell the ghosts that I won't kill him, that he deserves to go to jail and to learn about the impacts of his actions and to have the opportunity to redeem himself, but I can't kill him. The ghosts are not happy, but they also can't kill him.

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