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    3 Feb: At a Matrix event looking for Keanu Reeves and becoming friend with Carrie-Anne

    by , 02-03-2022 at 09:57 PM (200 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

    At a Matrix event, one of the movies will be playing and the actors are present. I am cosplayed as Trinity and I am determined to meet Keanu. I can't find him but I come across Carrie-Anne, who seems to be very familiar with some of my friends. She commends me for my cosplay. We take pics together, then she hangs out with us. Turns out she is pregnant and Zilla is also pregnants, so they won't stop talking about pregnancy. We head to theathre room to watch the movie and it is quite big and chaotic. People are all talking, lots of kids who only watched the 1st and dont know this one and are already trashing it. Meanwhile, I spot Keanu with some other actress friend at the front rows and I ask Carrie if she can introduce me to him because I must talk to him. She says ok, when the movie ends. But in the middle of the film she gets up to go to do something and doesn't seem to be coming back and then I see Keanu also sneaking out and being engulfed by fans asking for photos. I try to go after them, but then these kids also want to take pics with me, because of my cosplay. And other cosplayers want to act out scenes of the movies with me, for a laugh and I lose Keanu. Outside on the street is a big crossroad with a square in the middle. It's a mess because there is some protest with thousands of people who are on strike for something, plus everiday people going about their lives. I become semi-lucid and consider teleporting out of there and just aim directly to those I wanna meet. Then realize I am dreaming. But I cant focus, it feels too chaotic. So instead I decide to walk go up a street and find some place quieter. I step inside an arcade (tunnel) outside the building to my left and keeo walking forward until I reach a building entrance with a very vintage look and I feel drawn inside. It seems some old abandoned mall and I decide to finally teleport out of here by just walking through a door as a portal. But before I even do anything, I hear Carrie-Anne's voice on the other side of the door so I open it and it is some old school pharmacy and she is buying some medicine from the pharmacist. She is excited to see me. Wonders how the hell I found her and I tell her is was mere coincidence. She tells the pharmacist "She does these things! I wasn't coincidence!" He looks at her like we are crazy, he doesnt believe ít is more than coincidence. Then I tell her I was looking for her because Keanu left and I wanted to see him. She says not to worry, because she can take me to see him.

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    Updated 02-10-2022 at 10:32 AM by 34880

