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    3 May: I am a criminal escaping a police chase

    by , 05-03-2021 at 10:21 AM (245 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

    On some big ship with Riverstone, I think illegally and we are being looked for by the security on board and policemen awaits us on arrival. The ship enters some water elevator, like those in canals and we use that chance to escape through service areas and service latches into a concrete ramp that will soon be flooded. I run up the ramp but there are police waiting on top of it. I yell to Riverstone to run the other way, not sure there is another way, but I think there is. The leading detective then keeps me secure while he sends out the rest of the men after my guy. He takes me away through the crowded terminal and I claim I need to go to the toilet. He denies me that first, but turns out we have to wait a lot for the other men who are not succeeding in catching my BF, so he says ok.
    I think I see Riverstone in the crowd and think I know where he is heading. In the toilet I find some passed out tourist napping against the wall and she has some bag with a t-shirt, a sweater and bermudas, plus a small purse with some change, so I take it and change clothes and hairstyle. The detective is not really by the door, he is slightly distant, keeping an eye on the door, so I sneak out quickly the other way and he can't tell it is me. Doesn't take long though for him to go check on me and learn that I stole things from the girl. Later on he spots me at a ticket office trying to buy some ticket and he catches me again. He takes me to his place, which I feel is unprofessional and wonder what's happening, but he just wants to have some heartfelt conversation with me, wanting to know why we are outlaws and keep committing crimes. I really ask him what we did so wrong, since we haven't hurt or killed anybody and the worst I did was steal some clothes and some change - as I don't recall doing anything else before. I tell him anybody in our position would do the same. He insists if we do small crimes we'll do bigger ones and I explain I could eventually knock him down unconscious to escape but would never deliberately beat him in order to seriously injure or kill and I mean it. He seems to believe me and cuts me some slack. Apparently we have some waiting to do. He says his men caught Riverstone but they have to meet at some exact hour at some door to a police station where they'll bring him. I pretend I have given up and just want to enjoy my last hours of freedom and he relaxes and serves some drinks and we talk and listen to music. He doesn't tie me up, I am free to move around. I sing along and he is impressed with my voice. He starts really enjoying our time together, like we are on a date, singing and drinking, but I am making sure he drinks way more. At some point he is losing control and I manage to tie him up with some S&M gear that he has. My plan is to leave him there comfortable while I go to the meeting point to rescue Riverstone,

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