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    31 May: Jeffrey Dahmer as a guest and walking my dog

    by , 05-31-2021 at 04:46 PM (259 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

    At my paternal grandparents house, staying with my mom and two guests, one is a fat kid on a diet but who can't resist eating and the other is Jeffrey Dahmer supposedly rehabilitated. I am preparing to go to sleep, and I go around the house checking if all is locked down. Wanna tell mom to lock her room and want to tell her who Jeff his but I am afraid she will panic.

    Walking on the street with Hachi on my side, no leash. Then I spot a dude on a street above us with a german shepperd and I grab Hachi by his neck and look around for something I can use as a leash, because he ain't happy with the other dog's presence.

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