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    6 Jan: Meeting my teacher at a coffeeshop

    by , 01-06-2021 at 08:50 PM (234 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

    I am sitting at a table at some coffee shop and a couple tables to my side appears my teacher. I wave and smile timidly and he waves back with a smile to. I then think I have to sit with him, so I ask him if I can sit and he says yes. We look like a couple of teenagers in love. I wanna hold his hands but I wait for a sign. He then asks me how I am doing and wants to know details of what I have been doing. I update him on my work. Then other students of his spot us and join the table. They get in the way of our conversation and I feel like he is losing interest, but then he asks me about the box. At first I have no idea what he is talking about but then kind of recall some girl contacting me about a project of a small box with a few essential food and drink items to distribute in some specific humanitarian occasion. I tell him I offered my help for the project but it didn't go forward due to some cost related problems.

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