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    6 Nov: Tesseract, monsters in the storm and the EU fortress

    by , 11-06-2012 at 01:25 PM (721 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

    It's been the 3rd time in the past couple of weeks that I wake up obsessed with this word: tesseract. And it rang a bell but I just couldn't remember what this word meant, so only the third morning of waking up with this word hanging in my mind I decided to google it. The tesseract is an hypercube.

    I'm sure I had come across this word and this object before, but I was actually in doubt that such word even existed. This only proves that the unconscious mind knows a lot more than my conscious mind can recall.
    Is there any connection between dreams and tesseracts? Probably a reminder that dreams are existences in other dimensions, beyond the four that we experience through our senses. Therefore, they are like the extension of the cube to an hypercube.
    Anyway, back to the dreams...

    (...) There's a huge storm forming, enormous dark clouds and even a tornado in the distance. I am at the door of what looks like a huge barn and I start calling everybody inside. There are endless doors and windows and I start closing them carefully one by one. I go up in the attic or mezzanine and I see some of my childhood toys forgotten there. I feel nostalgia and I decide to bring it down with me. That's when I see some menacing dark figures outside. I realize it's not just the storm we have to worry about.
    When the storm calms down, still very early morning, I go outside with a kid to see the damages. I tell the kid to stay close to me but he disappears. Then I see these huge black dogs with birds' heads. They've taken the kid away. Some lady who was hiding in the bushes tells me they are mythical animals from the Mexican folklore, who take children alive and no one knows for what.
    Then I think I am on a boat to some island to save the boy.
    Then I am at what seems to be the EU quarter in Brussels. Me and a friend, decide to crash and disrupt an important meeting. Like the "Yes Men", we enter a meeting pretending to be some of the delegates and we sit on the table, just by the side of Christine Lagarde from IMF. My colleague opens her briefcase and instead of papers, it contains lots and lots of ties, with different patterns and colours. They start looking at us. We say the problem that they are so square is that they all dress in black and white and for the good of mankind they must wear colourful ties. Then we start walking between the chairs of the delegates trying different ties on them, suggesting colours and so on. At first no one reacts, then Lagarde shouts at us. We say to her that instead of spending thousands of euros on Louis Vouitton bags, she should also wear a colourful tie, as she clearly is more a man than a lady. That's when we're kicked out.
    Then I don't remember well, but I find out this kind of EU-city is a fortress on top of a mountain, almost like Mount Olympus. And I want to continue doing a lot of crap to sabotage it but I'm under surveillance, so I decide to fly outside the fortress' walls. My friend warns me of the monsters that guard its boundaries, but I go anyway, because it is the perfect shortcut to avoid guards and enter the buildings through a window.
    Then I am flying around this fortress and then I don't remember.

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    Updated 11-06-2012 at 01:29 PM by 34880

