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    7 Jul: I am Jesus but live forever and change sex

    by , 07-07-2019 at 10:07 PM (248 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

    I am Jesus, but when I am at the hands of the Romans, I escape. They put me in a tent but they don't know I have an invisibility cloak that I use to hide in a corner when they come to pick me up. They receive orders to look far and wide, but then someone reveals that I could be wearing such cloak, so they start reaching out through the air, trying to find me. Others are throwing sand to see if it hits me. It is not easy getting out of their camp. Finally I climb a fence and find a street market with vendors and steal some clothes, because they are now looking for an invisible man and not a normally dressed guy. I escape and live as an immortal. I am a trapeze artist in a circus, then I am caught up in the middle of the anti-fascist revolution in Portugal, then become a left wing feminist revolutionary and I change sex to became a female as I am so impressed with the ladies.

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