Originally Posted by Elektra
Naiya, do you have any tips on how to keep your mindset to lucid while you're imagining the scenario?
For instance, I've been 'daydreaming' myself to sleep since I was little. Different scenarios, from epic Harry Potter-style battle scenes to calm, relaxing scenarios. I really think your technique will work wonders for me if I am able to switch my intentions from going to sleep to --> MILDing, but what are the best things I can do to ensure a differentiate between my usual before-bed daydreams to an actual MILD attempt? What is the best way to keep my intentions, lucid?
One ways way to keep it at the front of your mind would be to continually imagine yourself doing various kinds of dream control and then remind yourself that you can because it's a dream. So for example, recall your most recent dream, imagine you RC and become lucid, and then imagine yourself fly, thinking "I can fly because this is a dream." Then go on to imagine yourself remembering any tasks you might want to do, like "What was the Lucid Task of the Month?" So as you go along, just keep casually reminding and affirming that this is a dream. Think of it like a practice run. When you are in the actual lucid dream later, it'll be easier for you to keep yourself lucid and keep on track because you'll be used to associating the lucidity with reminding keeping yourself lucid and remembering what you wanted to do.
Originally Posted by Fedor
Very Good question that I do not know how to answer. Awaiting response as well.
And Naiya, can this technique be used as a stand alone technique if I give it time? Ada is exhausting at times.
You can absolutely use this technique as a standalone method. The great thing about it is, sooner or later you will get lucid from it. And if you get impatient, you can just keep doing the MILD and consider it your backup, while you do some other techniques like RC or WILD. So if you still need to shop around for other techniques, you'll always have MILD to fall back on and you won't lose time in making progress. And for the record, practicing MILD is really helpful if you want to learn WILD later--the visualization technique I use for MILD is very similar to what I do for WILD.
Originally Posted by topten35
I actually did this yesterday, friday actually in the morning close to the afternoon or so. I fell asleep in about 10-15 minutes, it was a short amount of time. And I had my first Mild! On top of that, being during the day!
And this was my first lucid in over a week. I've had many lucids, but this was by far the easiest method for me, especially after practicing for a while. I'm going to try again tonight to see what happends.
I'm going to relax and clear my mind, and think of a dream seen.
Originally Posted by WDr
Hi. I have tried this technique for about 3 days now, and every time it has resulted in a lucid dream! I have never had so many LD's in a row before!!! But today I read about the DEILD technique, and now I'm unsure if it was the MILD technique or a form of DEILD. You seee, every time i got the LDs was after I woke up. After waking up, I opened my eyes, moved a bit, and then tried to sleep again. The dream I got after that was lucid, but not in the start. Sometimes, i just suddenly realized that I was dreaming, or a DC would just come up to me and say "Hey! You're lucid dreaming" then I would say "Hey! You're right!". So, my question is: Is these three dreams MILDs or DEILDs?
Personally, I consider DEILD a form of WILD. Basically, you wake from a dream and then re-enter that dream immediately. So there's no break in consciousness. So it sounds like you had MILDs, but sometimes these things can overlap. A lot of my lucids are like yours, because I wake up in the middle of the night and then MILD again before going back to sleep. In either case, my advice is to just keep doing whatever you're doing. The name or label doesn't matter, so long as it's working for you.
Originally Posted by That
You should really only do MILD after wbtb. Otherwise it's not effective at all
I wouldn't say it's not effective at all, but you are right that MILD works better with WBTB.
Originally Posted by shysweetiepie27
this might sound stupid,but imma say it anyways.does MILD give you sleep paralisis?please respond
Generally, no, MILD will not give you SP. It's meant to allow you to fall asleep, go through the normal sleep cycle, and basically RC when you're dreaming or remember that you're dreaming.
Originally Posted by TheKing
Naiya, I am going to do this technique for 90 days and give a week by week report. Thanks for the tutorial.
Cool! Let me know how it works for you.
Originally Posted by Woozie
For some reason i've never really given MILD a fair shot, but your post really inspired me to do so. Which is why I plan on keeping this up for some time. In fact, during this first week i've briefly become lucid twice, which is encouraging I think this might actually be my thing. Thank you for sharing!
It does seem that MILD isn't as cool or attractive as, say WILD. But I think it's very fun and easy to do. Congrats on your lucid!