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    The Kestrel's Dreams

    Welcome to my Dream Journal! I'm still getting used to the site, so bear with me!

    I'll make this all pretty eventually.

    // Recurring Characters (real people), for your and my own reference (since they're all aliases) //

    Zukin: Bestie and 3/4, went to Germany with me last year. We have almost died together multiple times by now
    Backpacking Group: Zukin, Ivan, Dan, Josh, Kebab, Penny, Cindy, and Suzy; We all drove down to Texas and spent Spring Break ('14) backpacking in the Guadalupe Mountains
    Bob: Older Brother
    Erik: Little Brother
    Germany Group: Zukin plus 7 others who were in the same program to study abroad in Germany for 6 months
    Kristin: Current roommate and close friend of four years
    Jasmine: High school Best Friend, but we don't talk much anymore

    Now that I have something Lucid in my DJ: Orange text = Lucid

    1. Transport Problems

      by , 06-04-2014 at 06:38 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      March 20, 2014

      I was with the Backpacking group again, plus a few extra people. I know for sure that Bob and Erik were there. There may have been one or two other people, as well, but I forgot who they were or if they were there.

      We were all going on some trails around a mountain. The thing is, they all had obstacles or puzzles to get past them. The first one I remember had a really steep incline that was hard to climb on your own. There were stairs along the side of it, but the stairs were unstable and slanty, and there was no handrail. We made it past that one, and came up to a monorail type chairlift thing. While getting on, we had to split off so one person from our group (I am pretty sure it was Bob) was left to get on the next tram-thing. We had already decided which stop to get off at, so we weren't too worried about losing each other.

      What we hadn't accounted for was that the transporter was super fast and getting off was a bit of a chore. The way it worked was that you couldn't really see where you were, but you had to mentally decide when to get off of it and just hope it was the right stop. I shouted for when to exit, and we ended up in a deserted cottage in a glum and misty mountain clearing. I had a REALLY strong sense of deja vú here. I think I may have dreamed of this place before, but I can't be sure. We had gotten off the transport a stop too early, and this place was the one place we hadn't wanted to be.

      It was dark and creepy and abandoned. Rundown. Dusty. Everything was dim and gray. We all stood there for a moment, and then I went outside to inspect the area, but all these zombies and monsters were coming to life all around me. Every direction I turned, there were things coming to get me. It got cold all of a sudden.

      Then, Ivan grabbed my shoulder and we went back inside, and the monsters all dissolved back into the ground. We tried to get out of there, but eventually Bob found us. He said he'd gotten off at the right stop, but we weren't there, and he'd assumed we had gotten off a stop too early.

      We eventually figured out the trick to that "trail," though I can't remember what it was. We found ourselves back on a normal trail, and I pulled out a map of the area to find out where we needed to go to get to where we had planned on going before the mishap wit the transporter.

      From there on out the dream is blurry. I remember fragments where Jasmine was there, but I don't know whether they were in the beginning or at the end of the dream. I feel like it was before the very steep part, and only for a moment, as she was in a passing group going the other direction. She was with a guy, who I assume was her boyfriend.
    2. Chocolate Coffee with Noodels?

      by , 06-04-2014 at 04:01 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      January 22, 2013

      My middle-school orchestra teacher, I'll call her Mrs. Thomson, was organizing a reunion for my year's orchestra. We were going to play a song that she'd composed for us for a reunion concert; I didn't learn the music. I went to the concert completely unprepared and messed up big time, but people still liked the concert.

      Jasmine, whom I actually met in middle-school Orchestra because we both played Viola, was there of course, and her mom was too. Her mom made me chocolate coffee with noodles in it, and it was surprisingly good (note to self: Try this some time, see if Dream Kestrel has good taste buds).

      A fragment of the same dream I remembered was playing Fire Emblem: Awakening, and battling two new characters to obtain them. These two new characters ended up falling in love in my game, but there was another male character who was in love with the new female character... But she loved the other new one, and so the other guy was depressed and lost all his battles. It was apparently the birthday of the new guy's, so we threw him a party!
    3. Maurice the Cat

      by , 06-04-2014 at 01:07 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      November 26, 2013

      I was with my best friend from high school, who I no longer really talk to. Let's call her Jasmine for privacy's sake. With us was one of my at-the-time-classmates, Max. We were at a Theme Park/Mall combination type place, and we were browsing clothing stores.

      I remember picking up this long silk scarf; it was yellow with orange polka-dots. I tried to get Max to buy it for me, but he didn't have any money.

      We all decided we were hungry and thirsty, and went to a Frozen Yogurt cafe, where I ordered a shaved ice (though I can't remember what flavour it was). When we got our food and drinks, there was a tiny cat named Maurice. I remember thinking, Oh, they allow cats in here? I picked up Maurice and put him on my shoulder, where he stayed for the rest of the dream.

      Then, my cousin walked into the cafe and asked us all if we wanted to go on a roller coaster with her. Now that I think about it, it's a roller coaster that has appeared in several of my dreams; It is tall and fast, a bit like the Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point in Ohio. But it had a corkscrew portion and the cars actually jumped off the track at some point. I am always terrified and anxious waiting for this dream-coaster.

      So, we all take a tram to the roller coaster, and I notice that the line has been remodeled. The line itself seems a bit like a ride; It's a Pirate Ship up high in the air (think: swinging ship rides), over a miniature city/lake model. We get in the line, and my little brother had joined us. I feel the ground beneath me start to rumble, and I grab onto the mast of the ship, which I happen to be near.

      Then the ship starts rotating. The ground starts to slope and I try to get onto the large pole from which the sail extends. I get on it just before I would have lost all grip on the almost-vertical floor of the ship, expecting it to start rotating back toward normality; but it keeps going, and I'm terrified. I try to maneuver the beam so I'm always on top of it, but hand-holds quickly disappear and I yell that who ever is in control of the ship needs to stop it from doing this, since we're so high up and no one in line has a harness. My cousin, who's ahead of me in line, calls me a Big Baby, and then I woke up.

      Updated 06-04-2014 at 07:57 AM by 69491

      non-lucid , nightmare