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    1. 01/01/2016

      by , 01-01-2016 at 08:23 PM
      Tonight i dream with the following. I will post from the last dream to the first dream i can remember:

      There was a dothraki horde or savages, and there was building. There were some in the field, outside, and some in the hall, inside. I told two girls not to be so wild, and they were like angry at me for saying that. They were at certain distance. Closer there were some cradles, and some babies in them. There was a chinese dothraki baby who was really smart. There was another chinese, like forty years old, in front of the baby trying to give him water. The baby told him, no i don't drink water and i don't eat food. I was stunned, i was thinking, is he a meditator? I was mind-open to do a reality check with that situation, but i didn't. I realized that he doesn't drink water because he is taking the tit of his mom. So the chinese man tells him, "oh you think you are grown up now that you don't take any water. Ok here you have be a grown up." and he handles him a sub-machine gun UZI. I couldn't believe they were so ... savages! But more astonishing was to see what the baby did. As soon as he grabbed the UZI he shot the man and killed him. He was raised by those wildings.

      I went with the two girls. They were very dedicated to what they did. One of them looked like Evolet from 10000 BC

      Change the World-large.jpg

      And they were very close to a master, who was very famous and honorable. I think i was about, or already have, met him to do business with him, so we were going to be close, and these girls were close for years and still couldn't reach him yet. [This teaches me that if you want something well defined there are surely more skillful means to do it, and that you don't neccesarily have to do X to achieve it]. But these girls were determined. They wanted to develop perfection. Although they were not going to be good as the master, when they were old they would have the skills very well developed as it would be expected of them. I don't actually know what that skill was, but it involved knowledge of Architecture but with something else, like battle or life knowledge. I saw a frame of one of the girls, and it was all black and some lines with different colours. Then those lines start moving and they formed elipses and circles, and it was perfect geometry. With that you could see that they were dedicated, that they worked hard and inteligently. After that i began to cry with the blue eyed girl.

      An earlier dream was that i was running in a field, like a marathon. It was like 50 rounds, and after the rounds i would meet a high positioned man. Well, i gave up after the 5th i think, because it was too hard to run all that. Actually it wasn't hard at all, but it was the sensation of time, too much time spent on that is like mentally exhausting.

      Before that i was trying, with my dad, to meet some 'important' people to do business with. We were at his office and he told me that he wanted to meet some financial reporters. One looked like Martin Lousteau, a famous Argentinean economist. I was about to leave his office (to run) and i saw a panel with a lot of books. I saw two books that called my attention. One was titled "Before 25472" or something like that (because a book called 25472 was about to come out, and this one came first. It turns out that it was better than the other) and a book about ISIS.

      Before that i dreamt about being with my class mates. We were on a balcony in a very tall place, and behind us there was like a slide, but before that there was a big space. So if we wanted to throw anything in that slide we had to aim first, we had to have a good aiming. That was why there were three of us, Fran, Chango and Me who had three stones to aim. We all went to the edge of the balcony, and there was a step behind it, so we stood there. And we threw the stones. It was a long fall, and it wasnt right below us the slide, it was like 2 or 3 steps beyond us, so we definitely had to throw things, not drop them. Beyond the slide there were people as well, and we were going there but coming down first and surrounding taht place, which would take like 2 or 3 days. We weren't on a free space. It was actually like a maze, there was a roof and the place was about to close up soon, like in a week. After we threw the stones we waited a bit. The stones hit on a giant Targaryen's leg, but he didn't got angry. After that I thought about jumping, and i was about to, like to show off that i could do it, and i wasn't afraid even though in dreams im afraid to high places, but after all i considered that i could kill myself (and maybe wake up?) so i didn't do it. At that time i was thinking that it could be a dream, but i wasn't aware enough to really think that it was a dream, i was like numb by the dream, but i seriously thought about jumping since i didn't really care what would be the consequences, the worse that could happen was to wake up, but then i thought "well, i dont' know if this is a dream so i better don't do it". And suddenly there was a lot of wind, so i grabbed some cloth there was in the balcony and hoped that i wouldn't fall. After the wind i climbed up the balcony again, and remained like ten steps before the balcony's edge. But Fran didn't climb up, he was still there. He was talking with Matias who was convincing him to jump. At the end i don't know if he jumped but he was really going to do it, even though it was dangerous. There were teachers also, and they didn't say anything about this. I think they were probably scared or worried as the rest of us how to get out of there before the place closes its doors.