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    March 3rd 2020

    by , 03-04-2020 at 05:23 PM (367 Views)
    Last night i took 300mg of Valerian root. Went to sleep at like 2 am and woke up at like 5:30. (I've been watching Breaking Bad and that translated into the dream in a way).
    When i woke up i remembered the dream more clearly, but i didnt write down all the details cause my hand was shaky. The dream felt so real.

    Anyways i dreamt that i was in a parking lot of a shopping or some large building. I was with my dad, my younger sister and there were some other people there. I don't remember what happened, but my dad felt threatened by two guys so he wanted to shoot them before they shoot or extort him. He thought about it for like a minute, walking back and forth in the parking lot around the crowd. I think all that walking and thinking draw attention from these guys, i mean more attention than he already had, so when he went close and pulled a gun the guys also pulled their guns. He shot one of them and he dropped dead, but the other guy shot back right before he was shot, and so my dad was hit in the stomach. The second guy dropped dead too. After that was over, my dad started walking around the parking lot, he was freaking out because he was shot. I went to him to calm him... (i'm thinking i shouldn't have been so gentle because it was an emergency) and gently i stopped him and laid him down. I made him press his wound and i pressed it too. He did that and i knew that he was calmer, and that he was willing to accept that others take care of him. Meanwhile i shouted call an ambulance. The people in the crowd were already on it, and some of them were assisting the other 2 shot people. Apparently they weren't dead, but they were badly wounded. Then i see my dad starts closing his eyes and i try to focus on feeling if he was breathing since i had him on my arms. I couldn't feel anything so i start worrying, but knowing i had to CPR. I don't know how to CPR so i started panicking. While i attempt to CPR as i can, i start screaming for help. My dad kinda opened his eyes again, it's like he came back, but he was still unconscious. A woman came by to help. She was a kinesiologist. She noticed that my CPR worked so she didn't do anything regarding that, but she also noticed that his hip was dislocated, so she adjusted it and said "he must have been in real pain from that". Then she said that an ambulance was coming (i still worried because there were 3 shot people... not just 1) and she left to keep assisting the other 2 people. Oh and my sister was nearby this whole time too. Then i woke up.

    The dream felt so real.. not in the sense of vividness so much but emotionally perhaps, or also on how i would act in a given situation. When my dad flatlined i really thought i was going to lose him and my mind in that moment cleared to give priority and sole focus to this urgency. I value dreams like these, even if you wanna call them nightmares, because they allow you to experience a situation without really affecting the conditions IRL. So IMO you get to live, feel an experience, get to know how you'd act, how you might react, without having the way things are modified IRL. This is just one way dreams can be 'profitable' to life experiences, and the effort put into trying to remember dreams, among other things, is definitely worth it.
    CarpeNoctem144 likes this.

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