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    1. Comp Night 10: Finally, some lucidity!

      by , 01-17-2024 at 10:17 PM
      Bedtime about 10:30-11:00. WBTB around 2:30 (bathroom, scripture reading, about 20 minutes).

      Fragment 1: Bus

      On a bus. It starts out as something from Lurkers.io, where I need to get to a specific place. This involved finding my way out of a space that I’m currently in and finding a path there. Once I get there, I’m supposed to make a radio broadcast or something. My brother seems to be in charge...

      Dream 1: Murder Mystery

      Someone has been murdered. It is a woman – an actress apparently, or some sort of entertainer. She has been killed in the upstairs of some place. I go up to investigate. I begin looking around to see if there are any weapons or things that might be used as weapons handy. It turns out that there are a bunch of knives. It seems that someone threw a knife and killed this woman. I try to get more information. I talk to someone whose native language is Swahili, and am having trouble getting her to tell me if the body was found with the head toward the kitchen area or if it was lying the opposite direction. There is some trouble communicating. Finally, I figure out that it wasn’t lying either way, but had fallen down through the floor so that the head was sticking up through the floor and the rest of the body was dangling down from the ceiling of the floor below.

      I go downstairs. Family and friends are coming in for a sort of funeral/memorial. I start talking to people, trying to gather evidence. I introduce myself to several different people, and eventually zero in on a lady who is a “property manager” for the family. I don’t really know what a property manager does, but I figure it might give her a motive to commit the crime. Also, she’s cute. She has an animal with her on a leash. I can’t figure out if it’s a Canada goose or a dog. I decide that it’s a goose, because it has webbed feet. I say to her “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a goose on a leash before.” She looks at me with a patient smile and says “It’s a dog”. That’s a little embarrassing. But I keep talking to her, and try to explain that I’m tired, or something. Still the dog does look kind of like a goose, and it’s fur seems to be more like feathers.

      We go somewhere. My memory here is a little vague, but it seems to involve some girls on a couch. Something with slime in a tub.

      (Not sure if this is part of the above dream or not). My brother is talking to someone. This person becomes violent, and starts hitting him. I decide to intervene, and try punching the guy. He seems to be really quick though, and dodges my punches. He and my brother start fighting. I grab a bottle of wine or something, and try to hit this guy on the head. I think I eventually succeed.

      Dream 2: Dad at Conference (Lucid)

      Looking for a bathroom. I’m walking with my Mom, or someone. They go into a women’s bathroom. I try to keep going, but there is something with the doors and the hallway all leading into the women’s room. I go to a different area, looking for the men’s room. This turns out to be the wrong area, but I see a sign pointing to “restrooms” so I figure that might help. I follow the sign.

      Now I’m in a conference (possibly the same dream, but I’m not sure). There are a lot of people here, and a man walks by that looks like my Dad. It doesn’t make sense that my Dad would be there, but who knows? I decide to do a reality check though. I try counting my fingers, and find that I have trouble doing so. I try multiple times, and keep having trouble. I become lucid! Remembering a goal that I have had, I find my “Dad” again and ask him what his story is. I don’t remember getting much of a coherent answer though.

      Hmm...is this even possible???-_a90a9b99-7283-4d0c-b47a-3837682f8c90.jpg

      Woke up around 6:30 and took some notes on my phone. Have had trouble getting back to sleep (not an intentional WBTB). It’s now 7:12. I had some milk and donuts.

      Fell asleep not too long after the above note. Had the following dreams:

      Dream 3: Trying the “Merging” Technique (Lucid)

      I find myself awake on the couch. My friend D- is sitting next to me. I look over at his laptop, and see that he is getting on Dreamviews and checking out the competition thread. Then he starts watching Attack on Titan, and I figure it’s because of the competition. I go outside.

      (Maybe part of the same dream, but I’m not sure). Outside, I try counting my fingers. I have trouble doing this, even with multiple tries. So, I think I try a nose pinch. I can still breathe. I become lucid. The dream seems to shift to my Grandparents’ old house, and I try flying. I jump off of a step and hover a bit, but I have a bit of trouble flying. Then I decide to try my goal of summoning a character and taking over his body. I try summoning the TV detective Monk, with whom I used to identify and with whom this trick used to work. I try calling for Monk several times, and then decide to tell myself that when I go around the next corner I’ll see him. I look around the corner, but I don’t see him. I think I might try to pretend he’s there anyway, and do the “merging” thing.

      Dream 4: Late Night Class and Movies

      (The following might have been part of the same dream, or might have been separate fragments. I’ll count them as one, since the point difference won’t be much either way).

      Waking up. My mother suggests a shirt for me to wear. I go outside, I think. I have a late class (about 10:00pm), so even though I seem to have slept through a lot of the day it doesn’t worry me too much. I’ll be up pretty late. Some friends are going to watch something on TV around 2:00am. I think about joining them after my class.

      Some people want to go watch some horror movies. They have some reason for doing this, I forget exactly why. There is a horror movie marathon at a movie theater. It seems to be classics, like the Mummy, etc. Most of the people going to the movie are dressed in what seems to me to be stereotypical horror movie costumes from around the 1940s. This includes people dressed in Middle Eastern/South Asia garb, and/or British Colonial uniforms (not sure why these were stereotypical horror garb to me).

      Fragment 2: Two Dads

      My Dad is at home. Another guy comes along, who is apparently my new Dad coming home from work. My old Dad is relaxing in the recliner when the new Dad shows up. They seem to be on good terms, and shake hands.

      Dream 5: Visiting M-

      I have some spare time, and decide to fly to Africa to visit my friend. We look around her house and yard, and I ask how much of the property she owns. She explains that she used to own more, but it was sold. Also, her brother used to live in the house in front of her, but had to sell his house. So, the family used to have a nice chunk of land all together, but now she just has this smaller plot. Walking around out back, it is very soggy ground. I’m thinking she could have a garden, and then I think maybe asparagus would grow in this marshy area. My friend comes out of the house with a planter, and sets it by the door. Then I see that she has a decent sized raised bed in the back.

      Dream 6: Lord of the Rings

      My friend D-, I think, suggesting that we watch something more appropriate than something else we had been watching. I’m not sure if he means Attack on Titan. Anyway, I start watching the Lord of the Rings (a cartoon version, apparently). “Waking up” in the morning, I try to finish watching it before getting started for the day. I’m watching it on a television up above the kitchen sink, and when my Mom comes along I think about stopping it but I’m too lazy to reach up to the TV or to try and find the remote control. Someone talks about how the Lord of the Rings is like grad school, or like research. In other words, it takes a long time and a lot of work to make even small progress.

      Dream 7: Girl and Signs

      There is a girl sitting next to me. There seems to have been some conversation about her size. There is also something about signage. Some kind of clever sign that warns about nudity, or something. I think it’s a pretty nice sign, so I try to make my own, expanding on the theme of the sign. I put this up along a road, but when I look at it, it doesn’t look as nice as I thought. Also, I have put it on other people’s property without asking them. I decide to take the signs down (which involve shooting them with lasers or something). I drive down the road “taking down” the signs. One of them is a little harder to reach, and I pull into a parking lot to try to turn around and get a better try at it. I spend some time circling around the parking lot, and then try to pull back out onto the road. There is a guy sitting there, kind of blocking my view of oncoming traffic.

      Fragment 3: Watering Plants

      Watering the plants in my house. Someone else might be there with me.

      Fragment 4: Guy with Orange Stuff Coming Out of His Eye

      “You beast!” the man yelled. I don’t know exactly who he was yelling at or why. He might have been yelling at me. I think I was criticizing or lecturing him for something, maybe trying make him feel guilty. Anyway, at some point I roll him over, and some orange stuff oozes out of his eye. I collect some of this on my finger, either to show him or to show someone else. This horrifies that person. The orange stuff, apparently, is some liquid form of someone’s rage.
    2. Comp Night 9: Hotel Stuff and More

      by , 01-17-2024 at 03:16 AM
      Dream 1: Hotel Stuff – is this a dream?

      There is a guy who, I think, says that we are in a dream. I feel as though he has been spreading this around, and now people want him to prove it by jumping off of a building. By now he isn’t so sure though. But a crowd of people have gathered around, and he seems to be trapped into doing it. I suggest that he escape. He could duck into a nearby elevator and go to a different floor, where it would be difficult to find him. But he wants to go through with it. We try in vain to convince him otherwise, and I think he eventually jumps. I either fall off or jump off too. I think that I start wondering if it really is a dream. Anyway, it doesn’t seem to hurt me.

      In a big hotel. I’m trying to go back to my room – I’m also naked. I’m carrying a big towel, which I wrap around me as I go. I walk down a corridor and find myself in an area that looks like a place I have dreamed about before. I think I might do a kind of half-hearted reality check, but don’t become lucid. As I go, I see that some rooms have bathtubs out in the hallways. They are in a sort of cubby area, I guess, and a curtain or a sliding door can be drawn in front of them. Still, it seems like an odd lack of privacy to me. I walk into a sort of open place, kind of like the main walking area of a mall, and in front of me is a nice-looking carpeted staircase such as you might find in a fancy Victorian era hotel. To my right, a woman is demonstrating some sort of gadget.

      Something about a news crew filming. People are dressed up in “holographic” Halloween costumes. These costumes are invisible unless you look at them with a specific lens.

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      Fragment 1: Lecture

      Someone is giving a lecture. A couple of my friends are thinking of going to it, but it starts before long and is a fairly long drive away, and I don’t know if we can make it in time. The talk seems like it would be interesting though – possibly related to lucid dreaming somehow.

      Fragment 2: Scrooge

      Something about Ebenezer Scrooge. The fire in the office is cold, and Cratchit wants to put more coal on it. Scrooge secretly realizes that it’s cold, but he has fallen on hard times and doesn’t want to admit it. So he pretends to be harsh about the coal.

      Fragment 3: Train Crossing

      Driving along a road. I’m coming to a train crossing, and a train is approaching. I think I might have an idea about to the crossing, but then decide that is too risky. In fact, the train is pretty close to the crossing. It crosses, but some other guy drives up and decides to cross anyway. So, while the train is moving, he jumps his car/truck up and over some flat train cars, driving on them as though they were some sort of ramp.

      Updated 01-17-2024 at 03:23 AM by 97618
