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    by , 05-19-2018 at 01:23 AM (192 Views)
    Thursday... I was probably asleep by 9 or 930. Off comp around 830, pretty exhausted.


    I got up once and remembered two dream fragments very vaguely. I think one was a forum thread but I forgot what forum. The other seems more involved but I lost them. Fell back asleep quickly.


    The next round of dreams I remembered in more detail. In the beginning, there was a big scene with Vegeta fighting Dabura. Dabura was huge, like his head was 5 times as tall as Vegeta. I thought it was waking life and a Youtube Clip. It scared me. I wanted to not look. However there were moments when Vegeta pummeled Dabura. I wanted to loop those to feel more hopeful, even though Vegeta seemed to lose.

    I think there were more such moments. Something intense happened to the planet. Not sure. I remember trees in that scene.

    I remember being in a food store. Something with one or two Oriental or Hispanic people.

    Maybe something with a dog. Not sure.

    Now my memory gets clearer. I was in a cafeteria room thing. (G), my first girlfriend from when I was about 14, was there. She was dating someone else.

    We were in a cafeteria with circular tables. I got dessert and sat with (G). Now we were together and the guy she was with was gone. Something about eating the dessert. A little is vague here. I got up to get something else we wanted.

    Walking to the front, I knocked over the projector rollout screens twice. People seemed mad at me. The thumb tacks went rolling on the floor. People were like, "You'll never find those push pins." But I easily found them. I attributed my ocular focus to something but I forgot what.

    Then I went outside. I guess I ran one way or maybe just ended up in a parking lot. Not sure. There was something about how it had been snowing. I only had my sneakers, but I was gonna have to run accross the football field to get something, before it was too late. So I didn't want my sneakers to have to be all wet but they would. However it became warm without me noticing.

    I clearly remember being in a parking lot and hearing (SD) and (JV) talking about dating.

    As I heard them talk, I started running through the parking lot, back to the building down the road. I ran between some parked cars. Other cars were pulling in. I looked to the window for smoke, but no one was. 'Wow, lucky day,' I thought.

    Running speed was good. In the dream context, I was thinking of how I hadn't lifted heavy in a week, and this would make me run much faster. I started to jump about 5 feet with one leg. 'Wow,' I thought. 'What a good way of running. I should always run like this.' Not realizing it was a dream.

    There was a field to my left as I approached the building. I had to cross it to go in. So I went in there. There were four Japanese women with glowing auras. They had a disc they would play catch with, without touching the disc. They floated above it and rotated it underneath them, between their ankles, then above their head, then passed it. The aura was golden and the disc was reddish. It was dark out.

    I joined right in, feeling confident that I could do it too. Without realizing it was a dream, I levitated and telekenetically passed the disc back to them. At some point I fumbled a little, and the woman on the left laughed. I wasn't too offended or anything, but I wished they would have noticed the skill I did spontaneously demonstrate, instead of kind of judging me. What do they expect? I've never done it before.

    I ran accross the field some more and back into the school. Someone wanted red volley balls. I got into the gymnasium and there was a whole big hammock (like a 50 by 50 hammock) covered in red volley balls. Maybe it was superhumanly high up. However I was able to knock some down. So someone played with a red volley ball.

    At some point my friend (E) turned out to be there. Apparently he had been there all along because I was his ride home. It was getting late as I was managing time with (G), time with another woman, a class thing, and getting my stuff to the car. "You could do my bidding," I suggested to (E). "I don't want to do your bidding," he replied.

    He had assumed I was doing something highly illegal. So I just explained how I needed him to keep (G) company while I got to my class and picked up my stuff. It was late, too, perhaps approaching midnight. He understood that and agreed, since it would speed things up, for him to get home. He was wearing grey, too. I thought (E) and (G) might like each other and that was no problem.

    With them there in the cafeteria, and (G) not alone any more, I went up to the class. At the same time, I think that (E) and (G) came upstairs and joined us. I felt estranged from (G) and she gravitated towards some of her friends. One of her friends had blonde hair. Then as a group I think we all walked up stairs. I remember sprinting up stairs at least once, maybe multiple times. In a big hurry, very overwhelmed.

    We got to the upper class room and there was a counselor. It was like group therapy. However, all 6 to 10 people wrote every word the therapist said, for legal reasons. I saw some and it looked like inner child writing, but people were using their right hand. However my dream had still rendered it as inner child writing, which many times it renders handwriting as.

    There was a form handed out with some boxes for things like SSN and all that. I either took one for later or left it. Sorry this part is a little jumbled. I had to go downstairs and back up. I had a key to get back into the building. It got later and (E) and (G) had to wait more. Eventually I ran back up to the class room with (E) to get what I'd left there. Wanted to take a storage bin but they were all full. So I just got everything in my arms. It was very chaotic.

    I hadn't filled out the form thing, so I needed to take another to do while I was away. I got really mad when there didn't seem to be another. I began to curse and fume. Then with (E) there, I kinda caught myself. "Sorry, (E). I was just getting angry. I'm trying to work on that." I didn't curse and fume as much any more, and found a folded up form I could take. It was folded up into a square thing.

    Then we went back downstairs. I forgot what else happened with (E) and (G). I remember seeing the blue bin in the therapist's office with papers sideways in it. Maybe something happened at the end, or maybe it just faded out.

    I had another mini dream thing where there was concern for some water blasts going accross the land. It showed these two streams of water like a Hydro Pump shooting accross some land. People were concerned that it was bad for the Earth. However, it was not man made, but a natural phenomenon. I think that was it, for that part of the dream.

    Cool! So I got these down. Kind of sad about the first round of dreams. I didn't recall much anyway but I'll keep my Voice Recorder running just for those small tid bits that I wouldn't want to go through all the trouble of opening up the computer for.

    I'm happy about this dream. Wow! Now, it's 4:14 AM. So I must have slept until about 3:15. 9, to probably 1, up a little, then 3:15, so, 6 to 7 hours of sleep. I'll probably manage to get one or two more sleep cycles... Hopefully two.


    Okay, so now, its 5:56. It took a while to sleep so I must have only slept 30-45 minutes. So now I'm at 7-8 hours, closer to 7.

    I might have forgot some earlier parts. My memory of it starts with being at my Nana's. Some stuff happened with my Aunt C, Uncle C, Nana, maybe Dad. Not sure. I might have woke up a moment, recalled, something, and fell back asleep. Maybe, maybe not.

    I remember being in my Nana's drive way and there were some cars there and some plants. I ducked under some plants to escape something and was afraid the plants would make me itchy. Examining them, I saw they probably weren't poison ivy. But still worried.

    After a computer part, I was in a room with couches. I was one of 8 to 12 actors there, being prepared for a movie. A young kid came and sat next to me. I felt a warmth but he hadn't touched me. I think it made me get lucid or I got lucid shortly after.

    There was one guy there who was hung over and being abusive. Really not in a good place. bags under his eyes and such.

    He was especially abusive toward a darker haired guy there. I guess everyone else ignored it. I forgot what else happened, maybe the director was saying some stuff. I tend to hone in on whose being abusive due to childhood.

    So then everyone seemed to dissappear, and I was definitely lucid. I think one woman was in the room. I felt overwhelmed, like I had been dreaming forever.

    I have these square wall mirrors from Target. They have no frame, just like 12' by 12' squares. There was one in the same shape but gold, and another green one, both still reflective. The gold one seemed to call out to me, 'Come and pick me up!' But it was more of a feeling.

    I went over and picked it up. It had a yellow square character on there and a grey square it was on top of. The grey square was just an outline of a square. There were some words like "Im Ib Il" but I don't remember them now. I tried to read them out loud, and managed to pronounce them.

    I looked at myself in the mirror, crying out. "I have to remember all this!!!" Just feeling overwhelmed by how much there was to remember. I guess my dream-state-self has learned that after many dreams which seem so vivid and memorable, I wake up drawing several blanks on key parts. There is alot of sadness there but we are continuing to make progress on bridging the worlds.

    Eventually I put the mirror down and noticed the green one. I looked around, being lucid. There was a young person on a computer. I went and sat near them. They were looking up things and I saw words on the screen. They seemed nervous. I wasn't sure what to say. I had sat on their left side.

    There was a woman at a computer accross the room. I went to see what she was doing. Not really thinking of wanting to fly or eat stuff or any of those possibilities, just being more social I guess. The woman was doing meetup groups. Thoughts of more things to ask her came to mind, as if I had the chance to do the "talk to your subconscious mind in a dream" thing. However, the dream ended.

    False awakening! The dream ended but it was a false awakening. I had to go to the bathroom but didn't want to!!! I just wanted to write my dream. One woman in the room was playing some hip hop song which said "I want my life back" and other parts. In a male voice.

    My dream journal chair was as it was. My pillows had blue pillow cases and I was gonna have to arrange them. I got up to use the restroom anyway. There were pots and pans around that I tried to pee in, to save time. But the bathroom was right there, so I went. The lights were on. That could be a dream sign. But I didn't get lucid.

    The toilet was tiny, like one gallon. I started to fill it up. It was very yellow in color which usually isn't in waking life, more clear. After trying a metal stove pot on the side that was already almost full too, I heard the lyric "I want my life back" and realized I was gonna need to ask these people to turn that off for me to dream journal.

    I went back out there and I think I tried setting up the chair. The dream details spun in my head and I was trying to hold them.

    I was relieved when I had an actual physical awakening because all the dream details weren't delayed. I was able to slowly collect them back.

    Lately when I try to recall dreams, I notice there are other competing thoughts. There usually were, to some extent, but I had an easier time focusing back on the dream. This is no surprise the other thoughts come up stronger, because I am more active in some other areas of my waking life. However, I wish I could be totally, 100% focused on my dream recall at those times, with nothing else "in my way". So I will keep practicing that. In 2022 I will have 10 yrs of dream recall so I will be even stronger then.

    Now its 6:28. I doubt I will get back to sleep. 7-8 hours is like minimum for me. I'll try to lay back down.


    Started the day.
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