3,139 Words - selected parts in bold
, 06-06-2018 at 03:38 PM (454 Views)
I went to bed pretty early and probably slept by 8:30.
3139 Words.
Early on I think I dreamed about Nana and other relatives.
I dreamed one scene with my mom and my sister. Doing some kind of interview thing. I had a sheet that said some differences between right wing and left wing. It said that right wing will make you feel bad about yourself.
There was a very interesting battle scene that I can barely describe at all. The words are definitely OTTOTT. Maybe something with a light saber?
There was a part with a woman I was in a relationship with. Something about something I drove. Ah, so vague. Well, I remember being on a bed, and I was hoping she would eat a banana I had provided. (No innuendos, it was just a banana!) But then part of it fell under the bed so she ate some of someone else's. I felt a sense of jealousy or possessiveness that she should only eat the one from me. But when I looked, the banana had rolled halfway under the bed. So it was nothing personal. Still, I couldn't shake it.
Someone on a sub reddit said that they had 7 tiger dreams where the tiger was doing a specific thing. I thought that was interesting.
I guess I eventually woke up. This first round dream recall was pretty vague. I would've liked more clarity on it. Well, first round dreams can be like that sometimes. I will go back to bed for now.
I had some dreams, and recalled them. 'They weren't really enough to justify getting up and typing,' I thought, 'But maybe I will get my voice recorder and make a note or two.' So it was RBFA and I couldn't remember them by the end of the next dreams, which went on and on.
My memory of these dreams begins with me, pulling into the local beach. S beach. I pulled in through the exit place and found that there were all these things that looked like fire trucks or the trailers that they bring on-set for actors to live in. I remember being on line to get food or admission. There was a woman taking payments. I gave her 5 dollars but the price was $1000. I meant to pay with my debit card. "Do you want to pay with $5 cash and the rest on the debit card?" she asked, kind of confused. "No, thanks, I want it all on the card," I said. I'm not sure what happened next.
There's a big gap in my memory in the middle here. I became lucid and it felt like a lot happened, but it was a really long continuous dream. (Major FSH.)
Where my memory picks back up is that I was in a bathroom, putting a shirt on. I wanted to go in the bathroom to put the shirt on out of modesty. It was a navy blue long sleeve shirt. I guess I hadn't been wearing one. I closed the door on one side but there was an open door on the other, with a gold handle. I noticed people coming in that way and closed it, asking for a little more time to put my shirt on. There was a fridge in the room, I think. I remember something with a blender.
After that, I have forgot more things. I remember being lucid though. Where my memory picks up again, I was sitting at a table with 4 other people. I think another guy and 3 women. We were talking, and I asked them, "Are you all lucid, too?" and every one of them said yes. They made no denial that it was a dream, which was very exciting. I realized it had been a really long dream so far and that it would probably start to end soon. Not just for me, but for all of us. 'Wait, maybe they haven't been here as long as I have,' I thought. "Hey, guys, I think my dreaming is going to end soon. Can you all stabilize my dream for me?" I asked. I might have used the words "Can you help me stabilize my dream." I'm not sure which or another variation. I put my hands out, thinking they might some how pull me further into the dream. I started to lose my vision and see only black.
"You have to do that yourself," they all said, kind of in unison, I think. I understood what they meant. I had to be responsible for my own dream stability, and find my own special way. "I'M STAYIN' IN THIS DREAM!!! YEAH, BUDDY!!!" I exclaimed. I was trying to mimic Ronnie Coleman, from The Cost of Redemption, when he does the 800 pound squats. The others in the dream laughed.
I regained sight of them for a moment. They seemed to get up to go somewhere. I lost my sight again and couldn't see anything but black. However, I could feel my dream body. I tried to make a weight lifting bar appear with over 400 pounds and do a deadlift. So I imagined the bar then reached down and felt like I did it, even though, there was no sight. After that, still with no sight, I got up and flew. I felt myself flying a little, willing the dream to continue.
I want to mention that at some point in there, I must have met another person in the dream who identified as Charlie. Because later, when I met Charlie, I felt like I had met him before in the same dream. Also, I think there was a character with a non-human head or mask on. Who followed me into the next dream thing.
Another dream began, where I was in a room. There was a character with a circular helmet or head thing. Kind of like a pumpkin face, with the pokey teeth. But it was comprised of black, grey, red and white colors, mainly. This character who I will call P was on top of me, pinning me down. (But it wasn't pinning me down as in a night terror. It was clearly a distinct dream.) I knew it was a dream, still, and I tried to roll this character off me, but he wouldn't budge. I was afraid he would begin to pinch or torture me some how.
I think something happened before he hurt me and he got up. I asked him if I could please leave, because it felt like he had trapped me. He said okay, and pointed to the next room, as an exit. (Now that I look back, I realize that he could have been a part of me that I would be better off having a chat with. And learning to understand. But it didn't occur to me. So I apologize to him.)
The next room turned out to be a bathroom. I wondered why he didn't point me out the front door, but figured that his parents were home, and he didn't want them to see me leaving. I saw there was a sky light, and with some confidence about it, flew up through that. There were two panels i had to open. One opened in, maybe the screen, the other opened out, maybe the window.
When I flew up, I lost sight. I imagined that if I looked down, I should see buildings and houses, because I had just left someone's home. However, when I finally did get a glimpse of what was below me, it was more like a body of water with a little island. When my vision came back I saw a very vivid, blue-green body of water, with ocean-like waves. What a nice surprise. There was a little circular brown space that I might have been able to land on. I think I landed there for a moment and looked to the shore.
First, I repeated my dream stabilizing, Ronnie Coleman impression, "YEAH BUDDY! I'M STABILIZING THE DREAM!!!" It got a lot more vivid.
Looking at the shore, there were a series of cages, one containing a big brown anaconda type of snake. There was one water tower to the left with a white basin, and then a bunch of brown pillars of varying heights. Finally, there was a brown water tower off to the right. And some land and buildings. I flew over to the anaconda cage to land on the first pillar. My aim was pretty good. The anaconda didn't even snap its teeth. (I expected it to.)
Then I got to practice some coordination with my flying. I flew from pillar to pillar. They had flat tops but were made of giant logs. I found that if I was a little too far to the left or right, I could adjust my path with a little arm movement. So I landed on top of one pillar. The tops were a little wet, but I didn't slip. It was a mix of jumping and flying since I began to feel a need to land after a few moments.
Once I got to the highest pillar, the next leap would be up to the top of the brown water tower. It was dispensing this ladder-thing and had various words written on it. I took a leap. My goal was to drink some of the water from it. The ladder seemed to be dropping down faster than I'd climb it.
My jump-flight lost energy and I started slowly going back downward. There were some gold pipes in the wall, which I assumed would be burning hot. I tried to grab one anyway, to hang on, but it turned out to be burning hot. I don't think I really felt burning heat, but I pulled away as if I did.
When I landed, I was in a hall-way thing. There were two little snakes fighting. One was a gold one with a really cool shielded back. Some voice was talking about how it uses its shielding scales and they glinted and shined. It was maybe 2 feet long. then there was a little green snake. It was maybe 6 inches long. It would wrap itself around the yellow snake and try to slice it apart or squeeze its segments so hard that it popped off.
The yellow snake's head popped off, but re-appeared on its body a few times. They continued fighting like this. I was amazed at how the little green snake was winning against the much bigger yellow snake. I was also conscious not to stare at any one point for too long, as I heard staring at any one thing too long will wake me up, so I looked away for a moment here and there.
Then my attention was diverted to some people that came to talk to me. One identified as Charlie, who I remembered from before. An African American man came towards me and told me I would be performing a task for them, and receive a donut in return. he was wearing a black polo shirt thing.
"A dream donut?" I asked, thinking that these people were lucid, too. They didn't deny it was a dream but Charlie just said, "Yes, a dream donut." But his tone sounded like he thought it was waking life, and just thought the idea of a "dream donut" was funny. But to me, a "dream donut" meant that I could actually eat it, where as in waking life, I couldn't. So I was very excited to peform their task!
It was some kind of acting gig. I found myself standing next to a tall woman, looking into a yoga class. the woman in there said that she could train any gender, male or female, but preferred to work with females. She was massaging someone or something like that.
'Oops!' I thought as the dream faded. I had not stabilized in a while, and it ended.
I woke up physically from that and thought it through. Got up to go to the rest room. I was going to type it but I felt so tired. Also, i was afraid it would be like 4 A M, then 5 A M when I typed it, and then I wouldn't sleep again. so I laid back down thinking maybe I'll remember more, and keep it in my head when I wake up. So that's an RBFA. I did re-remember all that I initially remembered, luckily. I guess I'm glad I got the sleep. I think my fear of forgetting dreams will drive me to record them but recording them sometimes wakes me up too much and I end up not sleeping well.
As I fell back to sleep I tried to keep the dream in mind, and little details did continue to come back. Eventually I saw some hypnagogic circles and felt my body get a little tingly or heavy.
I remember little mini dream flashes happen and then I'd wake up thinking of the other dreams. It is usually a confirmation I'll be in a dream soon.
I found myself in a dream in my Nana's room. I don't remember it very well! Argh. I kept snoozing and trying to keep them in my head. I think it was something about pranks. people from my house in college were there. A R, O A, maybe C V, and others. But unfortunately it is quite vague! I know that I thought it was a repeat-dream of other dreams I had in the past. However once I was awake I wasn't sure. Sometimes the dream just makes that effect.
The last part before I woke up is also kinda blurry. Blurry! I was at Nana's. Aunt B, Aunt C and Nana were there. Something with blue paint or a blue gift bag, maybe. I remember accidentally scratching a phrase onto Nana's kitchen-island thing, which turned out to be a black surface in the dream. The scratched words left a tan color underneath. I felt bad about scratching it up, and hoped they would cover it.
I went into the dining room with a 16oz poland spring sized bottle of a yellow drink. I drank half thinking that it was sugar free or something but kinda wondered why I would drink it when i don't drink artificial sweeteners in waking life. Maybe slightly pre-lucid. When I sat in the cushioned arm chair I noticed the filing cabinet was tan with some soft parts. (It was black earlier in the dream.) I read a date and time on one of the things which seemed early. maybe April 5, not sure, and maybe 4 or 5 A M, not sure. (Oh! I just remembered when I pulled into the beach in the way earlier dream it was something about 5 A M!)
Aunt C and Aunt B were talking about how they could order everything off the dollar menu but not the main menu. If they ordered everything off the dollar menu it would be okay to eat it all but not the main menu. Something like that. I was picturing what foods there might be. There was also something about using less medicine. That sounded good to me.
I was kind of drifting in and out of those dreams. I got up and looked at a clock in a panic, worried that W A would be soon. but it was only 6:07 A M and W A wasn't until 7:30 A M. I was kind of mad at myself for getting up in such a panic. Part of my panic was also that I felt all my dreams were gonna slip away from my mind. But I was still so tired when I finally got up. It was interesting because I adrenalized over it, which is a W A thing. As I typed these, I was wondering to myself if it would ever be possible to sleep a full night, and not record dreams 'til morning, but still remember them all.
In W A we say, "Even if offered the best, we say no if we need rest." So I have been essentially ignoring that slogan. When I have a really cool dream to write, I am being "offered the best". But really, its night time, and sometimes I need rest. However I try to put the sleep off until later so I can record the dream. This isn't always the best feeling, since sometimes my body wants to sleep. I don't think the answer is to stop dream journaling or start "throwing away" my dreams since they are very life-affirming. So I will look for a balance in that... But hopefully not at the cost of any dream details!!!