3,383 words - 2 LDs - selected parts in bold / dream signs in italic
, 06-21-2018 at 06:45 PM (315 Views)
3,383 words
Yesterday I took a lot of processing time and also did waking life recall. I think the waking life recall and the processing time... instead of those couple hours of accumulating more information and more interactions with the world... Increased my dream quality. I got lucid twice and had a high level of recall.
Round 1 of dreams.
There was more earlier stuff I couldn't remember back to. The earliest parts I remembered was something in the H S football field or gymnasium, or both. Mr. L was a teacher. I remember R S and R M were there. Maybe something with a kick-off.
After that, I remember being in a class room. It was like Mr. V's class room with the rows of desks... I was given a test. I hadn't prepared for it. There was a book I was supposed to have studied for the week, or a section of the book. I remember the panel with the question on the top right side of one page. I decided I would spend a lot of time focusing on that reading over the next week, to be ready for the next test.
I remember a woman like B R was sitting to my left. I dropped a paper thing near her seat by accident. She seemed annoyed and went to get it for me but I said I don't need it. She seemed generally annoyed by me, but interested in other people.
I allowed myself to fall back to sleep as I recalled these. I re-remembered about 90% in the morning of what I originally remembered, just lost some details about the quiz thing. Pretty good since just a few weeks ago I was losing round 1 and 2 of dreams when I RBFA'ed.
Round 2 of Dreams.
I was at the corner of T and K. I remember seeing the guy who lives on that corner's bushes pretty vividly. It was something to do with the Matrix. I even remember hearing Agent Smith's voice, saying, "Mister Andersen..." Also I think this dream related to being against smokers.
However, once I woke from that bout of sleep, I could hardly remember anything. I drew a total blank. Maybe there weren't many dreams that time.
I did an RBFA and re-remembered it later.
Round 3 of dreams.
There were some earlier parts I forgot. I remember I was keeping the time on a phone meeting. A was sharing about something. I realized that 5 minutes had gone by, or more, and I had forgotten to say, "Time." Oops! I kind of panicked. I was at the kitchen counter, multi-tasking with some stuff, like when I forgot to call time for T on Saturday. I think that came from that.
Then I remember being at the kitchen table at 24, typing my dreams. It was bright. I think it was like 3 A M. I remember talking to my mom, dad and/or sister, thinking, 'Its 3 A M. I really gotta get back to bed.'
When I got in my room at 24, I realized that there were a lot of bright light bulbs... One was at the top of the Ikea lamp. I flicked the switch on it a bunch of times and nothing happened! That's a major dream sign, but I didn't get lucid until later. I reached to the bulb to remove it manually, but it was burning hot. Eventually, I un-plugged the lamp.
Electronics refusing to turn off or on when I use the correct buttons is a common dream sign.
After that, I noticed there was another light, in an outlet. And a reflective mirror thing at eye level on the wall accross from it. I needed my dad's help to remove it. Once he came in to help, I suddenly realized, 'Oh no! What if I left any personal items out in the open!' But, luckily, I hadn't.
Living at my parents old house is a dream sign. Mom and dad being together is a dream sign. Seeing mom and/or sister is a dream sign. (they live upstate.)
After that, I had a memory, perhaps an "implanted memory" that was of an earlier dream where dad had a belt. I almost hurried back to my computer, at the kitchen table, to add it in. But decided to just go back to sleep. I will call this layer of the dream world, "Layer 1". PMWC = Physical matter waking consciousness. I had switched the reference for PMWC to layer 1... and did that dream within a dream thing again.
So I went to bed in layer 1, laying on my right side, like my body was in PMWC. The sleep paralysis sensations were much more notable. I didn't feel many ominous feelings. But I was thinking of getting back up for some reason. Eventually I decided to let the sleep paralysis "take me to the dream". I remember seeing some kind of visual, like a computer interface. Then I felt myself be sucked into it.
This intro to the lucid part was funny. I saw a lap top screen come on. And the computer booted up. I smiled a little. My dream was symbolizing the beginning of the lucid part with the image of a laptop booting up. Foreshadowing: It ends the dream the same way later!
This may have happened before or after the intro. I had no eye sight. I could just feel my astral or dream body moving... I tried to rotate and wiggle and eventually was standing up. I decided to fly up through my ceiling like I had done many times before.
I appeared in my bedroom at 15. Or somewhere upstairs. It feels like I missed a part. Anyway, I remember eventually I had the phone in my right hand. I was talking out loud. (I read a thread on r/luciddreaming which recommended talking out loud as a stabilization method.) I talked to myself as I went down the stairs. "I feel so worried that this will be my only L D of the night, and I won't be able to manifest any dream food!" Something like that. I said some other things. I felt i connected with a real emotion.
I tried manifesting dream food in my left palm, without looking away. It didn't work. Later, I would remember the "rule" that to manifest something, I have to do it somewhere I can't see, like behind me, or behind a door, or my pocket, then go to check. Not manifest right in front of me, until I'm more advanced.
Eventually I got down to the kitchen door. I ran full steam to phase through. Just collided with it. 'Okay, I will just use the door knob,' I thought. The door knob and screen door worked fine, just like waking life. Once I was outside, I saw the tree tops in the back of the yard, and flew up diagonally towards them.
Once I got about 50 feet up, the land line lost reception. Some how, that caused my dream to end, or so I thought. I guess my phone was connected to my lucid dream state some how. So then I landed on a thin tree branch. 'Wait, if I was just dreaming, shouldn't I have woken up in bed?' I might have thought. But I really thought I was awake now. I ran towards the tree trunk and the tiny branch bent beneath me. I felt bad for breaking it.
My mom came outside. "Oh no! You're stuck in a tree!" She said, or something like that. I wrapped around the tree in a bear hug and slid down. It was wet and easy to slide down. Then I slid down the next half after pausing on a branch.
'Wait, its still a dream!' I realized. I grabbed my mom in a bear hug and flew into the air. My vision and senses started to fade. The last thing I did, was try to put my hand behind me and mainfest some snacks, then look at my palm and see them. I manifested a snack to share with my mom as I flew with her in mid air. Then I woke up, but it was a false awakening, back to layer 1, since this had been in layer 2.
When this part ended, there was the lap top screen again. only this time it showed the mouse cursor going to the start menu and clicking, "sleep". Then the screen shut down. I was still lucid and figured that signified the end of the dream.
I woke up back to layer 1 of sleep paralysis. My body felt funny again, more tingly or heavier than usual. There was music playing. I forgot the first, song, but I got up to turn it off.
Waking up with music on when I'm trying to remember my dream or dream journal is usually a dream sign.
One more thing happened, which was with my sister. I saw that she was drawing a picture of a sword. It was a wide sword kind of thing. She hadn't completed the back blade yet. She was very happy with her drawing so far, though. "I finally know who I am," she said.
I filled in the back of the sword for her. I made it very spiky, more like a saw blade than a straight sword blade. I also made some lines showing that some parts were flat. She was okay with it but I felt bad for not letting her finish it. I was glad it was just a dream.
I was able to re-remember 100% even after RBFA.
Round 4 of dreams.
My memory of these begins with a cool dream of flying with cars. Maybe we were leaving a bank. My friends' flying car started to veer off track, so I used telekinesis to help them out.
I woke up from that, but into another dream. D W and J V were there. I remember a grey foam mat near my bed. Probably like a grounding mat. I was up side down or something, getting ready to sleep on it. "Don't go to sleep!" said J V. So, I didn't. I had been in my room at 15, but when we walked outside, I think it was the hallway to my college house.
I remember at one point, J V was carrying me. I looked up at him and spoke. Then I realized my retainer wasn't in. I felt embarrassed, and apologized for my missing teeth showing.
In another part, I remember Mr. H appearing in the hall way. I think he had some hair instead of being bald. I'm not sure if I was lucid yet but I gradually got lucid around here. He gave me a big smile and I talked with him. I was still embarrassed about my missing teeth, and tried to talk with my upper lip pulled down over them, which I know never works.
Mr. H was very tall. Another tall fellow came along, at first a little taller, then the same height, as Mr. H.
I was at least 3 or 4 feet shorter than them. I moved along into the open part of the hall way. V S was near a fridge, preparing a pitcher of pink beverage. I jumped way out in front of him. "Hey, V! Mr. H was here! Did you see him?" I forgot his reply. He was swishing the pink beverage around in the pitcher. Then the pitcher doubled in size. He poured the beverage in a big bowl, like punch.
I had a small coffee pot type of container with some drink in it. It did contain alcohol, even though I don't drink in waking life. I walked near some much older women. "Kids these days shouldn't drink so much," one said. "I am only having a little," I replied.
I kept noticing a small rectangular box on the ground off to the side. 'Is that a **** cigarette box?' I thought. When I got closer, it turned out to just be a golden box of something like ginger snacks. They were all half the height of the box, packed in columns of 2.
However, one of the older women had begun to smoke! I was definitely lucid at this point. I grabbed her poisonous stick of smoke and threw it on the ground, rubbing it out with my foot. I knew it was a dream, so I would not be harmed by the smoke. So I could enjoy destroying their cigarettes!
I continued on, hoping to find more people smoking so I could take their poisonous smoke tubes and put them out.
I don't know if there was anything else during that party part.
What I do remember is that the screen changed to show a gym. It looked more like a touch screen on a phone... I was able to use my finger to move the "dream screen" around and zoom in on it. I was lucid during this.
There was a lucid part when I was playing a sonic the hedgehog game. I could be tails, and fly using my tail as a helicopter propeller. Or, I could be Knuckles. There were giant rows of rings. I tried to do infinite moon jumps in mid air, and found that I could.
I used the ability to get all the coins in a straight line, way up in the air. Then it got really boring! It was just too easy. I wanted to use some icons on the screen to make a single high-jump possible, but not infinite levitation. I woke up before it happened.
I let myself RBFA again after this, and re-remembered it in full, the next time.
Round 5 of dreams.
I think these dreams began with a walk at W... Unless there was earlier stuff, too. I remember walking along at W, then having to cross a fallen tree that bridged over a very long fall.
There was a part with a guy driving around my neighborhood. I was driving, too. There was something on my mind about having a job.
I remember another scene with dogs in a yard... But not too clearly.
I remember a fenced in area. One guy was sitting by the entrance, checking people in. One guy was in front of me. I remember the sense that I was standing behind him felt surreal. Like I was supposed to be him but then split off into the person behind him. Not sure how to explain it.
Then I was in the school library. There were lots of books on shelves. Something about growing flowers, then losing the flowers behind the books on the shelf. It was like my sister had lost them, so I wanted to help her.
I looked around the other shelves. One book was like the size of a children's book. It was green and said "Witchcraft Telepathy" on the cover. I wanted to read that! But kept moving down the shelves.
I found what looked like a computer directory, with 6 series of books available. Those were what we had lost. The dates were from June but the numbers shifted from 7 to something or back again.
I knew it was around 2 P M. I wanted to go up to the library's loft to read them. There was some cushioned thing to climb up. Then, I realized school was almost over for the day. That was why it was so quiet in the library.
I needed to use the bathroom. "Will there be time to use the bathroom and still come back to read?" I asked someone. I think they said sure. Climbing down the cushion thing seemed precarious. I saw a guy who looked like Hurley from lost. To be nice, I said hi, and made some small talk. Then, I really needed the bathroom even more! I got really mad at the guy for starting to hold me up. We both began yelling at each other. Then I just walked away.
The bathroom turned out to be like nana's bathroom at the top of her stair case. A guy was already in there, helping clean everything. I was like, "Get out of my way!" He said he had to keep his finger on a black button on the wall, which made him have to stand in front of the urinal.
"I don't care! I'll hold the button!" So he let it go. Then a urinal appeared to the right, and I went to use that one. I felt bad for messing up his cleaning thing. Even more exasperating, I had accidentally tunked the cuffs of my shorts in the toilet water. (I was wearing my grey gym shorts.)
'Should I put them under the blow dryer?' I thought. Then that part kind of ended...
The last thing I remember is passing by a train thing but also near a neighboring town... Maybe sitting with people in a meeting. I remember M and D were talking about how they both worked. And they split their income so that they traded half their income with each other. So if M made 8 and D made 6, M would give D 4 and D would give M 3. Does that always make them even?
I woke up from those and recalled them. Once I had them solidly in my mind, I reviewed rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4, then 5 again... I realized I wasn't gonna sleep any more, and got up.
I did the short hand notes in the morning and was able to come back to it later and still re-remember it in full.