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    A couple dreams, a lot of insomnia

    by , 04-29-2018 at 10:13 PM (286 Views)
    I got to sleep OK around 8. And slept until maybe 1 or 2.


    My first dreams I remembered were of being at a big round table with my family. I was handing out sweet potatoes. They turned out to be soft but at first I thought they were under cooked.

    Out Somnia

    I had insomnia again and it was from after my first sleep cycle until IDK when. I gave up after an earnest try, and got up. I don't know what comes first. My workaholism or my insomnia.


    Eventually I went back to sleep. Around 6 I guess. I felt myself drop in.

    I don't remember much of the dream but I was in a loft. Something happened. Then there was someone like Goku. they expanded into a big illustration.

    That made me lucid for a moment. I realized I was in a dream but didn't know what to do.

    Springy False Awakening

    I had a false awakening of waking up in a bed. But the bed had springs on it. I figured the dream had startled me into waking with a jolt. And that made my bed keep swinging back and forth.

    The springs creaked. I kept trying to tell myself they would eventually slow down. But it seemed like my swinging gained momentum, and the creaking got louder. First it was right to left, then from head of bed to foot of bed. And squeaky squeak squeak.

    I was thinking I need to record this dream in my voice recorder. Which I had put away since the sun was already up. (If I dreamed I planned on just getting up to write it. But I forgot that during this false awakening.) I wanted the bed to stop swinging and creaking, otherwise that sound would get recorded, too. So I tried to think about the dream while waiting for the bed to stop.

    Then I grabbed onto this black metal bar of the bed to stop it but the force was too much. It felt like it would rip my arms off.

    Missing Table

    In waking life there is a table to the side of my bed. I got up from my bed to stand, and try to stop my bed swinging from the outside. I realized it wasn't there. My chair near it was though. "Oh well," thought I. "Maybe I moved it before sleeping."

    Actually woke up

    I appeared in my physical bed kind of surprised about all that having been a dream! It took me a moment to be like, oh, wait, my beds not shaking.

    It would have been a great dream to become lucid in. However, I might have just gotten excited and returned to my body, if I became lucid. I'm surprised I didn't find lucidity over the bed swinging like that. I kept telling myself it must be possible and thinking of how my bed was built.

    The end!
    DawnEye11 likes this.

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    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Sorry you still have trouble falling asleep. I hope you have a better sleep tonight but its good you had some interesting false awakenings. Despite the sqeaky, squeak ,squeak noise
      Charles3 likes this.
    2. Charles3's Avatar
      haha ha seems to be evening out by now...