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    Pre Lucid

    by , 04-27-2018 at 01:01 PM (312 Views)
    Well, my insomnia’s back. I made 4 questions for myself. One, What do you think causes your insomnia? Two, describe your experience of insomnia. Three, What would your ideal night of sleep be like? Four, why do you want better sleep quality? Then I answered those so I am going to go back over question one piece by piece and see what I can change to see if it makes any difference.

    Sleep Cycle One

    In my first round of dreams, I had this thing about Pokemon. Some legendary Pokemon and a way to hack the moves. They had moves called S 5 and S 6? I remember a legendary trio but they were dream originals. The map went off somewhere maybe by a lake. Memory just on the tip of my tongue.

    There was a
    Something with a rich guy wanting us to eat cheese.

    There was a little hardened cheese left in the dish. It was like he demanded I eat it. I kind of forced myself to.

    Aunt Butting In

    There was something with my Aunt. My apartment was flooded with water but it seemed normal. Like its normal to just swim down the stairs and stuff. I was blocking my Aunt out. It seemed like she was butting in.

    Someything Else

    There was somehting else I put on my voice recorder but its not on the top of my head.

    Sleep Cycle Two

    After some insomnia I actually did fall asleep. I found myself in a dream and became pre lucid. But the dream checks didn’t conclude in lucidity. The rest of the dream was interesting anyway.


    I was on my computer. A task manager kind of program popped up, and it played music. It looked like it was doing a virus scan. The music it played surprised me. It was just an instrumental but it didn’t seem to go with the program.

    Eventually it said 14 threats were removed. But one was remaining. The thumb nail of the program had a picture of santa claus. I had to remove that one too. It said the word alert.

    Pre Lucid

    Eventually I got that program to close. The task bar at the bottom was like my dream the other night. In fact, my dream the other night came to mind, and I was like, wait. Didn’t I dream of my task bar being a little different like this another night? (The start menu was moved over or missing and it was just different.)

    At first I doubted it but I decided to finger palm test. I pushed my finger through and it seemed like my hand was solid. I felt my finger between my bone of my hand but figured that was normal in Physical Matter Waking Consciousness if I push hard enough. Also a little dent appeared on the back of my hand. But I figured that was normal in Physical Matter Waking Consciousness. It made me think finger palm tests were just too dangerous.

    But I would do a nose pinch breathe test anyway. So I did pinch my nose. I also covered my mouth, to be thorough, and try to breathe. My conscious mind was very active within the dream. Too bad I didn’t actually become lucid.

    Air passed through. But I told myself I must not be covering the whole air passage. So it couldn’t be a dream.

    It’s not a dream

    I looked around my room. I remember seeing my window without curtains. I saw the dark night outside. But light was on in my room.

    I considered flying out the window. But I was like, nope. It’s not a dream.


    I went downstairs. The lights were on. I was going to the fridge. I hadn’t brung my orange glasses. I sat at the table. I think I was eating food. But also there was talk of some kind of lottery thing.


    I was back in my room then. I was on the computer again. I think I got sleepy. But I wanted to wait to sleep until the task manager thing was fully done. This way if I got up in a hurry to write my dreams, nothing would block me.

    Something was playng about American Idol, which I haven’t seen or followed in over 10 years, thank FHQWHGADS. Don’t need that kind of thing.

    That fellow Randy was talking about something. I was so annoyed even to have the vibration of American Idol in my space. I quickly shut it off, thinking, “I don’t need this.”


    I went back downstairs. There was a woman my age. It didn’t seem out of the ordinary for her to be there. My Dad was there too.

    I went outside. She was just getting ready to go for a jog. It was like midnight. She said it was for her lucid dreaming practice. I guess she was doing a really extreme Wake Back To Bed which involved going for an intense jog. It made sense.

    Then we were talking. I felt like we knew each other. We ended up hugging. I did a smooching sound a few inches from her face because I wanted to kiss her. But then we just kissed on the cheek.

    Then I realized we’d kind of just met. So kissing that soon might be too much. I walked up my driveway and I guess she went out for her jog.


    I went up some stairs and I was in a college dorm. It was a women’s dorm. But suddenly I assumed I lived in a room in the women’s dorm by myself. The reason for this was that I had moved in with a girlfriend into that dorm room. But then she had left, leaving me, a guy, living by myself in a room in a female dormitory. It made lots of sense!


    I was at the door with a guy from college. My college room mate appeared there too. I figured they must be my room mates. We went in the room.

    There was music. It was like a college party. I was annoyed because I wanted to go to bed. My bed had white sheets on it. White with the square lacing, that has the square texture.

    Two people were on my bed. This seemed normal since it was a party. Lots of other people were in the room, and there were other beds, also with people on them, hanging out. (The people on my bed weren’t doing anything intimiate or anything just hanging out.)

    I used a funny hip hop phrase in asking them to get off my bed. I repeated it a few times, in a hip hop tone of voice. They got off my bed. A female with dark hair kind of smiled at me from the corner of my eye, as if she appreciated my joke.

    I was thinking the hoolgans would notice I was sleeping, and shake me awake. Something about lucid dreaming came to me mind. I wanted to play my audio I play when I fall asleep but it seemed the music would drown it out.

    False Awakening

    I had a false awakening where I was recording my dream in the dark. Only every sentence felt like it took forever to say. I was like, theres no way I can say every sentence. I may as well go write it out.

    Overall Notes

    Yeah, insomnia. Blah. I was in bed and probably sleep by 9 the first time. I gotta see what I can do about this insomnia (without drugs).
    DawnEye11 likes this.

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    1. fogelbise's Avatar
      Good luck with the insomnia. I am not an expert on it but I sometimes have trouble getting back to sleep. A simple method that seems to help me is rolling my eyes back briefly and softly as I breathe in (eyes are already closed). I let go of keeping the eyes rolled back as I breathe back out, but it still seems a little bit darker behind my closed eyelids.

      I also have this quick release technique which is harder to describe. You can try imagining a red square and then let go of the image of that red square and take a moment to notice what that feels like to let go of the image. Repeat until you are familiar with the sensation of letting go. Now very familiar with that feeling, I like to activate that feeling as I let go of my breath after a nice deep breath in. In fact, that may be an easier way for some people to become familiar with the feeling of letting go - by just taking a deep breath and then letting go of the breath. It is great also for becoming instantly aware and "in the moment."

      Another method is the "61 point relaxation technique." I don't use it, but some people do. The release technique works me, for any areas that are tense or not fully relaxed.
      Charles3 likes this.
    2. Charles3's Avatar
      Thanks fogelbise! I appreciate it. I will try those out. I heard its a lot about letting go. Have you heard of Rubin naymin? He said it is not about "going to sleep" but "letting go of waking" as you talked about. Well don't take it personally if your tips don't fix my insomnia right away. It is pretty fierce at times
      fogelbise likes this.