Lucid Dreams
I was looking forward and realized that I was now seeing stars rather than blackness. They looked a bit blurry, though, so I focused on them some more to make them vivid. I concentrated on transporting myself past a star in order to fly into outer space. I started off slow, but quickly picked up speed. In a few seconds, the stars flew by me at a great speed. I stopped myself and concentrated on transforming into a dolphin. I could hardly move, though. I put my legs out in front of me thinking it might be easier which it was. My legs melded together and I had a nice dolphin tail. I was able to put my tail behind me and enjoy the feel of it. I tried to get used to it more so it's easier to get in the future. My attention switched to the basic TOTM. I looked around and saw there was a few dcs. I picked an overweight, middle aged, man with square, thick framed glasses. "What would be a good task of the month?" I asked. "That's too much information", he said. "What would be something that would be fun to do in a dream? You know what a dream is, right?" I said. The dc just the gist of the question and thought about it. "Write something down with a pencil and think about it." he said. "Write something down with a pencil in a dream and think about it?" "Yeah" "That's a good idea!" I said sarcastically. I woke up.
I looked out across a large room and realized I was dreaming. I said out loud and I was dreaming and tried to remember the task. I was losing the dream but stayed still and hoped it came back...which it did. I was in a cafeteria. I looked around for DCs to bite. I came across some old men. One looked liked Charlie's grandfather from Willa Wonka. I decided to pass. I might have unsuccessfully attempted to bite another DC but I don't remember. I then came across a little girl with short, blond hair. She was holding cherry tomatoes in her hand. I moved my mouth towards her hand, but it was out of reach once again. I finally grabbed her hand and yanked it towards my mouth before I bit down on her finger until she felt some pain. I walked away, done with the task when I heard her muttering something. "Is she saying sick ass?" I thought. I listened closer. "Sickest!" Sickest!" she muttered. Then she approached me. "Do you need anything?" I patted her head. "I don't need anything." I woke up.
Updated 11-05-2015 at 04:45 PM by 57896
I woke up hearing my sister and brother in law talking about me. My sister was worried about my future job prospects but my brother in law insisted I would be fine. I thought it was unusual for them to be talking about this time of morning so I did a nose plug. I could breathe. My sister was walking towards the door to go to work, visibly upset, so I gave her a hug and wished her a nice day. I walked into the living room and looked around, noticing how blurry the dream was. I ringed my fingers around my eyes and said stabilize. In a second the dream became vivid. I tried to walk but was still unbalanced. I tried to become invisible but I ended up flying into the air. I thought this would be a good way to follow a DC. I saw a young Japanese lady so I decided to follow her. She walked into the living room. She got on a bike and rode it down a hall into the computer room. In the computer room I see the bike in the corner and the lady on a man's lap in front of a computer. On the computer it looked like a sports page. She said she would get a glass of water and left the room. I followed her as she walked into the kitchen. She addressed me, "Can you get us some water? Then you can teach us how to make cheesecake!" I said ummmm....ok. I woke up.
DILD#1-I was flying above the clouds at night. I was thinking that I was transitioning to the dream world.My vision started to fade to black and I thought the dream was starting. My vision reappeared as I dropped down to the backyard of my grandmas house. When I landed, I noticed a bat coming towards me. I tried to catch it but didn't. I walked into the house, looking for something to do, but woke up. DILD#2-I woke up and noticed I couldn't move. I decided to power through the supposed paralysis and get up. I noticed my sister. I gave her a hug and told her I loved her. She said she did too and gave me a kiss. I woke up.
DILD#1-I woke up and decided something felt off. I got up and as a reality check attempted to jump into the void. There wasn't any void, though, just a duplicate of my room. I started to float and was trying to figure out how to get back down when I woke up. DILD#2-I woke up and tried to make a dream appear before my eyes. I could see a little bit of HH. I tried to expand it to fill my whole vision, which it did. I recalled my dream goal of calling Sensei. For some reason, I felt I had to walk into a restroom before I did this. I took a phone out of my pocket and called him to ask if he could come over. He said he could. I looked at the toilet, anticipating he might possibly arrive there. I then heard an aggressive banging and shaking of the restroom door. I opened it and Sensei was there. He looked younger, like a teenager or pre-teen, but I thought it was close enough. I greeted him and then told him that I needed him to transform into a dolphin. I said he could do it, no problem. He walked away and I followed him as he floated horizontally into the air and began to shape-shift. Once he grew the dorsal fin, I grabbed it and jumped on his back to ride him. After a few seconds, Sensei was now completely a dolphin. I flew him quickly around a city. Groups of DCs oohed and awed as we flew past. On the rooftops I saw DCs cooking sausages and a group of dogs barking. I had fun flying around for a bit before I woke up. WILD#1-I was trying to fall asleep I noticed some scrolling text in my vision of different baseball teams. I celebrated when I saw SF Giants. I decided to turn away from the text to see if I could summon a baseball player. A former male co-worker of mine showed up and I decided the dream was sufficiently formed. I went the party outside looking for some love. They were all too young or ugly, though. Eventually, I found a petite brunette I liked and made out with her until the dream ended.
DILD #1-I woke up and tried to get out of bed, but couldn't move. I continued to try to move and a force flew me out of bed. I phased through the wall into a void before I woke up. DILD #2-I woke up and got out of bed, but something seemed off. I made my way to the backyard and everything seemed fine, except the backyard itself, which wasn't very accurate. I flew up into the air, looking for something to do. I saw a beach very close by with realistic looking waves from the ocean. I tried to fly that direction, but my body was heavy and I couldn't fly very fast. About half way to the ocean, I woke up. DILD # 3-I woke up, and found I was in a different room. I gathered my thoughts, trying to remember what was the next of my 3 step tasks. I decided it was time control. I found a group of a dozen or so DCs talking in a room next to mine. I tried to pause time by putting my hands up and saying stop. The DCs stopped talking and all looked at me, but I still detected movement. I found this wasn't working, so I quickly rotated my forefinger counter-clockwise in an attempt to rewind time. All of the Dcs started talking backwards very fast in a high pitch voice, as if a video was rewinding. This continued for a bit, before I woke up.
WILD-I was trying to fall asleep when I felt a strong wind blowing upwards on my blanket. I decided to let the force fly me up into the air to see when it would take me. It only took me to the wall before it died down. I jumped into the void and teleported to a dark underwater place. I tried to transform into a dolphin and got the beak but nothing else. I woke up. DILD-I had my eyes closed but felt something was off so I opened them. I found I was at the entry plaza of an amusement park. I flew up to see what there was to do. I was a bit disappointed to see there wasn't much to do. There were some tall slides that looked fun, but I saw what looked like a bay that looked more entertaining. I soon realized however, that there wasn't any ocean, but rather the entire city was actually flooded. Nevertheless there were still orcas and dolphins swimming in the streets. I dropped on an orca in order to propel myself to some dolphins. I wanted to ride one so I grabbed it's dorsal fin and got on it's back. I was only able to ride it for a little bit before I woke up. When I opened my eyes, however, I realized it was a false awakening. I tried to jump into the void to teleport, but there was no void, I just dropped into a duplicate dream scene. I did the a couple times, before trying to position myself directly in the middle of two duplicate dream scenes, which was kind off trippy. I woke up.
DILD-I woke up and saw a man walking I couldn't recognize. I got up and the man tried to talk to me but I ignored him. I jumped into the void to teleport but dropped into the same dream scene I was before. I was at a party and mingled with some guests. Next thing I know I was outside at night and some dcs were revving up a chainsaw with intent to chop off my limbs. I thought this is not happening and grabbed the revved up chainsaw from their hands. Some dcs charged me but I protected myself with the chainsaw, wounding them. I inadvertly flew backwards into the air. I could see a couple dozen dcs all lined up, just standing there. I realized the dream was about to end, so I dropped back down to tried to extend it. All of the dcs seemed to forget what happened and resumed their party. I ended up making out with a young lady as the dream faded away.
WILD-I was trying to fall asleep when I started thinking about how neat it would be if the dream just suddenly appeared before my closed eyelids. Within seconds,bubbles rose around me and I was now underwater, looking up at the blue sky. I surfaced and found I was in the middle of the open ocean. The water was clear, blue, and vivid. I decided to see which way the current was flowing so maybe I could go back to land. A big wave rose up in the distance which gave me a clue. Looking up at the horizon I could see land. It looked like a boardwalk. I started to swim towards it, but woke up. DILD-I was at an arcade. As I was walking, I noticed the gravity was off. I could jump and stay in the air for prolonged periods of time. I realized I was dreaming. I decided to fly and check out the dreamscape. I was in a medium density city. I saw a bullet train and wanted to ride it. As I flew towards it, however, it disappeared. I continued to fly and unexpectedly reached the edge of the city. There was noting but hills and countryside in front of me. I thought this was neat. I saw a young lady on a white horse. I woke up and attempted to DEILD. I steadly progressed in falling back sleep ad popped up. I had to read the ad before I could continue my lucid dream. These ads are everywhere nowadays! I realized I had a virtual reality headset on. I took it off and was pleased to see it said I had 35 minutes remaining in my lucid dream. I woke up.
DILD#1-I was outside in the backyard of my grandmas house. A man was analyzing my golf swing for me. I took a nice swing with a 3 iron. I turn back and see the man has disappeared. I look around for him and find he went into the house to have a massage! I realize I'm dreaming. I jump into the void under the dreamscape and imagine flying over the ocean. A bay by a city appears and I dive in. The water is deep and realistic this time. I try to transform into a dolphin but can't. I see a plane ahead of me crashing into ocean. The plane heads for me but I fly up and dodge it. Just when I thought the plane had missed me, it started coming for me again. This happened a couple times until I found the plane was literally chasing me. I noticed on the wing there was a big angry face. It couldn't catch me. I taunted it, yelling "Nyah, Nyah, Nyah!!!". I woke up. DILD#2-I woke up and noticed I was in my old house. I went outside and noticed my family was moving. I don't know if they were moving in or out. I greeted my dad and he smiled at me. I tried to walk around but my balance was very poor. I jumped into the void under the dreamscape. I tried to imagine myself ice skating. I couldn't see anything but I could feel the ice under my skates. I woke up.
DILD#1-I was trying to fall asleep when I noticed there was more light than there should be. I got up, pretty sure I was dreaming. I tried to jump to teleport and went though the floor to the void. I tried to imagine flying over the ocean but ended up back in my room. I teleported to the void again in the same manner. This time, the ocean appeared, although it was dark. I went underwater and noticed a huge shark which noticed me as well. I fought the shark, pounding it on the nose. I flew up out of the water and noticed there was a concrete wall on the shore. I focused on pounding the sharks head on the edge of the concrete as it was chasing me. This caused the shark to quickly become smaller until it disappeared. I was now walking on an alley in a city. I started to lose the dream but I was able to focus on my hands until I was grounded again. I decided to phase through a stone wall for more points. I was now trapped in a courtyard with junk all over the place, so I decided to fly. I noticed the sky was now overcast. I woke up. DILD#2-I was trying to fall asleep when I felt uncomfortable, as if there were more pillows than there should be. I saw that I was in a red and black room. I jumped into the void to teleport. I tried to imagine flying over the ocean again. This time, I ended up flying over a lake in the mountains. I tried to drop into the lake but instead kept rising. Eventually, I summoned enough willpower to dive into the lake, which was pretty shallow. Then, the dream forced me back up into the air. I thought, screw it. I'll do my summoning right here. What's bigger than human size? I put my hand behind my back to summon an eagle. I felt it bite and hold on to my entire finger. I struggled to break free from it but it only gripped tighter. I tried to get a view of the eagle but it was too big and was on top of my back. I somehow was able to free myself from and leave it behind. I woke up.
DILD #1-I wake up and see text in my close eyelids which I perceive as HH. I try to play with the text in hope it will intensify and form a dream. I end up playing with it for a bit before I hear what sounds like talking on a tv. I try to see through my close eyelids and I see my bedroom. I walk down a dark hall, slightly unbalanced, which leads to my grandma's kitchen. I hold the counter with one hand and attempt to fling myself underground into a void, which I do. There's now nothing but darkness so I imagine the ocean. Instead, though, an underground room appears. There's two young ladies standing on a small platform and below there's a man on a fancy chair eating. I wake up. DILD #2-I wake up in my bedroom to see a billboard on the wall. As I'm observing it, a couple of large, creepy rabbits come hopping into view. I try to get up but I can't move. Thinking about what to do, I try to move the bed through telekenisis which works. I imagine my hand is on a control which can move the bed. I drive the bed though a dark hallway for a bit before I wake up.
I was in the ocean. I started to gradually gain lucidity as I decided to dive down as far as I could. The water started to become darker as I went deeper. There were creatures swimming past me as I went, but I didn't take time to notice what they were. I did notice a blue whale swim under me. Those are tough to miss! Eventually, it was completely dark. I could still feel water rushing around me as creatures were swimming past. It was all very vivid. The dream scene changed to a high tech cave cove above water. I saw a computer where one of my co-workers was sitting. I approached the computer and he left it for me as if it was mine. I realized that this was an opportunity to teleport. I decided declared to the dream that I wanted to teleport back to the ocean. I boarded a boat that was docked in the cove and moved it out of the cave. I got the idea to go swimming again and jumped off the boat into the water. The water felt perfectly realistic as I swam around. An African American girl suddenly appeared. I guess I was in her way. I woke up.
Upon trying to fall asleep, I felt a wave of vibrations over my body. My body rose up out of bed and landed gently on my feet on the floor. I walked outside to look for my servants. I felt somebody at my back. It was a little girl. "Where's your friends?" I ask. Before long, there are 4-5 little kids around me. What better servants! "Get me a drink!" I demand. A kid went to get a drink. "Get me an Orange genius phone!" I demand of another kid. I intended to use this to find Amelia Earheart. I never got it, though. I saw a strong looking man, the only adult. "Pick me up and carry me around!" I demand. He did this without hesitation. A kid came back with some dark chap stick. That was my "drink" I guess. I talk with the man how I've never dreamed of chap stick before while he's carrying me around. Shortly after that, I woke up.
I wake up from a previous dream and see some HI. I remain still, hoping to DEILD. The HI becomes more vivid for a couple of seconds before a dream scene of my bedroom pops into view. Starting to walk, I see a girl and think about doing some sexy stuff, but decide my dare is much more important. I walk down the hallway and find some empty floor space. I ask the dream to throw me some Barbie dolls. Some Barbie dolls get thrown on the floor out of thin air. They aren't real attractive, having bushy white hair, but I think they are close enough. I do the same to summon some Ken dolls, who have bushy black hair. The Barbie dolls are moving around but the Ken dolls are still sleeping. I wake up a Ken doll. A grab him and force him to look at Barbie. "Interact with each other!" I demand. Barbie says, "Umm...he's really attractive???" another Ken doll chimed in "I like wet vines!" I start to tell them about Amelia Earheart and wake up.