Lucid Dreams
I lie in my bed recalling my former dog in my previous dream. I think about how dogs and cats have been the monsters of my nightmares for a long time now but this one seemed calm and at peace. I hear something moving in my room and look around. Shit! It's a dog, my sisters Chihuahua mix, Bella. I feel a sense of fear. I know this is not good which makes me even more anxious and fearful. My anxieties have anxieties! The dog runs around the room like the Tasmanian devil. She approaches me and bites off my left hand! I wake up. I lie in my bed trying to go back to sleep. Somehow I start thinking about cats. A cat quickly fades into my vision and attacks me. As I wrestle it, I recall that dream characters are like puppet characters, our emotions being their strings. I hug the cat and try to feel love for it. It's getting smaller! It's working! I put it down and start to walk away but the cat quickly transforms back into it's original size and aggression. I hug it and feel love for it again until it was just about gone. I walk away again. With no cat following me this time, I gleefully go to the backyard at nighttime and jump up to fly. I turn my attention to the basic i TOTM, jumping into a pile of leaves. I look down to look for leaves but instead see dogs following me. Dozens of dogs. Big, black, labs and great danes. I hope they don't fly up and attack me. Thankfully they see something else that interests them and run away. I look around again for leaves and spot them. Lots of leaves! Multiple red baskets full of leaves on a lawn. It's so perfect! I land and look and start to approach the leaves. I wake up. I'm in a classroom. A former crush of mine, a short blonde girl, is leaning back on me. I'm okay with this, just trying to go with the flow. The teacher calls out, "Girl, you'd better pay him! Without him, you'd fall on the floor!" The teachers attention turns to a student who doesn't have a desk. I stand up, forgetting about the girl, and offer my desk, again trying to be polite. Standing up, I realize I don't have any pants on! I look around, trying to recall where they were...I wake up.
I'm standing outside at a city square across the street from the beach when I remember I'm dreaming. I remember my dare to destroy a coastal city with an army of dolphins. I put my hand behind my back and call for a dolphin. I feel it's beak first and let my hand slide across it's head as it's passing me before I grab it's dorsal fin and jump on it's back to ride it. "Destroy this city!" I say. I look around and see many dolphins swimming through the air, weaving in between the buildings. I feel that I've got this task under control so I just relax on my dolphin while it swims through the air along the beach while the other dolphins do their thing. All of a sudden, there is a scene change and I appear to be in a different coastal city. My dolphin is swimming really slow and seems tired so I figured that time skipped. I get off it and summon another one just like before. When I try to grab it's dorsal fin though it turns around and bites my arm. I manage to get on it and am pleased that it's more active than the tired one.I lose my lucidity before the dream ends.
Updated 10-11-2014 at 04:34 PM by 57896
I woke up from a dream, looked around and saw that it was dark. I noticed two cats sitting close to me on my bed. "I need a cup of dolphin blood," I said. "Stick out your finger and a dolphin will appear," one of the cats replied. "I know that," I thought. I stuck out my finger behind my back. I felt the dolphins beak and turned around. It was right in my face. "I need a cup of dolphin blood," I said. "Okay! Follow me!" the dolphin said in an upbeat, squeaky voice. It went into one of the other bedrooms and came out a couple of seconds later holding a big 24 ounce glass of dolphin blood which the dolphin gave me. It looked convincing enough, a little bit frothy and viscous and I could see blood sticking on the empty part of the glass. I quickly took a couple of big gulps. I was disappointed to find it didn't taste anything but I did get a strange sensation that I was starting to transform into a dolphin like I had hoped. I woke up, probably from my excitement.
Updated 10-03-2014 at 05:15 PM by 57896
Non Dream Dream Lucid I stay still after a dream and focus on the back on my eyelids. I see some words and let the dream build from there. I see a man trying to give me some sort of anatomy lesson in my room. I get up from bed and look for the toilet in the bathroom near my bedroom. It's not there but I easily find it the next room. I put my feet in it and flush. I get sucked down. I travel downwards and make a few turns at a pretty good speed as I traverse the network of pipes, feeling a few pieces of sewage brush by along the way. I slow down and am able to look around. The large pipe I'm in is made or rotating three dimensional geometric shapes which I find interesting. I'm sucked downwards at a great speed in a huge drop for about four to five seconds. I stop and see I'm in some sort of secret underwater chamber. I wake up.
Non Dream Dream Lucid I wake up from a dream and look at the blackness behind my eyelids. There is a web of lines. I focuse on it and try to make it more clear and vivid. The web becomes a solid, vivid, white color and starts to spin. I'm at an outdoor theater and could see my Dad and Step Mom trying to talk to me. I can't understand what they are saying so I lose interest and turn away. I reach into my pocket and pull out a fortune cookie. I open it up and try to read the fortune. It reads "It's been known for ions that..." I struggle to read the last part but it's faded away. I try to flip the paper over to read another fortune but all of the fortunes are incomplete or too hard to read. The paper becomes bigger as I flip it over a few times. Suddenly, I see clearly on the paper a color advertisement for a rapper named Goo-Goo Giddy who is going on tour. I show a random DC this, feigning excitement, to see if they are interested. I don't see any interest. I wake up. I'll work on my new-found DEILD technique, hoping it works with consistency.
Updated 09-02-2014 at 07:09 PM by 57896
Non Dream Dream Lucid Lucid #5 (DILD, FA #4)-"I don't have much visual recall right now, that's the problem," I said, continuing my conversation with a dc from the previous dream about my dry spell. I found that I had woken up in my bed. I do a nose plug and I can breathe! Yay! I get on the floor and start to crawl, trying to transform into a dog. I crawl to the glass door so I can see my refection. I'm not making any progress. I see a small cat behind me. Stupid cats! I turn around and bark at it, still trying to transform. It approaches me and bites me. I grab it's mouth shut and throw it around. We continue to fight for a bit before I wake up.
Non-Dream Dream Lucid Lucid #4 (DILD, FA #3) I wake up and plug my nose. I can breathe! I go outside, put my hand behind my back and call for a dream guide. I feel a hand and turn around. It's a short old man with glasses. We shake hands and I ask his name. His name is Sydney. I tell him I want him to teach me to transform. "You're not good enough for that!" he says. I reason with him, telling him maybe he could transform me into a different animal. He admits that he's able to but he's unsure about it. I wake up.
Non Dream Dream Lucid Lucid #3 (DILD,FA #2) -I wake up under my sheets and do a nose plug. I can breathe! I get up to find myself in the family room of my grandma's house. I phase through the glass door into the backyard. I try to summon a dream guide but nobody shows up. All of a sudden, the gravity in the dream gives way and I start to fly. I decide I won't fight it and try to fly higher. I see some weird looking wooden ducks. I ask one how to transform into one. Next thing I know we're both back on the ground and the duck is talking to me in non-sensual gibberish. I wake up.
non dream dream lucid lucid #1 I'm in a house. I instinctively do a nose plug and become lucid. I try bumping into various walls various in an attempt to phase through. After several attempts, I phase through a rock wall into a courtyard. I turn my attention to summoning a dc. I put my hand behind my back but nobody was there. I turn around and don't see anybody. I remain patient though and see a little girl fade into view before my eyes. I ask her to teleport me to her favorite place. She explains it's some hole on some golf course. We hug and hold each other while she recites some spells (eeny meeni mini mo, ect,) which doesn't work. I walk away and ask several other dcs if they could help, but every one them said "no". I wake up. lucid #2 I wake up in my bed to a buzzing sound. I do a nose plug and became lucid. I tried to get up but I was being blocked by the buzzing sound. (I don't know what it is) I called for a dream guide and one appears. I ask him to get rid of the barrier and he does. I get a good look at my dream guide. He is not Dori but is another man. He is creepy looking- tall, skinny, and lacking eyes in their sockets. I thank him for helping me. He says, "Sometimes our fears get the best of us." I tell him I want to teleport and he agrees to help. We go into a very small room attached to my bedroom. After a couple of seconds, the room drops. It's an elevator! It drops down a few floors and takes a few turns horizontally before it dropped me off. I found myself in a cartoon classroom full of kids. I look around and am entertained but the writings on the walls. All I remember is the teacher's name is "Poppins". I wake up.
Non Dream Dream Lucid After a dream, in my bed I did a random nose plug. I could breathe! I walked out of my bed and walked around for a bit through the dark. I decided to try to fly through the ceiling like I've done in the past. I flew up but didn't make it through the ceiling this time. I fell through the ground as if it were an illusion and found myself falling through a void. I saw something on the ground and couldn't make out what it was, but it was supplying a wee bit of light. I stopped falling and was suspended in mid air. Then, a huge dragon appeared! I could only see it's head, which was about twice the size of my body. As I was looking at with great interest, it smelled my feet and smiled. I was trying to figure out what was going on when it pulled out a gun and pointed it at me! I grabbed the gun and we fought over it for a couple of seconds before I woke up. I thought about this dream when I woke up, trying to figure out what it meant. The dragon smelling my feet was a huge clue as my eczema on my feet has been acting up in the hot weather. I mused about how I wished I had talked to the dragon to try to figure out what it represented and went back to sleep. Later on this morning, I was watching a cartoon in a building when I became lucid. Wanting a bit of space I jumped out the window to the sidewalk below. I fell through the sidewalk just like the first dream and back into the void. I looked down and sure enough, there was the dragon again. I could see his whole body this time which was pretty cool. Anyway, I was suspended in the air again right next to it's head. "Ah, you again! What do you represent?" I said. "What do YOU represent?" the dragon said, obviously trying to avoid the question. "I represent myself. What do you represent?" "A health patience!" it responded. With this knowledge, I banged it on the head with my fist, apparently defeating it because I was freed back to my normal dream world. I woke up before I could do anything fun though. I didn't have very good dream control today but at least I defeated the dragon!
Non-Dream Dream Lucid I recently had the longest dry spell I've had in a while. I think it lasted over a week. There was even a few days where I couldn't remember any dreams at all! So, I had to start all over from the beginning. First I had to figure out how to fall asleep which is the first step of lucid dreaming for me. I remembered, to fall asleep its best that I simply focus on relaxing my body and my mind. Once I figured out again how to fall asleep, my recall jumped back up to 3-5 dreams a night. With my recall back, I had to figure out how to become lucid. I went back to autosuggestion as my technique, telling myself before sleeping that I would simply try my best during the night to become lucid. If I become lucid, great! If I don't, I tried my best. Then, one dream, I was on a golf course in the hills. I was at the tee of a spectacular hole. A dogleg right par 5 with huge waterfalls beyond the hole. I flew to the corner of the dogleg to see the green several hundred feet below next to the ocean at sea level. I woke up, and while thinking about the dream, I suddenly found myself back in the dream and became lucid. I jumped off the cliff and flew to the left to find some flat land. I told myself I was going to let myself land. I hit the ground on my feet and skidded a bit on the gravelly ground before stopping. Then, I uncontrollably started to float in the air but again told myself I'm going to let myself fall down and land. I remembered my goal of getting a girl to kiss me. I looked around and saw several DCs walking around. I found a middle aged woman with dark hair. I asked her to give me a hug and she gave me a hug. I asked her to give me a kiss and she kissed me on the cheek. Then, I put my hand behind my back and called for my crush. There she was, short with medium length blond hair. She looked 20 years older but, whatever. Immediately I felt her hand and turned around. I asked her to give me a kiss and she kissed me on the cheek. Then, I asked for another kiss. She questioned this but gave me another kiss on the cheek. Then, we gave each other a few kisses on the lips. Satisfied, I left and walked around a bit, having no goal in mind. I danced a short tango with a very short DC before deciding I was done with the dream and woke up. This was the most satisfying lucid I've had in a while. I had been either waking up before I could get to the girl or had been getting refused by the girls. But, now I feel I'm back on track and am ready to have some good fun again.
Non Dream Dream Lucid I woke up after a few hours but couldn't get back to sleep. It took probably an hour before I finally meditated long enough to put my body asleep. Once I saw rainbow colored disco lights on the ceiling I knew I was dreaming. I got up, my body feeling heavy, went into the restroom and tried to phase through the mirror to teleport somewhere else. I couldn't phase through it this time though. The dream wasn't stable enough. Turning my attention to stabilization, I looked around and saw the room was a bit larger now. I found a chair in the corner of the room to sit and wait for the dream to stabilize. A screen projected on the wall near where I was. It was a logo of Snoopy, probably 6 by 6 feet in size. It looked like a game so I got up hit the logo with my hand. A video game opened. The first few levels were extremely simple. All I had to do was to guide the character to eat a few dots in a tiny maze, Pac Man style. It took only a few seconds to beat the first couple levels. The last level was much more complex. It was in the style of Super Mario world. I started at the bottom and had to jump on ledges, avoid enemies and go through pipes. It was one of those vertical levels where you have to make your way upwards. Luckily, I found a pipe that led my character all the way to the end of the level. Apparently, I had beat the game. I had freed lots of rabbits which were happily flying and dancing around all over the screen. After this, I woke up.
Non-Dream Dream Lucid I wake up in my bed, thinking something was a bit off. I try a nose plug. Yay! I could breathe! I try walking outside to fly but I began floating involuntarily. Not again! I'll try something a bit different this time. I float up higher to go through the ceiling. I pass through several levels before arriving at what appears to be the top floor. It's a bit small and there's little objects everywhere. The thing that I notice the most are these Barbie dolls with pink, frilly mini skirts. I find the room I'm in only has three walls. One is open to the outside. I try floating through the ceiling again, only to find I'm bringing the up entire room with me! I go outside to fly. I'm in my subconscious interpretation of San Ramon ,CA, over the Chevron headquarters. I decide to land by the offices. I turn my attention to TOTM and look for a random DC. I find a tall, older man. I ask him what he's thankful for. "Nothing," he says and walks away. Oh..Kay... I put my hand behind my back and call for a very attractive brunette co-worker, different from the girl I usually summon. Nothing. I guess I have to settle for the same short, young, very attractive, blonde female co-worker. Not a bad thing. I stick my hand behind my back and call for her. I feel her tapping it which is very unusual of her. She always lays her hand on mine very smoothly. I turn around and summoned her perfectly as usual. I go in for the usual hug and kiss but she pushes me and starts to walk away. "Not today, I'm not in a good mood." she says. I follow her and ask her what she's thankful for. "What?!" she asks still walking away. I woke up.
Updated 11-06-2013 at 09:23 PM by 57896
Non Dream Dream Lucid I've written out the nighttime routine I created. I'm trying to set it in stone, so to speak. 1.Fall asleep trying to think about as little as possible. 2.Upon becoming lucid, make sure the dream is vivid. If it's not, make it vivid by rubbing hands, looking around and focusing on details while saying "stabilize". Try to remember to keep it vivid during the dream. 3.Upon waking, attempt to DEILD by making the ringing in the ears as loud as possible. 4.If DEILDing fails, stay still and mentally back track as far back as the dream could be remembered. 5.Write down the dream in as much detail as I can going forward. Assess whether to get a snack or drink. 6.Repeat 1-5 until it's time to get up. 7.Type dreams in online Dream journal. I'll keep a dream count going for the entire month to see how well the routine works. It seems to work well for me. I'm going to try to write down all of my dreams this month. My goal for the month 75 dreams, 20 of them lucid. Dream #1-I was walking through a suburban neighborhood towards a somewhat elaborate one story home. I walked through the backyard of their house, through a side door, and through a quaint kitchen to find my niece and nephew. I asked my nephew how his trip to Santa Cruz was. He seemed to enjoy it. My attention turned to the television in the living room. On it was what looked like a commercial for a baseball glove. It showed a second baseman making great plays would the glove. He described the glove as being a 12 (out of 10, I suppose). The end of the commercial turned to slapstick comedy as it showed the second baseman and the glove quickly growing proportionately. Then the player threw another player through a distant mountain. I found the stupidity of this amusing. I woke up. Lucid #1-I was in my bed when I felt something brushing me. I tried to do a nose plug but I couldn't move my arm. "Obviously, I'm dreaming", I thought. Next thing I know, I'm flying in the night on the broom that was brushing me. I quickly found that I could fly higher if I brushed the broom downwards. I saw a pool complex that looked familiar somehow, but I decided I wanted to fly to the ocean. I flew a bit higher and looked from it. I conveniently found I was just about flying over it. I dove into the moon lit water. Immediately I could see dolphins swimming around as usual. My plan was to ride one and transform into it. Out of the corner of my eye a spotted one that looked like it was going to pass me. I reached out my right hand and grabbed it's dorsal fin as it passed by. I got onto it's back and hugged it to hold on. The feeling of it's silky skin was incredible. I started to lose the dream at this point but could still feel it's skin. I tried to hold on to the dream like I was holding onto the dolphin. All of a sudden, the dolphin started biting me, it didn't like being held. My dream logic told me maybe if I let the dolphin eat me, I'll transform into it. I let the dolphin bite my arm off. The next thing I know, I can't move my arms or legs. Completely spent, I wanted to wake up. The scene changed to me being in a Japanese arcade. I was taunting a couple of kids at a game, explaining to them I wanted to wake up. I woke up. Dream #3-On a hilly open field next to an amusement park, there was an explosion which started a fire. Fire trucks rushed to the scene to put out the blaze. As I was watching this near the fence, a camel walked by. Since it was on higher ground than I was, I was a bit concerned it would poop on me. Next thing I remember, I was in the amusement park with a new backpack watching a mine train roller coaster. A boy asked me if I could guard row 8 for him. We then decided we would ride together. I woke up before we got the chance.
Non Dream Dream Lucid After numerous fails, I'm trying harder to master stabilization. The first step is to find a nice routine to follow. I look out the window from my bed to find the sky filled with stars. It almost looks like some of them are moving like water. After I got up and I look at the sky more closely, I could see the Big Ben. I do a nose pinch and I can breathe. I think about what my goal was. I forgot what it was. I noticed I had some glasses on (I don't wear glasses in real life). I took them off but they kept regenerating themselves. I found myself thinking about my body so I decided to let it go. All of the sudden, I floated in the air uncontrollably but was able to lower myself just by imagining it. I was in a house similar to my dads now, in the living room. I finally remembered my goal of summoning a candy and examining it. I took a candy out of my pocket and looked at it. It was a small, clear sucker with a decoration of Snoopy in the middle. I smelled it but it didn't smell like anything. I tasted it but it didn't taste like anything. I looked around and saw a child on a wooden staircase. She was smiling at me. The dream was pretty vivid at this point. She probably wanted a candy. I woke up.
Updated 09-10-2013 at 04:39 PM by 57896