Lucid Dreams
I'm at work, serving tables. I go to the bar to get a drink for a man. I realize we don't have that wine, Morno something or other. I look back at the man across the open dining room. He's looking at me, wondering where his drink is, probably. I think about it and decide to try to serve his wine using telekenisis. It doesn't work. I get bored with this and go off into the kitchen to have some fun. I see one of my pretty co-workers and make out with her briefly until I remember to try the advanced task. I reach into my pocket to find the hole but nothing is there. I persist and after a few seconds, I find the hole and throw it on the ground. I jump into the hole which leads to an underwater void. "Wait for me!" I hear from above. A DC whooshes past me. I end up in large, underwater game room, set up to play another DC. I guess the point of the game is to hit a volleyball against the large digital screen, repeating this once the opponent returns the serve, trying to hit the ball in as few bounces as possible. I play this with the DC but they are a lot better than I am, because they are more agile underwater. Using so much force to move, I quickly get exhausted and quit. Breathing heavily, I look for something else to do and see an exit sign. Having enough of this, I walk through and wake up.
Updated 04-14-2015 at 03:56 PM by 57896
I wake up in my bed. My body feels weird so I figure I'm dreaming. I do a nose plug and can breathe. I get out of bed. My body is heavy and unstable. I recall the hole task. I reach into my pocket, take out the rubbery hole, and throw it on the ground. I try to jump into the hole, but my balance is so poor that I miss the hole completely. I end up falling through the floor anyway. I find myself in an open orange underwater dreamscape with long hourglass shaped bubbles all around me. I try to summon a dolphin but I don't get anything. I wake up.
I'm trying to fall asleep when hear the ringing in my ears that often accompanies my WILDs. Nothing else happens so a do a nose plug and I can breathe. I can't quite believe so I do another nose plug and I can breathe. I open my eyes and I still can't see anything. I try to get out of bed but I can hardly move. I try to push myself as much as I can. I am able to get off my bed and under the floor. I'm now freely floating in the darkness of a void. I hear some randomness, something about chocolate rainbows and see some garbled text floating around. I pull myself together and start imagining myself flying over the ocean. In a few seconds I see the ocean a couple hundred feet below me. Now, I imagine myself being underwater while I'm up in the air, knowing that if I am, I must have summoned my water cyclone. In a couple of seconds, I'm underwater. I swim downwards. There's are lots of dolphins and sharks swimming around me. A shark grabs me on the arm and it hurts. Luckily, before long, a dolphin grabs the shark and pulls it away from me. I decide to look up and see the dolphins and sharks swimming around in the cyclone. I wake up.
Shortly after I began trying to fall asleep, I noticed some specks in my vision. I imagined the specks being some suburbs at night and I imagined myself flying over them. I was now flying over the lights without a dream body. Gradually the lights converted to ocean waves. As I was flying closely over the ocean in the night, I noticed the sky was overcast which looked good for rain. I finally dove down into the ocean and glided closely along the ocean floor. Once I saw it drop down sharply to a depth of about 20 feet, I looked up, hoping to see rain on the surface. It was raining! It looked like rain falling on the windshield of a car. Satisfied that I completed my dare, I tried to transform into a dolphin. I began to swim very fast and could feel my body changing. I took time to observe my body and could see my tail, dorsal fin, and pectoral fins. I forgot to do the beak, though. After a bit more swimming, I woke up.
I wake up with a weird feeling, as if I can't move. I try to get out of bed but can't. I push harder and am able to force myself out of bed. I continue to push myself to walk and this feeling goes away. I'm at my grandmas house. I notice my grandpa in the family room and say hi to him. I remember my next dare and look for a mirror. I see a small mirror on the wall, but a big screen tv next to it where I can see my reflection. I look at myself. My mouth is stretched out about 9 feet. It starts to recede but I get the idea to transform into an elephant. I grab my outstretched mouth and pull it down. I focuse on making my ears grow which they do. I focus on making a tail grow which it does. I see my shadow and it looks like a small elephant. Next, I focus on the legs. I imagine my elbows and knees being hooves. I walk around but can still feel my feet a bit. I wake up. I forgot the tusks. I count this as a partial transformation. Very near to full, though.
I wake up and notice a trail has been constructed through my bedroom. Little kids are trying to walk through it. I don't like this and try to stop them but can't. I look around and find that the whole downstairs is an outdoor market. I must be dreaming, I think. I do a nose plug and can breathe. I go to a vendor and ask for a hot dog. He tells me I must go and get it for myself. As I do this, I remember my dare to hear a conversation between my past and future self. As I summon them the vendor is trying to tell me something but I'm able to ignore him completely, thus banishing him. I see I summoned an overweight man (I'm underweight IWL). He claims to be my future self. He introduces me to my past self. A boy with dark, shaggy hair. I ask my past self if he has any questions for my future self. "I don't know..." past self says, "Are you sick?" "Our parents had us when we were, like, 16, (24 IWL)" future self replies, "How do you know what seduce means?" "It's something you look on the internet, I guess." I woke up. That's all I was able to get. Incoherent dream talk, but conversation nevertheless. It was very hard for me get two dcs to talk to each other. I guess because I don't talk much myself IWL.
I was in the master bedroom my grandmother's house taking pictures. I became self-aware. I went outside in the backyard and floated up to try to transform into a dolphin but couldn't. I looked around for ways to get points and decided to phase through the wall back into the house which I did. I went back outside and saw the pool. I got the idea maybe if I could find a way to use the pool to teleport to the ocean. I jumped into the pool, but without the proper mindset so I couldn't teleport. It was very realistic underwater, though. I got back out of the pool and jumped up, imagining I would drop into a hole in the ground. I dropped into an underwater void. I arrived at a giant toilet paper factory. I decided this didn't interest me and looked for a way out. I found some strawberry cereal that was openly stored in containers on the walls and tasted some. It had a realistic flavor but nothing special. I found an exit and flew out. The exit led to an office building which I recognized from an earlier dream I had tonight. I thought this was neat. I found a DC and told him about how awesome dreams are and he agreed. I looked around, looking for something to do. I noted that this dream was longer than usual for me and started thing about how much REM I had left. I couldn't find anything to do though and woke up.
Non-Dream Lucid #1 I see some pretty girls playing in lake and become lucid. I jump in the lake and play with one particularly attractive lady. I wake up with a mess. Lucid#2 I wake up from a dream unusually tired. I see a dog I used to own. I hug him and get up from bed. I float into the air and try to transform into a dolphin but can't. I find a mirror and get the idea to try to teleport to the ocean. I phase though the mirror and teleport to an underwater neighborhood, not the ocean though. I see an aunt of mine who looks like she's trying to guide me somewhere. I wake up in bed. I notice a...creature next to me. It looks like a giant 4 legged mozzarella stick with the head of a Cheshire cat and with teeth of a gulper eel. It has a rainbow sprinkle collar around it's neck. It's begins biting me which hurts. Occasionally it bites it's collar as well. I observe it in awe and confusion until I wake up.
Non-Dream Lucid #1 I woke up and noticed a tv in my room that normally isn't there. I went outside and tried to teleport but couldn't. I flew into the air but couldn't fly too well. So, I flew across a creek to a park and hugged a few pretty girls I saw amongst the crowd of people that was there before I woke up. Lucid#2 I was on a street in a neighborhood. I was thinking about how I needed to go to work. I thought I was dreaming so I might as well fly there. I flew up high into the air. Then, I thought, I don't want to fly to work, I'm dreaming! So, I landed, stuck out my hand behind my back, and tried to summon a dolphin. I felt the dolphin's beak, but woke up in my room. I saw my vision behind my closed eyes turn from black to completely blue. I got up and tried to summon a dolphin again, this time succeeding. I grabbed the dorsal fin and jumped on it's back. "Let's go to the pirates!" I said, "Arrrrrrr!!!" The dolphin didn't look like it knew where it was going though. I woke up.
As I was falling asleep, I decided to pretend I was already lucid dreaming. I pretended I had to call my boss over the radio phone when it was time to get up from bed. I could hear the buttons on the phone and hear my boss at the other end. He gave me the go-ahead to get up. I got up and looked around. I could see some digital clocks that had numbers missing. Then I tried to levitate, which I did. I jumped up and imagined I would fall though a hole in the ground to teleport. The ground felt bubbly though so it felt more like I was sinking than falling. I passed though a duplicate room before arriving at an industrial yard. I floated up and imagined what it would feel like to be a dolphin. I quickly and fully transformed into one, but without flukes and half my tail. An angry dog approached me so I bit it with my beak, showing it who's boss. I woke up.
I'm trying to fall asleep when a cat jumped on me and started to walk on me. Oh, boy. Here we go. It goes under my covers. It's a yellow cat. Aw, how cute! It bit my hand. I start yelling at it repeatedly, "What do you want!" After a minute it started to eat my head. Fine, eat my head! What do I care! I finally realized yelling at it wouldn't work and I had to calm down and show love and compassion for it. After I did that, it disappeared, and then of all things, wait for it, a SMART PHONE appeared in my hands. I've never dreamed of a phone in any way, ever. On it is a text message from the cat. It says "A drink". Stupid cat! Some sort of game then shows up. I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. The game makes a sound like I died. Then, finally, the screen for texting came up. It wanted me to text to a fictional woman named Sally Razen. I have zero texting skill whatsoever. After a couple of seconds of figuring out what to do, I woke up.
Updated 12-22-2014 at 11:52 PM by 57896
I'm in a classroom with a bunch of little kids. One of them is making a presentation about something. I'm bored. I think about going to the bathroom but decide to stay put. I think about how stable the dream is and how staying calm will help keep it stable. I recall Percy's dare and walk off to find an open spot. I put my hand behind my back and call for Ruto. After a couple of seconds of her not appearing, I turn around. She isn't there but I stay patient and soon she materializes before my eyes. She looked just like the pictures I searched of her. Pale blueish skin, about 6 feet tall. Very pretty actually. "Hi Ruto! Your beautiful", I say "Thank you!", she says. "I hear you're pregnant with a dolphin?" "Yeah." I look down and notice she's wearing a white skirt which I pull away so I can see her vagina, "I just need you to push," I say to her. After a second or two, a small, white dolphin, 3 feet long, comes out of her vagina and into my arms. "So, did you marry a dolphin?" I say. "No, I had it donated to me. I couldn't take care of it." As I think about her reply, I wake up.
I had this dream a couple of nights ago, but I didn't write it down and Percy wanted to read it. So, let's see what I can remember... I caught a FA in my bed. Percy's dare came to mind so I tried to fly out of the house through the roof. The ceiling rose as I rose though so I phased through the wall. It was daytime, but I looked around for a moon or stars, something I could use to get into space. I spotted the moon. I imagined myself flying past the moon at a great speed. I was able to make this happen and fly into the blackness of space. I spotted what looked like a blue spiral galaxy in the distance. Blue equals water! I flew to the galaxy. I found myself at a planet as I dove down into a clear liquid. I couldn't see the liquid but I could feel it. I looked around and saw robotic looking worms covering the liquid. I looked around horizontally and saw a wall with statues of much larger spiky pink slugs near it. I was looking at these statues when I woke up.
Non Dream Dream Lucid I'm in bed. I hear what sounds like an soprano doing singing exercises. I find it weird so I do a nose plug. I can breathe. I get up from bed. My body is heavy. I must fight through it and complete my task. I go into the living room. I inadvertly start to float. I slap my leg and say "No!" hoping it will work. It does and I lower to the ground. I put my hand behind my back and call for the Commendatore. I feel a hand. I look around and it's my Dad. He looks very groggy and tired, his hair sticking up. I figure this is fine. "Let's go to hell!" I say. "Okay, let me change," my dad says. "No! We're going to hell! It's this way!" I say as I point down at the ground. He grudgingly accepts and we start to phase into the floor. Our bodies are sort of transparent, as if our souls are going down without our bodies. We fully phase through and it becomes dark. Dad transforms into a skull which illuminates. The dream becomes vivid. We reach the floor. "Dragons." my leader says. I see many crates of small black dragons. We glide along them. There are a few out of their crate. One is red, I'm wary of that one and steer clear of it's way. After we make our way past the dragons we drop. "Water" my leader says. We splash into water. The dream fades away.
Updated 11-21-2014 at 06:00 PM by 57896
I wake up in bed. Something feels off so I do a nose plug. I can breathe! I can't quite believe it so I do another nose plug. I can breathe! I get up from bed. The dream in very unstable; I can hardly move. I must stabilize it. What do I do! Think, think, think! I summon a random dc, a young adult African American male. I shake hands with him and introduce myself. We'll call him Efrain. I feel more mobile, the dream is stabilizing nicely. I ask him where the leaves are so we can play in them. We go into the backyard and turn the corner to the left. The backyard is a good sized fenced in area with a big lawn and lots of piles of large leaves. I look for a pile that looks big enough and flop on top of them. The leaves are soft but slightly crunchy. I look for a bigger pile and gather some leaves together to make one a couple of feet high. I flop on top of them. Flop! I feel wonderful, feeling the satisfaction of completing a task which took me several lucid dreams to accomplish. I part ways with Efrain and jump up to fly. I'm in a neighborhood in the hills. I decide to crest the hill in front of me to see what's on the other side. I crest it and find a valley filled with suburbia, just like where I live IWL. I fly to the freeway and turn to left, deciding to fly along the freeway going through the valley. I'm flying with good control and speed. My dream is very stable and is getting longer than my typical lucid dream. I try to recall details from the dream, trying to avoid thinking about waking up. What was that DC's name? I reach the end of the valley to an open area. There are a few large, unusual buildings marking the gate to the valley. It looks like a couple of large rings with chains on the side? I'm looking at the building, trying to memorize the details. I wake up.