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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Elon's Band and the Goat Barn

      by , 12-03-2020 at 12:39 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      Elon is giving some kind of presentation. I am in the audience. I win a contest allowing me to play the guitar to accompany his band. When they play I still sit in the audience but my guitar is wired into the sound system. It sounds really good and I play better than I have ever played before. There are lead plucking parts and van Halen style taping at one point. The crowd enjoys the show and I can tell Elon was pleasantly surprised at my performance as well. We talk after the show while walking out onto a runway and to his car. His entourage is behind him and we walk side by side. I am starstruck but maintain my composure. I make a joke he likes about how people usually treat him when they meet him "omg I know right! That's totally true, like seriously people!" he responds laughing. We arrive at his car and he says we should totally do this again sometime soon. I assume he is just being nice. But later in the dream I am at another function sitting at a roundtable with some friends and Elon asks me to play along with them again. He is on stage rocking his heart out, he is obviously showing off playing a large drum and the band is just generally jamming. I start playing my guitar along with them only at some point it becomes a bass guitar in my hands. I can't play the bass as well IRL, but in the dream it sounds really good, I remember some of the chord progressions and the accompanyment meshes really well. The crowd enjoys the jam, Elon is in full performer mode sweating up a storm. At a certain point I think he has his shirt off wearing black wrist cuffs and a black headband. My friends around the table are flabbergasted that I am playing with the band from the audience. This time I scoot my chair over in front of the sound guys table who has some lights on his table projecting onto the stage. I sit in front of the light and my silhouette is outlined on the stage. The song goes really well and people clap at the end. I don't get to conversate with him after this time. But I still brag to my friends that I got to hang out with Elon in person 2 times in one week. I am still beside myself.

      There is another performance this time I don't know who is on stage but I have an oversized midi controller in the shape of a larger misformed original grey nintendo gameboy. It has several lines on it with options on each line like a mad lib. But when I press them they play different sampled sounds that are all in the same key. It is hard to describe but I am pretty much head banging mashing buttons and it sounds like trip hop techno. I see an old friend from highschool and he throws me the rock on horns while smiling devilishly. He asks about the controller after the performance and I attempt to explain it. People around me are generally impressed at the show. I played from the audience again but only the people around me knew I was coming through the speakers.

      Vr headset playing in a room. Don't recognize the game but it is somewhat surreal. My cat comes and lays down next to me while I am playing and the game sees her and puts her in the game as a dog with a cat's face. I walk into a table in the room I am in while walking around in vr. (I've never tried vr irl)

      I am looking for G and gather she is at some trump fundraiser, or has been kidnapped to go there or something. I drive my car to a rich neighborhood that I think the place is at and for some reason I keep looking for the place called "Goat Barn" I am unsure if it's a street or location. I park my car and begin walking around the neighborhood. It is very cold and snowy out. I wonder why I got out to walk as none of the street names match what I am looking for. I have a flyer in my hand that is for the fundraiser in typical propaganda style but there is no address on the flyer. I try googling Goat Barn on my phone but come up with nothing. I am standing in front of one of the large houses and for some reason I pull their mailbox off the post. No one is home but I am still cautious someone might have seen me mess up the mailbox. I start to walk away and see the person pull into their driveway. I cut through some yards and smaller walkways between houses to get to the other side of the neighborhood. The Goat Barn is no where to be seen.
    2. Victorian Orphanage, Masterchef, and Freaky Fragments

      by , 12-01-2020 at 11:51 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am at a school lock-in at a large period style manor with my old classmates.
      I saw her dressed in an all black victorian style dress walking calmly, standing out in the crowd she is graceful and glancing at me out of the corner of her eye.
      We walk by each other, I notice her notice me but I do not acknowledge her as I walk slowly with my hands behind my back. I don't see her again.
      I am with a group of guys who look like power lifters wearing singlets. We are all cutting up laughing.
      We put wigs on and joke loudly about starting a strip club, girls line up for us to jokingly grind on them while trapy thump music plays in the background.
      The joke gets old.

      It's time for bed and we're all herded into different rooms. They are large dormitory style rooms only the beds are also large, some have several pillows on them.
      I don't see any open beds really so I sleep at the foot of one of the large beds.
      They are all kids now, I am unsure if I am also a kid.
      Another kid lays down next to me unaware there are pillow positions.
      I ask him if he wants the other bed next to us, he says no, I am fine with it and fall asleep anyway.
      In the morning time the old nanny-like ladies are waking us up
      We are all standing around them as the introductions are happening. There are laminated numbers hanging from the ceiling. I gather we will be here for a few weeks.
      The room starts to rotate and I see out the windows a line of coloured small circus style tents outside that the african american boys were sleeping in.
      I think I want to sleep outside the next night as the segregation is totally unfair.
      I look and most of the boys inside are african american too, I am confused.
      The caretaker (who looks like Paterson Joseph) outside tells us while standing on a ladder that this place has history and our water comes from the creek which has had slaves shitting in it for centuries and we should feel lucky to have this history in our water.
      We are all sprayed at once to shower and brush our teeth. I continued brushing my teeth after and am scolded by one of the nannies.
      The morning chores begin
      I am the oldest one so I am unsure what to do and wander around. They are preparing food in the kitchen so I offer to cut stuff up. Everyone is using their hands instead of utensils and all the counters are cutting boards.
      He hands me a few slices of pineapple to dice. I take them to a station and grab a knife. The blade has been bent twisted sideways so it is not straight holding the handle. I cut them up anyway.
      Walking around more they are spreading new concrete/floor sealer in one of the rooms and a boy is being charged with the activity with two adult guardians.
      The older guys tell me they do this every 2 days or so. The kid does a horrible job spreading as the coloured dye on top doesn't swirl right and they bash him for it.
      I tell the guys I am massage therapist and kind of the all around guy so I can do many things.
      One of them asks me about a rumour he heard about Massage therapists having all the right words to sell their craft but their skill is sometimes lacking. I go in on the topic of there being too many therapists in my state so there are plenty who don't take their practice seriously. He tells me he can tell I am smart one and we should get along just fine.

      I am in a cooking competition like master chef. Another stressful one. It is the first challenge and we are tasked with making a dish that describes us, we only have 45 minutes. We can only use the ingredients we brought with us. I wanted to braise some pork but don't have the time. I am standing next to that one bald guy with glasses and neck tattoos. Everyone is far more experienced than I am. He mentions going across the street to get some ingredients and asks if I need anything, I still haven't decided what I will cook and spend most of my time brainstorming. My box is full of frozen meat and reminds me of my deep freeze. No time to dethaw. I end up cooking some small chicken pieces that were marinaded. There is a small garnish station set up so I make a small salad like garnish on the side. I remember I have some rice as well and make a fried spanish rice in a cup form next to my chicken slices on a long plate with the leafy greens on the end. Gordon yells at me for making a salad. This is the worst meal I have made in my entire life. I am ashamed. There are maybe 20 people all at their desks in the competition. A kid who only got one vegetable on his plate ends up going home. I am relieved but still believe I am the worst one here.

      Snipers pin down me and some kids at a hilly mountainous home.
      Drama drama drama
      A mounty looking navy seal guy shows up and I task him with helping us.
      He sees the snipers and throws me his huge binoculars.
      I hold a 4 wheeler while he starts it on a hill to go to a better vantage point.
      He dies a gorey death sliding down a skiing lift cable, gets cut in half and his upper half lands on top of a cooked hog sitting on a picnic table. He screams the whole way.

      Things wind down and the house is now a run down hillbilly home with just 2 somewhat disabled people living in it.
      I walk down the driveway and they have a vendors tent set up selling only various types of plastic pencils. One of them looks like an ice cream cone and I ask if this is the only edible one.

      Updated 12-02-2020 at 12:56 AM by 51110

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    3. School, Church, and Karl Urban

      by , 11-29-2020 at 09:00 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am back in my old grade school. All of my old classmates are there, we are all dressed in our uniforms. But we are all our current ages. It's like a combination of a class reunion and an assembly/lunchroom gathering. All the teachers are treating us like kids, all the classmates are acting exactly like they were when we were younger. I say the word Ass while talking to a teacher and the whole table gasps and the teacher starts to get mad. I seem to be the only one who knows I'm 32. I sarcastically ask her, what??? Are you going to do?? Give me a detention?? Ha! I kind of shout that we are all between 28 and 32 but no one seems to have changed. Everyone is exactly who they were when we were kids. I am partly disgusted by everyone's demeanour. The first girl I met when I was visiting my middle school as a kid was there sitting next to me. I try to talk to her but she is visibly bothered with my attitude and thinks I am bad for cussing. It figures.

      In school an older woman lets me play her musical instrument which resembles a hang drum, only the underside has many springs in it. She tells me she bought it for $8 and was able to tune the springs to make good sounds. I love playing it because it sounds awesome. She tells me I can have it because I obviously enjoy it more than she does. I take it apart trying to figure out how it is a chair. I cannot get it back together and once the lady is gone I cannot get it to make the nice sounds again. She has it in her car for me to pick up when I leave.

      I was friends with Karl Urban. As a joke we spray tanned his face and dyed his hair blonde. It was funny and he was in on the joke. We were both dressed like cupid and running around the school like idiots laughing.

      I have the datsun car, it is parked at an old school. It has been broken into while I was in school and the windshield is broken and one of the change holders was unscrewed and taken.
      While driving to Bob Evans, Karl was in the car with me. I notice the glove compartment has a dollar hanging out it and open it. It is filled with money. Various denominations all in bankroll paper bands the largest I found was 20 $50 dollar bills. I told Karl I just found a thousand dollars. I am super confused because the car was running when I came back to it so I assumed I was robbed. But there was all this money in the glove compartment.
      I gathered that maybe someone stole the car for a ride/escape and stuffed a bunch of money in the glove box as a sort of 'sorry' for the repairs before returning it to the parking lot where I had it parked.
      We are driving and I tell him to go back to the lot because I forgot to get the pan/chair stool the older lady told me I could have. We go back and I get the pan, Karl is confused because it doesn't look like a pan, I took it apart and can't get it back together. I take it anyway.

      I gather we are supposed to meet some people at Bob Evans, but there are 3 Bob Evans close to us and I don't know which one they have gone to. No one is answering my calls. We go to one and I walk around the crowded restaurant. I don't see them so I call the other restaurant from the lobby. I ask the hostess if they have anyone by the name of our friends and she kind of scoffs like 'how would I know' I ask her if there is any sort of sign in sheet for people she is taking. She says no. I am frustrated so I hang up.

      I am at a church waiting to go in. There are tons of old ladies.
      We are standing along a border fence that's really just a tall wired fence with huge gaps in it.
      2 mexican boys try to make a run for the fence (from our side) and I know they are being watched so I try to encourage them not to do it. One changes his mind one tries anyway. The police run after them.
      Church opens up and the people standing in line all file in while the border police are running the other way to get the kid trying to jump the fence.
      When I get inside I notice one of those interchangeable letters poster boards with the lines on it. There was a post-it note on it warning people not to change the letters. They were all mixed around to make funny statements, something along the lines of the Taco Lord is Coming to Save us All.
    4. Random Fragments and Fair Skin

      by , 11-28-2020 at 11:19 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I'm in a large dimly lit room with various beds and chairs in it. I notice an old friend Micheal laying towards the back of the room across some chairs. He's using clothes to keep warm while sleeping. I shake out a large heavy blanket for him to sleep with and drape it over him.
      There's a rough looking english guy who looks like ed sheeran sitting on the couch leaning on a girl who's laying on one side. She doesn't like it. I make fun of him for it, he gets an attitude with me so I mock a British accent singing the Beatles "she don't caaaare, she don't care". She likes me. We end up cuddling and making out.
      She mentions having a troubled past. At some point we are making music that's sort of punk and I'm yelling lyrics. It's still night time but I know no one who is sleeping will mind.

      Something south park related

      I am watching a livestream of some girl. She gets knee'd in the face and the phone gets picked up and the stream goes dead. I am concerned for her even though I don't know her. I tell Matt Smith who is suddenly around. All I remember is the address on the screen which said 305 S th. I tell him and he does some sciencey thing to locate her. We are at a strip mall and walk outside. She is sitting at a park bench across the street. I find it incredibly lucky. She has blue eyes and straight dirty blonde hair, she is dainty and fair skinned. I am enamoured. She assures me I don't want to get mixed up with her. But we are still concerned for her well being.

      Dodgeball tournament mixed with overwatch.
      They take all of our things in our pockets and put them all together before the match.
      We win barely
      I remember I was kind of rude to the Symmetra and knock her off the second story rail with my shield. I don't play rein usually but somehow we win. I am confused. I apologise to her after the match saying it was nothing personal.
      The coach of the other team is kind of mad at me for beating his team. He complains they were going to make state finals and his team worked so hard to get to where they were. I am walking to my car and I see the fair skinned girl again. I invite her to come with. I don't have my phone and have gathered it went missing in the big pile of peoples things. There is a nokia in my car I call the coach on. I assure him everything will be ok and I am sorry his team lost. But I am sure they will do better next time. He is surprised I am so supportive of my competitors. I wish them well and tell him I lost my actual phone at the competition, I say goodbye.

      She is now completely nude standing over me. I motion for her to come here. She lays on top of me straddling one of my thighs. She is petite and incredibly soft. I just caress her skin from the neck down her back, her arms and sides and legs. I tell her I cannot believe how soft she is. And I could just touch her skin all day, I count her freckles down the side of her body. She is comforted and we just lay together in each other's arms. Nothing sexual, more sensual. We are incredibly close.
    5. 2069

      by , 11-28-2020 at 12:34 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am with mark weins
      He is a swinger with some norwegians
      He wears pink lace underwear

      I am on a layover in texas, Ben asks if we can hang out before my next flight, I agree.
      He picks me up and we drive back to his parents house without notice.
      When we get to his house he gives me a small black electronic device I do not recognize. It kind of looks like a small digital camera with a display on the back and buttons on top but I don't know how to turn it on.

      The house is incredibly large with hundreds of rooms and a grand foyer which has been extensively decorated for Christmas. Multiple floors overlook the entrance room with many hallways coming from various directions. It is reminiscent of the house from Home Alone only it is cartoonishly large.

      I gather that this is mostly Ben's family and extended family. Only there are almost a hundred people scattered about running their own unique intentions saying goodbyes and everyone seems to be in a hurry. I gather that the adults are dropping off their kids of various ages and they are all going on some adult outing together.

      I do not recognize anyone, everyone is quite comfortable and I get the impression this is a yearly occurrence for everyone involved. The kids all form their own little friendship groups as if they were being dropped at summer camp. No one recognizes me and I don't even see his parents anywhere.

      I was traveling and forgot what time I needed to be back at the airport. I do not have my ticket but remember I had a picture of it on my phone. Looking at the time I realized my layover was only 45 minutes and I have been in this house much longer than that. I was somewhat anxious but am now resigned to the realization I have missed my flight and now am only looking for Ben.

      Walking up stairs and checking hallways I decide to start walking into rooms, they are all different shapes with different groups of people in them having their own little social gatherings. I lean against a large papasan chair that has a smooth leather jacket hanging on the side. As soon as I do a smug looking short haired blonde teenager appears and immediately starts chastising me for wrinkling his perfectly smooth leather jacket. He points to me as I am wearing my members only jacket and insults me saying I wouldn't care because I'm already wearing a wrinkled leather jacket. I'm inclined to agree. I move along.

      I understand that there are going to be 50+ people all staying in this house in various rooms scattered all about. Only the adults were leaving one by one couple by couple out the grand entrance, assuming they are all congregating in front of the house for their adventure. I do not know where they are going but they are all excited to leave their kids and the kids are apathetic/happy to be with their friends.

      I cannot find Ben anywhere, like no where no where. Always new rooms new couches new arrangements of kids of all ages 18-5 having their own little gatherings scattered about. I wander around for almost an hour looking for him to no avail.

      Things are starting to not make sense as I don't recognize technology or even the styles of most people. It occurs to me I may be out of my time. I ask some kids what year it is and they are just laughing at me thinking I am kidding. That there is no way someone doesn't know what year it is at Christmas time. Finally someone says it's the year 2069. I am somewhat flabbergasted. I have no idea how I have slipped out of my time again. But I am welcome to the adventure.

      There are still some adults here and there saying goodbye to their kids. I notice a somewhat concerned couple saying goodbye to their children and assuring each other that everything will be fine and they will be back in no time. They are dressed somewhat bohemian and I feel a comradery with their style. Most of the parents are ritzy and done up like they are at a formal Christmas party, like upper class glitzy styles and too many conflicting expensive perfumes.

      I see an older gentleman come out of a door to the grande entrance and I think at first it is Ben's father. Only his face looks like Caesar. I extend my hand and tell him it's good to see him again and it's been too long. He doesn't know who I am but shakes my hand anyway. I wonder if my hand is dry or sweaty from the hurried walking around this expansive house.

      I finally see Ben up some stairs walking a girl with mocha skin up more stairs and to his loft getaway. I gather he has been avoiding everyone and I am somewhat frustrated I have missed my flight and have been wandering around for the better part of an hour in another time, confused as hell. His loft has a large balcony overlooking the city below. It is a cartoonishly large futuristic and detailed city, with purples and greens and blues and yellow hues to the buildings. I now definitely know I am out of my time.

      I am standing on the rail looking out to the view just taking it all in when he approaches me to my side and stands by the rail next to me. He asks if I've ever seen anything like it before. I say yes, it's exactly like the city I saw in my dreams a couple nights ago. He is taken aback but not entirely surprised. There is a girl sitting on cushions behind us who is the girl he was leading up here. She is confused at our conversation. I remember that he left me in the beginning so I start into some great tirade exclaiming my frustration with him. I take off my jacket and I have no clothes on underneath. I have no shame but I am yelling at him that I have been lost, and out of place, and I have no clothes, and I missed my flight, and I have no idea how I got to 2069. The girl with him is bashful at my appearance and several people walk by gawking while I am going on my monologue. I am unphased in noticing them as I am always comfortable nude. He assures me he can get me to Denver quickly. I look off the balcony, there are multi hot air balloons in various shapes and colours, I joking say Oh you're gonna fly us there in a balloon!? He smiles knowingly and responds that if I had left with his dad we could fly the blimp.
      'Noah?' I hear, and I am awake.
    6. Drama and the Neon Terminal

      by , 11-26-2020 at 02:21 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      The laundry room was flooded, I was concerned about the clothes that were on the floor but there are too many so I resign that everything is wet again, the dream fades

      Having trouble falling back asleep. I am suddenly somewhere else. In another room I do not recognize, it is afternoon. G is sitting on a futon looking at a stack of older pictures she has found, they are framed.

      I lean in closer to see and there are nude photos of when she was younger in various poses, the largest frame is of two guys sitting down exposing their member, I gather these are ex boyfriends, she is giggly at the memories. I am furious. She doesn't understand why I am mad so I begin to throw the frames back at her face with force while shouting I don't want to see my best friends dick! She is bewildered and doesn't grasp my irateness.
      I am back laying in bed.

      What followed was quite confusing as I was phasing back and forth from my dream to my bed uncontrollably. I would be in bed and see the dimness and the low rumble of other people walking through the house, and back to that brightly lit room which was completely unrecognizable to me. While in the room the girl who was with me now looked identical to someone I used to work with. Only she knew me as someone else. I was confused every time telling her I didn't know where I was, I didn't know who she was, I've never been here before. She called me a different name and assumed I was joking or being sarcastic the entire time. The jump occurred 3 or 4 times before I was stabilized in the other place.

      She was with one of her younger friends and I, recognizing her somewhat asked her name, she said Addison. This is not her name IWL, still unfamiliar with my location or how I got there. Everything felt too real and detailed to be a dream. I told her that her name was Breanna, she laughed and still thought I was joking, but I could see the concern start to appear on her face. Perhaps I was having some mental psychosis I felt her think. This is all just too real. I felt like it was wholly possible as I was in a place where nothing made sense to me but everyone around me was certain of me.

      They were crawling out the second story window to sit on the roof to overlook the neighborhood as teenagers often do. I was tired of being confused and decided it was time for me to leave.

      I told them I was leaving and though there was a slight protest they quickly faded from my immediacy. As I was leaving the house I now found myself in a heavily populated terminal of sorts. The clarity now fully hit me as everything was INCREDIBLY coloured and crisp in detail. Like a fine lifelike render from a video game. I could not believe my eyes. The room was large and decorated with a variety of screens and advertisements and swirling passing vehicles. It was a bustling metropolitan city center of sorts.

      All the people around me had neon coloured garments and LED strip like accents, it truly felt like a cyberpunk setting only everything was clean and bright. I now noticed there were humanoid shapes as well. Perhaps they were robots, perhaps they were augmented humans I couldn't be sure. Everyone was relaxed and generally having a good time. Completely overcome by the detail of my surroundings I began to cry. It was beautiful, there was too much detail for me to focus on everything. I was awash in the emotion of finally being somewhere new, as if I always knew this was where I would end up. It was relief coupled with the bliss of newness. I felt the tears stream down my face as I smiled larger than I have in sometime.

      I walked to a large walled window to my left which I knew to overlook the city and I can only describe it as planet coaster combined with Coruscant. Vast sprawling brightly coloured buildings with streamlined shapes and transit systems which resembled high-speed roller coasters. It was also overwhelming. There was too much to see, every window in the terminal had a similar vantage. I took a few deep breaths and continued to explore the terminal I was in.

      I now noticed there were screens for people to buy different tickets for different rides or tours or locations I couldn't be sure. None of the writing looked familiar but I recognized a $ sign and numbers here and there. I was made aware that there was a public communal buying platform where people could list the tickets they had bought and opt to sell the ones they weren't going to use at a discounted rate to anyone else looking for the same destination. Nothing but smiles, it truly felt eutopia-like.

      I ventured into a room off to the side with maybe a dozen full body wrapping chairs which would contour to your shape when you sat in them. They felt like a captains chair on a spaceship. We were all oriented generally facing a large screen in the corner of the room but could still see out the walkway to the grand terminal.

      On my left arm pad where my hand comfortably rested there was a myriad of controls including a couple joysticks. Curious I began to click buttons and toggle the stick. On the large screen we were all looking at appears an overlay with games and information and I gather I am controlling a cursor on the screen. Concerned the display I pulled up accidentally was obscuring other people's experience I quickly looked around to apologise to those around me. No one batted an eye and continued tapping away at their own controls and all still watching the screen. It was then I realized that only I could see the display overlay I had pulled up because it was unique to this chair. And everyone else had their own display that they all saw on the same screen which I was unaware of. Impressed I continued to toggle and click but quickly gave up because I couldn't read any of the characters on the screen.

      I began walking back through the terminal just taking in all of the details and colours. It was an amazing sight and felt so futuristic I was amazed no one noticed me out of place.

      There were various humanoids intersparsed through the crowds of actual humans. I question a droid which I gather to be an informational hub of sorts. He explained this terminal is a dome of protection from the outside environment, all domes are connected with high-speed transit and entertainment junctions. There was more information conveyed but the details are lost to me. Other than the knowledge of some great existential threat. They were all hiding from a predatory extraterrestrial race which occasionally would land and take a batch of humans never to be seen again. It informed me of a breaking news of a landing occuring and authorities were being dispatched to quarantine the area.

      I am fond of ETs so I decide I will follow this cue and attempt to make contact. I am now outside the dome in a sort of dark and foggy area, I see bright lights and a circular craft just beyond a large boulder in front of me to the left. As I round the large rock I glance up and am almost blinded by the lights. They shine in a sort of pulsating manner coming from the center. I hear a ruckus behind me and know these are the authorities coming to help/make things worse.

      I am now in the craft surrounded by a brilliant white light, it is clean and only the corners are barely visible. I see a face in front of me which has undecipherable features. There is a metallic sheen to the lower half. It looks at me close with a tilted head as I begin on some monologue, the dream fades
    7. A Series of Menial Events

      by , 11-24-2020 at 04:21 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am with a group of people traveling, I am with an old friend who was my neighbor and we are following a van that a girl I know is driving. We follow down some dark roads and make a tricky turn into the highway, eventually we decide to stop at a motel for the night. I think we want to party but still kind of low key. As we are checking into the room I notice the adjoining room has like 15 african american young adults in it they are listening to somewhat loud music with an xbox on the TV and playing pool in the center of the room. I walk in the sliding glass door and they all stop to look at me, most of them aren't wearing shirts and I am also not wearing a shirt. I start introducing myself asking them what's up, they offer hands and I slap each of their hands going down the line saying what's up, nice to meet you, I'm Noah, what's up, what's up. They are fairly accepting and I see a kid I used to go to school with and say heey I haven't seen you in forever. I tell them he's an old friend and they are even more accepting now. I tell him we ordered some food and I would go get the pizza and come back. When I arrive back to my room there's just one girl and my other friends seem to have gone to sleep. I tell her the gist and she's down to go party with them. After I walk across the motel to pick up the food and come back I notice through sliding glass door adjoining the rooms that most all of the people are gone from the room and there's just a few older african american women sitting in the dark watching something on the tv. It is quiet and I have gathered they went to sleep. I go back to my room and tell my friend. We pull something up on the tv and get kind of tired. We lay for a while relaxing and may have dozed off for a few. I have the suspicion I may have checked the wrong room though I didn't hear anything from anywhere else. At some point I decide to walk into the next room over and it seems everyone had migrated there without me knowing. They are happy to see me again and my old friend asks me what happened, he thought I was just going to get pizza and coming back. I explained I had gone into the wrong room and assumed they had all gone to bed or left because it was quiet now. I know now it is early morning and they were just trying to be considerate. They are watching something on tv and I tell them I will be right back. I go back to my room and tell my friend of the err I have made. That they are all still over there. They just went to their other room and we are still invited. I now have a cooler to bring as well though I don't know exactly what's in it. My friend helps me carry it into the other dark room the old ladies are sleeping in, I set it on the floor next to a coffee table. I never make it back to the room with everyone else in it.

      I am with my family in my childhood home, we are quickly leaving for a trip in a hurried fashion. We all load up in the camper and I gather we are going for some type of camping trip, I haven't really packed my bags or anything but there is great momentum and it almost felt like an emergency evacuation.

      As we are driving I am still concerned about not having enough supplies or really any sort of preparedness for the trip. My cat is in the car but as we are turning I notice she somehow jumps out of the vehicle so I tell at my parents to stop the car. When I get out to retrieve her it is very muddy and I am surprised we can drive so effortlessly through the muck. I notice on the side of the road a super muddy truck with the owner no where to be seen. There are also a couple dogs that are fully submerged in the mud with only their sides showing. They feel like a stuck horse or elephant, I rush to free them from the weight of the mud and help them to their feet. They are winded but still living. I see the owner now who is also covered in mud but seems unconcerned both of his animals were almost dead in the mud. After resolving the situation I gather my cat and rejoin my parents in the camper and we resume our travels.

      My father is driving and my mother is in the passenger seat. She is smiling and assures me they are taking me to some great surprise I will thoroughly enjoy. I ask if we are ever going back home because I don't have any clothes or supplies. My dad just cocks a sideways smile and glances at me from the corner of his eye. I guess we are moving. There are about a dozen strangers in the car now of varying ages all sitting along the edges like an indian overcrowded bus, I ask my parents about all of them and they ignore me. The situation now feels intense and almost post-apocalyptic in its hurry.

      We arrive to a sort of drive-in theater which is super run down and very muddy with puddles all around. There are other families there with their campers and I gather this is where we will stay the night or at least a short time on our journey. There is a run down convenience store/shop in the center of the derelict lot.

      As we are setting up the camper my pops was rushing the set up and not doing all of the steps out of over-confidence. There are braces which need to be lowered to the ground to provide stability to the camper so it doesn't rock back and forth while people step in and out. I ask if he is going to put them down and he brushes me off, insisting it is no problem and we don't really need to. The camper is rocking and swaying with every step and feels quite unstable. I tell him I will do it for him and he continues to give me excuses for why it isn't important. The ground is too muddy, it won't reach, the lug nut is rusted, it's stuck, don't worry about it. I get down and fasten the nut with a tool and hold a heavy hammer to dislodge the nut. He tries to show me how stuck it is by tapping gently while looking at me as to prove the fruitlessness of effort. I tell him to let me try and I swing a few times very swiftly and hear the crack of the nut as it loosens and the braces begin to drop. The ground is super muddy and the brace sinks a few inches but finds some stability and fixes to the ground. I stand and the camper is stable and no longer swaying.

      The store in the center of the grounds is somewhat of a hellscape. It is super run down with hardly any supplies, broken glass everywhere, dim lights, and unidentified horrors attacking other people in the store. I don't know if I am attempting to shop or just get out, but it is night time. I am crawling on the ground and notice many shards of different colours as a crawl on top of them. Something is coming towards me but I can't identify it or it's intention. Events occur but I am unsure if the dream just collapsed or if it just transitioned to the next scene.

      The big surprise is made known to me, my parents have signed me up for MasterChef. I am now on the set surrounded by other very well esteemed chefs and none other than Ramsey himself. I feel incredibly out of place but somewhat up for the challenge. All of the other participants are well to do accomplished chefs with restaurants of their own. Gordon sits me down and has a heart to heart talk with me. He informs me he knows about my lack of experience in the professional culinary scene and that my presence was by design. I am the only amateur chef participant in this season. He encourages me and assures me he will do everything in his power to assist me to 'catch up' with the other contestants. He believes in my skill and is hopeful I will shine through the challenges that will be encountered for the duration of the show. He is honest and non-patronizing. I am grateful for his sage advice and encouragement, though during his talk to me I am made aware the first challenge has already begun. We are being shown a table side service and plating of a specific dish with specific elements which all need to be executed in a very specific order to accomplish the desired aesthetic to the dish. I am glancing back and forth between Gordon and the table side service. Attempting to be as respectful as possible while also absorbing as many details of the dish and method I can focus on. It is a super-heated white ceramic oval plate which has just been pulled out of the broiler, small chunks of protein are placed and small sprigs of asparagus tossed between matchsticks of carrots scattered with small quartered pickled beets. They are left to quickly saute on the plate before a savoury créme anglaise which is more loose than normal is poured in the corner of the dish to slightly reduce on the plate to create the final consistency to accompany the dish, there are microgreens sprinkled around the edges. I have no idea how each element was prepared other than their shape and size and the harder I look the more blurry the dish becomes. Other chefs are standing around with their notepads asking questions and taking notes from the sous chef who is presenting the service. I think of questions regarding the temperature of the plate but second guess myself not wanting to appear plebeian. Gordon is done speaking to me, he shakes my hand and gets up from the table, and informs us we have one hour to complete the challenge.
    8. Banal Fragmentation

      by , 11-22-2020 at 11:07 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am at some kind of backyard party with tons of people in the pool. I have some kind of really long super elastic rubber tube I am stretching from some kind of a flag pole and slingshoting myself around in a circle. It is shooting me quite fast and twirling around in the air over people's heads. They all watch in kind of amazement but still not giving me too much attention while everyone still plays in the pool on float tubes and pool toys. At a certain point I am bobbing in the water amongst people looking for the tube again and no one really seems to notice me anymore.

      I am in my neighborhood but not on my street. I am standing in front of someone's house I equate with one of my penpals from the Netherlands. They are cross with me so we aren't really talking anymore and I know that this is their familys house. I have a long rough cut wooden axe handle with a small viking style metal head on the end. It seems like an old weapon of sorts but it is hardly in working order, I gather it is very sharp and likely a garden tool of some kind. I begin swinging at deadwood/roots that are exposed on their front lawn. It is night time and no one is outside, so I chop up the wood into wood chips little by little basically dismantling the stump in their front yard. As I finish and begin to walk away form the pile of wood chips I have created I notice the metal blade has come off of the handle and is now sitting in the yard on top of the cuttings, I walk back and retake the blade and attempt to reattach it to the long handle. At a certain point I jump into an SUV in front of the house I know is not my car. I am attempting to park it from the passenger seat and struggle to stop the rolling of the car before it slightly hits a chain link fence by the street. I manage to stop the car with great effort and I feel like I am pulling the weight of the vehicle from the ground. As it stops I notice someone walking their small dog on a leash on the sidewalk close to the car, they have walked in front of the car as it was rolling and I attempt to assure them all is well and I had control of the rolling vehicle. I understand this is part of the family who owns the car so I embarrassingly put it in park and start to walk/jog across the street through a park and past some hills to my house. While attempting to run out of sight I understand they have found me out and are looking out of the window of their house to see me. As I am nearing my house there are large mansion type homes between my destination. I am on the roof of one of them which seems to be scattered with ponds/pools on the roof of the building. I jump up and notice all the homes around me have pools on them, but this one seems more like smooth concrete structure like a landscaped amusement park ponds.

      I am inside of a large mansion type house with very tall ceilings. There are many rooms even though I notice only two people live here, a washed up 80's style blonde woman who still has dreams of being a rock star though she can hardly play the guitar anymore, and an LL Cool Jay type character I gather is her drug papi. They're both alright but Cool Jay is being investigated for drug running and I gather he is attempting to blame me for some large shipment of pills that has gone missing. While he is in another part of the house I hang out with blondy in the somewhat dingy smokey aired lounge room. There are a couple small bags of weed on the table and I motion towards them while asking her if I could have a small nug for the road. She is angry about it and says no, I gather they don't have a lot of money even though the house/possessions being incredibly expensive. Other things occur in the house though I am unsure about the series of events, I just know I have been in here for quite some time before I leave out the back. I am made aware Cool Jay has called the authorities and is out front trying to make a deal for himself to turn me in. After hastily saying goodbye to blondy I quickly exit the back and begin running back to the park to get back to my house, which should be visible from behind.

      I am with my adopted brother and we are standing on the roof of one of the other houses looking up at the row of houses on my street from behind. I tell him we should be able to see my house from here and it is odd I don't recognize any of the backyards. They all seem dingy and weathered covered in moss/algae, and much smaller than the house I was just in. We continue on and I find myself a couple yards over from my house in the backyard. So I begin to jump a tall fence to get back, I gather in doing so I have exposed a sight line directly to the house of foreigners I was attempting to escape from earlier on. I wonder what it would look like from that distance away and if they really saw me jumping from backyard to backyard, do they know where I live now? I let myself in my backdoor which leads to the basement. It is like one large bathroom with two showers in it. My brother is getting cleaned up to go to work, I tell him I am going to shower in the other shower while he is. He's fine and we have smalltalk while showering in separate showers in the L shaped room so neither of us could see each other. The dream fades as I step under the water.

      I am with G and she has one of her friends over to the house who looks like someone from my middle school, we go to leave and G is in the driver's seat of my car. She wants to show off but I know she doesn't drive manual that well. I tell her she is not driving and to get out so I can drive us there. I go back into the garage to get something and when I come back out the car is gone. I am upset and assume maybe she is just driving around the block to show off. The car arrives back and G is gone. I am now going to leave with my old friend to go to the place.

      It is halloween and have arrived to a stranger's house who really feels like a younger military couple with a few kids. It's a smaller single story house that they have obviously decorated to look like a small kids haunted house. People are walking through and I am with my old middle school friend. She is more attractive than I remember and looks like a mix of one of my ex girlfriends now. We go our separate ways while walking through the house. It's not very scary but the lights are cool looking. I walk down a corridor which is in the back of a bedroom I gather not many people have found. Down the hallway there is a sheet over a closet. When I reach the closet a sort of spring loaded ghoul jumps out and does a loud screech. I am unphased but think it's rather interesting. I go back to a larger room where my friend is sitting on a couch and I beckon her to follow me. I lean against a wall while I direct her to go down the hallway with the ghoul in it. She does and screams when the trick activates. I giggle and we make our way back out of the house. It now seems like a Sunday afternoon and there are a few buff college students gathering their supplies for some kind of workout.

      I am outside and things feel alien. I am unsure if I am wearing clothes but it doesn't matter, I am comfortable. There's pools of water mixed with a bog around and I am intrigued. Upon investigation I have a friend with me who I gather is much older now and also nude. We are prehistoric I think. Wading through the bog I notice a few nests of sorts that are scattered on a somewhat dry part/island, though it is still muddy. Looking closer I see the 'nests' consist of 6 or 7 large breaded and cooked flattened fried shrimp tails like you would find in a restaurant with a single red cooked lobster on the side. I still understand they are nests and am curious what could lay such shapes. As we investigate I notice a great many bubbles begin to form all around us. The mothers have woken up and they are massive 10 foot long oarfish. They are just below the surface of the water but they create many bubbles and ripples in the water as they swim towards us. I am unconcerned but am motivated to get off the island and wade through the water back to the dry land.

      I am with the same older woman again but it is modern times. We are in a garage which feels like a garage sale of sorts. She has a large white van outside which I gather is her art studio and full of her paintings. As we browse through the garage nothing really catches my eye, it begins to look like my food dry stock in my actual garage IRL. Walking outside I notice a dark fly buzzing about. It lands and I swipe my hand fast to catch it. I feel it buzzing in my hand. I go to throw it away and the woman chastised me telling me absolutely do not let it get into her van, which is now in the front yard with it's side door open. She slides the door closed and I walk behind some tall hedges in front of the porch and throw the fly behind them.
    9. Politics

      by , 06-10-2016 at 03:50 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      In the beginning I am in front of my apartment complex courtyard walking the street with Bernie Sanders. There are wear marks on the concrete ledges where people would sit, seeing one of the largest seats(a wide assprint) I assume this is Trumps seat. Bernie has a large american flag with him and begrudgingly sticks it into the ground behind Drumpfs assprint.

      All is very informal as of now, George W is mowing the grass with a push mower and it only seems to be me Bernie and George. Drumpf wanders onto the scene. Bern and Drumpf have a nice civil exchange and I am impressed they are so calmly conversating. I try to talk to W but more question why he's doing the gruntwork, he's unphased and seems more annoyed that I am assuming he doesn't like work.

      As I turn back to the courtyard people are starting to arrive and I figure there is some rally or gathering about to take place. Drumpf seems to have retreated into the hotel which is actually half of my apartment building. The yard is now littered with secret service type body guards and they are setting up a perimeter around the yard so no bystanders wander in. They have grey suits black sunglasses and fully harnessed with unopened parachute rigs, also carrying guns.

      I happen to be inside the perimeter and begin to walk back towards my apartment which is on the ground level. An agent stops me and begins to yell at me to get back to the line, I yell back that THIS IS MY APARTMENT, I LIVE HERE, pointing to my open windows ahead. He reluctantly lets me past and as I enter my hallway it is suddenly a large conference room.

      There are tons of people packed in like a press conference of sorts, Bernie is on the mic going on about some rigmarole and I take my seat to the left of the podium with a friend I was with earlier. There are agents all around listening into their white squiggly wired earpieces. Another man takes the podium whom I do not recognize. He begins in about peace, cooperation, and exhausting all means of diplomacy. Then he drops the bomb, we are now allies with a foreign peoples, and not to be alarmed.
      He motions to the door behind him and a large(the size of 8 people standing side by side) greenish blue bulbous blob schlirps into the room with an ominous face on it pretty much identical to this guy-
      Bush reveals his motives-5c44c5ed900068d48b4d204256014b4c.jpg

      As it slowly slides into the room, people gasp and the man on the mic informs us they are a people from Neptune, we have been in contact with them for a time, and it is only now they are allowing the public to know due to a change of intersolar policy.
      A little girl was now speaking on their behalf. It was made known we gave them her years ago so she would learn of their ways and act as a bridge between our two peoples. It was the daughter of John Connor (who was an agent standing behind me to the right) as I turned to look at him he had tears in his eyes and I understood this was the first time he had seen her since he agreed to let them take her years ago.

      I was outside the conference hall, everyone was still inside, I could still hear the ramblings of concerned citizens. The perimeter was still set up but I was now inside it, I looked up towards Drumpfs hotel and decided to go check it out. Up on the top floor I found him, standing in the upper corner of his room I could see propeller blades of a helicopter coming through the ceiling at an angle as if they were glitching in the video game. I asked him if his chopper was on the roof, he looked at the blades and pushed his arms into them. His arms did a rubbery bend downward as if sticking a piece of leather into a spinning fan, he was unharmed. I nodded and told him that I suspected he knew the one responsible for all of this(now assuming I was in a virtual simulation of some kind a la the matrix). He took a step away and leaned back towards me twisting with his hand outreached and said;

      "People are lint, and dunes are dust, come take a walk on my side stargazer.."
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Hollywood

      by , 01-28-2014 at 11:04 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      I am in Hollywood California as a tourist just wondering around seeing the sights taking it all in. I find myself at some kind of red carpet and there are many celebrities gathered for some reason. There aren't many people around so I figure this is a prime opportunity to hang out with some famous people. I see Ben Affleck with a few other people and I signal him to come over, he walks over a few seconds later with a couple girls apologizing that he was chatting with Milla Jovovich. I ask them if they want to hang out in the arcade next door and they happily take me up. We walk in and the two girls are fixated on an sort of skee-ball game that involves throwing lemons down an ally at specific targets for points. I walk around with Ben and we just chat about life as norm and how people react to them in general. When we come back to the skee-ball game he joins them and I decide to walk around some more there are bright colors and lights and all sorts of arcade sounds I am somewhat pleased by the environment. I return to the three of them and Milla is now in the group playing the lemon game. Ben is requisitioned by some fans and follows them out the door of the arcade. I step in on the game and ask the girls if I can join them, they are more than happy to play with me. I am overjoyed I am playing the lemon game with Milla and Bens date. As I throw the lemons down the alley it is slightly more difficult than it looks and I am embarrassed about wasting their lemons. Other fans have stepped into the game and were allowing themselves to be the targets for the girls to throw at, they are being cheeky and the girls giggle. So I allow them to play some more and then walk away out the door Ben went. He was posing for pictures on the sidewalk and sitting on some kind on wagon facing the street. I wave goodbye and continue down the road.
      It is mostly tourists flocking the streets now. Like a sea of tourists, we are all headed to a good look out point to take photos of the Hollywood sign. I can barely see it from where I am, a local tells me the best place to shoot is from a hillside in the distance they point to and I see people filing that way. I am on the edge of the city and there is a small patch of woods between me and the hillside. I have to travel down a ravine of some sort and it is quite muddy. I notice there are very large pinkish orangy mushroom type trees littering the Forrest. They have large spines on them that bend easily to the touch. I am aware I have never seen anything like this and they seem either alien or prehistoric. I am following a man who has fairly certain footing though he begins to travel away from where we are going and I recommend we take the path of a fallen tree which is more direct he follows my advice and we advance together.
      When I am finally approaching the open hillside I notice a man dressed in biblical attire singing a gospel, those around him chime in and suddenly the entire mass of a thousand people easy are all singing praises at the top of their lungs. It is breathtaking. As I am walking by the people who have stopped to sing I begin clapping the rhythm of the song, I begin jogging and I am suddenly in biblical clothes myself. The wind is blowing rather hard against my tunics and I hold the edges of my gown convinced I can glide on the wind. The singing picks up as I lift off the ground moving with speed in the air powered by the wind and my gown of flowing fabric. I glide forward and backward zig zagging the entire group moving down the hillside. I am overwhelmed by the experience the singing is magnificently heard from this height. The people see me and exclaim I must be the real one! I come closer to the ground towards the edge of the hillside which is more of a cliff. I turn and land though the wind is pulling me towards the cliffs edge. I am gripping the soil trying to maintain and three women who are African american offer me their hands to pull me up. I am eternally grateful, as I am walking back up there is another boy on the cliffs edge, I reach back and help him up as well the singing is dying down and all of the people seem focused on me.
      The Hollywood sign is no where to be seen.
    11. The Other Me, and the Elemental Queen

      by , 08-17-2012 at 12:18 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      It all began while I was in the living room of my parents home. Things looked fairly familiar and normal, only their behaviour was off. They told me that I needed to sit down because they had something important to tell me. I was more wrapped up in figuring out why things seemed odd in the upstairs, there was a blanket hanging on the wall that was never there before, and our kitchen appliances were mixed around, though they were the same models. My parents kept telling me they had to tell me something important, but I went outside on the back porch. I noticed our small pond (that is usually there) had been expanded to the whole width of the backyard, it looked fresh and I noticed one of our neighbors who does our landscaping exiting the backyard through the fence carrying a shovel. I realized that though my backyard was the same, the differences were outstanding. Coupled with the living room observations and the kitchen, it occurred to me I must have slipped into a parallel dimension. Logically it made sense, everything being similar but slightly skewed fits right into my personal beliefs of parallel dimensions. I was back in my living room, my parents told me to sit down, I sat and told them I already figured it out, they told me I wasn't supposed to be there. I asked them if this was a different dimension and they both nodded. It occurred to me that if they were here, then 'I' must be here as well.
      I suddenly started hearing loud metal music coming from the basement, I ventured down the stairs with wonder if I would see myself. As I turned the corner I saw 3 guys, one with his back to me who was built curling a barbell, one spotting him, and another sitting on a weight bench just talking to the other two. The spotter saw me first, throwing him off his spot as the lifter slipped one hand and the barbell clanked down by my feet. He turned around and I saw him. Me. I saw me, looking him straight in the eyes, he looked exactly like me, with 30 more pounds of muscle. I was stunned. His friends were somewhat speechless as well. We spoke, but I lost the words, I must have told him I was from somewhere else far away yet very close to here. I began to speak of dimensions and I could tell it was over his head, he didn't have thought for metaphysics or theology, 'Great' I thought 'My other self is a meathead'
      As I went back outside I was greeted by a woman with short spiky hair with several facial piercings. She was familiar and I knew immediately she knew who I was and where I was from, she told me to come with her. I sat in the backseat of some vehicle while I watched my other self walking to another vehicle 50 feet in front of us or so. I commented to the person I was sitting next that this was too real, looking at my hands and all the details of the inner car I thought to myself it was too real to be a dream. I told the one next to me that I lucid dream all the time, and that if this was a lucid dream I would be able to control things. So I looked away from my other self who was wearing a blue shirt and I spoke, he is wearing a PURPLE shirt. When I looked back his shirt was purple. Oh, well that settles it I guess I am dreaming, yet I continued down the dreamplot to see where my venture would take me. It was explained to me that this realm was governed differently than my own. What we consider to be mythic lore and magic are their science and sentient species.
      Several jumps and skips, I am shown a catacomb-like city with odd transports which float on air. And many different beings. The evil queen discovers that I am in their realm and must be hunted down. She sends elementals after me/us. My spiky-haired guide has been with me all along though most details escape me. I do remember a being made of brick, only able to travel through the brick walls which are rooted all through the city. His form only manifests where he chooses to step out of the brick, but his travel is still heard through the walls. One of the elementals is on our side as he tells me of their powers and limitations. My last memory from the dream is of the queen who looks surprisingly like Maleficent mixed with an elf. I am awaken by my phone ringing.
    12. Hangin with Hugh Laurie

      by , 08-06-2012 at 06:46 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      A somewhat exciting beginning which involved con men and being in a group of men working together to pull off some job. Few details I remember as all of the men were lost but myself (not in my own form) and Hugh Laurie. Our ventures had led us to an old summer cabin only it was winter, with slow snow falling and the warmth of our breaths hanging in the air. Hugh had aged rapidly and also had a medical condition he knew was not curable (definitely wasn't lupus). He and I both knew that our company was the last he would ever know, so I spoke personally to him. Asked him about his life, what he enjoyed most, what he would change if he could. Over the course of our conversation we grew close, attached almost. We laughed, reminisced, and did everything within our power to not acknowledge the coming inevitable end. Watching his condition further, along with his age increase, I was pained in my heart. I did not want to lose this close friend I had made, his joys were my joys, and now his fears were my fears.
      I fought tears several times as the emotion of our interaction was greatly increased. When the time finally came, I could hold them in no longer. I shouted for him, by his side I knew I could not lose him. In a moment of brief insanity there was a bright magnificent light, coming from both of us, surrounding the room we occupied. Great harmonies were heard similar to trumpets and a chorus's of thousands of choir members. The colours swirled around us as I saw his face.. Straighten. The wrinkles I had watched form for hours before were now being taught. His eyes were livening and I could feel my energy flow through him as his age flowed through me. He was getting younger, while I was slightly aging. When lights faded and the sounds dulled we sat in silence staring at each other. We were now the same age. He, younger and able, I older but still able. He smiled, and tears streamed down both our faces. He stood from his deathbed, stretched, and yawned. 'Lets go have some fun' he said.
      We left the cabin and walked in slow motion side by side through the snow to one of the vehicles in the lot. High-fiving before entering a larger white van. He was driving, excited and full of life we decided to speed and reality shifted to that of a GTA video game. We were being chaotic and destructive. His laugh was infectious, one by one police joined the chase, close call after close call we narrowly escaped. He asked me how to shoot the gun, I told him to hold down the right joystick
      We gained speed and ramped off of a highway into city streets, shooting the fuzz as we went along.
      By the time there were 5-6 coppers surrounding us, our vehicle had been immobilized. Just as they were surrounding our car guns drawn shouting, Hugh turned to me, and scoffed 'Well, that was a blast' He winked and I woke up.
    13. Collapse

      by , 07-02-2012 at 05:23 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      Momentum rising as I found myself amidst a city with tall sky scrapers all around.
      It was then known that the city was going to be attacked/partially destroyed possibly my terrorists or aliens. the culprit was never known. Standing with a group of people we noticed in the distance one of the outlying buildings had demolition type explosions jetting from its sides. In seconds it was falling at free fall speed towards the ground.
      Everyone in the street was stopped in their tracks watching the devastation unfold within eyes view. Noticing that though the collapsing building was about a mile away, myself and the people I was with were on a street with many high rise buildings. After the sudden realization that this could perhaps be a multi-building attack I shouted to everyone to run as fast as they can.
      Just as we started running down the sound of shattered glass and percussion explosions rang closer than before, another building was falling. I was right and no one on this street was safe. We ran faster there was chaos, people caught in their tracks trying to witness this disaster were all around. Trying to grab some and tell them we need to get out of the city and away from these buildings before we'd be safe.
      Some were saved, Most were swallowed by the debris. The collapsing building drew closer when I was suddenly on a train of some sort speeding away from the chaise wreckage. The sounds of twisted steel, glass hitting the street, and peoples screams were the only things I could hear in our narrow getaway. Suddenly the train we were on started to ramp upward, the track we were on was leading us into the second largest building in the city. Moments after we entered the building the base and foundation began to crumble.
      Circling upward in a roller coaster type-esk loop through the center of the building we were showered with pieces of the walls, windows, doors, and everything else that was being blown away by explosions from unknown origins. The foundation began to shake, I knew if the building came down with us inside it that it would be over.
      Just as we reached the top and the structure began to fold under its immense weight, I could feel it falling all around us as we barely managed to make it out of the door to the roof.

      Which actually wasn't the roof, but was a meadow with flowers, animals, odd shaped stones and warm smells. Looking back I saw the city in my distance, crumbled and all buildings over 10 stories were now rubble.
      It was in the distance?
      Or was I?
      ...I don't know how I made it out of that building.
    14. Just a dream

      by , 01-18-2012 at 06:04 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      Visions scattered assorted group
      I was with a few friends, one familiar the other two not.
      I knew we were working together to determine exactly when the others would arrive
      We were part of the few set to the task of proving they were coming
      Time passed and our excitement grew until one day the mood had changed
      Even though we all had discovered the arrival and we knew the time was close, no one seemed as excited as me for the news
      My best friend who I shared most of my liking with was put off
      No one would acknowledge this most wonderful thing had occurred
      Something is not right
      The feeling is off, familiar yet set apart
      She who was with me sensed that I was no longer deceived
      I knew then my companions were not mine alone
      They weren't coming, they were already here
      Discovering we were close to the truth they came prerequisite
      She informed me our truth was yet to grow
      And I needed to see what was here
      She pulled out some device and called forth for transport
      All looking up I saw the black dot appear in the sky
      Growing larger with more definition it was coming to us flat and faster than free fall
      My heart raced with the potential of approaching experience
      Not slowing I had no time to react before the disc plopped hard against the earths crust, like a coin hitting the surface flat
      Leaving our equipment we crossed the road towards this metallic craft which was empty and ready for our load
      Getting in it felt as if each seat was fitted for one, just enough for all of us
      There were lap seat belts which seemed more aesthetic than functional
      Before I could comprehend where I was, I was there
      Inside of some great room
      Metallic and streamline with overtones of blue and grey
      Everything seemed with purpose and beings scattered about the place in what appeared to be booths coupled threes and fours
      It was made known to me they looked exactly how they wanted us to see them
      My companions were no more and I felt rejoined
      I was to meet the leader
      Every other creature had the appearance of one of 4 humans
      As if they all shared from only 4 templates
      If I stared too long at any one the image would blur and they became someone else, still one of the four
      Their leader was tall and distinct
      A familiar and welcoming appearance he was covered in a metallic blueish bodysuit
      It continued up one side of his neck connecting to one slightly over-sized eye
      Hiss appearance was human, with certain forgivings
      The eye was veined with a neon blue
      The other was normal and warm as he grinned
      Black soft curly hair that stood on end was littered with white and bright blue highlights
      His name was Zerg and he asked me to walk with him
      Feeling as though I was walking across a cafeteria
      We approached a two seated booth
      He said I must have questions,
      and he would do his best to assist my position
      As he slid into his seat I could barely contain my excitement for the coming revelations
      Lowering myself onto my side I witnessed his lips moving beginning some great prologue,
      there was no sound
      And I awoke.
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