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    Floatinghead's dream adventures

    meeting up at the tree part 2 (shared dream)

    by , 10-14-2013 at 11:55 AM (794 Views)
    Our plan was to meet at our tree and go to the wild west

    Briefly - here are the syncs we had this weekend: (above is my account and below is my daughter's)


    - I found my daughter at the tree talking to a group of her friends, they were standing around her clearly impressed with something she had done, I talked to her - she acknowledged me but seemed to be 'somewhere else' at first I thought she was a dream character so I shook her hard and and called out her name, felt a 'power' surge through me and felt she had 'woke up' in the dream

    - my daughter was having a dream about giving her friend a ring she found on the floor - all of her friends were there and impressed with her generosity - she then finds herself running through a field to the tree with me

    conclusion - this was pretty amazing, I think I actually saw through to her as she was having a dream and pulled her out of it!


    - I created a pink portal with her and we jumped through
    - my daughter dream t of creating a blue portal with me and we jumped through


    - I find myself in the wild west, I am dressed as a cowboy standing next to my daughter, we decide to rob a bank/saloon
    - my daughter finds herself in the wildwest with me, we are both dressed as cowboys - we decide to rob a bank


    - I tell my daughter to go out back and clear the place out while I start to collect money form the patrons - one puts his hand in his pocket and I think it is a gun so I shoot - but he is unharmed - my gun did not work!
    - my daughter tries out her gun but finds it does not work


    - we walk out the bank and I plan to ride on some horses - but feel like I am forced to wake up
    - my daughter dreams we have finished at the bank so as soon as we leave we go into a portal together and arrive back at the tree - we say goodbye and wake up

    our dream finished at the same time again!
    Kaomea likes this.

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    1. TheForgotten 's Avatar
      That's awesome. I wonder what accounts for the difference in perception of color and the other slight variants (like the last one where you feel forced to wake up and she says you both said goodbye; maybe you actually awoke first but your dreamself continued once your awareness of it had left the scene.)

      Interesting and congrats, that's a great accomplishment.
    2. floatinghead's Avatar
      That's awesome. I wonder what accounts for the difference in perception of color and the other slight variants (like the last one where you feel forced to wake up and she says you both said goodbye; maybe you actually awoke first but your dreamself continued once your awareness of it had left the scene.)

      Interesting and congrats, that's a great accomplishment.


      I think color is very personal to each individual - so it makes sense that the colors would be different!

      What would be awesome would be to be able to record both dreams and play them back side by side - that would be SO cool - lol!

      What you said about the 'dream self' makes allot of sense, I have been thinking along those lines also. I think 'part' of us is always dreaming, and we 'link up' to that part of us while dreaming.

      Another theory is that, in order to share a dream we create 'shells' of the person who we want to dream of, kinda of like a DC but who we can enter. So for example, perhaps if I dreamt of meeting you (lucidly) I would create that dream body of you, and you would be free to enter that dream body to create that authentic shared dream. (this theory is still a work in progress though!)
    3. Baron Samedi's Avatar
      Wow, that's so amazing! Congratulations on your success.
    4. floatinghead's Avatar
      Wow, that's so amazing! Congratulations on your success.

      Thanks man! I actually pm'd you a while back when this first happened 'cause I wanted to say thank you for everything you have done and put out there for us dreamers - this would not have been possible without you man