meeting up at the tree part 2 (shared dream)
, 10-14-2013 at 11:55 AM (794 Views)
Our plan was to meet at our tree and go to the wild west
Briefly - here are the syncs we had this weekend: (above is my account and below is my daughter's)
- I found my daughter at the tree talking to a group of her friends, they were standing around her clearly impressed with something she had done, I talked to her - she acknowledged me but seemed to be 'somewhere else' at first I thought she was a dream character so I shook her hard and and called out her name, felt a 'power' surge through me and felt she had 'woke up' in the dream
- my daughter was having a dream about giving her friend a ring she found on the floor - all of her friends were there and impressed with her generosity - she then finds herself running through a field to the tree with me
conclusion - this was pretty amazing, I think I actually saw through to her as she was having a dream and pulled her out of it!
- I created a pink portal with her and we jumped through
- my daughter dream t of creating a blue portal with me and we jumped through
- I find myself in the wild west, I am dressed as a cowboy standing next to my daughter, we decide to rob a bank/saloon
- my daughter finds herself in the wildwest with me, we are both dressed as cowboys - we decide to rob a bank
- I tell my daughter to go out back and clear the place out while I start to collect money form the patrons - one puts his hand in his pocket and I think it is a gun so I shoot - but he is unharmed - my gun did not work!
- my daughter tries out her gun but finds it does not work
- we walk out the bank and I plan to ride on some horses - but feel like I am forced to wake up
- my daughter dreams we have finished at the bank so as soon as we leave we go into a portal together and arrive back at the tree - we say goodbye and wake up
our dream finished at the same time again!