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    Turquoise Dreams

    1. Old prison; Chase; Ophelia

      , 09-14-2015 at 08:58 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night:


      I'm in a room with lots of small, one person cabins. Like in a public indoor pool. They have a small bench, few hooks for your clothes where you can change to/from your swimsuit. They all have doors on both sides.

      I'm being chased by someone who wants to give me a tattoo. I don't want it so he wants to give me a shot to make me compliable. I get away and I'm making turns in this room, going in and out of the cabins to confuse and lose whomever is chasing me. I get an image of Ophelia's tattoo and I think that maybe I would let him give me that. I know I'm safe and I love these types of chase dreams. Exciting, but safe.

      I somehow end up in different but nearby part of this complex. There are some metal beams where ceiling used to be. I'm walking on them, looking down. It's an old building. It used to be a prison. We ar exploring it with somebody else.

      I come to a room with water in it and I realize it's a small swimming pool for the inmates. The metal beems are in the water too. As I get into water (I love dream water), I'm brushing against the beams and they are scratchy from tiny dots of rust that has formed all over the metal. The place feels really old. I realize that the inmates were not able to swim in it, only to immerse themselves to fight the heat.
    2. More death

      , 09-13-2015 at 07:51 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Sleep before the night shift.

      Didn't want to record it, but something tells me I should.

      I'm at my family in K. Half or most of them are already dead and I kinda remember it, but push it aside and not get scared by it. I get a text from my mom. One family member, I think it's my godmother pokes her head in the door and tells me that my father had probably died and that's what the text is about. I look at the screen but can't read it. I need to get on the internet and download it through the client. My cousin tells me his internet is not working or something like that, but I somehow make it work and I'm finally able to read the text. Its something funny and not important, my mom just wanted to let me know something. I knew that was the case, but at the same time, I made peace with the bad news as well.
    3. Nonlucid singing

      , 09-12-2015 at 05:40 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Sleep during night since I'm off.


      Lol ok, so I'm living in a grocery store, more exactly on the end of one of the isles. I don't have any furniture or signs of me living there, but I feel like that's my home : ((((

      I see an old singer tha I love walking by and I want him to sing. I don't know how to make that happen, so I start singing my favorite song by him in hopes that he will join me.

      I'm aware that I'm horribly offkey, but my want to hear him sing trumps my embarrassement.

      He does join me in singing and fills in the places where I don't know the lyrics. He seems to be humored by all this and again, I don't care. I'm just so happy and I can't wait to tell my mom that I sang with him, since he is her fave singer as well.

      Then I went on thinking which other songs she would like played at her funeral : ((

      When I woke up, I didn't remember this dream, but soon I started to sing this song in my head and then I remembered.
      Tags: singing
    4. Volcano in India

      , 09-12-2015 at 12:26 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Night shifts and this night off. Dream before midnight, before alarm at 9:45pm

      I woke up from it and recited all the details so I dont forget. Very detailed, vivid and intense. Sense of doom, but not scared, because I knew I'll be ok.

      Traveling in some city in India with maybe 4-5 other people. We stop at a restaurant and we order something. I get a plate of maybe potatoes and grilled slices of fish. They are delicious, so crispy and flavorful. Everybody is waiting for me to finish eating and I wonder why they are not eating as well. Waiter motions to me to take the last piece of fish so he can take the plate. I get a drink of water too and it has a consistency of jelly watter.

      Now we are someplace and skies are all orange from nearby erupting volcano. I look in that direction and I see a tall moountain in classic volacano cone shape. There are streams of lava approaching and pools of lava all over the place. Burning and smoking debris is falling and hitting the ground with force all around us, catching things like cars on fire.

      We get in a van to get away, but lava gets to the wheels. We turn around to go with the flow of other cars, but it's just not working. The distraction is too great already, we maybe too late.

      We ran into a large building. The wide stairwell in this bright and large-roomed office building are full of people rushhing upstairs. Suddenly everybody stopps listening for some silent news. I understand that we should be safe on the top levels, and I yell for everybody to get upstairs. The huge room in this typical indian office building (wut?) is full of sofas of all kinds. We all claim one sofa that we feel will be a safe floating device. We pick a nice leather one. We know it's not the safest one, but metal ones would also melt and we figure it's safe enough to float on a sea of lava to safety. : P

      Our sofa starts moving by itself and it parks itself in a location. I don't get it and it freaks me out a bit, but I understand it's part of an evacuation process. I figure we should pick a place near some load-bearing wall, so if the building crumbles, we have a chance that our floor will stay standing. I tell somebody we should go look for that, but we are already next to the wall.

      I walk on tops of some other sofas to get to the window. Window is like on a tropical window. No glass, just a large portion of the wall is not there. I see a small river or rather creek just below us. It's full of floating cows that are burned by the fire or lava. Their skin is burned to crisp in some places, tongues are hure, sticking out and still moving and cows are mooing in distress.

      I feel our building moving and turning and I think the sea of lava got to us and we are floating on it. I'm surprised in didn't occur to me that the building may just collapse, but I chase that thought away and we continue on floating. The sensation of movement is very real.
    5. Few nightmares

      , 09-05-2015 at 02:49 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Night off, so this is during sleeping at night.

      Nightmare #1
      Shouldn't have happened, because I was not sleeping on my back flat. But on 3 pillows as I was trying to WILD.

      So, they sent me to my grammas house. After we all knew she is already dead. I was suppose to stay there by myself over night, knowing that she will be haunting there.

      I almost came to conclusion that I don't have to do it, because I can just say NO.

      I'm with another guy, who is a coroner. There is a young female trainee who we sent out to collect a body. She calls us to ask how in the hell she is suppose to put a rigid, curled up body into a straight bag. I'm standing outside, but I see her with the body of a young woman curled up, as if sleeping. She is in white tank top and some undervear.
      This is all happening near the train station and we need to hurry because train is coming or leaving and we are in the way.

      So the coroner goes to her and shows her. Now there is a neat "pod" type of a container, neatly wrapped in plastic, with body on the underside, so it's not visible. I'm helping the trainee to lift it up and put it someplace. While I'm touching it, I know it's sanitary, but I can still feel the body with tips of my fingers.

      After that's done, I feel so bad. Incredibly bad. Like I did something I never ever ever wanted to do. And now I was kinda forced to do it, but I know I stil had a choice not to. Same as in my first nightmare. I had a choice not to do something I didn't want to do, but felt pressured to do it. Then I kicked myself for it.
    6. Kid on the ledge; Homeless guy

      , 09-03-2015 at 06:55 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Sleep 2pm - 9:40pm

      I'm visiting friends in thier new place. It's a huge building, more like a hotel. It's super modern and safe.

      I'm going to take a shower and it seems like the showers ans sinks and all that are arrainged in a long room that is devided by doors. Access to this room is from the hallway via many entries. So when you get inside, you lock the doors on the lef and right and the entry and that part is only yours. I do that when someone tries to get in. A kid is pushing a stroller and tries to keep the door open to get through, with his family following him. I ask them to use another "unit" since this one is already occupied. It occurs to me, that this expensive housing doesn't provide private bath for the renters.

      Now I'm in a room with some kids and their mom from the place AH. Suddenly mom floats up in the air, laughing, that washing machine next room always does that to her. I feel the pull too and now I'm also floating up.

      Next we go for a walk outside of this building. There is a long garden alongside the building. Individual gardens are not separated by fence, but they are one long thing, just like the bathroom was. It's also wery narrow, only maybe 25 feet wide because of the cliff. The gardens are very green lush, lots of grass, flowers, hanging plants, vines on support structures.

      The ledge is very abrupt and it looks like the space behind it is very deep. I don't see it, but I can imagine. One of the kids I'm out with steps close to the ledge. Now I can see the clouds next to us and that gives me feeling of how high we really are. I tell him to step back a bit and this little brat steps closer to the cliff, so part of his foot is actually overhanging. I get pissed and scared and then he steps down and starts carefully walking. I realize on that part there is more ground underneath, not a dropoff. I tell him to get back right away but he is not coming. Maybe he knows what I will do to him when he does : P

      A guy walks near me but I don't look. He asks about our shoes next to the door, if the collection place takes them too. Somebody says yes, so he throws 2 pairs into his bag and he hurries down the stairs. Now I look and it's a dirty homeless dude. I grab him by the shirt collar to stop him and yell at my dad to come quick.

      I just pulled my pants down and I'm sitting down to the toilet when my auntie walks into the room. Toilet is in the middle of some room. She tries not to look at me and I try to pee, but can't with her being there.

      She asks why I din't make coffee yet and we look at 2 water boilers and I tell her which one boils water faster. But I point out that none of them are plugged in.

      Few days ago - Ophelia calls me to get on the internet
    7. new position

      , 08-24-2015 at 07:48 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      yesterday 8.23.15

      daytime sleep, this dream remembered when woken up at 10:30pm

      I come to a place that looks like a locker room. I report to someone saying "I'm your new *manager". (mimics events from waking liffe). There are about 4-5 males and a female. She is their boss. Ther are gearing up for a field trip to nature. She tells me to change if I have something more comfortable to change into, because it's going to be hot outside. She is wearing a top that exposes her boobies. I look and I see every detail. I look down and I'm wearing all black, as it is my current uniform. I don't feel like changing into something she is wearing, haha.
    8. 2 LDs

      , 08-20-2015 at 07:05 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Still nightshifts

      8.19.15 slept from 1pm- 5:50pm, WBTB till 6:30pm

      Had hard time falling asleep with my cat purring up a storm right beside me and my arm being funny. So I was kinda dipping in and out when I realized I'm dreaming.

      I stood up and jumped out my parents bedroom window and started flying. I realized I always start there and on that street and was wondering how to teleport myself away. Didn't wanna continue flying towards the forrest.

      So I remembered how in my first lds I teleported by spinning. Did it, both directions, but woke up.

      I knew I'm barely asleep and I again realized I'm dreaming. Got up from the bed and was climbing out the same window. Only this time I felt urgency to get out and it was not easy. Finally ended up on the street. There were some thugs ahead of me so I turned back and left, but there was more of them. I thought It would be a good idea to "get some". We got close but I woke up again.
    9. Animals

      , 08-15-2015 at 08:41 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Yesterday during my 2pm - sleep

      I'm looking out my parents bedroom window. Its at night but the moon and I think snow on the ground makes it almost bright outside. I'm looking at the young forest just across the narrow street. There are short 5-7 ft tall evergreens (in reality they are not evergreens). I imagine that with that strong moonlight and trees being not too close to each other I could see anything walking between them.

      And ofc I start to see some animals. They are large, walking from right to the left, they keep appearing and disappearing between the trees. I think they are deer and they start jumping like african gazelle. It's all happening in total quietness, just a moonlight and the animals. It's eerie. Then the animals turn and start slowly walking towards me and to the right. Now I think they are tall and hairy lamas. And wooly mamuth are following them. I don't think those are elephants because of the fur. I'm kinda surprised.

      Mow I'm on the bank of the river where I used to play as a child. I watch some animals in the water. They are goat. They get out on the other bank and some of the bank is sheer rockface. One of the goats is trying to walk on it and I see every detail of their body, hooves, the wet footsteps the goat is making and details of the rockface. The goat starts to slide down but all is ok, they are used to that.
      Tags: animals, river, water
    10. Australia

      , 08-14-2015 at 06:35 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Night shifts

      slept 3pm-9:45pm

      Woke up from a dream earlier and retold it to myself to memorize it. But I forgot one part which I remembered just now.

      So I'm in Australia with a class. They are showing us a room where other kids are going to work as part of some teaching/work experience. It's a sheep shearing room. There are some gentle straps to put 3 sheep in and some other eqipment.

      I knew in a dream what am I going to be doing but I forgot now.

      We were in a dining hall eating welcome meal when everybody got up to do the cha-CHA! dance. I'm about to join them.

      Me and a friend of mine went out to see the sights. We come to this drop dead gorgeous place with gentle rolling hills, green, yellow and orange tall grass rolling in the wind and smallish roundish trees. I think the friend was OpheliaBlue, because I tell her to imagine us having a glass of red wine in that place. We both immediatelly drop down and start taking pictures. Lol, I just remembered it was Ophelia, and she is saying "yes, a cloud, that makes taking pictures better". I guess the colors are not as washed out as when full sun is shining on the scenery. So I'm scrambling to take pictures while cloud is there and I watch a play of shadows and light moving over the scenery as the clouds are moving overhead.

      I tried to google this image, but nothing does it justice. Maybe last scenes from movie Knowing, where kids are running through this field of yellow grass towards that beautifull tree.

      I really wish dream cameras were a thing.
    11. daytime memory

      , 08-12-2015 at 01:06 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      night shifts

      Bed 12 pm - 4:35pm

      Got up to check on the chat and the forum and just remembered my dream. I realized that I had daytime memory engaged and it was correct. Unlike sometimes you think in your dream that the dream is correct, but when you wake up you realize it's not so.

      So in my dream, I'm in my bed at the house where I grew up at correct age for that time. I'm with my boyfriend. I asked my parents if thats ok, since he had to sleep over for some reason. They are ok with that, coz they have no idea that we did it before. But this time we are not doing it, because my parants have a habit to peak into my room at night to check on me. Later in the future I'm happy that he is my boyfriend, when I realize from daytime memory that he is not. He married someone later on and I feel sorry that I didn't grab him when I had a chance. I also realize that he is not short on money coz his dad's family business in car repairs. < first true memory

      Second dream.
      I'm with some friends. We decide to watch some movie and I'm trying to think of something nice. In a dream, I'm thinking of this movie and I remember the title. Harvest moon. I find it on the TV and we start watching the synopsis. Some scenes look scary but I tell them it's actually a nice movie with cpt. Janeway from star trek voyager. The title and actress and plot are true, so this is the second correct daytime memory.

      Whoa, wait a minute, maybe I'm still dreaming.
    12. Snakes

      , 08-04-2015 at 09:51 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Still on night shifts. Last night I had night off, so slept all night and the afternoon before it.

      It's afternoon now and I'm getting a feeling about bunch of dreams from last night.

      1. I see and discuss some tall towrs on top of the mountains. Like signal relay towers.

      2. Something about music.

      3. I'm at the house with lots of greenery around it. Walking on a walkway, I stop and look at a branch on the ground. I start to see that it's a snake and I stop another person from walking over it. It's some kind of a jungle snake, like fur-de-lance. Next I see a rattle snake up in the vines on top of the structure over the walkway. Then there is a shed and a long jet-black snake is on top of the shelf with some straw. He is really long. I try to stop a person from opening a door right next to it, but too late. The snake slithers down and out way too fast. I explain to someone that it's either a racer or something similar, because of his color and size and speed.

      I see a huge snake sliding very slowly through some bushes and he is sheding. Circumference of a large male's thigh. Real big.
    13. Visiting a friend - dream continues after waking

      , 07-26-2015 at 09:08 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Still night shifts. Sleeping 2pm-9:45 then 10:30pm

      Woke up from a dream, said yeeey, I dreamed with ophelia and recalled it, fell back asleep and the dream continued.

      I'm at Ophelia's place. Everbody seems to be doing his own thing. It's not your typical visit. I'm in lots of different scenes. One is when I', on a large patio overlooking large body of water, with mountains on the other shore. I see 2 moons short distance from each other, ducking behind and out of clouds at nighttime. I ran inside to grab my camera (common theme) while yelling at everyone to come out and see it I grab a silver camera, but I realize it's not mine. I keep looking till I find my black one and I rush back out to the patio. By now the moons have paled and some bright object is starting to peek from behind the mountain.

      We are camping and someone puts up a mosquito net tent. I go in with one of her boys, but tent is small. So I get out so the other one can get inside.

      There was lot more, it seems like it lasted an hour.
      Tags: opheliablue
    14. Best friend drowns; Lizards; Fish

      , 07-23-2015 at 10:57 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night:

      1. I'm doing something in my parents garden by the water reservoir. Something in the lush tropical foliage is making some sounds. I keep looking, trying to make out what is causing it.

      Now I see the coolest green gecko lizard with white underside. I quickly call some kids to come and look. They are already asleep in some underground place, but they come up. There is also a white lizard and some insect that gets eated by them.

      I'm standing very high on some concrete platform. It's semicircle shape sticking out of the mountain. Far far below us is water. Calm on the left side and fast moving river ahead of us.

      I'm trying to make out shapes of fish and other things in the greenish water. I see boulders with green moss on them. Someone is spearfishing from the platform. They hit some smaller orange fish.

      3. I'm standing with my best friend in front of a very fast moving river. We have to cross it. We know it's going to be dangerous. We both plunge into it, making mad strokes to get across before it takes us down the stream. We make it to the middle which is calm, because that's where the river is separated into 2 arms. The second arm is even more dangerous. But we have made it so far, so we plunge into it again. I make it across and when I feel soil under my feet I hear a sound in my head from the future saying that the other person didn't make it.
    15. Burning star is alien attack

      , 07-19-2015 at 07:20 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      slept from 1:30 - 9:45

      My alarm woke me up from this awesome dream.

      I look up and one of the stars starts to smoke and sparkles are flying off like when someone is welding. Piece of it starts falling down rather fast and we watch it change direction towards us. We realize it's an attack. I rush to hide behind a building and I just make it when I see it the ground and the shock wave is coming fast.

      I see others do the same. Another star missile is coming and I rush to another location to hide. I realize if the shockwave is strong enough, it will bring down the building on me, and sure enough, chunks of concrete are falling all around me.

      The missiles are hitting hard and fast.

      Dream jumps ahead and after the attack people are deciding what to do and scrambling to get home.

      I'm leaving too. I find an opening in the wall and start walking away and I come to a modern building. Door is opened and I see a large lobby with tiles and brightly lit. I know why nobody else is going that way. Its some kind of an agency nobody wants to mess with. But I have no choice, I have to go through it to the other side.

      I'm walking the hallways when I hear footsteps. i duck into an office when I hear that person sighing and returning. So I go around so she doesn't see me. It's exciting. And here is when the alarm wakes me up : (
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