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    32nd shared dreaming attempt- whiterains dream 2

    by , 09-17-2011 at 03:35 PM (539 Views)
    whiterains dream 2

    just remembered another bit. i was in a college type room with lots of others. i had a recurring thing where i have some kind of stuff like chewing gum all stuck in my mouth. as if i have fallen asleep with it in my mouth or something. its horible and i have to pull it all out with my hands which is never easy. it comes out in massive long strings and feels like it comes from deep inside me. it always feels good to get rid of it though. this time afterwards i feel like i have broken my teeth. it feels like i have really woken myself up and somehow 2 teeth are just falling out. glad to properly wake up after that one, must make both these things dreamsigns

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    1. Vesterguard's Avatar
      Teeth falling out, a classic dream sign for me =)
    2. whiterain's Avatar
      also remembered being in some market place with all sorts of weird things like baby camels for sale.

      and being in a new college type place and picking berries off a tree and getting odd looks from people so just taking a small bag and leaving