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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 48th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 12-26-2011 at 08:32 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Thebeastofold's Dream

      Giant bottle of wine, high school odd friend

      I was in a strange living room and an old high school friend, D, wandered in and i had the feeling he had come for an unannounced visit...i got up and when i went to greet him, he turned around and went back outside. i followed him and he was rummaging through boxes that looked like boxes i had seen in the past..maybe in storage, or the garage, he pulled out a huge bottle of wine out of one of the smaller ones...it shouldnt have fit in that box, i cant remember the name on the bottle, but he, my parents, who suddenly appeared next to me and I got in an arguement about the bottle, i wanted to drink it, parents wanted me to re-store it... " you can use it later" they kept telling me...the next thing i know, i'm chasing D all over the house and garage etc as he opens and rummages in everythng he could get his hands on... finally he runs out in the back yard and as i apporach him he gets a huge grin on his face and hops away backwards on one foot at very high speed out the back gate and disappears down the street......dream shift

      dream fragment:

      I'm having a phone conversation with my late grandma......
    2. 46th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 12-25-2011 at 01:47 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Thebeastofold's Dream

      Hill/mountain full of people, unfinished garage...

      I almost had an OBE last night, i felt tingling in my hands, arms, shoulders, but thats as far as i got......when i finally fell asleep...

      I was standing at the bottom of a huge steep hill/mountain, there were people standing and sitting on the hill everywhere all the way up..i started climbing at the behest of someone that was at my side the whole dream but couldnt see him..he said lets go, and i started climbing the hill, i slid back to the bottom on one foot for no apparent reason, then made it to the top...there was a huge unfinished garage at the top that covered the entire top of the mountain/hill...i was standing on the right side of the garage between/hanging onto the wall studs...and my fahter was in the garage and i kept trying to guess what was in each of the multitude of boxes in the garage...dont remember anything after that...

      i had a multitude of dream fragments, i dont remember any but one...i was standing or floating somewhere where everything was white..there were no discernable walls or anything, and i kept calling out "katsuno! windhover! mischiefmanaged!" over and over....very brief fragment...
    3. 44th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 12-18-2011 at 11:15 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Thebeastofold's Dream

      I did 2 WBTB's last night before i started dreaming...

      high school, laundry tennis, football star?

      no dream recall for me yesterday but this one started, i was playing tennis in an indoor tennis court and there was laundry piled up infront of the net on my side..in baskets folded, and just piles...i was playing doubles with sherlock holmes brother from the new movie which i saw yesterday, the other side of the net was some high school tennis star guy, and some teacher looking older guy, dont know who he is... and the racket i was using was exteremely heavy... i kept trying to serve and either miss the ball, throw it too hgih or off center, or hit it practically sideways...the guy i was playing with, holmes brother talked constantly, i dont know about what, dotn remember, i wanted my own racket, so idecided to go find it..then everyone disappeared and i walked into what looked like a locker room. offices looking for my racket, i ran into some woman and she said, you need to, your shed has it, up...um ok.....so i followed her out of the area i was in and she went around a corner and vanished, i followed around the corner and found a stairwell going up, and it was very dark..all of a sudden i was 3/4 of the way up the stairs and the woman i just saw was now coming up the stairs behind me..there were lights buitl into the wall on he right and she was turning them on and off as she passed by them....so i followed along ad did the same until i got upstairs, then i came out into the hallway of what looked like my old high school.....there were people sitting inthe hall, leaning against lockers etc..and a guy that looked like a football player, he had a weird jersey on who was puking his brains out ansd everyone kept asking if he was ok...allof a suddeni'm walking out onthe football feild in full uniform and pads and was trying out for the team..as nose tackle...i manage to tackle the qb guy, who was previously puking his brains out, and when he gts up, he starts puking agian..green glowing puke this time says i'm alright, really, and collapses and starts convulsing...everyone runs to him and i turn around, and now my nephew is qb and we're lining up tu run a play but now theres a wall between us with a doorless doorway in the middle, and i can see my nephew through the doorway.....i walk off the field and into another building and my cellphone rings, a guy asks about office supplies..and i tell him, you called my high school, not office place..uh..ok... suddenyl i'm in my shed in the backyard and theres like 30 or 40 empty light sockets of all shapes and sizes, but the shed is brightly lit somehow... i started trying, first, climb a ladder, it seems i forgot how, then when i figured it out, trying to fit a big box of lightbulbs that suddenly appeared into their proper sockets, all the while a radio was playing somewhere interviewing wil smith and the dj kept calling him "da freash prince" "the world misses da prince" and every time wil starts trying to talk the dj interrupts and says somethng about "da prince) odd... so i walk out of the shed, and theres a car next to my shed with the hood open and a guy rolling on the ground with blood squirting everywhere so i run over and grab his upper left arm where the blood seems to be coming from and the bleeding stops, i help him up and we walk over to a 5 story building that is now in my front yard ...0_o... we walk inside and go into what looks like a schools front office and get in line...the guy looks at me and says "might as well open my casket" and i look at him and say "I guess thats what i suppose, canadian high school" woke up...

      dream fragment.....group of people...large hawk...

      just a dream fragment, i was standing in a large group of people and there was a lady standing next to me with a full arms length leather glove and a large falcon or hawk, not sure which, standing on her hand...and the hawk or falcon, kept trying to jump on me, i would try to catch it, but everytime i felt its talons sinking into my arm i would toss it up in the air and it would land back on her hand, then shed toss it back at me..over and over...she said "they used to wear hoods for calm down" woke up...
    4. 44th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Vicious's Dream

      by , 12-18-2011 at 02:55 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Vicious's Dream
      Fragments - Desert, people chasing me, controlling a UAV, huge walls engraved with Egyptian writings and Arab people
      dream fragment
    5. 40th Shared Dreaming Attempt - thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 12-11-2011 at 06:06 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      thebeastofold's Dream

      lost in maze, fighting ballerina

      i dont remember much of this dream i did a WBTB, i woke up with an awful headache, but...

      i was wandering around a maze made entirely of doors, i kept wandering aimlessly until finally i came to a dead end with a huge double doors...i tried to approach the doors and a ballerina fell out of nowhereand started dancing infront of me, every time i treid to go around her she blocked my way, even kicking me a couple times, so i started trying to jump over her, spin around her, even tried to dance with her thinking i could get her turned around so i could escape etc but nothing worked, i finally got frustrated and turned to walk away and all of a sudden i founsd myself hanging upside down with my head barely touching the floor...woke up...
    6. 40th Shared Dreaming Attempt- BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      by , 12-11-2011 at 12:34 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      Glad to see so many posts in the dream Journal again.

      Fragment one:

      It was daytime, and I seemed to be traveling on a highway, in a car either empty of full of people I didn't recognize. I was in the back. We, or I, was on a highway surrounded by pine trees. The light outside suggested that it was noon, I cant remember whether or not it was cloudy. I, or we, were driving under a suspension bridge, far to big for the highway. I remember thinking, 'I need to remember that there is an IOSDP attempt night tonight.' My subconscious comes up with the most obnoxious irony.

      Fragment two:

      I was dreaming that I was in Skyrim, nothing new there. I was in a completely white town, almost at the top of a mountain. If you have seen Skyrim, you could probably imagine what it looks like.

      It truthfully looked exactly like that, but with a different layout. The village was then attacked by the Shatterer form Guild Wars 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUVLclPDCBE). Geez, I'm a nerd.

      Anyway, I dealt with that, I can't remember many details, but I won.
      Then another lame-looking dragon I didn't recognize with grayish skin attacked the just the village chapel, so I went in, and somehow dealt with it. It may have flown off.

      Then I walked around the town and did some stuff, talking to people who didn't seem to notice two giant dragons attacking their town. Typical game AI, I suppose.
    7. 38th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Evolventity's Dream

      by , 10-02-2011 at 07:11 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Evolventity's Dream
      October 01, 2011

      Non-Lucid Dream | Fell asleep by 4AM and woke up ~4PM.
      -I'm at Howe park with M* and we're handing out DVD's to people passing by. There's going to be a nice community gathering for Halloween.

      Non-Lucid Dream
      -I'm with a group of people. We're in an underground tunnel trying to escape another group of people. There is a stream of glistening light blue water swishing by. We have to scoot by walking on short edge of cement next to supermarket fridges. As we move along, I see a lot of Vegan food products inside. I saw the word "Happy" on most of them.

      Non-Lucid Dream
      -Looking into the shower drain, I see mice being frowned by the draining water. I pick them up so they can breathe. I accidentally drop them and pick them up again. They don't seem to be breathing at first, but soon they do. They become very small, half the size of a penny, and I carry them on the edge of my right hand. I can feel slight pinching as they come back to life. The dream glitches to me walking to my apartment with them on my arm.

      Non-Lucid Dream Fragment
      -Jennifer poured out the nutritional water I had made for her flower. I find the marbles poured out and the water gone. I go to my bedroom to re-do the vase.

      Non-Lucid Dream
      -I'm walking in front of a class of little boys and girls singing a song in solid pink ponchos with flat pink hats. They are standing in at the first row of seats, just off of a stage. I walk to the side of the audience and hide behind some pillars. Another woman is hiding behind one too. She tries telling the parents that they shouldn't be worried about their children being gay. I tell them they need to truly love their children in a well-said speech. Despite any of this, the parents exit with disgust, and the auditorium is empty. I sit down next to my cousin L* and talk. With us are two old aquatints I knew back in middle-school; Martha and Crystina. I ask if they remember me and they don't. I try to remind them but they don't recall anything.

      Non-Lucid Dream
      -I'm walking with my mom during the day through the grassy field of my Elementary school. We're cutting through the school to reach the street. My 6th Grade teacher Mrs. K spots us and is about to say that we can't walk through here. She remembers who I am and we talk. We walk up some steps along the building seen from the playground. She tells me that she is sick with glaucoma in her leg. At one point, she made weird faces and movements as if she were trying to sneeze. When she stopped, I laughed a little asking if she was going to sneeze. She had a smile on her face right after but said that it was a disorder she had called sugar stitching. I noticed that when I took an extra step towards her, she would take another, as if trying to avoid contact with me. We walk to the next story. As we talk, my mom wanders and opens the power supply box on the side of the wall. Mrs. K tells her "Don't touch that please."

      Non-Lucid Dream
      -I'm a using a flat structure to fly over the school blacktop. By using it in a steady fanning motion, not too fast, I rise higher and higher. I glide over some trees. I turn into a red balloon and come down towards a boy. He doesn't want me. As a balloon, I feel rejected and leave into the sky, sad music plays as if its a movie.
    8. 37th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 09-27-2011 at 12:00 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Thebeastofold's Dream

      Fragments again unfortunately...

      I was sitting an auditorium in my old Jr high school waiting for a movie to start.....

      i was in complete pitch black and i was messing with something in my hand...i have no idea what it was...

      I was walking down a street somewhere and staring at a burning cloud in the sky...a little cloud shaped flame slowly crossing the sky......and wishing i had my camera....
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 37th

      by , 09-26-2011 at 11:39 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      School day and abrubt awakenings sorry. So sad i don't remember any scenes just feelings.

      I was lucid for a long time, i remember testing some dream control. And later i remember fighting giant robots/transformers and something about lasers perhaps. And quite possibly Oneironaut again. But it was definetly someone from this forum..

      That's it.
    10. 35th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 09-25-2011 at 05:04 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Thebeastofold's Dream

      At the Post Office and Master Key for sale?

      only a fragment this time...

      I walked into the post office andthere was a friend of mine sitting at a small table right insidethe PO entrance, and he sees me and syas, watch this! and he goes over to my box wayin the back and opens it! I was shocked, then he tells me he has the post masters master key..it opens any and every lock in this building and every post office in the country, and all related to locks...i spend the rest of this short fragment following him around while he opens and closes misc po boxes and other locks in the building, i jkeep trying to convince himto either borrow the ke for awhile, or outright buy it from him! he ignores me... woke up...
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 35th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Kumara's Dreams

      by , 09-25-2011 at 01:46 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Kumara's Dreams

      A mish-mash of fragments and in and out of lucidity...

      Fragment 1: semi-lucid, frustrated because I couldn't seem to see anything. maybe a thin line in between my eyelids. I remember heavy eyelids and blackness, and trying to see.

      Fragment 2: In a building, possibly my home (in the dream). The walls are painted a medium periwinkle blue, and there are rectangular objects on the wall (like transformer boxes) that are a lighter shade. The color has been done by my friend E, who is a professional color consultant IWL, and she is explaining to me how, "It's about the flow..."

      Fragment 3 - Somewhat dissatisfying sexually stimulating fragment

      Thank you for being in my dream

      Dream 1 - I was lying on a couch, semi-lucid, semi-asleep. The couch reminds me of my grandparents' couch, and I see a figure in a blue dress sort of floating at the wall, coming closer. I wonder if it is my grandmother...I project my awareness and ask her if she is my grandmother, she maybe answers no and I can see that she is not. She seems sweet and benevolent. I nestle back into the couch to fall asleep (in the dream) as she moves behind me/the couch and past my head. I sleepily say to her, "Thank you for being in my dream."

      A room full of women who seemed happy to see me
      Dream 2 - I am on a bed and feel someone behind me, massaging my head with hands in my hair. I am lucid, not very clear though. I am on my hands and knees, crosswise on the bed...I look to my right, and see a black man with close-cropped hair and maybe facial hair in the mirror behind me. I purr.."Baby...", extract myself and move off of the bed into another room.

      The room is full of women. I notice a teenage girl with long hair and braces sitting in a rocking chair and smiling at me, I'm thinking something about how ordinary they look, like regular, real people.

      I'm kind of fuzzy-minded...I look behind me and there are several black women seated at a table all facing me. I struggle to do or say anything...finally I have the presence to ask one of the women, "What do you represent?"
      She says, "Environmental interests."
      I'm surprised, wondering what she means exactly, thinking maybe, of course, that she is some kind of lawyer representative. I ask the next woman, and she says something similar.
      I notice the woman at the end to my left, and for some reason I say to her, teasing, "wow, you look like a badass. Like you are some kind of bad ass office manager or something!"
      She has a strange look on her face, and it's kind of distorted, she moves her head back and it looks like she has a mustache drawn with a marker now. I notice on one hand that I'm making assumptions but I don't seem to be able to help what I'm saying.

      I Can't Control the Dream Bus

      Dream 3 - I'm standing outside of a bus. My mother and my sisters are flinging accusations at each other and are all angry and about to all walk away from each other. I think if I can just manage to intervene and use the active listening and peer-counseling techniques I've learned, maybe we can all get down to our real feelings and be vulnerable and forge some intimacy between us. I somehow convince us to all get on the bus, and I'm trying to clear everyone else off.

      It's a "Houston Rockets" bus (idk)...everytime I think the bus is clear then more people pile on. They are all black. I'm frustrated with the bus driver who keeps letting all of these random people on.

      I see my brother-in-law sitting across from me and he says in a snide tone, "I'm tired of hearing you be so angry." I get PISSED because I hardly even talk to my BIL (IWL) because he's one of those people that is always preaching or bitching about something and there's never an actual 2-way dialogue, so now I avoid him. I say or think, "ME??? You are tired of hearing ME be so angry?" I might have argued with him for a minute.

      I say something to my sister about this while holding her hand and looking into her eyes, and about how I can't stand her husband and I'm not going to talk to him or have anything to do with him anymore. I don't remember her reaction.

      (What stood out for me in this dream was the feeling of wanting to control the situation.)

      My Favorite Drug and the Marvelous Mystery Ride to Nowhere

      Dream 4 - I am in a cave/tunnel, seated on a roller-coaster ride sort of ride. There is someone like a carnival hawker talking up this Marvelous Mystery Ride. I am in the last car, sitting next to my friend HC from middle school. The hawker is handing out drugs. I have a big baggie full in my hand, and it is full of clear round discs (I think maybe like NZT in Limitless). I think, what the heck? This is just sugar? I'm handed another baggie, this one is full of clear pellets that look like small round crystals. I'm pretty sure these are all sugar, too. I take one out to pop in my mouth, anticipating a hard CRUNCH...nope...these are just sugar, too. What the heck?

      I notice that the people on the ride seated in front of me are all facing sideways instead of to the front, and they are vomiting.
      I reassure my friend that I will be ok, because I'm facing forward, and I'm in a different kind of car than they are, mine has cushy protection all along and above the sides, protecting our heads.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. 34th Shared Dreaming Attempt- BiscuitHappyz

      by , 09-20-2011 at 01:21 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      More fragments last night. Sorry about that. But I do have a fun little extra...

      Fragment #1:

      I had a dream that about three of my middle school friends were in, and we were walking through the sunny and not very dense pine forest outside of my elementary school. One, let's call him Yarblarblar, was yanking on my hair, and it stung a bit.

      "Stop that, please," I say. Yarblarblar laughs and continues anyway.

      "Stop," I said after a while of him tugging, and more assertive this time. Yarblarblar thinks this is hysterical, but ceases for the time being. I could tell he was going to do it again, though.

      I saw a large stick wedged into the ground near a towering pine tree, and I got an idea. I walked slowly, waiting for Yarblarblar to resume pulling. Once he did, I pulled the stick out of the ground with my left hand, as though it was a lighter version of the Excaliber. I swung it at his ribcage, and it narrowly passed through his block. It smacked him within three seconds of when I withdrew the stick from the ground. And he hunched over, clutching his rib.

      "Owww," He moaned.

      "Whoops," I said, sincerely. "Didn't mean to hit that hard, mate. You okay?"

      Fragment #2:

      I was playing a Minecraft 1.8.2 patch, and was slaughtering a pack of pigs. I was in a bright green plain surrounded by rainforest. So yeah.

      Pirate version:

      I had a dream that about three o' me middle school buckos were in, and we were walkin' through t' sunny and not very dense pine forest outside o' me elementary school. One, let's call him Squid-Brained Scallywag, was yankin' on me hair, and it stung a bit.

      "Oi, stop that, matey, if ye will," Says I. Squid-Brained Scallywag laughs and continues anyway.

      "Avast! Ye should stop now, bucko, if ye know what's good for ye." I said after a while o' him tuggin', and more assertive this time. Yarblarblar thinks this be hysterical, but quits for t' time bein'. Avast, I could tell he was goin' t' do it again.

      I saw a big arse stick wedged into t' ground near a big arse pine, and I got an idea. I walked slowly, waitin' for Squid-Brained Scallywag t' go back a pullin'. Once he did, I pulled t' stick out o' t' ground with me port hand, like it were a lighter version o' Black beard's cutlass. I swung it at his middle, and it closely sailed through his arms. It smacked the fool in three seconds from o' when I withdrew t' stick from t' ground. And he hunched over, clutchin' his rib.

      "Owww," Says he.

      "Yarrr," I said, sincerely. "Get yerself out o' t' bung hole, mate. You okay?"

      Fragment #2:
      I be playing Minecraft 1.8.2 patch, and was escortin' a crew o' pig to Davy Jones' Locker. I was in a bright green flatland surrounded by rainforest. Aye.

      Arrr, happy yap like a man o' t' seas day to ye!
    13. 34th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Bihon's Dream

      by , 09-19-2011 at 09:30 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Bihon's Dream



      It seemed that I had joined the dark side, a monster party, or ghosts. I was with a number of people in a bus and we were headed to a school. I was talking to the people around me, and I seemed really excited. Either I had died, or had only turned into another creature. In front of me was Maynard James Keenan, looking like he did from 3 Libras, only, he was wearing a mini top hat and a strange jacket. Also, I called him Marilyn Manson for some odd reason. I complimented him.


      I was at a huge school, a university. The buildings were designed like castles, only brighter. I recall seeing Dumbledore there and Snape. From a huge glass window, I was watching a nearby building. There was something happening in front of it, something was being to done to a couple of men, but I don't quite remember, but they did have weapons, some had blue, electric-like wings (?)
      dream fragment
    14. 34th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Kumara's Dreams

      by , 09-19-2011 at 03:24 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Kumara's Dreams

      Childhood defenses and threatening transformation

      I am driving fast, and as I crest a hill, I hit a huge wave of vibration that I thought of as “resistance”, an impression of police on the side of the road with a radar-type instrument that was emitting the waves. The vehicle slowed wayyyy down and I felt the vibrations all through my body, it was as if reality itself was impacted by the waves. I grabbed my seatbelt and fastened it, though it was difficult, like moving through molasses.

      I drive on and to take shelter in a building on the beach, and many people were streaming by, running toward the water. Big machines were coming, that I thought of as “transformers” that I only maybe had a glimpse of.

      I was with Pax and a little girl, we were running for the shelter. I didn’t think we had long so I stopped to tell Pax and the little girl that I love them. I faced Pax and as I told him I love him, he said something at the same time. I felt a little sad, I don’t remember what he said but I felt at the time it was dismissive. Then we were running and I started to yell at the little girl that I love her, but I only had an impression of a Little Debbie’s box that was under her arm or she had become the box, and I realized, “she’s not even real!”.

      We ran into the shelter. Pax and I sat on a landing in the stairwell. The first big machine went by, and I could see in my mind a cartoon of toys that had come to battle the ‘transformers’. Then another machine came by, and I knew this one was more dangerous because it was radiating heat. It hit the building I was in, and the building listed and fell over. I was unharmed, and now felt more like a point of awareness than an “I”. The corner of the landing turned over on me, thus protecting me. While I felt the heat and the rumble of the machine passing by, I could simultaneously see in my mind a line of cartoon tugboats all lined up to my left, with faces and determined looks, all there to fight the threatening machines. I noticed a thought, “it’s as if all of my childhood toys are lining up to protect me/fight.”

      The Indian guy on my back

      I was lying on my couch, it seemed like me in a different reality because I had a different, larger laptop that was on a stand in front of me next to the couch. I was on my left side, and a browser was open on the laptop. A tab popped open, and maybe more had that I closed, I remember the screen was red with a white CB logo, I understood that I had picked up some sort of virus. As I was noticing that, I noticed how I was feeling and did an RC. “Can I fly?” I started to rise up out of my body off of the couch, so I went with it and let myself float up and I flew out of my apartment. I noticed the view of the weeping willows in the dark, lit by the nightlights on the property. I noticed how real it seemed and that I could understand how I could forget I was dreaming. I flew off into the sky, wanting to just fly a bit and have a look around. I remember at some point feeling like flying was difficult so I was making swimming strokes to keep going.

      I put my hands out in front of me Superman –style. I felt a warmth behind me and a man’s hands appeared over mine. Someone was on my back and weighing me down. I was furious. I flew to a building, through a wall and landed on my feet on a stairwell landing. I twisted as fast as I could to detach from whoever was on my back, and face him. He was slight Indian man, about my height, with dark hair not quite shoulder-length and a closely-trimmed beard. He seemed “weathered”, and had a light scar running diagonally down from his left along his left pec. His expression I would say was “chagrined”. I angrily yelled at him, “WHO ARE YOU?”. I don’t remember if he answered.

      Going down on a cutie

      I walked into a bedroom, it was dark and I saw a girl I knew (in the dream) lying in bed. I saw another figure in the bed and wondered if someone was in bed with her or if it was a stuffed animal. I wanted to slide in under the covers and kiss her body and go down on her. She woke up and smiled at me.
      Spoiler for Dream sex details:
      End of what I remember in the dream.

      Dream fragments

      Fragments of feeling choked, closed in around my throat on all sides by a presence (I slightly awakened, noticed my body was ok, then went back into the dream). Feelings of pressure, being surrounded. I remember once feeling threatened and powerless and surrounded by beings “choking” me and asking, “god, what do I do?” and then relief.
    15. 33rd Shared Dreaming Attempt - Bihon's Dream

      by , 09-19-2011 at 01:53 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Bihon's Dream


      I was in this park, where I was reliving non-existent memories. I was remembering me and my brothers when we were younger as I was walking with this girl. Another boy had appeared though, he was like an unknown entity, he even had a black cape on his back. I recall him smiling the whole time he randomly showed up. It was dark outside during time. False Awakening of writing my dreams down. . .
      dream fragment
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