• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Lucid Time!

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Helping out on the farm

      by , 12-02-2013 at 11:26 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Nice that for once, my dreams aren't so fragmented and pointless.

      I was at some movie theater (or just regular theater for plays and such) and my family was watching some performance. I can't even remember if what was shown was a movie or a play.
      But after it was over, we got outside and everyone save for me wanted to talk about the themes of (whatever it was we just saw) but I wasn't interested. I don't think I had enjoyed it as much as my family. So I had to wait patiently while they talked. Fortunately, it didn't take them too long.
      We changed topics to who was going to ride in who's car. I got with my grandfather. It was just me and him in his car. We pulled out of the theater and were in a pretty remote looking rural community.
      He turned out of the theater, it was a bland building and went to the right. After about a quarter mile the road became dirt and turned to the left. I also remember there being a sign saying "watch for poop" and thinking that was funny.
      We wound up outside this farm house built on a small hill. Most of it was surrounded by a dense, lush forest. I got out, and all of my cousins were there. The farmer came out and introduced himself. I think he had some really generic name like "farmer Joe" he started giving us a tour of his farm by gesturing to in different directions and telling us what there was. I was excited because he had goats (what!? I like goats!) I know he also had chickens, roosters and three cats.
      He told us we were going to be helping out on his farm. He gave me this metal tool that looked sort of like a big two-pronged fork. (I have no idea if that's a real farming tool to be honest.) and told me that the cats would lead me to my work spot.
      I began to run after the cats. Because the farm was in a rural area, I was running through a maze of trees and bushes to get there; I woke up trying to find my work assignment.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:15 PM by 53527

    2. Random Short Dreams

      by , 12-01-2013 at 08:42 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was at school. A pair of boys were sitting around holding large Scrantons. (You know those insidious things the school system creates with millions of tedious bubbles that you must fill in with a number 2 pencil.) Anyways, they were talking, something about a pilot's test and passing/failing it.
      I was in my math class, the last class I have before the end of the day. I began walking out of the school, but my route was rather weird, and I ended up going out through the gymnasium.
      While I was walking through there, I encountered this overweight boy. He was acting like he wanted to fight me. I told him that I didn't want to fight (out of character for me!)

      I was re-watching the footage from a presidential inauguration when I realized there were female gunmen wearing black shirts and these big sunglasses scattered through the crowd. Somebody was explaining to me that it was a good thing they never attacked.

      I was in this baseball stadium, with my mother. We were the only two there. It was nighttime, and a beautiful clear night. There were these fireworks going off in the sky, but they were silent, and seemed to be very high up. They were actually some weird kind of space fireworks.
      From there I turned into what felt like some kind of ball of energy and got transported to the moon. From there, I got a brief view of earth from the moon.
      I got transported again to this beautiful remote portion of the earth that had large grass covered mountains over ocean. There were rock faces exposed on the mountains. A DC began explaining to me that the mountains were once part of an ancient forest. I walked up to a rocky outcropping and broke off a piece, realizing it was actually thousand year old wood.
      The forest converted to a laboratory type area. The dream character continued by saying they were trying to revive some of the unique species of plants and even animals. The lab was full of these strange grasses and bushes growing in rows on the tables. (Sounds like a drug hideout, I know.)
      They had revived these two cat-like creatures that had used to live in said ancient forest. I got to watch them do a short mating ritual. The dream character explained that it was a good thing they were mating, for it meant they could one day repopulate the forest.

      I was with some family. My parents, as well as my aunt, uncle and cousins. We were racing through the airport, trying to get to... gate B25 I think it was. We ran down a long aisle in a big rush before eventually reaching it.
      Once we got there, we discovered that we actually had a long waiting period until the plane actually arrived. Some members of our group complained that they were hungry. So I and my aunt got out a portable stove top and began preparing a pot of noodles for the group. I did notice that whatever airport we were at was lacking rows of fast-food restaurants built into the walls.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:15 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Random Stuff

      by , 11-30-2013 at 04:51 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I missed the bus to my tech school, so I tried to walk the route there. (Dream logic) I was able to walk as fast as a bus while non-lucid. So I walked though some rural and suburban areas. (Well eventually, The bus did get ahead of me.)
      I eventually got lost in a town called "Plymouth" (There are no towns by that name in my area in RL) and I was walking around the town thinking that I had made a wrong turn earlier on my journey. The town was pretty though.
      Eventually it started getting dark (even though in RL, I go to my tech school in the morning.) I ended up having to sleep in this cardboard box by the side of the road alongside another dc. He was complaining that he was hungry.
      When I "woke up" the next day, some dream character had a GPS and showed me how to get back home. I was also able to see the bus route that I was trying to follow earlier and see that I had made a wrong turn somewhere.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:14 PM by 53527

    4. Bullies

      by , 11-29-2013 at 09:27 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was walking around my subdivision and I wound up doing something (I can't remember what, but it was somehow objectionable or exploitable to a group of boys that were started about 50 feet in front of me.) I think I may have accidentally thrown something at them.
      There were between five and seven guys. The "leader" was this absolutely huge man, at-least seven feet tall. Most of the other guys were just about my size or a little bigger. I tried to fight them, but they grabbed my hands behind my back and started kicking me.
      (I must say this was a very unusual dream in that generally in my dreams, I can dominate in fights, even when I'm nonlucid.)

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:13 PM by 53527

    5. Worst Vacation Ever

      by , 11-29-2013 at 06:28 AM (Lucid Time!)
      This dream was long, but so unstable and in-congruent that I'm going to have to break up the writing to help to explain it.

      My family was taking a vacation. (I swear being on vacation would make an excellent dream sign.) We were in some place that I think was origninally supposed to be like Niagara falls. But a number of things are off.
      First of all the area looks notably balmier and almost tropical. The gorge looks way to narrow and shallow (The gorge was about 30-50 feet deep, approximate, and maybe 70-100 feet across.) If you looked to the "south" okay, it looked like Niagara falls. The Horseshoe, American and Bridal Veil Falls were all there and appropriately miniaturized for the gorge. But if you looked "north" you would see another pair of waterfalls that weren't there in real life.
      Also, the area looked off in the fact that most of the rocks were a dark reddish color. The area was also lacking the casinos and hotels that I recall. (My family took several trips to Niagara falls when I was a child, I remember the layout of the area vividly.)
      But the weirdest part was there was a large section of the cliff that had collapsed, making way for a beach by the side of the river. The beach sloped heavily (around a 45 degree angle) to connect the top of the gorge to the river bank.

      My family was at said beach. But it was a nude beach, though only some of the people there were nude. (Nobody in my party, which included my parents and my aunt and uncle was nude.) For some reason, I wasn't really weirded out by this. They also had this other weird rule for the beach where you had to lay all of your valuables and electronics out on a towel. Because of this, I had to put my phone on the towel along with all of my parent's valuables.
      I began walking toward the end of the beach. I wasn't really interested in being there. I think I was hungry and impatiently waiting for us to leave the beach to where my parents would take us out to a restaurant or back to the hotel room to eat.

      My cellphone (that was laying out on a towel) got picked up by a big wave. I tried to grab it, but there were these big thrashing waves by the side of the river with a bunch of cell phones and wallets in them. (Because logic in dreams ) According to the dream subconscious plot or whatever, this was a common problem on this beach, but it was supposed to be "part of the fun" if your valuables got sucked up in a big wave.
      I went and got my parents and asked them if they would help me retrieve my phone. They just got all compassionate for me, and told me that they would try to look for it.

      We had driven to this police/information kiosk outside of this big metropolitan city, and my parents were talking to this rather unkind man about how to get my phone back. The building was ugly and bland, and had some resemblance to a waiting room. They went to petty dream-bickering.
      Then the man they were talking to went and got his two daughters. They were both wearing airbender clothes. The three of them started airbending at us and throwing us (mostly my parents, however.) into the floor, walls and ceiling of the room.( Gee, if I had a dollar for every time something ATLA related happened in my dreams, I'd... probably still be broke. Also, wow, what a jerk that guy was.)

      I was still in the waiting room. Manei was sitting there next to me smiling. (Holy crap, my dream guide is back.)

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:13 PM by 53527

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    6. More Fragments

      by , 11-27-2013 at 04:29 PM (Lucid Time!)

      Another ATLA dream. I was trying to learn how to use ice by freezing water in my bathtub. I tried blowing on it like superman's freeze breath, and it didn't work. I tried gesturing over it with my arms and thinking "cold" thoughts. This caused a thin layer of ice to form over the water.

      Fragment/Short Dream

      I haven't had a minecraft type dream in awhile. But this wasn't minecraft exactly. (As in the world looked realistic and not blocky) There's not really much to say about it. I was riding in a minecart that went underground. The minecart was going really fast and doing jumps over underground lava chasms and such. I wouldn't classify it as a dream fragment, because it was quite long. I was riding for at-least three minutes. But there wasn't quite enough to say about it to make it a full-fledged dream. It was a lot of fun so there's that.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:12 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Snake attack II, I found both armbands. (LD #56)

      by , 11-27-2013 at 03:30 AM (Lucid Time!)

      A few weeks ago (in RL) I found a sweatband in my room, and started to wear it around my wrist constantly. My hope was to use it as a "totem" like in inception. Am I wearing a sweatband? Nope. Must be dreaming.
      Anyways, I could never find the other one, no mater how hard I searched. I know there were two, because the sweatbands were a Christmas present, as a pair. But... In this dream, I had both.


      I was in some suburban backyard type setting. There was a large forest to one side, and a row of houses to the other. Between them were backyards, probably 50-70 feet from the woods to the houses. The sky was a dark blue, and there was a light snowfall, with several inches already fallen on the ground.
      The first thing I recall was encountering a snake. It became aggressive and started chasing after me. I wasn't able to run very far until I tripped. I was able to grab its head before it could bite me, but the snake was "lagging" (Fantastic, video game lag in my dreams). But really, in my hand, it was behaving like that.
      My mother was there, and I told her to quickly kill the snake. She grabbed its top and bottom jaw, each with one thumb, and killed it by pulling the jaw open 180. But because of the "lag" the snake registered as alive and was able to bite me before dying permanently.
      I looked at my leg, and there were four holes where the snake's teeth had gone in. It hurt, but in a strange way that it felt like I could control the pain. I commanded the pain to go away, and it did.
      My mother, who was still present, directed me to go to the doctors office.
      Now remember how I described the dream scene as taking place in an "alley" between a row of houses and a dense forest. But there was a small two story house built in this alley. It even had a large neon sign on it saying "doctor".
      But the house was quite a ways away. I began walking, but it was painfully slow and I seemed to be staggering in the snow. When I was about 1/4 of the way there, I looked again at the snakebite on my leg. I noticed that the skin on my leg was starting to turn a dull red around the snakebite. "Must be the venom!" I thought to myself.
      I continued walking, with a somewhat faster pace until I was there. I was standing outside and looked at my leg again. Most of my leg was a dull red now. I knocked on the door, and you'll never believe who was there.
      Marcus! "The Glasses Guy" that I kept seeing. I was thinking thinking he's another recurring dream character, and I was right. He turned out to be the "doctor" I was looking for. He took out some high tech injector device with a glowing blue vial in it and injected it into the bite. My leg returned to normal color. Awesome.

      I can't remember what happened next or how I got here, but I ended up going inside one of the houses, and the inside ended up looking like the basement of my own house. (We have a walk out basement.)
      The strange part was, I was trying to stabilize the dream by touching the walls, so I must have been
      lucid. But I don't remember ever actually attaining lucidity before I started to stabilize. I woke up after that.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:11 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Frags and stuff

      by , 11-25-2013 at 12:39 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Fragment: Address

      I was writing a letter to my friend in Japan. He said he moved down the street and had to email me his new address.

      Computer Dilemma

      A bunch of relatives were over, and we were all playing a computer game together online. So it was basically a big LAN party. I think it was Minecraft. But even though we have alot of computers in the house. (Even more in this dream than RL) we didn't have enough for everyone. This girl that I didn't even recognize (no it was not Manei) came up to me and complained that she wanted to play.

      The most unstable nonlucid... ever.

      Something to do with me finding a group of cats that lived together. There were kittens young enough to be nursing, but they did have a mother. I had encountered them a sort of woods area.
      I led them over the hill leading down towards a river. I also found a baby deer that needed my help. It didn't have a mother. All of the animals followed me down the river when some dream character told me that it was "time for bed"
      I was forced to retreat from the area and the dream faded for a time. I "came back" the following "day" and found that the area had changed from a woodland to a huge city. (Wow, dream must have been REALLY unstable for that big of a change to happen.)
      But when I came back, I was somehow able to talk with the animals or something, and I was told that I had to get some cardboard boxes and send them on their way down the river. I got all feely for the animals, even though I had only known them for... what 5 minutes? But eventually, I sent them on their way down the river in a cardboard box boat. (what?)

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:10 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Dream Journal up for Review

      by , 11-24-2013 at 03:28 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Lucid Dreaming at School

      We were getting some sort of project in school where you had to start a new hobby and journal your progress. I had asked my teacher if I could use my dream journal from this website since it's already been going on for awhile. The teacher said yes.
      So essentially, the dream had a time-skip to the day that the project was actually due. Because I was using my dream journal, I didn't have to do any actual work. I just continued lucid dreaming and filling out my journal.
      I "turned in" my project by sending my teacher a link to the journal. When he/she (I can't remember winch teacher of mine had given the project, or if it was even a teacher that I had in RL)
      They began reading through all my dream journal entries, and pointed out there were grammar errors. (Look, I'm sure there's a lot of grammar errors in my DJ.) Another thing that I took note of was that the color legend for my DJ seemed to be off. In RL it's green for dreams, blue for lucid, and black for anything else.
      But in this dream, there was red, orange, and a sort of tan color.
      The teacher told me that since my DJ was so long, they could overlook the grammar errors. They continued by saying that I could get extra points on my assignment by putting images in my dream journal. I told them to keep reading because occasionally, I included images to go along with my dreams.


      I banged my head against the wall in my bathroom. I can't remember the reason, I think I was just angry.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:09 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Frags

      by , 11-23-2013 at 04:32 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was with S at wal-mart. We were looking to buy snacks because my dad was making us learn what it was like to live in the real world and be adults. He said we had to survive on our own. I was telling S that we only had a limited amount of money and should spend it wisely.

      I was watering the plant in my room. After I poured two big pitchers of water (it's a big plant) into the soil, i noticed that the soil was still dry as a bone. I got really frustrated and started watering the plant excessively until the pot was flooded with water.

      Edit: Trapped in middle school.

      I think I had this dream once, a long time ago. (When I was actually in middle school) The premise was simple. I had stayed after at my middle school for some reason, but then at a certain time the doors automatically locked and I was trapped inside the school building, and was tasked with finding a way out.
      Eventually, I ended up going through a ventilation duct onto the roof. From there, I jumped off the roof and managed to get home.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:08 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. The LongLong Lucid: LD #55

      by , 11-22-2013 at 12:46 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I can't really remember the first portion of the dream where I actually attained lucidity, but it was outside of my own home. My recall of what happened improves as I went on. The neighborhood looked dark, nighttime-ish where the sun was just starting to come up.
      The first thing I can recall was running into another male dream character who wanted to do something called "dream phasing." He looked to be about my age, but was taller than me with curly hair. I had some idea of what that meant, it meant he wanted to change layers in a dream somehow. (Layers in a dream being like in inception where you are asleep and dreaming within a dream.) I was going to journey to the soccer field outside my old middle school to try and build my dream base. I don't know why I'm still fixated on this project.
      It was also at this time that I thought about "dream time" and how long a second is in the real world compared to a second of dream time. I thought about doing an experiment where I would breathe out heavily twice, one second apart. But then I remembered that nobody was watching me in bed. I was telling the other dream character all of this. He didn't seem very bright.
      He followed me for some time, and we talked. I can't remember about what, after the whole dream sharing thing. I told him that when we got to the soccer field I would help him dream phase (whatever that really meant, he never did really tell me.) before I started work on my base.
      He followed me until we got to the intersection between my street and another in the neighborhood. We stopped walking under the lamppost. He started arguing with me that the correct direction to go for dream phasing was left. I was still going to the school that was to the right. He split up with me.
      After another minute of walking, I arrived at the school. Because it was nighttime, the dream was very dark. Dark=Not vivid. I wanted it to be more vivid, so I used a voice command. "Sundial" I think it was. From there, I was able to grab hold of the sun with my outstretched arm and move it to a different position higher in the sky using a sort of telekinesis thing. I can remember there being several moons or other planets in the sky nearby the sun. I looked at them and noticed that the lighting looked wrong on them, the wrong sides of the planets/moons were illuminated. I wanted to fix it, but I decided to focus on the task at hand. I may have also done some other stabilization type things.
      The area around my middle school was noticeably different than it was in RL. There was a picnic table and a small playground set up on the eastern side, with a fence preventing me going any further than the westernmost wall of the building. There were about 8 or 10 dream characters in the scene, most of them were adults. I didn't want to tell them that I knew I was dreaming, for that may provoke hostility. (Have you read LD#30?)
      One more thing that was different about the school, there was this mcdonalds sort of drive-through built into the eastern side.

      Now I must have lost lucidity for part of the dream, because for some reason, I recall these portions of the dream being nonlucid. There was a small swimming pool in the area that I was in, (From what I recall, the swimming pool wasn't there for a vast majority of the dream. I think it just appeared for this scene and disappeared when it was over.) with a couple of dream characters. I think S appeared around this time, but I can't remember.
      In fact, there was a family here, and they had a couple of dogs. S was talking with the parents in the family about something stupid. and I don't remember what their kids were doing. But their dogs were the really clingy licking type. They had a whole bunch, three of them, and they were big.
      They started licking me and jumping up on me, and caused me to fall into the swimming pool. I actually let myself fall in because I wanted to do this sort of passive-aggressive thing and teach the people that S was talking to to control their dogs.
      But then, I was laying on the bottom of the pool, and I noticed that I felt my phone in my pocket.

      Then there was this thing about me going to the McDonalds drive-through. Other people were going through driving cars. I just walked along the road as if I were a car. But when I came along, the workers from the (I'm assuming it WAS a McDonalds) rolled out a bunch of tall aluminum shelves with food and garbage on them. Something else happened, something pertaining to food, but I can't remember.
      I do remember something to do with this eggplant-type fruit that was supposed to be some strange breed of apple. A worker was saying this was the last one that wasn't either rotten or sold, and they were going to have to hope that they didn't sell any between this time and when the next shipment arrived.
      I think the existence of the McDonalds had something to do with the fact that the east side of my school is the cafeteria. So the idea was that the McDonalds served the cafeteria food during the day and fast food to people who used the drive-through at any other time.

      But I really start recalling things after these non-lucid fragments. S was still there, and I told him I was going to stabilize the dream. I shouted "clarity" twice and stomped my foot onto the ground. When I did, a wave of clarity shot out from around me. It was very weird the way it spread into the buildings and trees around me. When I did it, I also felt the shock of my leg hitting the ground. That helped to stabilize the dream some.
      I looked at an empty patch of grass and started.
      Me:"Okay, now create a concrete circle."
      Nothing happened.
      Me:"Create a concrete circle."
      S:"Maybe we should try a different location."
      We moved down from the grass into a sand gully type thing. (The sand gully isn't there in RL) I tried my dream control again, but nothing worked.
      S:"Maybe we can try drawing your base first."
      I walked down into the gully, and when I did, I noticed a marker floating about four feet in the air. It looked like a sharpee and was sort of this color. Maybe a little lighter.
      We moved into the woods almost and sat at the bottom end of the sandy gully. I took the marker and started drawing an oval in the sand. The tip of the marker broke off. I woke up.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:08 PM by 53527

    12. Random Stuff

      by , 11-21-2013 at 10:59 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Hotel Entertainer.

      I think this dream might have been from the night before last. But I only recalled it now.

      I was visiting this hotel that was owned by three siblings. (Kristie, Ryan, and Grey.) Each of them had designed and built one wing of the hotel. Ryan and Kristie's wings were very straight and orderly, while Grey's wing was built sort of haphazardly, and the rooms in the building looked sort of crooked. Some jutted out from the side of the building while others were pressed into the building. Somehow, someone explained to me that Grey was "off" compared to the other two. Even then, all three wings were unified by the fact that they had large windows and were constructed of a white cement material. The hotel was built in a suburban area, there were alot of one-story houses and stores around.
      I sat down at a picnic table outside the hotel with two other male dream characters. We talked for a bit, I can't remember about what. Just that we were entertained.
      One of the things that I recall best was that a good portion of the first floor of Kristie's wing didn't have a wall. There was sort of this indoor/outdoor type room with a bunch of laundry machines for washing the bedsheets and towels in the hotel. I watched a pair of housekeepers working for a few minutes.
      I started hearing this buzzer and seeing this light go off. (There was a small alarm-type box on the table.) I couldn't figure out what it meant, but the other boys started laughing. Then Ryan showed up, and got really mad at me. He said that I was supposed to go to the room that the buzzer had came from and entertain the guests. (Becaue apparently I worked here now.)
      When he left, the other boys explained to me that it was our job to entertain the guests, and the only time we were allowed to deny them entertainment was if we were already entertaining someone else. I looked behind me, and there was a large cart filled with different colored tee-shirts. The boy continued by explaining that when a guest calls and wants to be entertained, they can request that you wear a particular color of shirt.
      I got a cell phone call, and it was another guest wanting entertainment. I answered and it was a man and a woman who had just gotten married. They asked me to put on either a brown or orange shirt and come up to their room. I started looking through the bin for a shirt in one of those colors, but I couldn't find one. I was still on the line with them, and they asked me to keep looking for the shirt, because for some reason, having me look for a shirt over the phone was entertaining to them. (Dream logic)

      Pokemon Builder

      I had a dream I was playing the new Pokemon game, and playing this minigame where you could design your own Pokemon. The idea was sort of like playing with stickers. Where there were a bunch of stickers that looked like eyes and bodies and spikes. You could arrange them into a new Pokemon.
      I can remember I was trying to create a Geodude. (I think that was a 1st Generation Pokemon, and one of the favorites from my childhood.) But my Geodude ended up looking like crap, and I got frustrated.

      Graduation Crashers

      I am so looking forward to getting out of school.

      We were graduating, but the graduation ceremony required all of the underclassmen to be present as well. We were in this location that my school clearly does not have in real life. It was essentially this huge hexagonal stadium-type room. There was a wooden stage in the center where some important educational figure was giving students their diplomas and congratulating them for completing school.
      After one particular student was called down, the Junior class started booing them and the room started to get out of control. Some teachers came in and told the Juniors that if they didn't quiet down they would all be written detentions.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:06 PM by 53527

    13. Dream Swears

      by , 11-21-2013 at 12:06 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I was walking with A and S just outside my own house. It was twilight, the sky a dark grey-blue and the houses and trees from my neighborhood were just black silhouettes against the sky.
      I didn't even notice that I was walking along barefoot until I jammed my big toe on a raised section of the sidewalk.
      "Oh, F**K!" I cursed to myself.
      My friends stopped walking as though I had done something heinously wrong. I just remembered that there was a new law in place and people weren't allowed to use cuss words. (Well I didn't just remember the law, It came into the dream that was searching for an actual plot.)
      A and S were talking. A wanted to turn me in for my crime while S wanted to protect me for slipping up, since I had hurt myself. I didn't know what was going to happen, so I decided to fake passing out and think of a better plan while people tried to revive me.
      We walked along for another moment or two until I pretended to stagger and fall over. I made sure my head hit the sidewalk pretty hard, hard enough that it hurt a little, but not nearly hard enough to knock myself out or anything.
      I was taken into third person, or "observer mode" in my dream, as I watched my friends carry me back to the house.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:05 PM by 53527

    14. Lucid Dream #54: Alone in Condo

      by , 11-20-2013 at 03:23 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I was having a dream about my cartoon. (Agian.) Once more I was executing non-lucid dream control to make the cartoon. I was thinking about the main villain in the comic, and his robot army. I began to come up with variations for his robot minions, such as having rocket launcher arms or jet packs. (In RL I do a cartoon, and the bad guy has an army of robot minions.)
      The dream became animated in that the characters talked, had voices and moved around, but still looked like cartoons. I got to watch the heroes of the comic battle the new robot minions. The new robots posed a real challenge to the animated heroes.

      I was taking a vacation with my family in Puerto Rico. (My family goes on a Holiday in Puerto Rico every year in RL) And we were checking into our favorite beach-side resort. (This resort used to be one of my dream signs because I would dream about it SO often.)
      We had arrived and it was almost dusk. The dream's recreation of the resort was fairly accurate this time around. (I know the whole place like the back of my hand.) Although there were two big bamboo patches outside the lobby that I didn't remember being there.
      And, because I dream about this place so often, I became vaguely lucid. But I didn't really become lucid until later. I can remember pondering my dreaming state while staring at the leaves of a palm tree.
      Anyways, I walked around on the beach for a minute, and my parents called me to help move luggage into the room. I went and helped them, I think I made two trips with them until we had everything. We might have had a brief cookout fire on the beach or something similar, but I don't really remember. By this time, the sun was setting and my parents told me to go to bed. I went into our hotel room and laid down on the bed.
      It was sort of like sleeping in Minecraft. When I lay down, my vision got darker and darker, and just when It went to black, I woke up with a jolt and it was immediately the next day.
      When i woke up on the next day, I felt like the world was more vivid (when in reality the DREAM was more vivid.) I was getting up to walk outside when I woke up.

      It was about 5:00am. Still an hour, went back to sleep.

      I was at some OTHER resort with my parents as well as my cousins this time. The resort was one of those backwoods-themed places where all of the buildings are made to look like log cabins. The adults were checking in, save for my uncle who was giving me and my cousins a "tour" of the resort.
      We were inside this atrium like building. The outside was made to look like a log cabin, as would be fitting for the resort, but the inside was entirely made of concrete, and had all of these platforms and walkways. We were up pretty high too, probably on the third or fourth floor.
      The first thing we did was my cousin got interested by this table with a touchscreen on it. Apparently what it allowed you to do was make yourself into your own trading card. The table would take a picture of you what a built in camera. Then you could use the touchscreen to customize your card's stats and abilities. Then, for a dollar you could print it out. (I got to remember that idea, that is marketing genius!)
      For some reason, I was interested by this red glowing column that ran up through all the concrete floors. Further inspection revealed that it was in fact (enter dream logic) a really tall coke machine. The money slot and dispensary were on the first floor.
      My cousins and uncle made their way down a concrete spiral staircase to the coke machine. I tried to climb down through this weird lattice of concrete platforms suspended by steel cables. It turned out to be too difficult for me to do. I think one of my cousins wanted a soda. On the ground floor, there were two other coke machines that were of normal height.

      Later, same dream.

      I was helping my dad do something for the resort. Apparently, he had broken some furniture in the hotel room and needed to make it up to the owners of the resort. He wanted to do it by carving a big log bench for the room out of a tree trunk and placing it in the room. (Remember the resort was log cabin/ backwoods themed)
      Anyways, he was carrying the log to outside a row of condo-type buildings. They were all built in a big meadow area surrounded by forest.
      The log itself I remember vividly because of its massive size. It was probably three feet thick and ten feet long. He had carved four large notches into the log that were supposed to be the seats for the bench, but he was planning on doing the remainder of his work back in our hotel room.
      When we got to the room, my dad said he needed me to carry the log the last little bit because there was a step-up to get into the room. I lifted the log and barely managed to fit the entire thing into the room.
      Wait a second... I can't lift a giant log by myself...
      I'm dreaming! (Weird way to get lucid by the way.)
      I got lucid. The door to the room closed and locked. The giant log disappeared when I wasn't looking. I stabilized the dream by saying "increase clarity" twice. I looked around the room. It had a log-cabin theme not unlike the rest of the resort. I think there were a pair of deer horns mounted on the wall.
      The floor was covered in backpacks and suitcases, as well as piles of clothes, cameras and other sorts of travel gear.
      I wandered around the room for a minute. I yelled "I'm dreaming" a couple times somewhere along the way to affirm to myself that I was lucid dreaming. But after a few minutes, I realized I was trapped in the room. (uh-oh)
      I decided to try dream spinning. I closed my eyes and tried spinning around. I imagined the beach resort from earlier in the night. I began to see the imagery related to the resort, but I must have either lost it or given up to quickly, because when I stopped spinning I was still locked in the hotel room, and nothing in the dream scene had changed.
      I recalled my dream from awhile ago, where I was firebending. Maybe I can use firebending to burn a hole in the wall and escape that way. I recalled the move I was practicing in that nonlucid dream, the spinning fire/lightning kick. I tried to do it, but no fire or lightning whipped off my foot.
      I started to get very frustrated with the dream, and woke up not long after that.

      I can't believe it. It feels like it's been months since I really had a full-length lucid dream. Now, true, my dream control completely and utterly failed. But, I couldn't care less. If I got lucid like this again tonight... that would be amazing.
      If I can start having lucid dreams like this 2-3 times a week, I can begin to grapple with the problems of my dream control. I can revisit some of my old goals and maybe finally do the dream base.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:05 PM by 53527

    15. Lucid Dryspell is officially broken (LD 53)

      by , 11-18-2013 at 12:46 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I can't remember much, the memory is hardly there, but I did have a lucid dream last night. Man it feels like I haven't been lucid in forever.
      All I can remember was that I was lucid, and I was in some forest area, daytime, summertime. slowly making my way down a path. As I did, I conversed with various dream characters. One of them being Lia. I can't remember what I talked about with anyone.

      Updated 12-28-2013 at 05:40 AM by 53527

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