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    Unstable Dream Guide, Rocket Store

    by , 02-28-2020 at 05:18 AM (382 Views)
    I am by the lake at my old house, where I become lucid simply by virtue of being there, having instilled into myself that I should reality check every time I arrive at anywhere related to my old house or the town I used to live in. It is summertime, there are numerous lush plants growing everywhere. The sky is an odd mixture of green, brown and yellow with two suns. The dream is very unstable. It feels like I'm looking down a tunnel, things feel dark and things tend to shift quite drastically if I look away from them and look back again.

    I decide to summon Manei, having missed my longtime dream guide/companion in the time that I have not been lucid dreaming. I summon her and I hear a voice saying it will take her some time to manifest into the dream and that I should please be patient. I oblige and seat myself at the edge of the water. I observe the unstable nature of the dream and am quite pessimistic about the dream remaining stable and lucid long enough for her to manifest, growing irritated at how long it is taking.

    Eventually she surfaces near the middle of the lake and swims over to me, getting out of the water. She is short, bloated and completely naked and her physical form is convulsing strangely physical features change each time I look at them, undergoing all sorts of typical dream body horror such as extra body parts or missing body parts, the specifics of which I do not recall. She explains to me that she is unstable, though I am just happy that the dream held together long enough and that she was actually able to manifest. I ask her what I can do to help her become more stable and she says that simply keeping present in the dream will allow her to rebuild stability. I agree to do this, we begin to walk and talk, but something triggers intense anger and I fly away. I remember shunting the angry energy directly downwards for propulsion.

    The dream scene transitions to the interior of my junior high, specifically one of the stairwells. The dream has distorted to where the stairwell was many stories tall (it was only two IRL). Manei and I are jumping on the stair rails and sliding down them. The assistant principal shows up, and starts to yell at us for misbehaving but being lucid, I do not care.


    I am at a store that allows one to design and build rockets. It's very reminiscent of something from a game like Kerbal Space Program in that you can buy these prefabricated pieces that just click together and there is this computer software that lets one order custom rocketry components. I also notice they sell big cylinders of styrofoam and ask about this. Apparently, it has something to do with fuel pressure.
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    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
