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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Lucidity around the corner?

      by , 03-23-2013 at 10:33 PM
      I napped. When I woke up my thought mas that lucidity is just around the corner. Was this my waking mind's insight or the subject of my dream? I do not recall.
    2. DC: chances are high this is a dream! (Me: not self aware!)

      by , 03-22-2013 at 08:22 AM
      This dream was about a dreamviews thread on what are the odds this is a dream! Completely non-lucid and no sense of self - I was "reading" not participating.

      Here is a fragment of my dream thread - there actually were user names but I forgot which:

      [user1] This is not a dream, not weird enough.
      [user2] Ah but we are not aware of all that is going on - not remembering all. If we backfill for all missing data points, then there is so much weirdness, that chances are high this is a dream!

      First of all, a dream in which a DC says/writes that chances are high that it is a dream, that's beautiful! Now, why couldn't I also have some self-awareness to allow me to make the small leap from that to lucidity?

      I know which thread triggered this! Gab yesterday wrote something like "let's face it our waking life is not weird enough, so we may need to pretend that it is" and I responded that I disagree that in my opinion life is plenty of weird, we just don't stop to question it most of the time, and don't notice how weird it is. In my dream the conversation was not between gab and JoannaB but it might as well have been. Fascinating, the only time I have successfully had an LD thus far after returning to this hobby was also triggered by DV interaction with gab. I think I will ask gab whether she would be willing to be my mentor or something, since obviously my dream self has a strong correlation between gab and lucidity or almost lucidity! Gab is my LD muse! Here is a link to the thread: http://www.dreamviews.com/general-lu...correctly.html (gab's post is #17 and my response is #18, and this is definitely what this dream is based on!)

      Another element of this dream, the backfilling for missing data to get adjusted statistics which may change the whole picture of what the data shows - this was triggered by a work problem I was working on this week! It's neat to see where such ideas in my dreams originated from in real life.

      Updated 03-22-2013 at 08:37 AM by 61501

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    3. Percentage correct dream interpretation

      by , 03-20-2013 at 06:47 AM
      In my dream I dreamed of interpreting dreams and percentage correct. I had the sense that this was part of a longer dream, but it was gone.
    4. Memory fail

      by , 03-19-2013 at 10:48 AM
      Hmm, I could have swarn I wrote a dream down at night. memory fooling me! Either it told me "you already wrote that don, so don't bother" which is something my mind has done to me before! or wouldn't it be amusing if I had dreamed of writing in the dream journal, and assume I did.

      I remember some combination of previous dreams: the number 3, the name fluffy, and perhaps a few others, and to my sleeping fuzzy brain they all made some sort of weird sense about dreams of course.
    5. 3 means complete

      by , 03-18-2013 at 10:32 AM
      Another dream fragment again on dreams:

      This was a dream about a DV thread. I think I started it. I don't remember exactly what it was about,but I remember it involved the number 3, and blackbirdrising in my dream interpreted the number 3 to mean complete, done.

      I woke up, and almost managed to persuade myself to not write this down again.Grrr!

      I think this is my last dream for the night. Is it my third? No, it's only the second one I can remember.

      Updated 03-18-2013 at 10:38 AM by 61501

      dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    6. The Power of a Name: Smart Alarm, I name thee Fluffy?

      by , 03-18-2013 at 05:42 AM
      I am trying an iPhone app Smart Alarm,which works by Laing my iPhone on my pillow and it detects vibrations and deduces from that my sleep cycle stages!

      In my sleep I dreamed that for this app to be effective I needed to give it a name. And not like Smart Alarm, but my own pet name, a nickname. A name to give it power, A name to give me power over it. I wonder whether it's the old magic concept: if you know someone's name, you can use that to overpower them.
    7. Judging dreams (fragment)

      by , 03-17-2013 at 11:14 AM
      This was one of those dreams abut dreaming. I remember it was lengthy but alli recall now is fragments. My son woke me up by hopping into my bed, so no chance for gentle dream recall.

      There was some sort of panel of judges for evaluating dreams and dreaming behavior. I remember arguing with them on some point or other. They seemed strict and conservative.
    8. Back in Bloomington IN with guide

      by , 03-16-2013 at 11:57 AM
      In this dream My husband and I had moved back to Bloomington, Indiana. Our kids were not there and I did not notice.

      Before we even managed to get settled, an older woman (not old) but older than me (perhaps my mother's age) offered to guide me through the town in her car, and I accepted. So I separated from my husband.

      I don't remember all of the tour, but it was lengthy, and I remember I got little out of it

      Although at one point we stopped by the library, and a young male librarian somehow figured out I was Polish, and he spoke Polish too. He brought out lots of Polish sweets. I knew that while I could handle them, I could not eat any, even though I wanted to. I unwrapped some chocolates from their foil wrapper. I asked him where the closest Polish store was. He did not know even though he had all these candy, so he went to ask someone else, but he could not figure out the answer. I apologized for messing up (unwrapping) his chocolate candy. I tried to rewrap it, but the wrapper was no longer there. So I wrapped it in a green cloth napkin instead, and left it next to the books on a counter.

      We continued the town tour in a car, but I was getting bored and tired. So I told the woman, and she seemed annoyed. I explained that we just got here into town, and I had not even had a chance to walk into my own new home yet. It became clear that even though she had picked me up close to where I lived, but she was unwilling to drop me off there. I could study the bus schedule. She had a bus schedule in the car, but I could not figure out how to read it, so I got out of the car and approached a bus stop to read anothe bus schedule there. That's when I realized that I did not know my address, nor which neighborhood we lived in or how far I was.

      I took out my iPhone to try to contact my husband. An app was up, and I tried to close it, but I got an endless supply of Do you want to Exit? Prompts from this app, and hitting Exit just brought up a slightly different menu with Exit as one of the options.

      I heard someone call my husband's name. I saw him approaching with a group of students. Only then I realized that it was just someone who had his name, and kind of looked like him (not really).

      Somehow I made it home (either scene shift or new dream). My husband and I decided to hire a prostitute who was a friend of ours by the hour to help us unpack and improve our new home. The young woman was very excited by this assignment which was a refreshing change from her usual.
    9. Normalizing Numbers and Plotting Them (Working on Work Problem in a Dream)

      by , 03-16-2013 at 07:55 AM
      I dreamed of normalizing numbers to enable better comparison, and plotting them on a chart.

      This is actually something I am currently working on at work: an unfinished task which I shall do on Monday.

      I wonder if the numbers in my dream represent something different than the numbers at work. Was this a straight dream of just working on a real life problem, and practicing it to help me do it better on Monday, or was it a reapplication of a technique from waking life to a different problem in a dream? I do not know. I do not remember anymore whether in the dream I knew what the numbers represented, I do not remember the actual numbers nor the resulting charts.
    10. Chose Not to Record Dream

      by , 03-15-2013 at 11:04 AM
      Was too tired, and consciously chose not to record a dream in middle of the night.

      All I remember now is that it was an issue dream of some sort, but probably a REM not NREM, even at bet all I had would have been a fragment, and I remember thinking that it was not an important issue and not very interesting.

      Btw, I woke up with the desire to try a WILD again only to be disappointed by finding out that it was almost time to get up on a work day. Tomorrow however is Saturday, and maybe I can try to WILD tomorrow morning.

      EDIT: Interestingly I remember also thinking that this issue in this dream fragment was the same as in another dream fragment that I forgot once I moved.

      It occurs to me that maybe my subconscious is trying to resolve some issue that it does not want my conscious to participate in at this time. Either that or my subconscious is blaming dream recall effort for my being too tired lately. Should I take a break and try again after a while?

      Updated 03-15-2013 at 12:14 PM by 61501

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    11. Moved Too Early

      by , 03-14-2013 at 07:54 AM
      Shoot I moved too early! I had it! Grr!!!

      Something would not be so good for people if not something.(?)

      This seemed like a fragment of a REM dream, watched like a movie with a moral to the story, but what was it?
    12. Dreams a treat like ice cream

      by , 03-13-2013 at 11:07 AM
      I dreamed that just like when getting ice cream in grocery shopping counting it as food is a cheat, similarly dreams are a treat not art of a basic food group.

      I think this dream was not really about ice cream as a metaphor for dreams, but rather it was a grumpy response from part ofe to the rest ofe saying that dreams are fun like ice cream but just like it they are optional and not essential. I think this dream may have been from the point of view of the part of me that does not want to put in the effort into remembering dream fragments: the foolish lazy part as most of me thinks of it.
    13. Dreams are like fast cars for others

      by , 03-13-2013 at 07:49 AM
      Dreams are like fast cars for others. My dreaming mind added the "for others caveat" since I am not one to enjoy race car driving in waking life. Though I might enjoy it in a dream. I do not consider myself a good driver, though I am certainly competent enough, and I do need to drive every day. Just like we are inside airplanes we are inside cars. I am often in the drivers seat though given a choice I prefer my husband to drive - yes, this is probably not the best metaphor for me. More self-esteem issues around driving. Although even pancakes have some self-esteem issues for me: I feel my mother-in-law makes much better ones than I do.

      Updated 03-13-2013 at 07:54 AM by 61501

      Tags: cars, dreaming
      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    14. Dreams are like pancakes :)

      by , 03-13-2013 at 06:36 AM
      I dreamed that dreams are like pancakes.

      How are pancakes like dreams? I shape my dreams and cook them. They may start out shapeless and liquidy, but them they solidify like magic. When I eat my dreams, they become part of myself. Dreams are often circular: no end and no beginning, and often repeat. One can toss a pancake in the air, and watch it float like a magic carpet in a dream. Most people like pancakes/dreams. Just like a pancake may have blueberries or something else in it, a dream may hide a gem worth discovering. You pour syrup over a pancake to make is taste better and sweeter, and at times we disguise our dreams to be more palatable to ourselves. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and yet we hurry through it, and dreaming can similarly have a crucial often insufficiently recogniZed importance. My dreams spiritually nourish and sustain me. I do not have time to make pancakes except for on the weekend, and part of my mind has been fighting the dream recall effort as too much for everyday life. Just like pancakes dreams are shaped by culture (different international variations), there are family recipes, and individuals can experiment with making their own variations. Each of us can have our own pancakes, but it is possible to share a pancake (and many people claim one can share a dream). Even my picky water younger son likes pancakes, and dreams can appeal to everyone.

      This is my third metaphor for dreams in my dreams: fish, airplanes, and pancakes. Unlike fish airplanes soar free instead of being confined by self-censorship to an aquarium, but unlike airplanes pancakes become part of me and are not up there but close at hand. Fish are slippery, airplanes and solid, and pancakes not so much - one can shape a pancake, whereas an airplane comes in a certain shape and cannot be actively changed. One can consume fish and pancakes (sort of like the biblical spiritual food of fishes and loaves of bread) whereas airplanes consume one. Will I let my predefined dreams consume me, or will I through dream interpretation and later through lucid dreaming redefine my dreams and incorporate them into myself? I am hoping for the later. I want to be in charge of my dreams! Though I am also in charge of my fish: I control every aspect of their environment in my fish tank - it is up to me whether they live and thrive or die. If I put in the effort and with proper knowledge I can control mg fish, though I may prefer to observe their antics instead and be surprised by what they teach me about nature. I can also control an airplane, but only if I am the pilot, not as a passenger in a commercial flight. Airplanes and dreams allow us to fly: something we humans long for. Pancakes are not as ordinary as they may appear, and baking pancakes or bread is an activity that shows greater sophistication, a higher level of culture - though airplanes are much more technologically advanced. Fish in the aquarium hobby appeal to aesthetics, whereas pancakes appeal to our taste buds - I am engaging a new sense here. Airplanes had added a louder sound, though fish tanks also have a sound component which is a white noise, but they ate not as loud as airplanes. Oh, and pancakes are much more mundane and approachable than airplanes: despite the potential for too much effort for every day pancakes, they could become an everyday food if I were motivated. Fish are part of my everyday life. Airplanes are not. Both fish and pancakes are something I am competent and capable at, whereas at least in waking lives I do not know airplanes on such a level and I rely on others to control (though in my dreams I could of course pilot an aircraft.

      Updated 03-13-2013 at 07:03 AM by 61501

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    15. Trying on Names Like Hats (Dream Fragments)

      by , 03-11-2013 at 07:12 AM
      In this dream I was alternating names, sort of trying them on for size, like hats (I thought in hindsight, though sadly, no actual hats in this dream before waking up, which is a shame). They were mostly old family names, like my relatives maiden names, or names of close friends of the family.

      This dream was all about self-identity, and I just know that part of why I dreamed it was because before going to sleep I tried to respond toa thread on dreamviews about changing gender in dreams. I say tried because I had server failed errors, so I do not know whether I actually did respond to that thread or not.

      I also had some difficulty breathing in this dream, probably due to having a lot of congestion in real life, and hat raised the anxiety level in this dream.

      Of course, given my struggles with myself lately and throughout life, anxiety about self-identity is not an unusual theme for me. Who am I? I am the one who is full of contradictions, and that's ok.

      I think the fact that these were old family names is significant: I am aware that part of what makes me me is my family history, the women who came before me, who changed their names in marriage to redefine ourselves.

      Updated 03-11-2013 at 07:14 AM by 61501

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
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