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    Lucid but didn't really do anything.

    by , 12-26-2010 at 02:37 AM (428 Views)
    Can't remember which dream was part of which. Had a few dreams out of order but I will order them into one big dream (excluding the lucid). Goal for last night was to see if I'm still supposed to meet this woman the psychic had told me about.


    Starts off driving in some strange town with my brother. Suddenly we are walking. I remember being in this place before... if you look at all the people and make Eye Contact with them they start following you around and then try to kill you. So this time I don't really look at anyone for long. I tell my brother not to ake EC with the people in town. But then As I'm walking, an asian girl stares right at me.... She has her hair tied back. I think I walk with her into some movie theater.

    A movie starts. I am watching an asian man drive a truckin a muddy ditch. Suddenly I'm in the truck with him and he can't drive straight anywhere. He backs up and goes forward a lot but doesn't really go anywhere. Some people with guns ambush us.

    Now I'm out of the trucka nd shooting people with a strange pellet gun. I should one guy in the back, but it takes five secodns for the gun to fire. When it fires the man topples over. The asian man who was driving tells me that my gun isn't on the right setting. I see a switch on it and flick it. Then the gun shoots normally. I begin flying upa steep and muddy hill when my memory fades.


    I'm walking along a common street i remember from Chilliwack. It's night time and As I'm walking a strange animal goes in my path. It's small like a kitten and has a weird paw. I cross the street to avoid it and walk in the other direction. I see some familiar people ahead. I fly up a bit and become lucid. I see lots of powerlines and try to avoid them. A woman calls to me and says she wants to explore some waterfall. I turn back and fly through a portal... I think. Everything is black but I can hear a waterfall. I fly around one side of the mountain and get to the waterfall. I try to push through it to find a hidden passage but find nothing. The woman is still in the background somewhere but I never see her.

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