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    Some lucids finally!

    by , 11-14-2010 at 01:57 AM (724 Views)

    I was in a hypnagogic state and I asked, "Am I still on schedule to meet the woman the psychic told me about." In the blackness i saw someone walking towards me... He looked like The Fonz! only his face was ugly... He was an ugly Fonz... but he walked up, gave a smile, and gave a thumbs up. I guess the answer is "yes!"


    First lucid

    FA, Get out of bed and RC. It just feels like a dream. The room is dark and I walk over to the door an open it. I walk into a hallway of a large house.... all the lights are off. I walk around into the living room and see no one is in there. I go through the house opening various doors and stuff but I find the house completely empty. I find one room however where my dad is watching tv. He looks at me and tries to get me to do housework. I tell him to relax this is only a dream... and I don't have to do anything I don't want to in a dream. He seems a bit flustered at that, but then he shrugs and gives up trying. for some reason he can't seem to argue with me about it all being a dream.

    I walk back into my room for a bit... then it occurs for me to check for people upstairs. I find the door to upstairs in no time. I open the door and walk up the step. Then I enter the next floor which is.... Completely empty? Did a bunch of my inner world characters move out or something? I am a bit flustered when everything fades.

    Second Lucid

    FA, get out of bed and RC. Now I'm in the same room upstairs that I was in earlier but now there is furniture around. The room has 3 Televisions. One is a flat screen TV, very wide and it has a movie playing on it. I look at the scene and try to transport myself there. The scene starts to surround me but everything blacks out. I think I am going to wake up or something but then I find myself back in the room.

    My attention is now on the other TVs. one is one and the other is shut off. I wonder where Asuka is and think i can use the TV to transport myself there. I touch the black screen and can feel a definite hard surface. I intend to push my fingers through the screen but nothing happens. I try for a few minutes just pressing the glass of the screen. After a few moments i notice a spark where my fingers are trying to push through. I think, "come on! This is a dream. I can do this! Please take me to Asuka!" Finally my fingers begin to push through. I then intent to make it seem like there's no screen at all so i can go through without waking myself. I focus more on my feeling of Asuka and push my arms through with no resistance. However I feel a strong force trying to push me back from to portal now... Like something doesn't want me to cross. I then determine either asuka doesn't want me to find her, or that someone or something else is trying to keep me from finding her. I then try to force myself past the force. I get my head in the TV and suddenly the dream falls apart.


    I hit SP and don't do anything but intend on going into the next dream looking for Asuka. Now I'm in a dream and falling inside a large warehouse building where there's a mall or something. I walk towards a door with a mirror beside it. I look at myself and see that there's drywall mud all over my hair... But I have a boyish face, unlike my real face that shines through and doesn't make my drywall hairdo look all that bad. I look in the mirror closer and notice that someone is behind me... and looks exactly like me. I look directly behind me where the person is but now the person has changed. Some weird guy with glasses. He starts ranting about light and stuff... but I don't like his intent. i teleport to him and crush his wind pipe with my hand. At frist it seems hard, but then i fully crush it. The guy falls to the floor still trying to rant but then dies when he hits the ground.

    I then walk through the door and enter a food court area wondering if Asuka is there. I go by one stand and see a small family. Two kids, and one little girl smiles at me. Chantaral? I walk past and notice an asian woman... Asuka? doesn't seem like her energy so I keep walking. I find nothing in the next area and walk back. I want to make sure that the people i saw wasn't asuka and co. I walk back and they are all gone... But where the little girl was is now a midget woman smiling at me.... weird.

    I get distracted by piano music. I look and see two people at a piano playing something like Rachmaninoff. I wonder if I can have epic piano playing skills in a dream so I walk over to the piano but I wake up.

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    Updated 11-14-2010 at 02:02 AM by 6012

    Tags: asuka, lucids


    1. Raven Knight's Avatar
      Weird... that the strange guy in glasses was ranting about light and it was a being of light that had Asuka... maybe that DC was trying to tell you something.