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    Two dreams.

    by , 10-21-2010 at 01:18 AM (438 Views)
    Old Age.

    Me and Kaomea are an older couple... maybe our kid is getting out of highschool by now.. it's not certain. We are in Hawaii and stepping out of a bus. We then walk up a hill a ways with a can of some sort in our hands. We keep climbing up the hill along a trail until we reach a high cliff. In the can is some of nomad's Ashes, who seems to be recently deceased in the dream. Together we release his ashes over the cliff, and they catch wind down to sea. I look at Kaomea and say "At least we returned him to where he loved to be most. He'll be in our dreams most likely."


    This was a long dream... but all I remember now is floating over chilliwack and entering a school. I was in a classroom where I was telling my brother that I was going to move away from home. He said I should just stay with the family and learn the trade otherwise I wouldn't amount to anything. I got mad and told him that no matter where I went, I would eventually find a place to live and a job, so don't try to put me in a fear jar. Asuka was merged with kaomea and sitting at a desk smiling at me and my triumphant speech. She had white hair but looked young.

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    1. TheForgotten 's Avatar
      You know this does make me wonder about what happens to those who die. If they're still accessable to us in our dreams. If that's true, death would be a little easier to manage. I'm going to try dreaming of a dead relative and test my theory. Don't ask why I'm telling you this... I would have cracked a joke but there were no smart-ass lines in your dreams