13 Feb: Trump offers me a job, Purge meets Hunger Games
, 02-13-2019 at 01:01 PM (320 Views)
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening
At a street or avenue, I get lucid and remember a thing I read on some instagram post about teleporting to a place we see in a dream. I try teleporting to over a roof of a building, instead I start flying. I don't stop at the roof I go fly around.
Trump wants to offer me a job, it is not the first time he offers it. Wants me to run his farm. He takes me on a tour, it has really impressive facilities. The chicken pen is gigantic and chicken really have lots of space and conditions to climb and shelters to hide. We find a puppy inside having fun eating eggs. Trump doesn't have a farm manager, he just goes there on sundays to check and do some work himself []. He tells me about the plants and places he liked as he grew up playing on this farm. I am almost convinced he is actually human.
Then he takes me to follow him around a whole day trying to convince me. Says he'll pay me handsomely and I think about how I would like the money but also how bad it would be accepting the job. He would probably try to seduce me, he would probably fire me sooner than later and my reputation would be both increased and destroyed depending on the audience.
Then he goes to a casino, I hint I wish it could be my lucky day and hit a jackpot, and he says it might be. But people start looking at me wondering probably if this poorly dressed hippie is his new lover. I am approached by someone pretending to know him while he goes to the toilet, just to try to find out who I am, and I clarify he is just offering me a job. But this person is a journalist. Trump gets angry and takes me away to some clothing shop. I think maybe he wants to change my looks so I can hang out with him, raising less questions on others, but it is actually about himself (obviously). The ladies look at me as the ones who looked down at Julia Roberts and Pretty Woman. They ask me what I want and I say I'm with Trump. Then he says he bought something he is not happy with and wants to buy a new one that is in promotion. I look around the shop and anyway it is really bad taste conservative clothes I would never use.
I tell him my bigger problem with the job offer is the distance. I say it does not compensate. He thinks about it, offers me a load of money, so that I cannot reject anymore.
The movie Purge meets The Hunger Games. I am with some friends at their home, that has steel window blinds, but the bad guys override the system and they open up. I escape through a backdoor to the outside, but have to go through some dudes who were trying to enter from there. I hit one with something heavy and get an ax and a hammer from a shack nearby. I open my way through whomever I encounter, some are hard to kill, some try to steal my weapons. I manage to come together with my friends again and we go through the city. We try to find hideout in parks and less populated areas. But this doesn't end in one day, it lasts for some time, so we decide to try to escape the city or we will end up being killed.
We find the edge of the city and we discover it is a floating city, miles high in the sky. Seems a dead end. But we meet a guy that claims to be coming from the outside world. He tells us there are two points where there is a climbing system on the wall, with ropes and that we can escape through there. We sleep a night in an abandoned hotel room. I dream with the wall thing, I see the rope mesh going down and that the wall has a sort of inclined platform before it dives vertically. I share the dream with my friends in the morning, taking it as a vision. I can't find my weapons and suspect someone infiltrated the group. But nothing happens and we head to the place with the ropes to escape.