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    Dream Warrior and Explorer of the Dreamplane

    1. 17 Sep: Vampires attack and ego burst

      by , 09-24-2010 at 04:49 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      0:15 GMT – sleep


      4:45 GMT

      Tango and vampire attack
      I’m on a dance classroom. People are learning tango. Teacher evaluates us and I suck. I leave the floor and decide to go to a window check the outside. I am wearing a black cape and then I see a bunch of vampires about to enter and attack everybody.
      I remember clearly one vampire sucking the blood from one girl who is actually delighted. The vampire sensed her joy and stops to ask her why is she happy. She doesn’t say but I guess she is happy with the prospective of also becoming a vampire. They take her away, don’t know if to make her wish come true, but all the others are killed. I realise then I’m one of them, because they don’t do me nothing. Still, I don’t kill, I’m a benign vampire and in fact feel bad about this killing.

      5:40 GMT

      Ego burst and reconciliation
      I’m walking with mom and my friend Christof by my side. We cross a train station platform and I see this bunch of card boxes full of stuff someone abandoned there. I guess for others to take whatever they wish. I start taking a look at it but mom discourages me, thinks it’s not suitable for me to do it, that’s for poor people. How stupid, I love getting used stuff from others. I find a nice vase and a minipimer. She is now really pulling me away from it but I insist in seeing the rest. Then I find boxes full of my childhood stuff. I feel totally upset – these are things that only my mother could have taken here. But when I want to confront her, she is gone somewhere and my friend says we should go meet her now. But I feel totally angry and can’t really face her right now, so I just leave to the opposite direction. But first pick up some of my stuff, put it on a bag and hand it over to my friend.
      I then pass by this people from my village (that’s when I realise all this is taking place there) and they are talking about me on my back. I hear them commenting how I work abroad and so on, like if it’s a big deal for small town folks. But then I hear a sarcastic comment saying “Yeah, but I heard she doesn’t make much money.” What??? I’m totally pissed – what do these people have to do with my life anyway? I scream to them that I make loads of money, travel a lot for free around the world and have an amazing life. Then (WTF) I scream that I am also planning to join the army or the navy (whatever).
      I keep walking way but this anger and hurt ego do not last for long and soon I worry that my mother will freak out not knowing where I went and my foreign friend also. Can’t make them feel sick of worries, so I just go back. I find my friend on the door of this shop where my mom was, trying to get me on the phone, totally despaired that his cell phone is almost battery dead and that my mom doesn’t speak english. He hugs me, relieved. My mom is inside. We don’t talk, as she is still mumbling about all that stuff being just garbage that I’m attached to, but I’m already totally cool about it. Already let go of the possessions she gave away. People matter more than objects.
      Then Christof tells me the shop keeper (a cute lady) has been totally nice to him, asking his name, where he comes from and so on. But I tell him that’s not the normal way they deal with costumers and that she was totally flirting with him.

      6:55 GMT – wake up
    2. Precog dreams confirmed

      by , 09-23-2010 at 05:00 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      In the past few days I've had really strange experiences with precognitive dreams. It is not unusal for me to recognize places I go for the first time from dreams I had before going there, but this time for a bunch of days I felt like I was living a huge déjà vu and that every step I was taking I was reliving several of my dreams.
      I went to Brussels and Ghent for work reasons. I've been in Brussels many times, I even lived there, but his time I took a different route from the one I always take out of the airport. It started there, when I recognised a car park where I had a dream adventure some time ago (even before joining DV, so no DJ record of it). I had never seen the place before, only in that dream.

      Then when I was on this bus to Brussels centre, I realised I'm dressed similarly to the dream of 9 Sep when I meet a friend at a library (on the same night by coincidence I also dreamt about Brussels). I'm wearing a skirt, leggings and some lycra socks that are kinda dirty. I am also wearing sabrinas, which is totally unlike me. I am going directly to the European Parliament, where my friend JF (whom I had met on this library dream) works. I think I need to take the socks and leggings out before arriving there or I'll be going through the embarassement of having to undress there, like I did in my dream, in front of my friend behind a desk. So, that problem was averted, due to reminding this dream.

      Then I spent all afternoon and night working at the Parliament, in some office with some friends and colleagues. Here I recognised the dream of 22 Aug about a "casual 5* hotel". It wasn't really a hotel, but the parliament at night. I recognized the lobby with the black square sofas, the amazing staircase leading to the glass window "chamber" on the upper floor (not really a concert hall, but the look was still incredibly similar). Instead of the lake and plants in the middle of the staircases, there's a huge metallic sculpture on the centre that looks like a waterfall.
      Then when we were working, one of the guys started to sing "who let the dogs out" and everybody joined in and laughed. Someone made a comment that we should have brought our dogs for company throughout the night. And I totally related this to the dream (dogs running around free on the hotel in the middle of the night).

      Also, the recent dream I had about hacking a building was totally related to the Parliament experience. I stayed there all night, which was not supposed to happen - I only had a permit for staying during the daily working time. But me and one colleague decided to stay behind to finish a job in the office of the person who got us in, hoping the security guards would not kick us out. We didn't stay inside the office all night as we were too curious and wanted to explore the building. We managed to walk around, avoiding the cameras and hiding of a security guard (a lady) we saw at a certain point, but amazed that no one was actually stopping us. Only at 4 a.m. did they caught us, because by then we thought nobody would come to kick us out. We decided to sleep on some couches on a corridor and a guard doing a round finally found us. We were totally exposed and relaxed about it. A mistake. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

      A few days later I went to Ghent and as I was passing by a really cute shop where I saw this basket full of teddy bears and other dolls, it totally reminded me of the teddy bear basket I had found in the security control room of the building I hacked (in the dream).

      Also in Ghent I arrived at this street where I saw the scene from the dream of 21 Aug (that then I marked as a potential precognitive). I had dreamt of a certain beautiful building on a corner of two streets facing a canal and there it was. It wasn't the embassy of Switzerland - that was a dream confusion, because the next day (not after the dream, but after this day in Ghent) I was supposed to go the german embassy (work related) and somehow my mind foresaw it but mixed it up. Anyway, no doubt that was the same place from the dream, although the building was not pink but actually orange/reddish, but hey... In front there was a canal and I leaned against the fence to take pictures both of the building and of the canal, for future reference.

      Later on, I saw this huge amount of people in bicycles and when I saw a particular family it got my attention - it totally looked like the part of the dream before hacking the building, where I followed this family on bikes. On the dream it was car-free day and... surprise, surprise: I found out then that it was car-free sunday in Ghent!
      By now I decided I should follow the bikers as I did in my dream, and see where it would lead me in waking life.
      Apparently to no place special. They crossed a bridge and kept cycling around the neighbourhood. I was tired of following them and stopped by the back of this huge building which I found to be a museum. On the back of this museum there was a nice garden and I just felt like meditating there for a while. That's when I found a koi pond in the middle of it. Weird. I had to do a RC just to be sure I was not on the moon
      I did sat there for half an hour and had the most bizarre meditative experience. I actually tried to contact the dream world while awake and felt strange effects. I'm not saying it was not my imagination, but I felt weird, like a strong difference of pressure over my head, strong swirling winds started to blow in the garden and around me. It was strange.

      Last but not least, while I was in Ghent I had also this weird dream that I was attacked, on a kind of guesthouse/restaurant, by some cult followers that kept saying "Simon says!" (haven't published this one yet on my DJ) and the next day I found out there was a place close by my hostel (a B&B and coffee bar) which is called "Simon says" - how odd is that? Unfortunately I had no time to actually go there, but the good side is I probably I escaped my attackers

      Updated 09-11-2011 at 10:26 PM by 34880

      side notes
    3. 16 Sep: Dream within a dream, kame hames, Nighthawk’s dream

      by , 09-23-2010 at 11:33 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      I had a sleepless night (work reasons) on the 15th Sep (about 36 hours without sleeping), so I went to bed early in the evening of the 16th to compensate.
      I have something important to tell about what I’ve experienced on these days when I was sick, traveling and not sleeping much. During these days, although dream recall was kind of shitty, waking life was incredible, because many of the dreams I had dreamt a few days before manifested during this time and led me to strange places. I will write about it later.

      19:50 GMT – Sleep


      3:00 GMT

      Dream within a dream
      I was looking at a bus – probably to get inside it, when in front of my eyes this image started to form - a guru I know that passed away years ago was sitting in front of me. He had his face painted and had a hat and ornaments. The vision slowly became more clear and detailed until I became part of it – I had passed into another dream (and when it ended I went back to the same place of the previous dream).
      This guru was surrounded by lamas and I sat in front of him. I didn’t know what he was doing, some kind of ritual I could not follow. But in the end he gets up – he is gigantic, I mean he was 2 mts tall when he was alive and I am now sitting at his feet. He approached me, leaned forward and with a big warm smile he told me something like this wasn’t really a dream and then he told me something important about inspiration that unfortunately I can’t remember well. It was a very clear and profound message that did inspire me for something, but I can’t recall. Then the vision started to fade and I was back in the initial dream, confused if I was actually awake having a vision or dreaming within a dream.

      Holographic advertising
      I was in the future, walking the street and being bombarded by 3D holographic advertisement – if you think advertising now is intrusive... wait to see that one! Not only this advertisement was 3D, if you decided to interact with it, it would actually become semi-solid and you could touch the holographic objects, sense their texture, shape and weight. It was also possible to manipulate these holograms on this particular advertising, so just for fun I transformed this object that was being announced into a pair of boobs and put them in the hands of my boyfriend who was by my side. I laughed, then I picked it up again and designed a heart-shaped box, with a beautiful reticulated lid. I gave it to him again and as he grabbed it, inside it appeared a symbolic representation of whatever he keeps in the centre of his own heart. For me this was like a revelation and I thought that this would be a great instrument to find out what’s inside people’s hearts – made a mental note to myself on this “extraction” technique. Of course, by now I was lucid.

      6:00 GMT


      7:00 GMT

      Kame hames batlle
      I was inside a garage in some villa at dusk when I realise I am dreaming. Made some stunts, like jumping from wall to wall, to celebrate the return of lucid! Then decided to get out and fly somewhere. As I hover houses and trees deciding what to do, I see on the horizon this Dragonball character – I think it’s Cell [did a search on the web] and he is preparing to kame hame me. This settled my priorities immediately: I tried to create a fireball in my hands (which I have failed to do so far). I see only a tiny spark arising and just as if it was a fire, I blow it to make it bigger. That’s the only way I manage to do it and I throw the fireball at him. He throws one at me, which I can easily get away from. But he immediately throws another and another and I am still struggling to fire another one, so I decide I am not ready for this fight and run away. Actually I wake up briefly.

      Entering Nighthawk’s dream
      I force myself into dream again and immediately enter a new dream. On this dream I am just awaking at my grandma’s house. I was apparently sharing the bed with my cousin C. who is still asleep. I go out for a few seconds and when I come back in the room, the bed is now smaller and already tide up (no cousin sleeping on it) and I realise it’s a dream. The lucidity is faint so I rub my hands and look at all details, trying to vivify it. I lose and gain lucidity a few times until it becomes strong. Then I decide I’ll use it to meet Nighthawk. I close the bedroom door and wish to enter his dream by crossing the door.
      When I open the door I see a different house on the other side. I enter it. The look is totally different – while my dream was whitish and cold, this one is yellowish and warm. I step on a corridor and right in front there’s an open door to another division. I see his mother and lots of family members gathered around, listening to her. I believe it’s some kind of family reunion. Then I go to my right and I find another room, a quiet room where I see Nighthawk sitting on a couch with his grandmother. I have this impression that I’ve seen this dream before...
      He is sitting with her and it is clear that she is a safe harbour, a big source of love and care. I feel bad to interrupt his nice dream, but I need to say I’m there, although very gently not to disturb too much. I pass quietly through the back of the couch and as I do it, his grandma says “Is it you xxxx (my name)?” I am caught by surprise, how does she know my name? But then who looks back it is actually him. I never get to see her face and I realise she is just his DC and is expressing his own words. He looked at me, with his eyes full of emotion but also a bit confused. Like, this is a recurrent dream and I’m not usually part of it, so what the hell was I doing there?
      I get to his side, I bend over against the couch side arm and gently ask him if he is lucid. He seems confused, looks sleepy or dizzy. I hold his hand, he is warm and I am freezing cold. I cuddle his arm gently. And then he says a bit spaced out “Oh, we kissed, didn’t we?” He was slowly connecting the dots, but the dream was faint and losing sense rapidly. He was still looking very sleepy and he lay down on the sofa (the granny was now gone) and the dream started to disappear. I didn’t lose lucidity but I was kicked out to another dream and I found myself in the middle of a very busy street, somewhere in some Mediterranean country, almost being hit by the traffic. I decided to try to go meet him again on some other dream of his, and wished it as I tried to teleport me there, with no success. Anyway I knew it was time to wake up and got to work, so I called it a day (or a night ).

      7:00 GMT – wake up

      Updated 09-09-2011 at 10:50 PM by 34880 (correcting spelling mistakes)

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. 14 Sep: Chase and funny pet

      by , 09-23-2010 at 10:26 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:30 GMT – Sleep

      Me and 3 others are trying to escape this group of men who want to kill us. We’re on shallow waters (ocean shoreline, I think), it’s foggy and they are on the beach trying to spot us. They see us as we are getting close to a boat anchored there. They start shooting as we get inside the boat, but they are fast and before we manage to turn the boat engine on, they also get to the boat. We hide and decide to split up and go in different directions. We later gather on land and follow a road with a stone wall by our right side. From the top of this wall fall amazing huge hanging plants with red flower bunches and for moments I forget about the danger I was running from and just feel captivated by the alien beauty of this place.

      Strange pet
      I am carrying a cute pet that is making a lot of noise. He is so tiny and gets lost inside my clothes. I have to undress my pants very gently, trying not to squeeze or squash him. I find him in there, he is a bit wet, I dry him up, I cuddle him, he looks like a fury ping-pong ball.

      2:30 GMT

      Nothing... [total frustration]

      7:00 GMT – wake up
    5. 13 Sep: Retro building, horny guys and my cat

      by , 09-23-2010 at 10:12 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:00 GMT – Sleep


      1:15 GMT

      Retro building, horny guys and my cat
      I am on a building, kind of retro looking, I think on the 2nd floor. My cat is roaming around the room I am in. I even let him go outside the door, although at a certain point I wonder if the front of the building is open and go down there to check (so the cat doesn’t run away). As I go downstairs I find this intermediate floor where there’s a kind of floating stage. I try to figure out what it is but then just jump from there to ground floor. I realise I’m wearing my sexy red pyjama and land in one of two tables where 2 groups of guys are gathered. As I land there graciously, I make this pose of defiant sexy warrior and this has the unintended effect that the guys feel aroused and want to jump on me. I just have time to run to another room and lock me inside. The door has windows and they see me there and try hard to get inside. I realise they will do so eventually but decide not be afraid. [slight feeling I am dreaming] When they finally come inside and harass me, by ignoring them, they just fade away.
      Then I conclude the front door was really open and by then my cat is really gone outside. [what an obsession I have for the cat] Then as I wish him to come back a bunch of other cats enter the building, but not my cat. Then I decide to practice detachment and think that for sure he is well and that I should learn to let go. And if something bad happens to him I should not feel guilty, that’s just life.

      7:00 GMT – wake up
    6. 11 Sep: Burning stuff, detachment and harassment

      by , 09-23-2010 at 09:48 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      I have been sick, which totally knocked out my dream recollection for almost a week. Then I had to travel to Belgium and slowly recovered my dreams but had no possibility to write them down on dreamviews. Still, I have a lot to tell: I accomplished the monthly tasks of September, among other personal achievements. Will try to publish these past 10 days' dreams in slots, not to spam the DJ page.

      23:45 GMT – Sleep

      I save a lady twice. First someone puts her on a truck over some train tracks and I just get her out at the last minute. Later we’re on a boat and I see a guy approaching her with a gun on his hand. He’s someone she knows and she trust him but I sound the alarm and just avert another murder attempt.

      Incinerating a landscape
      I’m hovering some natural landscape with a big lake or sea and there’s some nasty stuff contaminating the waters. I’m shooting beams from my hands into land and water that blow up the whole thing. I see it catching fire, feel very disturbed with this destruction but I know that it’s for a greater good.

      5:30 GMT

      Burning attachments
      My house was on top of some cliff and there was really bad storm going on, landslides and so on. The house broke into pieces, little by little and we lost everything. First I cried for the loss, but then I focused on the fact that we (me and family) were still alive and that was the most precious possession, so I started feeling this comfy feeling of peace of mind and liberation.
      I walk to a nearby house that is still standing, with the few possessions I managed to rescue and inside I find this guy watching TV as if nothing happened. I feel he is responsible for what happened, I ask him why and despite already having felt inner peace, right now I feel an anger arising and I attack him. He is totally unaffected as if my punches don’t even touch him. At the same time I feel this mix of anger and attraction to him. He finally speaks and with much sorrow in his eyes he says my pain and anger are destroying him and then he transforms into a kind of androgynous fairy in dark clothes which slowly freezes like a block of ice. I realise my anger is killing him and I then feel compassion and love and slowly it unfreezes from that state. I then feel immerse in a sea of loving kindness and detachment, I transform. I now have a helmet and flamethrowers in my hands and with a bizarre floating dance, we both throw fire at the rest of this house and possessions saved and feel totally liberated as I watch them burn.

      6:30 GMT

      Artistic kid
      I see these amazing drawings of a kid – he makes beautiful nudes – and I want to know more about him. Then I see his life from above (as a movie) and see him in highschool, hanging around with his friends. Nothing really interesting, he’s just a kid with talent – and I think, there are so many out there!

      I am taking a shower at my mom’s place and as I come out of the bathtub my uncle C. enters the bathroom. I feel a bit surprised and upset, I just had time to pull a towel and cover myself. What is he doing here? He is wearing a monk’s robes but he is also hitting on me. I try to avoid him but it’s not easy, he corners me. Luckily my aunt also comes and gives me an opportunity to escape. Then there’s a shift in the dream. I pass into a city landscape and think I’m now in another dream and got rid of him, but he followed me here. He is just behind me, trying to catch me again but by then I am lucid and decide to fly away to leave him behind. I fly a little bit and see this gorgeous cityscape – really lovely, large sidewalks, monumental buildings and bridges, a long garden with red flower carpet. As I hover the flower carpet I lose the dream and wake up.

      7:45 GMT – wake up

      Updated 09-23-2010 at 09:51 AM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Sick

      by , 09-14-2010 at 09:39 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      I've been ill the past few days, with a flu or something like that.
      I am very frustrated because it affected my dreams. All I recalled during these days were 2 or 3 fragments, not even worth being posted. It's awful.
      Hope to recover soon the dream recall and the lucid dreaming. This situation sucks.
      side notes
    8. 10 Sep: India, birthday party and Town of Denn!

      by , 09-10-2010 at 05:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:10 – Sleep

      Again in India
      I’m with my parents on a house looking over a hill and we see a crowd of men outside very agitated. They are manifesting, angry about something. Not at us, but the fact they are so close is a bit worrisome. We fear they might start a riot and starts damaging our home.
      We go outside try to understand what’s going on. I understand their situation and agree with their demands. I also shout some words of support and my father tells me to shut up – what am I thinking? I ask if he doesn’t agree and yes, of course, but these guys should do something about it in a peaceful and diplomatic way, not with riots. My parents decide to leave and not stay there anymore, predicting problems.
      We then go through an earth road by the side of the river and I see beautiful Indian girls in their Saris and boys flirting them. Then I go through a succession of images from India, buddhist monasteries and so on.

      3:30 GMT

      Town of Denn
      I’m going down a hill and find myself on this earth road by the edge of a large crater (more like a canyon). On my back and on the other side of the crater I see buildings destroyed by rockets and bombs. I then realise there are men hiding behind some broken windows, with guns and realise I’m in a war scenario. I decide to do a RC. I realise I’m dreaming and feel no fear. This time I remember the tasks I have to accomplish (Hooray!) Which one I do first? For some reason I didn’t feel like taking an elevator, so I decide to shrink to the atomic level. I do my best to shrink, but all I manage is to reduce maybe 10 cms. Damn. Continued trying and didn’t reduce size. Not to lose lucidity in vain, I decide to do the RPG task and decide to jump on the crater and use it as a portal for the RPG dream. I close my eyes on the jump and when feel my feet on the ground I open my eyes and I’m there!
      At first I found it a bit different from what was supposed. I mean, the sky was bright blue, the houses of the village were all white and there was a general sense was of a happy sunny place. In front of me, downhill, I could see beautiful planes and hay stacks. On my left I saw these streets with white houses aligned downhill. On my back there was the main entrance to the village – through an arch, leading to a higher hill on top of which there was this big white building that at first looked like a church, but it had banners and flags and was for sure a fortress or castle. On my right also downhill there was an alignment of stands covered by tents, of what looked like a medieval fair. This fair stretched to the main entrance of the village with a few open air stands. That’s when I realised: this is the town of Denn, although in my version it looks a lot like the traditional villages from the Alentejo province in the South of Portugal.
      Lots of people were moving around, all dressed in medieval clothes and I approached one stand to see what they were selling. I have no idea what it was, but now in retrospective, it might have been arrows – they had boxes full of these pointy metallic spikes with what seemed to be tiny dragon wings on their back tip. Don’t know. Then I saw a mirror on one stand and decided to see myself there. That’s when I realised I had my normal look, wearing an aquamarine dress. No! I had to enter my character, so I looked for a more private place with a mirror to change myself. I entered the main village street, right behind the stands. There was a kind of tunnel on my left, between houses, leading to an inner court and because there was nobody around, I went inside and found a room that by chance was full of “antiques” – I guess in this context, they were useful working instruments - including a large mirror. The light was very dim, but I could see my reflexion quite well so I started changing my look to my warrior me. It all turned out quite well, but for some reason My face also changed and I was now a red haired girl with a long braid and tiny brown eyes. I was cute, but a bit annoyed of not looking more like myself – I wanted black hair and big brown eyes. It took me some time, but I finally got it. Meanwhile I think I lost very precious time. I need to be less obsessed about how I look and just keep going.
      At this point a guy comes in and I realise he is the king! And he is totally drunk. I wonder what is a king doing drunk in such a place, that looks like the backrooms of the servants – oh, maybe I actually know...
      He starts hitting on me, saying he never saw me before but that I’m hot. I avoid him, moving around the room and he is insisting, trying to catch me. He thinks that my running around is my way to arouse him. I feel tired of this, want to go look for the tavern, when a group of people come inside all worried. They were looking for the king, afraid he was doing something stupid (as he was). As they try to grab him and take him away, I decide to sneak out before they start asking questions.
      I go deeper into a hallway I find connecting to other deeper rooms and I think I found some kind of kitchen – everybody is so busy carrying stuff from one place to the other, it’s very hot and there are these servant boys taking a rest in a very dark corner with a few wooden benches.
      I sit with them for a while, no one ask me questions as they are either too busy or just plain tired, but then I wake up.

      Birthday party
      I tried going back to the dream but ended up on a different one although with similarities. I looked in a mirror and I was dressed medieval, but this time with beautiful jewels, like a queen or princess. I was in a country house in the province of Alentejo – it was the house of a friend with whom I’m starting a business. Today is my birthday (it really is) and I am having my party at his home. My mom and a fiend are there, my dad, a guy I almost dated in high-school and Riverstone and Nighthawk are also there.
      This guy from high-school brought me a load of presents. I don’t immediately open them and take them to a room. Everybody is gathered in the living room. We are chatting and eating and then my friend future partner is discouraging me from following our initial plans. He says maybe I should do it on my own and not be his partner. I am totally surprised and disappointed because until now he showed no hesitations whatsoever and all the reasons he is giving me are just BS. I try to change his mind but he just asks if I can wait, because he needs to take a shower and we continue later. I say ok and he leaves. I am chatting with someone else when he appears, all naked, in front of all the guests, totally cool about it. My mom and her friend turn away their faces, laughing embarassed. He was on his way to the shower but he forgot something and found totally natural to go butt naked to get it.
      Then I decide to get my gifts from the other room and Riverstone follows me. He is already drunk and going through a jealous phase – he grabs one of the gift package and starts guessing what’s inside, starts tearing away the package and I get upset and tell him to drop it – it’s my gifts, I open it and if he has any problems that some guy is covering me in gifts it’s because he is a child. I take the gifts to the living room and start opening them. I notice that Nighthawk is also mildly embarrassed that he is not the one giving me the best or the most presents and I think “God, so frivolous! This is not a competition.”
      I don’t remember what were the gifts but then we all got drunk or drugged or just sleepy, because I woke up later on in the bedroom, and everybody was sleeping on the floor. I woke up people and they left. I stayed only with the guys. No monkey business, we just staid sharing whatever trip we were experiencing. My sweater was totally sweat and I went to the toilet to change it when I saw myself in the mirror and noticed that my make up was also all messed up, so the trip must have been good.

      5:40 GMT - wake up

      Updated 09-10-2010 at 05:26 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    9. 9 Sep: encounters with friends, hacking a building and groceries

      by , 09-10-2010 at 04:07 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:50 GMT – Sleep

      Lucid imagery and tasting words
      The first sleep is always hard to recall but when I woke up from this I knew for sure I had been lucid. I think I fell asleep focused on the hypnagogic imagery and didn’t really enter a dream, was just staying lucid observing the sequence of images and then I tasted words. [I’ve heard of people tasting colours, but this was new for me]. Unfortunately I can only recall this but not describe the actual sensation.

      2:20 GMT

      Library encounter
      I am at this roundabout close to my mom’s home and I discover a new library opened right there. I recall when I was in high school and spent so much good time in the municipal library and decided to go inside check the conditions and maybe start coming frequently. I check the novelties shelf in the entrance, I pick some book and sit on a couch. I notice this guy JF, whom I know from college and haven’t seen in a while (although we communicate by email), but decide not to go to him and wait to see if he sees me. He comes to say hi, we talk a bit and then he asks me if I’m staying longer, because he is leaving and could give me a ride.
      I say I’m still staying as I just arrived, but then he ask if I came on foot and points out that it is starting to rain and I’m not prepared for rain. I look down and I’m wearing skirt and sabrinas and the weather is definitely becoming nastier. So I say, ok you’re right, I accept the ride.
      But when I looked down I also saw I had pantyhose on one leg but not on the other and they were also quite dirty. What the hell! So as we leave the building, I first sneak behind the entry desk and try to take off the pantyhose. He comes back looking for me and finds me with skirt up, pantyhose down and trying to adjust my underwear who also got out of place with this tricky move. Embarrassing, but he just does his best to ignore and tells me I forgot money on a table in front of the couch I was sitting on. I did? So I go back and find a lot of coins on the table. Think it was not so much and shouldn’t really care about it, but he says that it doesn’t matter, it is my money, I should take it. Ok, ok. As I start putting it in my purse, the coins transformed into pieces of fruit and in the end my purse was full of fruit salad.

      Hacking a building
      There’s an announcement about the day with no cars (happens every year) and immediately I see the roads with no cars and a family cycling around the neighbourhood. They go up a ramp and I follow them – until now I was just watching but now I materialize. On top of this ramp is actually a dead end so I wonder where they disappeared into. When I turn back, this is no longer a street but actually a closed precinct, like the backrooms of some public or governmental facility. Then I find myself with 2 other friends and we make a challenge to each other – break in, do the tour of the building and leave without a trace. There are vigilance cameras everywhere, so it won’t be easy. As soon as I leave this room, the hallway has a camera and I know it is just a matter of time until a guard appears. I just have enough time to break in the door at the end of the hallway, my friends follow me and we close and block the door when the guard is about to catch us. Now we face a new challenge as this room has no other exit. We decide to go through a vent and get out on the control room, where the guards should be, but since they are still trying to break in the first room we blocked, now we can hack their computers and tapes and delete all recordings about our little adventure. As my two others friends are deleting the files, my attention goes to a corner where there is a basket full of teddy bears. I wonder what they are doing there and can’t resist to go through them, looking for one that is cuter and eventually take it with me, but in the end, they are all cute but none really stands out so I leave them, wondering why guards need teddy bears.
      The door of this control room is locked electronically – so nobody enters or exits, while the guards are out – but my friends broke in the code and tell me a sequence we’ll need to insert on this door and a next door we will find. But hey, I’m distracted with toys, so I don’t recall the numbers. Fortunately my friends are better concentrated and remember it for me. When we unlock all the doors, we find ourselves moving to an entrance lobby with visitors and a kid notices we’re coming out of a restricted access area and asks us if we should be there. I smile at her and tell her no, that we’re hackers but we didn’t do any harm, we were just having a bit of fun and ask her to keep a secret.

      Buddha Neo
      Someone tells me “Did you know there’s a secret short movie that is a crossover of Little Buddha and Matrix?” No, I don’t know about that!!! So then I’m showed this amazing film with Keanu Reeves playing Neo (of course) and then he finds the truth inside the truth and becomes the Buddha (he also played Little Buddha) and the Buddha hacks the Matrix and kicks some asses, but also sits to meditate as Neo. Weird stuff but awesomely cool. I would love to see that movie!

      4:45 GMT

      A very quiet friend
      I am at a lobby of some building with my dad, close to a desk. We’re waiting for someone or something, but it’s totally deserted. He makes some remarks how he feels uncomfortable with these places, especially when some weird people comes by – better beware of your purse - like... for example this guy that is coming in now! I wonder why he says that, it’s just my good friend H.L. from Estonia, whom I don’t see for a few years. I don’t mention this to him and simply go to my friend, also to scare my dad a little. He recognizes me and smiles but when I hug him he is distant and not really replying the hug. Then a blond girl with a kid appears and I wonder if they are together. Ok, but that’s no reason to be cold towards a friend. The girl finds this corner for kids, with a little castle for kids to play inside, and she leaves the kid there. I try to break the ice by saying how I would have loved to have one of those when I was a kid, but all I had was chairs, blankets and a lot of imagination. But she also doesn’t reply.

      Sharing memories from Brussels
      I’m in the middle of the street opening a letter that just arrived in my mailbox and I’m surprised to see it’s a renewal card for going to the cinema with discount, in Brussels! I don’t live in Brussels for more than 3 years and I also wonder how they got my new address.
      Coincidentally, I see this lady which I know from tv, she is an actress and I know she lived in Brussels to and misses it a lot. So I start talking to her showing her the card and asking if she knows what’s about. She was totally surprised and didn’t first understand what I wanted. But as she looks closer to the card, she knows what I mean and makes a big smile. I tell her I also lived in Brussels and we start walking together exchanging stories about this city. It’s so rare to find someone who lived there and actually loved it, everybody always complains about the weather. As we walk we pass by this abandoned lot and I notice a lot of garbage, a few vegetable gardens and 2 dogs who soon start fighting. When I look again to my way, we encounter a friend of hers who’s waiting her with a car, we say goodbye and she leaves.

      Buying groceries
      I’m shopping on this little town grocery shop some food for me and taking to some group I’m hosting. I buy some tomatoes, eggs and I see these amazing carrots that are labelled organic but cost only 90 cts/kg. I find too cheap and ask the grocer if these are locally produced, by some villager or so. He confirms and goes about saying how amazing these carrots are, delicious and that he misses when all vegetables were so tasty and not these plastic chemical-filled things we eat nowadays. He starts talking about the wonders of organic farming and I smile. I want to tell him he his preaching to a converted, but he is now turning to some other clients, some villagers who are asking something about his ham. The grocer goes to the backroom and comes back with a piece of ham. He cuts bits for others to taste. But first he tastes it itself in a very ritualised manner and I realise the guy is a gourmet an totally obsessed about quality food. Before he also offers me some ham and then I have to explain why I’m vegetarian I turn away and pretend to shop some more stuff.

      7:10 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-10-2010 at 06:55 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. 8 Sep: two towers town, meeting friend and social contrasts

      by , 09-09-2010 at 01:07 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      0:10 GMT – Sleep

      The two towers towns
      Was having a funny dream about being in this fantasy village in the woods – looked like out of Tolkien’s. On this village there was a big wooden tower and I go to it’s top. From there I can see great distances and detect that there’s another twin town of this one, with a similar wooden tower with the same height. They are like defying each other.
      I am sitting on the stairs, looking through an opening on the wall, seeing the villagers down there, the canopy, when a lady appears and I ask her about this other village and the meaning of the towers. She says it’s taboo to talk about it, they just ignore each other to avoid trouble. I find this ridiculous and I want to know more. So I fly down the tower and decide to go to the other town. I take a car and drive there (yeah, dream idiocy).
      The other town is surrounded by a fortress and I have to go up a tight zig-zag road to get to its gate. When I arrive there nobody opens the gate, nobody seems to hear me calling. So I go back in the car and fall asleep on the back seat.
      Finally at dawn I wake up hearing this guy talking to some girl, outside the car. They are looking at me and wondering what I want. I recognise the guy as being Paulo (a guy I know in RL) but he doesn’t recognise me. He seems unfriendly and upset with my presence and I want to tell him “Hey, it’s me”, but in this context I feel it would sound absurd (I am more or less aware I’m in a dream), so I just stay quiet. He decides to allow me in, but he supervises each step and actually I can’t leave his side for a second. I still have no answers and actually haven’t yet asked any questions, because he is definitely not open to conversations.

      6:30 GMT

      Meeting a friend
      I’m somewhere in a countryside town, surrounded by farmed fields. I have this impression that villagers are not very open or friendly and I just dwell. I then find this group on which I recognize H.E. (a friend I don’t see for some time).
      I remember I used to have some funny dreams with him, when we were together in college, on which we flirted
      [I believe they were shared dreams, because on the next day he would be very smiley to me and even call his real girlfriend my name by mistake, pissing her off big time. LOL. But I never asked him, afraid of looking ridiculous.]
      Because he is now working on politics (he is in RL) there’s a bunch of people around him, wanting things from him, wanting to be his friends and so on. I ask him if he can spare some time for his old friend. He is not with much availability but he agrees and we go for a walk. We talk, we fly over what seem to be daisy fields. Then we cross some tiny village streets, with clothes hanging dry, very pitoresque. He needs to go to the toilet and enters some house. I wait outside. I cross and arch at the end of the street and find a road leading out of the village. Then I see a bunch of stray dogs strolling down the road. All is fine, but then 2 or 3 cars are coming and not very slowly and I fear for the dogs, so I run to shoo them. One of them is almost hit, but escapes. Then from behind me a procession of strange animals, looking like dogs and pigs, but with geometric coloured patterns (blue, green, yellow) on their skins pass by. I wonder what is this and I follow them. Passing another arch leading to an entrance to what seems to be a farm, there’s a bunch of kids sitting on the floor, with glue, fabrics, inks and other materials. They are making these animals, like stuffed animals and when they are finished, they become alive and walk around! I find it lovely.
      I go back to get my friend to see this and then we join them. I am helping this kid making a big animal that looks like a cute monster. When his head is ready, I put it in front of my face, as if it’s a mask and make funny remarks to my friend, and it almost feels like old times. But then I get into physical affection (as a friend, not with second intentions) and he gets dead serious, not so amused anymore. He is clearly trying not to get too involved emotionally. I guess now he’s taking his relationship with his girlfriend a lot more seriously and he’s afraid we might fall into flirting like old times. I think there was no need to be so worried about it, but that his choice.
      I actually start feeling bored and again fall asleep in the dream, but since I am sitting, as soon as I feel the fall, I wake up (in the dream).

      Social contrasts
      I’m walking to some place and I pass in front of a 5-star hotel, when some handsome middle-eastern filthy rich guy gets out of his limo to go to the hotel. For a moment I feel a bit intimidated of my colliding course with him, but then I think that the sidewalk is still a public place and why should I feel intimidated just because the guy is rich? So I keep moving normally. We pass by each other and the guy actually looks very interested in me, he can’t take his eyes of me. I enjoy his attention, but know that it would never lead anywhere. For him, I might be nice to look at, but not good enough for actually get inside his life. We live planets apart. Still, I feel that this guy is about to say something to me when I hear someone shouting my name. I look around, curious and find that behind this guy’s limo is now a really ugly and old car, full of guys and they are calling me. I don’t recognize them but apparently they are my friends. They ask me if I want a ride, since we’re going to the same place (which I have no clue where it is). I think about this other guy still on hold, looking at me, but I decide to accept their invitation and hop in. I think this will show the guy I'm not really interested in his money.
      There’s not really any empty space in the car, so we basically stack on top of each other. I feel amused – there’s this guy alone in a huge limo and here we are in a tiny car like sardines in a can, but in the end I decide this life is so much more fun and rich in experiences!

      8:15 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-09-2010 at 01:14 PM by 34880

    11. 7 Sep: a portal and a long lucid (both wasted)

      by , 09-08-2010 at 10:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      In general, these last days I have been recalling fewer dreams and totally missing good opportunities when they arise, but we all go through these stupid phases, I guess.

      23:20 GMT – Sleep

      Can’t really recall a dream, but I woke up with obsessive thoughts about dream control and the serial dreaming RPG tasks, so either I was dreaming something related to that or not at all and felt frustrated on waking up.

      3:58 GMT

      Random fragments
      I’m with a group of kids, brothers and sisters and apparently we are very famous. There’s a huge group of fans stalking us and we just have time to hide in some house. Inside there’s a maid who becomes our friend and keeps our location secret. For some reason we stay there for the night and it is absolutely imperative that nobody find us there.
      Then I am on some balcony trying to disentangle something (?)
      Then I’m on top of a skyscraper in N.Y. I feel a bit of vertigo.
      Then I am with some blond guy and we are making a pact to help each other keep some secret only to ourselves.

      4:30 GMT

      From a train to a slaughterhouse
      I’m on a train station platform and from inside a train a friend calls me, says it is last call for this train and if I’m not getting there immediately I’ll have to go on the next. I don’t know where we’re going, but I hop in. I sit and realise that in the seat in front are my friend R., L. and some other person. They are bragging about their dreams. One of them says she can easily use the train ride to snooze a little and will surely come up with at least 2 lucid dreams. Initially I feel envious, but I shudder this feeling, don't want to give in to envy and just ignore them. I look through the window and I see bulls on some field. Half-lucid I start thinking which animal suffers the worst: the bull that roams free his entire life and is then slowly tortured and bleed to death in a bullfighting arena or a cow that lives an entirely miserable existence of pain in some factory farm but then dies supposedly quicker? My doubt lies now in the effectiveness of stunners that are used to leave the animals unconscious before slaughter. So I find myself in a slaughterhouse holding one of such devices to test it. I thought about trying it on myself, but I felt a bit scared of what I would feel, so I just test it on an apple – not a very clever idea, it just gets some burning marks on it. [chicken!]

      A portal
      I’m on some house of an old couple and their son. We’re in the middle of an empty room and there’s a portal open in the centre of the room. It just appeared out of nowhere. As it shines and waves in the air, in tones of blue, like water, we wonder what it is and if it’s dangerous to cross it and what it is on the other side. The boy gets behind it and throws something across it in our direction. It was like a piece of garbage. Instead of crossing, it just stays there, suspended in the portal, but it performs a strange mystical dance and then becomes a perfect circle form. Then I don't remember much, but I had no will or courage to actually cross it and think I just left this room and house and continued dreaming outside. [idiot!]

      Buddhists and new agers
      I'm in this foreign country and my mom came to visit me and I decide to show her around. I’m dressed in orange, top and long skirt and with my purple hat. I tell her lots of monks and Buddhist teachers are also in the city at the moment, for some gathering. We see a group of people waiting for a bus on the other side of the road and I tell her “See over there, it’s Mathieu Ricard with some other Tibetan Buddhist monk”. A bit further we pass by another group of monks, and I tell her “And see, look who’s in the middle of these monks, it’s Tich Nhat Hanh.”
      Then we see a large entrance to some place, like a garage, not entirely inviting, but lots of new agers gathered there. They invite us in, they are eating what seems to be lentils and vegetables, so we join them. After the meal they behave a bit childish, like when they start doing this clapping hand game I used to play in camps with other kids.

      5:30 GMT

      Alone in the city
      I am again in this foreign city and I know my mom is visiting, although not with me at the moment. I know it is quite far from home and I wonder how she enjoyed the flight. I feel that flying is becoming quite normal to me and I wonder if I’ll ever be afraid of flying. Then it occurs to me that maybe if I fly to Nepal, I might feel scared because lots of planes fall in that area as their flying companies are not so safe.
      While I think about all this I am entering a building, following two other girls who enter a public toilet. It is quite big with large mirrors on the wall over the sinks. The girls are mocking me or something, but I ignore them. I go to the mirror and I spend a lot of time there, looking at something in my face as I continue thinking. Because I’m abstracted, the dream transforms and I am now on top of a hill sitting with a guy and a girl on a few steps and the mirror transformed into a glass wall by my left side. Through it I can see a road down the hill and a city on the other side of the road.
      Me and this guy and girl are so packed together (don’t know way, as there’s lots of space around) and the guy is flirting me thinking I’m interested.
      But I couldn’t care less, I get up and decide to move. I go downhill and cross the street. From there I see than on the side of this little hill, there's a bigger mountain with a forest and old houses in the horizon, outside the city and for a moment I consider going there. But hesitated, and decided to just fly around the city. I am lucid but honestly can’t really tell when it started (think it was gradual, from the moment I moved away from this couple of friends).
      For a moment I find myself inside a house with a bunch of other people and I change clothes – now I wear a sexy transparent black shirt. Then I’m outside again and I’m a bit distracted and a car almost hits me. I pause on the sidewalk for a while, just looking to the sky and the buildings around. It’s all so luminous. Then I see lots of jets lifting off and I have this impression there’s a lot of rich business people on this city. The jets lift off, one after another, there’s maybe an airport nearby. But then they start behaving strangely, like they are not flying in a straight line, but a bit randomly and then they transform into giant metal birds, with colourful painted wings.
      A Russian guy wakes me up from my mesmerisation and tells me he will drive this car, which is parked right by my side and I’m sitting on the sidewalk, so he’s just warning me to get out the way. He is a bit rude, but he is actually concerned about my safety and I feel he is a nice guy. He is a driver, not the owner of the car.
      Then I cross the street on the pedestrian walkway. I didn’t look to see if it was green for pedestrians and a wall of cars comes in my direction from both sides. But I am not afraid. As they approach I think "cars keep coming at me but this is my dream and they can’t hurt me, I’ll be like Moises opening the red sea and crossing safely to the other side". It didn’t quite happen that way. It just happened that the cars would pass in front of me or in my back without ever colliding with me, very elegantly. That was nice, but not awesome, so I stay there and decide the cars will lift in the air and freeze and make a wall of cars. This time I point my hand to them to make it happen, but all it happens is that they started levitating, but not with the desired effect. I think “Oh crap, I really suck at this control thing.”, but it wasn’t that bad - at least it was a very sucessful levitation of cars.
      Then for some irrational “reason” when I am in the sidewalk I decide I’m not over with this gimmick yet and I walk a bit further down the road until I find a spot that for "some reason” looks good. There I decide to send a purple light ray – actually more like a laser, hard to explain - to the ground, marking an invisible line where the cars will create this wave or wall of cars, when they reach it. But by this time, the traffic diminished a lot. It’s already dawn and I also realised there’s very few people on the street. A guy coming out from a building – looks like a bank – just saw me sending out “laser beams” and with his eyes wide open he freezes on the sidewalk and moves back inside. I can’t believe he is afraid of me!
      I lean on some raised flowerbed outside a building, waiting for some car to pass, but nothing! They totally disappeared. Now I feel pissed. I was sure this time it would work! Then I feel so incredibly lonely, as if I was the only one of my kind in the world - nobody with whom to share my reality and my tricks. Then my cat appears by my side and I hug him, but I don’t feel much better.

      [Then I felt totally disappointed that I didn’t remember to do any of the tasks I was supposed to do!]

      7:15 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-08-2010 at 10:34 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. 6 Sep: conference, college, failed sex fantasy and chasing thieves

      by , 09-07-2010 at 10:59 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      A shitty night. I was very tired but still I tried so hard to set my mind to the elevator task (task of the month). I did dream about elevators a lot, but unfortunately it wasn’t good enough to accomplish the task.

      0:20 GMT – Sleep

      Can’t recall any dream, just thoughts come to my mind, but I doubt they are related to what I was dreaming.

      3:30 GMT

      Participating at a conference
      Remember vaguely a train travel (recurrent), being in a palace-like house (another recurrent) and taking an elevator (could have been the elevator task of the month, don’t know).
      Then I remember a bit better being with my mom at some conference room. We arrived late and were going to sit on the floor on the aisle, as we couldn’t find any available seats, but someone just arranged us two seats, lateral, but close enough to the front. No idea what the conference was about, but there was some person speaking and it was something political.
      Then I also remember being with my mom at some snack-bar or small dinner (maybe cafeteria of this conference place) and the menu was all around pasta dishes. I had a big fattening pasta dish wish cream sauce and I still had to eat part of my mothers dish because she didn’t want to eat it all and I always feel bad about leaving food on the plate.

      6:40 GMT

      College residences
      I’m staying with colleagues at what seems to be a college residence. From the main hallway, there were stairs leading to some kind of inner courts – shared rooms for groups of students – then leading to individual rooms. These common rooms were quite colourful and artistic, leaving me the impression that some of these students were art or fashion students.
      We are all departing the next day to someplace all together. Some already departed today. I just realise that I was supposed to go with today’s group and I’m pissed that now I have to spend money changing my ticket for the next day.
      When going from one group common room to my own, I have to go to the floor upstairs and on my way I encounter this little baby from this couple that is staying on their own separate double room with direct access to the hallway. The baby is lovely but too small to be playing alone in the hallway, so I stop and play with him, waiting for his parents to appear. I tickle him and he laughs like crazy. Then his parents do appear but they don’t seem so happy with what I’m doing. I try to break the ice saying I was just looking over the baby so he was safe and offer to babysit him whenever they need – “just knock on my door.”.

      Not my sexual fantasy, sorry
      I’m on the shower with my boyfriend when some other couple I never saw in my life join us on the opposite side of the shower. Thank god the bathtub was long and we didn’t even need to be close. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but hey, it’s just a shower, everyone’s naked, no reason to feel so embarrassed. I’m just curious where they came from and why. But then they start having sex, more specifically, the guy starts doing oral sex on the girl.
      I am shocked. They didn’t even say a word to us but then feel free to do that in front of us? But my boyfriend is getting horny and wants to play along. I am doubly shocked! I mean, I’m not extremely puritan, but I can’t do certain things with people I never saw before, there needs to be some emotional connection. So I just grab a towel and leave. But when I open the bathroom door, it goes directly to the street. I don’t care. I am wet, barefoot and half-naked but I just want to go away from that dream and do something else. Then I’m walking the streets, semi-lucid, enjoying being half-naked in a fancy neighbourhood, and guys in jaguars pass by and look totally surprised at me.

      Chasing thieves
      I’m coming out of a supermarket with my mom, carrying a trolley full of groceries. The supermarket is on a upper floor of some building and the parking lot is underground or ground level and with the trolley we need to take the elevator to get there.
      We are approached by a begging couple who offers to carry the trolley in exchange for some coins. We are not very willing to do so, but we agree. Then they enter the elevator with the trolley and there’s not enough space for us all. They tell us to go next that they’ll be waiting for us, but it smells fishy to me. I immediately sense that it’s a scheme just to rob us. I tell my mother to stay there and I basically jump all those floors – maybe 10 – through the centre of the stairways. I manage to arrive at the door of the elevator when they have just come out of it. The problem is they have an accomplice waiting and one manages to stall me while the other runs with the trolley. But not for long. I kick his ass, capture the other guy and also kick his ass and recover my trolley. Then I go back to the elevator to go up. But strangely enough, now it is too small, only has space for myself (I guess the trolley is now bye-bye from this dream) and I can’t even move. Once again I feel claustrophobic, so I decide to close my eyes until it stops. But it starts moving slower, I feel upset with that and I wake up. (Another lost opportunity for the task of the month).

      8:15 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-07-2010 at 11:07 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. 5 Sep: fragments, giant cats and lucid hot date

      by , 09-06-2010 at 05:56 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:50 GMT – Sleep

      Game like dream. Can’t recall content.

      0:00 GMT

      Bus ride to village in distress
      Just as two nights before (the hovercraft ride dream), I am on a bus with more people crossing dangerous mountain roads with dangerous manoeuvres from the driver and we almost fall down a cliff. We arrive at this remote village in a valley, surrounded by woods. There was some kind of catastrophe there and the basic services are disrupted. More madness is expected soon, riots and violence. A muscled guy comes and starts orienting us. For some reason he seems to befriend me more than the rest of the group. We come to help and we evaluate the situation sitting on a picnic table outside: we try to evaluate how much food, water and other essential goods there are and how long they’ll last and we realise it won’t last more than 4 or 5 days. Because everything is torn apart, I see this village name plate half covered by debris and the only letters remaining visible say “...have ...fun...” I think this is highly ironic.

      I’m inside a house, with a big window facing the street. It has something like an advertisement stick on the window and I’m trying to read it on reverse, when some guy outside knocks on the window. He wants to speak to me and seems a bit angry. I exit the place.

      Mourning a dying man
      I’m now entering a room at my neighbour C. house. Her dad is extremely sick (in some kind of coma) and people are all gathered around him, mourning him, as if he was already dead. Strangely, some of my cousins and even my late grand-grandmother are also there, even if they don’t belong to this family or are alive at all. I feel this is very uncomfortable and wonder if they have no hopes that he gets better? On my way out I meet my dad and he says I have to be more loving towards him because one day he’ll also be lying dead like this guy. Sure, but I already know that, no point in stressing that out!

      2:30 GMT

      More details of a previous dream
      Regarding the mosque lucid dream I had had a few nights before, someone comes in this dream to tell me it is actually surrounded by English-style gardens but doesn’t know anything about sacred stones, only that there was some stone-sculpture exhibition there and that a few days some people gathered there to celebrate some ceremony.

      I’m no dancer
      I’m on some place where it’s playing music and I feel like dancing. I actually think I’m doing ok, when more people join me. I can tell they are professional dancers and compared to them I’m just not good enough, but I’m having fun, so I don’t care. Then I realise I’m in the middle of some dance class final exam. The teacher comes to me and asks me “Do you think you danced well? and I say that on a professional level, of course not. Then she asks some other dancer “Do you think she danced well?” and he says no. Then she says she rests her case and turns her back on me, like outcasting me. I feel a bit upset. I mean, I know I am just an amateur, but my dancing is not that offensive to anybody’s eyes, no need to be so tough on me. Some fellow dancers show solidarity with me but in the end I say it’s ok, in fact she is right. Then I invite them to come along with me to a Vivaldi concert that will happen on some nearby auditorium.

      3:40 GMT

      A lucid hot date
      I’m with Nighthawk watching tv on the couch on a living room. At first we're apart from each other, but slowly we snuggle with each other, our noses are barely touching each other, we look in each other’s eyes and we kiss. He whispered “My god, it’s so good to kiss you.” and I smiled, my heart thumping. He says ”Marry me.” I don’t know what to say and I say it’s complicated. He knows, he gets up, determined about something. I don't stop him, but seconds later I decide to go after him. On the corridor I remember to do a reality check . I put my hand on the wall and it sinks. I get lucid and for the first time on a lucid dream I actually feel frustrated that it is just a dream but I still decide I want to see how this will go on.
      I find him on the next room with Riverstone, who is completely focused on something like a book and holding a cup of tea in his hand. I put my hand on the wall, I make a hole on it and I ask them “Do you know what this means?”. Riverstone looks totally disconnected and doesn’t react. Nighthawk has a misterious smile on his face and I don’t understand what goes on on his mind. I grab a piece of dissolved wall on my hand and pour it into Riverstone cup of tea telling him “This is just a fucking dream!”. He says I’m telling nonsense. I turn to Nighthawk and I say “He is always like this, he never believes me!”. Nighthawk, on the other hand, seems to be understanding exactly what I am talking about. Then he surprises me by replying “Well, I, on the other hand, know for sure this is damn real! I am really here with you!!! And I know we're dreaming!” Really? WOW! I was amazed.
      I ask him “How...?” and he continues saying that he doesn’t recall those many dreams, but he does recall a few once in a while and that this might be one of those he will remember. I tell him he must absolutely remember this one!
      At this point I realise that Riverstone is no longer with us. I turn to Nighthawk, absolutely thrilled and exhilarated with this totally lucid dream encounter. We smile and we kiss each other again, more passionately. We fall on the bed. I feel delighted with everything. Then his image starts to flicker and we realise he is losing lucidity and waking up. He says “Damn, not yet! I want to stay with you!” and I try to keep him there with me, grabbing him firmly. But he becomes just a blur, a shadow, until he totally disappears, like sand through my fingers. I find myself in this empty room, happy and sad at the same time. I sit on the floor and I stay there for a long time, hoping that he might re-enter the dream. But when I no longer feel the residues of his presence I decide there’s no point in staying longer, so I also wake up.

      5:00 GMT

      Excursion on the USA
      I’m with Riverstone on some excursion in the US. We’re on a bus. A pregnant lady is just sitting in front of us. We’re passing by N.Y. and Riverstone is screaming joyfully every times he sees a landmark he recognizes. Later we’re outside any city, on some road leading to some other totally different place. We find ourselves in a swamp area. We see alligators on water and for some strange reason there’s a black guy swimming bravely among them. I worry for the guy but also comment that is so funny to be seeing alligators as I just had some conversation with someone about alligators during the day.

      6:35 GMT

      Love letter
      I am again on a bus and some stupid guy/kid reads out loud a love letter I wrote to someone else. Although he doesn’t mention my name, he knows it’s mine and I believe everybody else will also know it’s mine. I wonder how he got it and feel terribly irritated. But instead of reacting, I just ignored him. I guessed this way I wouldn’t actually reveal myself and people would be in doubt. Only when the bus stops and we start coming out of it, I step on the guys passage and confront him with his action. I put my finger on his nose and make a threatening look and tell him something that scares him. He looks asian and familiar, but I have no clue who he actually is. He doesn’t like being threatened and tells me “Ok, ok. But why don’t you just tell the guy your feelings?” And I respond “But I did! What do you think that letter served for! I just wonder how you ended up with it in your hands.” He doesn’t confess.

      Camp of giant cats
      When we get out, we’re in some kind of camp and everybody starts smoking or is coughing. I comment it must be the lung cancer camp and the joke is not well received. Someone scolds me. We walk a bit further and I start to see lots of big houses, like an entire village and the most surprising of it is that I see giant cats looking behind them or inside them. Cool! I don’t kno if the cats are dangerous, but I start taking pictures of these amazing site.
      [inspired by the cat sanctuary of this guy in the US, that collects abandoned and wild cats and takes care of them in this lovely sanctuary with tiny houses for the cats, as a real village.It even as a church and a wall-mart.]

      8:30 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-09-2011 at 11:12 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    14. 4 Sep: Jews and Palestinians, mystical encounters, lucid in Poland

      by , 09-06-2010 at 02:49 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:30 GMT – Sleep

      Mystical experience
      I think I fell asleep thinking about trying to have an O.B.E. I was lying on my back but think I fell asleep and got caught up between dream and waking state, I was sleeping, don’t remember being on any dream, I guess I didn’t feel any of the O.B.E. triggers so I just kind of entered this meditation state, focusing on my breathing. I was asleep but I could also feel my body and hear the external sounds. I wasn’t really fully lucid, but naturally I focused on body awareness. I felt an extreme discomfort and focused on that. I felt it multiplying. I can’t really explain what it was exactly that was multiplying, it just became multiple.

      2:30 GMT

      Visit to Jewish neighbourhood
      I’m in a Jewish neighbourhood in the middle-east. I’m foreigner and I am escorting a small group of tourists. They are jewish-portuguese. Among them is a young boy who sees this young girl in the middle of all these bearded men from this neighbourhood and asks her something in her language but with a very bad pronunciation. She also speaks Portuguese, as she is Portuguese descendant and replies in his language, to which he replies happily. But the family of the boy scolds him and insists he must train his Hebrew.

      Occupied land
      I am part of a group of observers on what seems to be Palestine. We are keeping an eye on the occupying army, seeing if they don’t commit abuses of human rights. On that day we follow closely two cases that could have ended badly. First, some kids entered a military off-limits area and they barely escaped being shot by militaries chasing them on a truck. Later, a couple with a small young girl are trying to evade from this occupied area and they pass over a concrete wall, when they are spotted by an helicopter right when they are about to break free. Luckily they find some big sewage pipes, leading underground and manage to escape. Nobody else knows about them anymore.
      At night I’m in a terrace, looking at the cityscape and the stars, hoping for the end of this violence and persecution.

      Mystical ceremony
      I then see in the sky and orb of light. I try to figure out what it is and decide I have to follow wherever it is going. I find myself entering a swamp on the outskirts of the city. As I go through the bushes, I find this open area and I see a gathering of enlightened beings and a few gurus. My main guru is taking part of some kind of wedding ceremony with his own mother. I have no idea why. Then another guru sees my enquiring look explains to me that it is only symbolic. That she has some important transmission to pass on to him, from a female tradition and to receive it, he has to symbolically marry her first.
      There’s some other students of these gurus around and I hear one asking this one guru if it’s true that they can enter our minds as they want. He responds in a joking way, saying “Of course, we're like the boogy man and we will haunt your dreams. So beware.”

      4:00 GMT

      Fairy and deity
      Me and Riverstone are by some lake, looks shallow, safe and pleasant, but we don’t dive until some guy appears – like a forest guard – and tells us is totally fine to go inside the water. The lake is actually composed of 4 lakes, connected with each other and with an island in their centre. I just wet my feet, feeling the water is warm and cozy but then I see a chameleon and it gets my attention. He is red but turning yellow as he approaches me. Then I find him amidst a bed of white flowers and he turns completely white. Then he actually transforms into a butterfly-like fairy, all white with little white orbs around it. As this fairy sits on a flower, a beautiful exotic lady, with dark skin (not black, but very tanned) – a deity? - comes hovering and blesses this fairy. I kind of receive her name on my mind but recall it very badly – something like Aedis Abba ???

      5:30 GMT

      Mystical insight
      Something about reincarnation and non-linear timeline. In the dream it was so clear and obvious but I couldn’t make sense of it to write it down.

      Wedding on an island and alien invasion
      I’m on an isolated island on some facilities carrying on some secret projects. Due to some failure, there’s an alien or whatever on the loose, that we failed to contain and it will start mayhem out there. Fortunately we’re on an island where nobody lives and we hope to contain it before it finds a way to go to mainland. I’m on a boat around the island and I cross another boat with a colleague of mine, also doing his round. Then I find there’s a bunch of people who entered the island illegally. I go check what is going on – it’s a bunch of rich kids who came on a private jet. A couple is marrying and they wanted to do something original, so they had this fucking great idea of sneaking secretly into this island without permission. I wondered how they manage to come without being seen, but since everybody is looking for the alien/monster, nobody was paying attention to that detail.
      Apparently they were already detected and a jeep with armed men are coming in their direction to evacuate them, but they see it and just run to the plane, managing to fly before being caught. Let’s just hope the “being” is not already with them!
      Then I go back to the facilities and I meet Ugly Betty with a boyfriend who came to say that the “being” escaped and the invasion started. Then she starts preparing her weapons, which apparently were slates with loving words on it??? (very effective, for sure...)

      Wounded dog on the road
      I’m on a car with my mom, who’s driving. We’re on a long road crossing vast planes, but we see a dog lying down in the middle of the road. We think he’s dead so my mom just moves around him, but I have decided not to ignore the animals and people who are potentially in need of help and not necessarily already dead. So I ask her to stop and I walk back to check on the dog. He is bleeding but he moves his head slightly. I feel such despair. I want to carry it to the car, but he is bigger than he looked and I’m afraid of hurting him even more. So, I’m deciding how to carry him, when I wake up.

      6:20 GMT

      Lucid in a Polish village
      I’m going out of a house, apparently trying to escape from being seen by some lady. I pass by these two guys sitting on a tractor. The youngest guy looks at me long and deeply and I find it strange. He seems so real! Then I get lucid. I think maybe this guy is not a DC but actually a dreamer and he also sensed that I was a dreamer. But I don’t go ask him, because meanwhile I kept moving and I left him behind. I realize I’m in this eastern-Europe like village. The roads are in stone, buildings are small and beautifully painted, 18th or 19th century like.
      But I look around at other people trying to find some other dreamers, trying to find a very distinctive mark that someone is not a DC. Just for fun I go around asking people how they are enjoying this dream. They couldn’t care less. But then from my left appears Andrzej, this polish guy I know. He looks damn real. I can’t say what it is, but I feel it. Maybe he is also a dreamer. Anyway, what is he doing here? I guess we’re maybe in Poland and that’s why he’s there.
      I ask him if he knows he is dreaming but he doesn’t react to the question, just asks me something else. I keep insisting and finally get his attention. I stop in front of a shop window and melt the glass, then a wall. He starts believing me and funny enough, some other person who was inside this shop gets amazed and apparently also goes lucid. But I didn’t know the person and she just disappeared, probably to explore her own lucid dream.
      My friend is lucid for what seems to be his first time. He is so excited that he starts becoming really focused on really small details, like reading a poster that is on some street light post, amazed with the detail. I have to snap him out of this fascination and tell him, details are good, but don’t focus too much on only one or you will lose lucidity fast. I drag him to the wall again and tell him to try dissolve it. I don’t know why I was so pushy on this, but I guess I wanted to keep him busy to prolong his state.
      He tries punching it and gets hurt. I tell him it’s not about brute force, that he has to imagine the wall is made of soft material that dissolves with touch. After trying a little bit he manages to leave a hand print on it, which is a good start. At this point is totally exhilarating and I tell “You know, there’s a bunch of people who do this often, and we organize groups and plan dream adventures together. Maybe if you could develop this capacity from now on you could join me, be one of my dream pals.”
      As we walk, we end up on some dark alley and I feel some bad vibes there and decide we should go somewhere else. But a few ugly looking guys are already enclosing us and I decide our only escape is lifting up, flying. But my friend is not yet skilled on that area. I decide to try to carry him but when I grab him he transforms into a glass of juice and everything starts becoming absurd.
      I did fly up and saw this kind of terrace with an entry door to some house only accessible by the air. It is a tiny place and I find inside a very needed black family, with lots of kids. They sleep all in one division. I feel a protective instinct towards them and go check if the kids are sleeping well. I cuddle them and they are now little back kittens. I wake up.

      7:30 GMT – Wake up
    15. 3 Sep 2010: skyscraper, underground city and introduction to “the game”

      by , 09-06-2010 at 12:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      I joined the Serial Dream RPG challenge and I think this night I started engaging in it. Some lady introduced me to the game and I started working on the look of my character, although officially it hadn't start yet


      22:50 GMT – Sleep

      0:00 GMT
      No dreams recalled

      1:10 GMT

      Discussion with dad
      I’m at my mom’s house with her and my dad. My dad enquires me about these “things” I am involved in (namely Buddhism, spiritual practices and dream-stuff). As he is enquiring me about this, I am on the laptop just finalizing this thing on the DV forum or something like that and I start responding him by exemplifying what I was just dealing with on that moment.
      He is a hardcore atheist, materialist, for whom nothing like shared dreams or reality being product of the mind is acceptable. He therefore becomes more and more stressed as I go explaining all this. My mom understands more or less what I’m saying and as usual, she is eager to learn, so she is quiet in the background. My father gets up and starts moving around a bit angry. He says I am completely off tracks and lost my reason. I try to show him that’s not the case, it is merely him who is narrow-minded. But he gets really pissed. He asks me if I trust more these “people” (I guess my fellow dreamers, my Buddhist sangha, my gurus?) than I trust his judgement. And I clearly say a resounding yes! That no matter how much that hurts him, I would more readily follow any advice from my gurus than from him, whose judgement I always had very little trust. He goes ballistic! He starts shouting and my mom now wants to intervene but I tell her not to. I tell him that I am an adult independent woman and he no longer controls me or decides for me what’s best.
      My dad leaves the room, then opens the front door, but sits outside in the stairs, groaning about it. My mom then laughs and makes really nervous mockery about his reaction. She always gets upset with this frequent clash between me and dad. But I was expecting this exact reaction and I know this is a dream and therefore I was not afraid to push him to his limits – I am planting the seed. With time he will see, understand and accept that I make my own choices.

      4:00 GMT

      Hovercraft ride
      I’m with some group of people, like we’re on an adventure and we’re by the side of a road waiting for transportation. Two vans arrive and we divide in two groups. The van I go to, then transforms into a hovercraft. The lady driver seems to be a bit crazy and as soon as she starts driving, she steps on the gas. We go through dangerous roads through mountains, on top of cliffs and we are a bit scared with her driving – on one point, we almost fell off the road – so we tell her to go slower or she we’ll damage the hovercraft as the road is quite bad. That’s the only argument that works to convince her.

      Surreal bathroom landscape
      Later I’m in a tall building, like a skyscraper. At this point for some reason I am entering a bathroom expecting to find someone there and I find these two black ladies, mother and young daughter, in the bathtub, very relaxed. The floor is wet. So wet, that actually it looks like a lake. I climb onto a sofa that is on the left side of the room and as I sit there, I am actually like on the edge of a lake. I see aquatic plants and I see an animal approaching. It is a bison! He is coming out of the water and the only way to do so is by also climbing to the sofa. I find this just too damn weird, the bison is huge and will for sure crush me, so I decide to leave this room and wait for whatever is supposed to happen to come to me instead.

      Skyscraper fall survivors
      I am now on a room with bookshelves and there’s a window where I can see the outside. We’re on some high floor and I see another building in front, as well as a viaduct a bit to the left side. Then an earthquake strikes and this building we are in, starts bending forward, like a tree. It hits the building in front and lies suspended diagonally. Before the whole thing collapses I manage to get out through the window and others (still the same group since the beginning of the adventure?) follow me. We end up on a kind of platform, which I think is part of the collapsed viaduct that was nearby. A bunch of people gathers here, looking around seeing the destruction. This black girl that was on the bathtub is exploring a bit more and her mother calls her back, because she is doing some acrobatic stunts in some other suspended platform, on a level below us. It looks very unstable but she insists in looking for survivors or something. She then returns and all together we find some way down to the ground level.

      Ice-creams on underground city
      After walking some time under the debris, we find an entrance to an underground part of the city and this seems to be intact and fully running. There are some guards at the door, but they allow us in. This underground place is like a city within the city, it looks like a giant mall, with cafés, shops, galleries and even hotels. I am sitting on a café table, crying. Two ladies from the group appear again by my side and order ice-creams. I feel disoriented, how can they be so cool, eating ice-creams. I decide to get up and leave but they just give me an order to go get an orange ice-cream for myself. And I go and when I am trying to pay, the cashier asks me if my money is new and good. I don’t know why he asks me that but I look in my wallet and I have lots of foreign money and some chips with insignias on it, I have no clue what they are. The ice cream is only 20 cts, which I manage to pay and ask it to be delivered at table two.

      Rules of the game and entering my character
      Then there’s a gap, but a lady (one of the previous ladies?) is now explaining me “the game”. She shows me a large text, like a roll of parchment she starts unfolding in front of my eyes. It’s an introduction and rules of the game. But it is so dense, so long, that I just give up after a few paragraphs and lose my interest. I continued looking at it, but at a certain point I was no longer reading it.
      Then there’s another gap, but I remember starting walking through these large hallways – where everything is luxurious, like an underground avenue with hotels on both sides and fancy restaurants and art galleries. I feel I have a new different look, so I stop by a large mirror on the wall to look at myself and I look weird but cool at the same time, with long black hair, dark sunglasses and an avant-garde red dress with a stylish hood over my head. I feel I look awesome but maybe a bit too much Lady Gaga for my taste. Everybody is looking at me and I feel I need to tone down a little. I take the hood and the glasses. And adjust the dress – it actually becomes sexier, with a cleavage and tighter. Then I think I look more like what I should look like and keep going. I find this exit doors to the outside and end up in a square with a fountain. I remember lots of people moving around, coming in an out of the underground city, the outside being a bit grey, then... I don’t recall the rest of the dream.

      7:30 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-06-2010 at 04:16 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
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