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    Log 862 - Summer-ish Lucid Dream Competition 2017 - Day 7

    by , 09-08-2017 at 10:54 PM (684 Views)
    Got two near-lucid dreams and a scrap to note. To be honest, I'm kinda embarrassed to post this up. I woulda just paraphrased it, but I think maybe it won't be so bad to open up to these things once in a while.

    Scrap Group 1

    Barely recall something of dealing with a sleazy realtor.

    WBTB for 15 minutes before a WILD attempt. No insomnia, but no awareness either.

    Dream 1 - Summer-ish Lucid Dream Competition 2017 - Day 7 - Part 1

    REM Atonia unwittingly transitioned into a dream. I imagined my guide, E beside me in bed, and though I couldn't see (eyes closed), I did sense her presence nearby. Spent a moment just relaxing, when she suddenly began, uh, licking my face. Just her weird way of showing affection, I thought. Only, she goes on for minutes on end, and even began drooling uncontrollably. Random thoughts of rumors about large pet predators whirled in my mind, where certain instincts would drive these animals to see their owners as prey, and they'd then starve themselves before attacking... wait a minute. Was my guide trying to eat me again?!

    I reactively opened my eyes to the sight of E's salivating grin. Unnerved, I asked her to make space, only to have her hold me down tighter. I somehow slipped away from her grasp. I then tried fleeing, but couldn't get far enough. No choice. I had to fight. Using the ancient (fictional) art of Hokuto Shin Ken, I struck her belly and then temple with my finger, causing instant paralysis. Spent a good while thinking up a flashy name for the attack, though only lethal maneuvers came to mind. So, I just left things as is.

    Things get unclear. I went to the living room, where dad's watching TV, then I began floating around. Not much else until the dream ended.

    Dream 1 - Summer-ish Lucid Dream Competition 2017 - Day 7 - Part 2

    Similar REM Atonia transition into a dream. As before, I had E show up, and again, she starts licking and drooling over my face. Suddenly, she whips herself into a frenzy. I tried escaping, only to find myself shrunken down, and I just barely avoided my (from my perspective) colossal guide's immediate onslaught. This chase was quickly exhausting me. With my last bit of strength, I rocketed off as far as possible. But, incredibly, I'd somehow pathed directly into my guide's gaping mouth! Horrible moments were spent getting violently tossed and pressed between her tongue and roof, yet despite as much, I remained unharmed. I even outright mentioned that if I were lucid, I would've likely gotten points for invulnerability (D'oh!).

    Woke up not long after.
    DawnEye11 likes this.

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    Updated 09-09-2017 at 01:29 PM by 89930 (day 7; oops)

    non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      I liked reading this dream. Its so funny.I don't think eating the person your guiding is apart of the job though. Joke aside is there something influencing the dreams where she trys to eat you?Also, are you afraid of dogs?x D
      FireFlyMan likes this.
    2. RelicWraith's Avatar
      Well I can take a few guesses why she'd do such things. And no, I'm rather indifferent about dogs (though they sure don't seem to like me lol).

      But I guess I should also clarify that my guide's never been a canine either. She's human most of the time (as was in this case; drastically changes the context of the dream I reckon), though she also does have a serpent motif in a number dreams (such as her naga form in this dream a few days ago).
      DawnEye11 likes this.
      Updated 09-09-2017 at 02:48 AM by FireFlyMan
    3. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Well I can take a few guesses why she'd do such things. And no, I'm rather indifferent about dogs (though they sure don't seem to like me lol).

      But I guess I should also clarify that my guide's never been a canine either. She's human most of the time (as was in this case; drastically changes the context of the dream I reckon), though she also does have a serpent motif in a number dreams (such as her naga form in this dream a few days ago).
      : ) Oh, well that's good. I didnt think she was a dog. I just thought maybe she was showing traits of an aggressive dog cause thats what people who fear dogs are usually afraid of. Hehe Sorry if I was way off but I think I get the context now.lll give the other dream a read now.
      FireFlyMan likes this.