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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Logs 1135 and 1136

      by , 06-08-2018 at 11:57 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      My dreams sure have been getting a lot less coherent these last few days...

      Log 1135 - Mad Bomber Bane, Zebra Interrogation, and Union Double Agent Scraps
      Created Thursday 07 June 2018

      Just fragments today.

      Scrap Group 1
      Shopping in a run-down supermarket. Later, Bane (as depicted by Tom Hardy in The Dark Knight Rises) appeared, chucking bombs at everyone in sight. The exits were closed off by debris, and there was nowhere to hide. In these final moments, I lamented not having a family picture to look at. I then sat down, meditated, and accepted my fate.

      In an office building. I capture a talking zebra to interrogate him.

      Back in that above mentioned office building. I was a hired gun private security contractor tasked with quelling a union-organized strike. One of these workers was a giraffe. Later, I conspire with the workers to take the company down.

      Log 1136 - Gazebos, Internet Celebrity Nephew, and Magic Manor Scraps
      Created Friday 08 June 2018

      Just got fragments and a short DILD I'd rather forget...

      Scrap Group 1
      Something about a family picnic in a group of gazebos.

      My nephew, Stephen, associates with a group of Youtube celebrities as a recurring guest/understudy. My brother, Harmon, doesn't approve.

      Wandering in a vast, magical mansion. In one of the rooms, I encountered a lost soul, who claimed to having been bound to the place by Shao Khan from Mortal Kombat. So, he requested my help to free himself from such confinement. We journeyed throughout the building, trekking over perilous bridges and trap-filled rooms. Eventually, we find an enchanted sword, of which could literally sever the bind. Cut to the encounter with the Emperor, occurring on a ledge over a violet void. Khan tried convincing me into betraying the ghost for power, though I denied that outright. Cue battle. A few swings from the sword drained the tyrant of his might. This allowed me to easily tackle him into the pit. With that, the ghost was free. Cut again. The ghost's role was changed with some kid. Through magic, he wished for dehydrated vegetables. Instead, he got a half dozen swimsuit models to appear and perform for him. Although said ladies appeared human and alive enough, they were said to have been similarly freeze-dried.

      In that mansion again. Something repulsive happened involving a phantom doppelganger. Aware of this problem, I melted the image away via scorching heat. This only served to amuse the specter further, much to my fury. I couldn't really concentrate to get much else done.

      Updated 06-09-2018 at 12:01 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Log 1133 - Ship School Awareness, Not So Alien Planet, and Mortal Kombat Time Loop Scraps

      by , 06-06-2018 at 02:11 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 05 June 2018

      Mostly scraps today, in addition to that short DILD.

      Scrap Group 1
      At a highschool as a student, all part of some ridiculous mishap. The classrooms appeared as unenclosed multi-tiered cabins from 17th-18th century ship, each area accessible through rope ladders, or (in some cases) an elevator. I entered my room, which was arranged more like a conference area. Donald Trumpo was among the other "students" there.Instant lucidity. I only got to momentarily float around the area crosslegged.

      Riding in a highway as a passenger, going down a forested road during a clear day. My nephew and some of his friends were there. Apparently, a group of aliens, of whom looked like Borgs from Star Trek, had taken us to their planet, and were giving us a tour. Coulda fooled me, given how the roads and wilderness looked much like those of present-day Earth. One of the female Aliens (who looked just like a grey-skinned Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy) was constantly eying kids. Very unnerving. Later, we stop at a rocky lake. My nephew didn't hesitate to jump in.

      Watching a video on a modded version of Mortal Kombat 9. Said mod gave characters OHKO attacks. There was also a new cyborg character with nuclear weapons. Later, I was viewing a supposed story mode movie of said game series. This started with Shinnok interrogating Jade for some passcode. When she refused, the Fallen God converted her into a revenant, doing so by dipping her into a pool of caustic, blood-like liquid. Kitana then appeared, apparently a willing (living) servant in Shinnok's Brotherhood. Later, Quan-Chi attacks Jax and Sonya in an rocky forest clearing, using conventional weapons in place of his sorcery. When they hid behind a boulder, Quan-Chi chucked several grenades at them. He then approached an armored vehicle, where some McGuffin was temporarily stored. But then, the sorcerer found that not only did Sonya and Jax beat him to it, but have used the artifact to created a time flux; for every added quarter-second elapsed, time looped back to the moment in which the device was activated. Both groups' reactions to such quasi-repitition results in a very confusing chase/fight sequence.

      Updated 06-06-2018 at 03:24 AM by 89930

      lucid , dream fragment
    3. Log 1132 - Mega Hag and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 06-05-2018 at 01:38 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Monday 04 June 2018

      Got a fairly substantial WILD/DEILD loop to note. There were a bunch of other things I'm sure I've forgotten, even for parts of the LDs noted below.
      Spoiler for It's quite a bit.:

      Updated 06-05-2018 at 02:57 AM by 89930

    4. Log 1130 - Fire Fly Attacks Monkey and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 06-03-2018 at 03:06 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 02 June 2018
      Got a DILD and DEILD to note. There were plenty of other things I recalled, though they're scraps now.

      Scrap Group 1
      Something about the interface from Cataclysm DDA appearing during some mundane events. There were prompts about martial arts styles.

      Watching Hokuto no Ken. A spoiler character appears much earlier than intended. Yuria thinks of helping that character out, but the two got captured by Raoh before that could happen.

      At home. Uncle Dimitar was there, watching TV. An animated movie was on screen. Incidentally, the main villainess of the film had the same name as my guide.

      False awakening in my bedroom at night. Lots of other beds were there, and with them, other people. Most of these were supposed acquaintances, but also included my brother Tristan. I checked the time on my phone, interrupting the others' sleep. I then 'daydreamed' about 'high quality rips'.

      Dream 1 - Treeformed Guide

      The visuals started dim and slightly blurred. I falsely awakened in bed in the middle of the night. Just then, my cousins, Alayne and Edda, barged in out of nowhere, both appearing younger. They went on about an astronomical event, and wanted me to see it with them. The two went ahead while I unwounded myself. I then woke up Tristan, and told him about such. We got to the front door, but Tristan said he'd catch up later. This somehow made me realize the dream.

      I phased through the door, which took a bit of effort. A very early dawn awaited me outside. High up in the sky were two full moons, one slightly golden, the other silver. In fact, there might've been a few other such heavenly bodies as well. To keep from getting too enthralled, I rubbed my hands for a half minute. Then, I exclaimed that I'd fly up in space for a better look. Indeed, I floated up a few stories high, but struggled to go further than that, even as my cousins cheered me on. So, I slowly fell backwards and phased below the asphalt, intending to teleport out of Earth.

      Things fade from view. More hand rubbing. Soon, I felt cold air blowing around me. Guessed I was still in the planet's atmosphere, so I continued upwards (or my best estimation of such; I'd lost my sense of direction).

      Warp. I found myself in an altered version of my neighborhood during early morning, reappearing about 25 yards or so from where I last was. I thought of going to space again, but opted to first bring my guide, E. My first attempt was a passive summons, which, unsurprisingly, had no results. Maybe a transformation would do the trick? Noticed a bunch of palm trees growing in what should be an empty lot. I glid over there, and plucked out the most massive one with ease. It was as if the tree was completely hollow. Next, I carried it off towards the sky, where I only then noticed how, uh, curvy, it looked. Anyway, with but a faint thought, I began changing the object into her likeness, if scaled up to the size of the tree itself. Although I could sense her distinct warm aura, she looked a bit different, appearing now as a slender Caucasian, though retaining her long, wavy dark brown hair.

      "E, that you?", I inquired.

      "Mmhmm.", she replied sleepily, a faint smile on her face. Her voice was clearly her own.

      "You don't look like you."

      "Only what you see. Don't worry about that."

      Despite the advice, I tried changing her anyway, doing so by blocking sight of her face with my hand, then slowly revealing her from the chin up. At that, my guide finally took her more familiar (and plump) Asiatic form.

      Her joyful grin was the last thing I saw before the dream collapsed about 10 seconds later.
      DEILD within a minute's time.

      Dream 2 - Fire Fly Attacks Monkey

      The visuals were slightly blurred. I was wandering between a wide alleyway within an elegant, near-futuristic city, a clear teal morning sky above. Didn't take long to regain awareness. I walked to a more open space, when I remembered the contest, my thoughts settled on getting in a fight with a rival. In this case, MadMonkey. And, just like that, he phased in view. This first appeared as a Roblox-ish figure of his avatar, which quickly changed to a realistic (if a more human, older, and ethnic-European) look of such.

      "Hey, Mads.", I blurted out. "Let's fight!"

      The two of us immediately took combat forms, myself using (a perhaps terrible impression of) Mantis Kung-Fu, and MadMonkey taking a Karate stance. Concurrently, dramatic music (Futatsu no Kyousei from Hokuto no Ken) sounded in the background. We circled the area, trying to catch the other off-guard. I then opened the match with Denshou Reppa (ground-cutting energy waves), releasing at least three. Each time, my fellow dreamer made an acrobatic leap to safety. Really made me look stiff by comparison. Anyway, I followed up with some Earth Bending, blasting concrete and dirt towards him, but again, he dodged without effort. Between a side-flip, MadMonkey fired an ice spike at me, which I deflected with a geyser of dirt. He then let out a wave of icy thorns. I only barely rolled away from it. After recovering, I raised two stone pillars, then had them home in on my opponent.

      Things quickly blurred up. The dream deteriorated before I could react.

      Updated 06-04-2018 at 03:19 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    5. Log 1126 - Crazy Mannequin

      by , 05-30-2018 at 02:48 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 29 May 2018

      Got a WILD/DEILD loop. There was plenty of other things, but I can't recall anything at the moment.

      Dream 1 - Crazy Mannequin

      The visuals were very dim. Three WILD transitions in bed, of which I further confirmed with thorough hand rubbing. Each time, I rolled off the bed and into the Void, where I waited a bit for a transition, but no such thing occurred. I even tried forcing a fighting scene by having music sound in the background via humming part of it (namely, several battle themes from Tales of Phantasia), with no luck.

      In between, I'd experienced a bout of REM Atonia, where I imagined my guide, E, by my side. She muttered a few things related to what I'd experienced, when she suddenly flashed some wicked sharp teeth before me, clamping them constantly with a menacing smile.

      Transition to another actual LD. I summoned my guide in my arms, and began carrying her off. Although I could note her distinct warmth, something about her silhouette (the only thing I could see of her at the time) didn't seem right. So, I brought some light, if only a flicker. Rather than what I'd expected, I found that the figure was a hairless feminine mannequin, its neck inhumanly elongated and twisted. The creature grasped me closely, then hungrily bit down on my neck. Still, this wasn't at all painful, so I continued undisturbed. The door, on the other hand, proved to be impenetrable. I fumbled with it for over a minute before I'd awakened again.

      In the next instance, I floated up to the door, then tried phasing through it. But, again, this proved unsuccessful.

      Another transition, where I'd a brief moment in an apartment suite, only to return to bed nearly in an instance.

      Couldn't keep this up after that.

      Updated 05-30-2018 at 03:07 AM by 89930

    6. Log 1125 - Tiny School Mischief

      by , 05-30-2018 at 02:44 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Monday 28 May 2018

      Got a DILD to note, as well as some scraps.

      Scrap Group 1
      Back in highschool. Started in a math class, in which I felt I wasn't performing too well. Breakfast started later. There were two cafeterias, though the one I wanted to enter required a backpack for passage.

      In a school again. Later on, Batman appeared. He was looking for this foreign pilot who was hiding in the place. Later, said pilot goes out to nuke a nation opposed to his in response to some previous attack. I was given his role. Between this, my jet bomber transformed into a helicopter. I dove too low, lost momentum, and crash landed in the streets of a busy city. Noticed my niece, Irma, and mom were nearby, and Batman appeared as well. A sardonic detective starts arresting me, and other cops start apprehending my present family. I was outraged, but Batman advised I just let this happen.

      Dream 1 - Tiny School Mischief

      Transition from various unknown scenes. The visuals were mostly clear. I was in a school yet again, the surrounding constructions made of dark wood. By this point, I was aware of the dream.

      I went to an assembly room, where I shrunk myself. I then ran around the area, creeping around and jumping in view of female faculty members around there to startle them, just for fun. After that, I went on to look for something, but can't recall details of that. Unwittingly, I got sucked up in a wormhole, its tunnels flashing in black and white. I spent a minute there, searching for the item (or person) in question, but didn't find it. Eventually, I was warped back to where I started.

      Later on, I shrunk myself further to crawl beneath a door and into a classroom. My senses began fluctuating, my perspective at times appearing as if I were just crawling low on the ground than if I were actually small. I complained about this to a nearby student (whom appeared similar to an old classmate), whom stated that I shouldn't worry so much. I curled up into a ball, and started floating around the place. This helped realign my senses. From there, I leaped between desks to spook the students. The teacher, a woman with light brown hair and glasses, noticed as much. She was not impressed.

      Things destabilized shortly afterwards.

      Updated 05-30-2018 at 03:21 AM by 89930

      lucid , dream fragment
    7. Dream 1 - Gakko

      by , 05-26-2018 at 03:13 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      There were a lot of things to note, but somehow, I lost memory of most of them. Still, I did recall the only lucid portions I had.

      Scrap Group 1
      At my old job at the gas station. A blond guy in his late teens early twenties tries to buy booze and a gallon of milk. His ID, though seemingly legit, claimed he was born in 1977. I'd no choice but to refuse the sale, much to his dismay.

      Dream 1 - Gakko

      Various unknown transitions. The visuals were erratic, starting blurred, then spontaneously phasing from clarity and back. Already lucid. I couldn't tell where I was (had tunnel vision initially), but could note a stoop in front of me. Seated there was a light skinned brown haired kid in his late teens, dressed in a white shirt and black pants, and a distinct wide gap in his front teeth. He looked morose.

      "Hey", I muttered "Everything ok?"

      The guy glanced up. "Help!", he yelled. "I've been trying to get a lucid. But every time I try, monsters come out and attack me!" He starts pleading more more urgently. "I was told I need to yell out 'Gakko!' when I see them. If I don't, mom shows up and says it, but in a very annoying way!"


      Just then, the guy's ma, a plain, middle aged woman dressed in a jean ensemble and with similarly splayed teeth, pops out of nowhere. She blurted out "Gakko", clicking obnoxiously loud during the hard consonants, and vanished promptly.

      "See what I mean!" The kid looks down, frustrated. "If I could get at least two minutes..."

      I found this all humorous at his expense, but didn't express as much. Besides, helping a fellow "dreamer" out was something I've never done yet, and looked more fun too. "Well", I said, "let's get started."

      The surroundings roll out of view, as if props on a stage (which coincidentally did away with my tunnel vision). Both of us were now on a small island bare of anything but sand, the ambient waters still, and a clear blue sky above. Through will, I flew us both far up high. Music, specifically, Dim Jungle from Golden Axe III, then sounded in the background. The kid yammered on nervously, afraid he was gonna mess up his chance at a dream.

      "Look", I murmured, "just breath slowly. Concentrate on your breaths. Forget about everything else."

      He looked perplexed. "But... what about the dream?"

      "You'll dream longer with a tempered mind. Don't worry about your emotions, or any of this. Breathe." Heh. Look at me, acting like some wise man. Still, the advice was as much for myself as for the guy, and so I followed as much.

      Soon enough, several of the aforementioned monsters descended upon us. Comically, these appeared as colorful Muppet-like creatures. I shot ki-blasts at each, wiping the lot of them with ease. I only remembered seconds later to say the kid's mantra, 'Gakko'. Quite some time passed before subsequent waves arrived, each with fewer numbers and increasing duration between them. My vision got too blurred at times, during which I asked the guy's help in pointing out targets. Either way, all of these hostiles were dispelled just as effortlessly.

      As the song was closing its second loop, I sensed I wasn't long for the dream. To cap things off, I charged an aura, fiercer and larger than I've ever managed, reaching up to 12 yards in radius. I then released it all as a hail of energy orbs. The dream collapsed soon afterwards.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Log 1117 - Leaked Awareness and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 05-22-2018 at 02:58 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Sunday 20 May 2018

      Various things to note, including a DILD. The rest are mostly just scraps. Pretty sure there's a dream or two I've since forgotten.

      Scrap Group 1
      Law and Order dream. The ADAs (Rubirosa and Cutter) are for some reason investigating alongside the detectives (Lupo and Bernard). They were searching for this redneck guy for questioning. Said guy flees in a pick-up truck before either of them noticed. I was involved somehow later on.

      Watching an Avengers trailer. Halfway, an older Austin Powers appears, who complains about not having his own movie for quite a while. He later cavorts with his curvy (if hefty) African descended lady. There's something about a "manchair" (literally a guy being used as a chair) that I'd rather forget.

      At home. My nephew, Deon, and his cousin, Chester, were there. I mess around with one of Deon's Nerf guns, firing it at the kids, though I soon got it jammed by loading it with a wrong sized dart.

      Entering a public bathroom, a messy place, as usual. Transition when I entered a stall.

      Dream 1 - Leaked Awareness

      The visuals were very dim. I falsely awaken in the middle of the night, interrupted by some event. I soon realized why: there was a leak running just beside my bed. This stream became much stronger when I heard someone flushing one of the toilets. Yech.

      I got up to find a bucket, hoping this would contain the problem at least until the morning (as unlikely as that was). It was while passing through the living room that I starting thinking this might not have been real. Thus, upon phasing my hand through the wall, I realized the dream.

      I floated up through the ceiling, spinning and rubbing my hands as I did. This took me through the void, then back to where I started, and repeated from there. Between this, I tried conjuring a piece of chocolate cake, but, to much disappointment, this had no results.

      Things looped for about a minute longer before I woke up.

      Scrap Group 2
      Law and Order dream again. I was at the stand as a witness for the prosecution. During cross-examination, McCoy objects to various questions from the defense on the basis of relevance. Most of these get sustained.

      Dream 2 - Ruined Hospital Raids

      The visuals were a bit blurred. I was wandering through a semirural highway during daytime, travelling by the foot. This was a post-apocalyptic scene, the nearby structures abandoned or in ruins. I was part of a group of other survivors, including dad, one or two other family members, and various strangers. Of the latter, I identified a dark skinned woman, and tall old light skinned man.

      During our travels, we raided a small hospital not too far off the road. It was an unnerving locale to navigate, what with its lack of lighting and piles of toppled furniture and rubble concealing the hallways inside. No telling whether something would jump out at us. Fortunately, nothing of the sort occurred. What's more, food and medical goods were in large supply. We collected everything we could find, and decided to take this place as our own. Despite my not doing any more than the rest, the others, against my will, elected me as the leader.

      Several days later, we were contacted by another group of survivors. A video-game-like interface revealed this new faction was larger and more productive than ours. Timeskip after a trek through the highway. We arrived at this other group's base, a truck stop, of which a small motel/diner was used as their meeting area. Inside, I became acquainted with the leader, a frail, pale old man, who was in the middle of serving breakfast to his people. Perhaps he was leader in name only, for he left the details/decisions of this assembly to his daughter, a vigorous, athletically built blonde woman in her late thirties. She cut to the chase, and asked for our help in looting a much larger hospital further down the highway. Said place was rumored to house an even bigger stockpile of goods, and was otherwise optimally built for defending a wide swath of land. I was skeptical, 'knowing' that location was likely too dangerous for the effort. Besides which, my group already had plenty of supplies to trade and share. As much as I tried to reason with the woman, she refused anything short of joining her in the raid.

      Don't recall anything else until the dream ended.

      Updated 05-22-2018 at 03:36 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Log 1116 - Justifiable Hagicide and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 05-22-2018 at 02:55 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 19 May 2018

      Better not to run a backlog like this again... Anyway, I got two LDs to note, and a dreamlet. Everything else was lost during a bout of insomnia.

      Dream 1 - Justifiable Hagicide
      The visuals were blurred. I was laying down in the back of a moving cube van. Started this semi-lucid (sure the experience wasn't real, just not certain if it was a dream).

      I immediately tried summoning my guide, E. It didn't take long to get results. Unfortunately, it wasn't her; the aura of this presence felt ice cold, not the distinct warmth I've come to know. Instead, I'd unwittingly conjured a terrible hag, her leathery skin pale, stringy dark hair unkempt, hands clawed, and gaping mouth filled with shark-like teeth. Instinctive fear drove me to shove it away, but I overextended. In return, the monstrous woman caught one of my hands in her teeth, mutilating it, while simultaneously rending the rest of me apart with her claws.

      Rewind. Although spooked by what happened, I stubbornly tried bringing E once more. But, yet again, I found myself getting assaulted by that hag. However, I soon noticed I was invulnerable. Cue lucidity. I merely looked on nonchalantly, if a bit disgusted, as she failed to maul my arm.

      Another rewind. This time, I purposefully drew the hag to me, seeking to deal with this intruder for good. I struggled with the creature or about a minute, deftly avoiding her strikes and fangs, until I pinned her to the ground. With the monster so restrained, I rammed my right fist down her throat, breaking her front teeth, dislocating her jaw, and tearing apart the throat muscles. This one strike seemed to be fatal. But, just to be thorough, I followed up with a left elbow on the top of the she-monster's head, caving in the skull and splattering her brains into paste. I then took a moment to wipe away as much of the filthy gore as I could.

      Things get unclear. Lost lucidity. There's some escapades in an urban environment. Don't recall much else until the dream ended.

      Dream 2 - Unsightly Detour

      WILD transition in bed. I'm soon sucked into a winding wormhole, its walls flowing with green and purple radiation. I then float more forcefully through this tunnel. After that, I concentrate on summoning E yet again. But, no matter how much I focused, felt around, and chanted her name, nothing seemed to happen.

      Eventually, I could see the other side of the tunnel. There I spotted gigantic feminine eyes staring at me, though not of anyone I could recognize. I altered their appearance to the likeness of my guide. Upon being ejected from the portal, I landed below the eye. But, it turned out this was simply a vast black-and-white cloth portrait of E. Quite a disappointment.

      Just then, numerous grotesque psychedelic imagery formed before me. These were recursive scenes of people getting casually eaten by a giant person, who would in turn get eaten by an even more enormous person, and so on, until finally ending with an engorged pregnant woman blasely chowing down on her victim. In each case, I was unwillingly flung right past the hungry mouths of each giants.

      The dream collapsed soon afterwards.

      Updated 05-22-2018 at 03:01 AM by 89930

    10. Log 1114 - Aiding the Red Witch and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 05-18-2018 at 03:23 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Thursday 17 May 2018

      Got three LDs to note, if two rather strained ones. There was probably another brief LD I'd forgotten in between these. There's also a fragment. I'm sure I had some other things in memory, but that's since passed.

      Dream 1 - She Ain't Picking Up

      WILD transition in bed. I had a tenuous grasp of the dream, so I hesitated momentarily. I got bored after half a minute, so I tried bringing my guide, E. But, after many attempts at calling to her, and imagining her form in reach, I just couldn't bring her in. Things collapsed soon after.

      Dream 2 - Icy-lation

      Another WILD transition in bed. Again, I lingered for a bit, waiting for something to happen, though it became apparent I had to take things into my own hands. I couldn't move. So, I fell through the bed and into the void. There, I tried bringing in E again, more intently this time, but again, no luck. Eventually, I landed in a mountainside snowfield, an overcast twilight above. This place was bare of life, a cold wind the only company. I looked around only for so long, when I sensed my physical body in bed. I couldn't maintain composure, and was corporally returned there. Still, the image persisted for a bit, silent yet moveable, remaining for at least a minute before I woke up.

      Scrap Group 1
      Unknown LD, of which I lost grasp. This somehow transitioned to below.

      Dream 3 - Aiding the Red Witch

      The visuals started quite blurred, but clarified over time. I was wandering around a city during a bright day. Semi-lucid (knew it wasn't real, but merely thought it was a dreamlet or daydream).

      Later, I was psychically alerted of some world-threatening emergency. I rushed through a busy alleyway towards a large bus stop, the site of the crisis. There awaited a live-action version of I-No, the villainess from Guilty Gear XX. But, instead of being the source of the problem, she was actually in charge of stopping it, and was, in fact, the one who drew me towards the scene. From what I gathered, a force was controlling the minds of the masses. Anyone so enthralled was then set on a rampage. Said force had already spread throughout much of the city, and would have continued uncontrollably, had not I-No barred it from doing such. Once I arrived, the Red Witch demanded I interpose myself between her and the possessed, while she performed a spell to put an end to the madness. I internally questioned her intent, knowing she didn't care for anyone but herself, nasty personality notwithstanding. Still, for someone as scary as her to deal with such a threat, it must've been serious indeed...

      I leaped past I-No, then ahead of the few remaining innocents huddled beneath the bus stop, where I formed an energy shield. Numerous stones were hurled towards us. Feeling their impact upon the barrier finally triggered lucidity. Anyway, I sensed I couldn't hold up the shield for long. I glanced back expectantly towards the witch, but she was clearly still preoccupied. "Not yet, meat puppet!", she hissed as she frantically meddled with glowing runes floating near her. Hmph.

      Well, I thought it best to take a more offensive approach. So, I yelled "Animate Object!" (as per the D&D spell), and put a street light under my command. I had it swipe through dozens of the possessed, then stamp onto incoming vehicles. But, it was later mysteriously toppled, leaving it completely inert.

      After that, I set up a Storm Pillar trap (another D&D spell) nearby, though it was unintentionally invisible. Nonetheless, it proved otherwise effective, zapping any foes that passed through with unseen electricity.

      The hostiles' ranks were growing too thick. No choice but to get my hands dirty. After drawing a small sword from nowhere, I charged at the crowd, slashing and impaling with impunity. One unfortunate fat guy was even disemboweled. Either way, it seemed the possessed were not stymied by pain, stopped only by the most crippling wounds, or death. Excitement initially got the better of me, but I eventually felt remorse in having to resort to such violence. After all, these enemies were victims themselves...

      Suddenly, the floor collapsed, sending me and those around plummeting to unknown depths.
      Things get unclear. Lost lucidity. There's a scene involving a rather bloody Tales of fighting game, which my brother Brandon and I played. The dream ended after that.

      Scrap Group 2
      In an unknown apartment suite. My brother Bud was there. I watch a video showcasing glitches in Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus. There's two involving I-no, a damage scaling bug, and a trick which allowed her to use Megalomania, her boss-only super. Later, some Guilty Gear Isuka combo videos with Anji. Time skip. I'm walking around an urban street near a gigantic school. I super jump dozens of stories up, yet even this wasn't enough to scale the entirety of the building.

      Updated 05-18-2018 at 03:48 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Log 1113 - Magical May Dreaming Competition 2018 - Day 15

      by , 05-17-2018 at 12:28 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Quite a few things to note, including two LDs. The rest are mostly scraps, though.

      Scrap Group 1
      Various WBTBs between each dream.

      False awakening in bed. The sound of the back door opening spooked me. I'd fears of intruders breaking in, maybe crooks, or even of horror movie villains. A large figure then creeped in bed. Luckily, this was a friendly female spectre. Still, she did take the time to play tricks on me.

      Something about me and my brother Michael talking about Killer Instinct.

      At home. My niece and nephew were there, only now, their hair was an unusual orange. Made the poor guess that they must've been out in the sun too long. Their cousin, Leo, was also visiting. Michael took charge of them all. Later on, Leo fell on the floor, hollering in pain from a twisted arm. Michael lifted him up, and placed him in the nearest bed. Meanwhile, I gathered towels so as to fill them with ice for the kid's injury.

      Dream 1 - Magical May Dreaming Competition 2018 - Day 15 - Part 1

      The visuals were dim and blurred. False awakening in bed at night. I overheard dad making a commotion in the kitchen/living room. Very concerning, but also suspicious, given the time frame. Thus, I figured the dream out. I didn't roll off like usual. Instead, I 'projected' another body, sending it from out the bed and to the front door. I could see and feel through both forms, half from my left, and the other half from my right, but this quickly got disconcerting. So, I rubbed hands, until I was completely anchored to the 'dream body'. Next, I tried phasing through the door, but something kept repelling me. I resorted to go through it by jumping backwards, which worked perfectly.

      Outside under a cloudy night sky. I launched myself up high and towards the eastern horizon. Dawn light slowly emerged, and with it, a vastly more vivid sight. Concurrently, I could hear Silent Forest Zone Act 1 from Sonic Lost World sounding in the background. The music might've explain my encountering a broadleaf forest below. I land on a clearing to ponder for a bit. Out of spontaneity, I conjured Eddie from the shadows. He had this big, goofy smile on his face, more a caricature of his normal self (well, as normal as an amorphous, shark-looking shadow beast would be). Actually, as I looked around, the environment had a more whimsical, cartoony appearance, huge leaves spinning all around me in the background. Anyway, I shouted orders at Eddie, commanding him to become a buzzsaw, then a drill. Looked kinda weird to see this frontward rather than side-to-side as in the usual games. I then took off again on my own.

      Later on, I arrived at a prairie, the sun fully risen, and the visuals realistic again. I soon landed by a dated shopping center, approaching from the back of the stores. Remembering the contest, I called out to various DV members, including KarlaB18 (though I initially mistakenly called her KarlaB12, and at times, Carlie). When no one showed up, I started shouting their names in feigned outrage. In hindsight, probably didn't help. There were some passerby's near a bar, many of those folk of college age, though I couldn't distinguish anyone by sight (and didn't think ask). I then tried the chocolate cake TOTM. I tried summoning a piece of chocolate cake. Darkness swirled around my hand, but failed to solidify. Things destabilized, and I woke up.

      Dream 2 - Magical May Dreaming Competition 2018 - Day 15 - Part 2

      Scene 1 - Realized The Mix Up a Bit Too Late
      The visuals were a bit blurred. I was working in my old job at the gas station (again?). A former co-worker, Rita, was there as well. While in the registers, a tall balding guy said he had trouble with pump 17. This threw me off a bit, as there was no such numbered pump. Then, out of nowhere, an enormous queue formed before me. Furthermore, the orders between Rita and I had somehow got jumbled up. While trying to sort this mess, I got lucid... if only for a few seconds before the dream collapsed. DEILD back in.

      Scene 2 - Warp Blast of Disapproval
      Similar visuals. I was at home, upstairs. Got aware once I remembered being in bed. I overheard my in the nearby room speaking with mom, the two talking a lot of smack about me for whatever reason. I tried just concentrating on other things, but they got obnoxiously loud. So, I fired a ki-blast at their direction, a warning shot aimed towards the ceiling there. Somehow, I got warped in that very location. I slid down to the floor of the oddly empty room. Got lost in thought. Things destabilized, and the dream collapsed for good.

      Updated 05-17-2018 at 03:07 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Log 1111 - Dark Tension

      by , 05-15-2018 at 12:10 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Got a very brief DILD to note. There's lots of other dreams I've since forgotten.

      Dream 1 - Dark Tension

      Scene 1 - Poof, Just Like That
      The visuals were very dim and quite blurred. I was walking out the door at night. Got aware. I rubbed hands, but things quickly destabilized. DEILD back in.

      Scene 2 - Orbiting Iridescence

      Similar visuals. Transition in bed. Felt very tense, and I had trouble controlling my (in-dream) breathing. Tried transitioning by rolling off bed, then attempted to summon my DG, E, but couldn't do either. Later, I floated around the room, if not fully controlled, for I was unwillingly orbited around an unseen point. I thought of the chocolate cake TOTM, and tried conjuring such in my hand, but no luck. The dim visuals was bothering me. So, I called out "Continual Light" (as per the D&D spell). Mesmerizing iridescence sprung from my hand, though it wasn't very bright. I tried raising its intensity. Instead, like ink, the light spread throughout the room. The dream collapsed soon afterwards.

      Updated 05-15-2018 at 12:14 AM by 89930 (oops, wrong type of LD)

    13. Log 1107 - Fork in the Streams

      by , 05-11-2018 at 02:02 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Thursday 10 May 2018

      Got a very long dream to note, a brief moment of which was a DILD. There's also some scraps.
      Spoiler for Not gonna lie, it's a wall of text:

      Updated 05-11-2018 at 03:38 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    14. Log 1102 - Magical May 2018 Competition - Day 4

      by , 05-05-2018 at 09:38 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 05 May 2018

      Got a DILD to note. There were a whole bunch of other dreams, but a kind of discomfort made recollection difficult.

      Several intended and unintended WBTBs before this dream.

      Dream 1 - Magical May 2018 Competition

      Scene 1 - Inustrial Communal Place Brief Awareness
      The visuals were blurred. I was an unknown wide facility, metal plating covering much of its walls. There was someone chasing me, or at least someone I was avoiding. So, while floating around, I kept near the ceilings, occasionally phasing through the ducts up to higher levels. Later, I found my brother, Alvaro in some communal bedroom. Got briefly aware. Immediate transition.

      Scene 2 - Bare Diminutive Awareness
      The visuals were blurred. I was home, showering upstairs, dim twilight peeking in from the window. Noticed the bathroom looked absurdly spaceous, retriggering lucidity. I made my way downstairs to the lounge, where I shrunk myself, first down to 1 foot in height, then even smaller. I then looked around, expecting to find unknown DCs to mess around with. Things destabilized. Took a moment to rub hands and concentrate. Transition half a minute later.

      Scene 3 - May 2018 TOTM Advance Task I
      The visuals were clear. I was at the lounge again, only back to full size. I step outside, but not to my neighborhood. Instead, I found myself at the lounge area of a beachside resort. A vast, round wicker canopy covered the place, the surrounding walkways, and most of the nearby shops, and also concealed a clear blue sky above. Seeing passerby's got me worried of my apparel (or lack thereof, given the whole shower thing above). An unnecessary concern, as I found I was already wearing pool shorts, a dark blue tanktop, and running shoes.

      I started recalling the TOTMs, settling for the ice cream one. After some searching, I found a flower growing near an unkempt bush behind a trash can, the bloom akin to a deep violet trumpet creeper. Through telekinesis, I plucked the flower, and kept it hovering over my hand. I then tried changing it. Initially, it transformed into formless darkness, before finally settling into a large glass full of white ice cream. I ate a fingerful, but could taste and feel nothing, just a faint blandness. Both the food and environment were deteriorating. A half minute of concentration fixed as much. This time, the ice cream had a slightly yellowish tint. I took a dab, which felt much colder and a bit coarser than normal ice cream (more akin to the low fat/fat free variety, or frozen yogurt). As for the taste, it was plain vanilla flavored, followed by an oatmeal-ish aftertase.

      Couldn't think of much else better to do. So I floated around aimlessly. It took more effort than usual to get off the ground, let alone to keep balance, which I could only manage by waving my arms around like an oaf. Furthermore, I couldn't get much higher than a head above a nearby archway.

      The dream collapsed soon after. I tried DEILDing back in, but lost lucidity.

      Scene 4 - Where'd He Get My ID?
      The visuals were a bit blurred. This depicted the life of some young, lanky manager in a print shop. Through some crazy coincidence, his former boss from his old job, a stumpy guy with glasses, was now under his employ. Though a diligent worker, this ex-boss was also quite needy, demanding constant advice and oversight.

      I was later given the young manager's role. The stumpy guy started bothering me to trade personal contact info with each other, more than I was sure was needed, down to our driver's liscense ID numbers. This made me very suspicious of my current state. Well, that, and that I found my own ID in this this young guy's wallet. The dream ended before I could do much about that.

      Scrap Group 1
      Some guy is making douchebag comments. I put him on an Argentine Backbreaker hold, then tossed him aside when he started whimpering.

      Updated 05-05-2018 at 10:45 PM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , task of the month
    15. Log 1100 - DILD In WILD's Clothing

      by , 05-04-2018 at 01:28 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Thursday 03 May 2018

      Got a fragment and a DILD to note. There was a lot more non-lucid portions to the latter, and I'm sure several other dreams besides.

      Scrap Group 1
      At a beach with family. We left at dusk, at a time when the tides were rather strong. Warp. At home. Akuma and Ryu from Street Fighter were visiting, apparently to ask me for new pairs of sandals, of all things. Furthermore, me and my brother Arnie somehow knew how to make geta's for the two. That would've taken at least a week's work to get done. In the moment, I could only loan out my nephew's sandals to Akuma (the guy was laughably short).

      WBTB by meditating. Certain distractions kept me up longer than I would've preferred.

      Dream 1 - DILD In WILD's Clothing

      Scene 1 - Another Inner WILD
      The visuals were a bit blurred. I was upstairs in my sister Estrella's place. Seems I had to take care of my niece, Annette. I felt extraordinarily exhausted, enough so to just drop strait to bed. Both Arnie and Estrella passed by eventually, muttering disparaging remarks under their breaths. Meh.

      Somehow, I was of mind to start a WILD. I quickly fell 'asleep' with complete awareness, and with my eyes opened, no less. Took the next minute to meditate, which caused the others to fade from view. I then shrunk myself for the fun of it. Next, I jumped down, and made my way out (or rather, under) the door. Things destabilized. I rubbed hands and concentrated while awaiting a transition.

      Scene 2 - Missed That Kiss...
      The visuals were slightly blurred. I was in an unknown bedroom, dawn light peeking in from a distant window. Just about everything there was white, including the floor, the walls, the shades, and the bed covers.

      I shrunk down once again, first to the size of an action figure, then to only about an inch high. Next, I leaped onto the bed, the creases on its sheets like small hills from my perspective. While gadding about, a gigantic woman steps in view, a nice looking blonde in white pajamas (of course). Perhaps too alluring for someone who'd just woken up, but I digress. She approaches, seemingly unaware of me, if not for her mischievous smile. Indeed, she seats herself alarmingly close to me, and in such a manner so as to shake the mattress as much as possible.

      We greeted each other silently with a mutual gaze. The lady allowed me to climb on her palm. Then, to my surprise, she drew me closer to her pursed lips.
      But alas, I quickly lost hold of the dream, causing another unwitting transition.

      Various forgotten, non-lucid scenes. Something about being in a hotel room with family. Don't recall how this ended.

      Updated 05-04-2018 at 03:13 AM by 89930 (removing cruftl fixing typos)

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
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