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    1. hot sauce ruined dream recall

      by , 10-15-2013 at 05:52 PM
      No dream recall

      Ate incredibly spicy food for dinner and tried to wake up 4 hours after, I had stomach pains from the hot sauce I picked, restaurant I went to had sauces ranked from 1 to 10+. I chose the spiciest menu item they had and they had two sauces that had the rank 10+. I poured the two sauces on my meal and it burnt like crazy but kept eating. Really bad idea in retrospect but still, I kind of want to do it again :?

      I tried to do a WBTB, it was going so well til I had the stomach pains, hurt like f***.
    2. Cant remember most of my dreams :(

      by , 10-14-2013 at 05:40 PM
      I need to write more of my dreams down in my dream journal, i just go right back to sleep and I can only remember the last dream..

      one of my dreams had andrew matthews in it, childhood friend

      had some others but COMPLETELY FORGOT THEM

      last dream I was in looked like a school and I was walking around in it. Looked like some sort of combination of the middle school and high school I went to. I remember going into a room full of computers and my friend Anton gave me a key that just looked like a tiny black rectangular prism and he said to use it to get another key from the PC (personal container). So I went looking around outside and went through this cafe and he asked me telepathically or through some earpiece somehow if i found it and I said I couldn't find it so he was gonna come down to show me. By that time I was outside and a bunch of other guys were hanging around. We were in the grass outside of the school and we all decided to go find it. Eventually we found this old abandoned wooden house in the middle of nowhere and the other guys wanted to use the PC to skate all over and Anton said no. We went into the house and looked around and I was following Anton along this incredibly weird and complex second floor pathway that looked like scaffolding except wooden. Then I saw this huge spider web and I asked Anton how he got past it. It was like this huge spiderweb that went in like a sideways pyramid from where I was standing. I didn't want to walk through it so I jumped down to the first floor and there were spiderwebs all over the floor. I tried to leave but my hands started bleeding from the spiderwebs and I finally made it outside the gates of the house where there were no spiderwebs. I think I met some girl outside the gate but I'm not sure, thats all I remember.
    3. English Class

      by , 10-13-2013 at 06:31 PM
      Had one dream. I had to go to English class but I had to go through this tiny little hole I could barely fit through to get there. Once I got there the teacher asked me all these questions about what cities on the globe had a lot of architecture after 2006. I kept listing cities like China and Houston and stuff and she kept pointing out the ones I said that were wrong. The room was a darkly lit lecture hall with way more students than are actually in my english class, almost like movie theatre seating. Then two black guys that work in the offices came up and asked this one kid for his student ID and he gave it to them. Then they asked for mine and I said I didn't have one at the moment. Then he said well go get one and I said I didn't have 10 bucks, then he said well whats your name then. They were gonna look me up on the computer and I just told them my student ID number and they left. I started waking up as I was saying thanks for wasting 5 minutes of class time that really came in handy! and other things like that I was waking up.

      Updated 10-13-2013 at 06:35 PM by 60885

    4. One eventful walk

      by , 10-12-2013 at 06:18 PM
      Ok I guess my dreams are starting to become more memorable now

      The first thing I remember is that I'm walking down a street right outside my neighborhood, I think I went to this park and I'm on my way back when I see this car crash between three cars. One of the cars keeps plowing into another and the car starts bending inwards and the guy inside is almost crushed. Then the other car pulls away and I go down to help the guy. He apparently doesn't need help and gets out of the car himself. Then the next thing I know it somehow changes to night and the intersection is huge and everyone is stopped at all 4 sides of the intersection. The guy that got out of his car is messing with one of the street lights and using it to weigh his car somehow. While this is happening I see this attractive girl dressed really nice carrying champagne, shes probably a server or something. For some reason me and the girl and a bunch of other people our age start running back towards my neighborhood. I start running backwards so I can talk to the girl face to face and I forget the exact words but I asked her something and she had a rejectful answer. So I just showed off lol and ran a lot faster than everyone else to get home, I kept trying to tell myself to go faster but I was already going so fast.
    5. first entry in a long time 10/11

      by , 10-12-2013 at 08:06 AM
      Haven't posted on here in a while, trying to start back up

      I had one dream where theres a bunch of people at my house and were watching a movie. I know this lesbian couple and i made them a card or something and my teacher shared it with the class and I was really embarrassed about it. The card was as thick as a book with pages, hardcover. Everyone went outside for a smoke break or something and I went up to the kitchen to eat salsa and jellybeans. yep thats all i remember :P
    6. Road trip rest stop, Race

      by , 03-12-2013 at 04:54 PM
      First dream was my dad and siblings going into this big rest stop place with restaurants and shops. I walked around and found my old restaurant job there, even though in real life it is not in a big rest stop place. I looked and instead of my old coworkers there were just a bunch of old people in their 30's and 40's that just gave me the vibe of incredibly boring people. I found one girl that used to work there named Antwanette and she asked me to sign her out, I said hey I don't work here anymore so whats the big deal, then Kelly comes to check and Antwanette realizes she forgot to check "the equipment" or something like that. I wander around and look at the bartender, don't know him but looks boring as well, makes some sort of cringing face like he knows he is boring. Then I walk around and I can't find my family, so I walk outside and they walk outside as well, I get in a separate car from them and wait for them to pull out so we can continue on the road trip.
      Second dream I had I was racing my high school friend Andrew. I keep trying to catch up to him but every time I get close he just seems to have slightly more energy and he pulls ahead a bit further. We are racing on this asphalt path but I have never been on this path before. The trees are green and the sun was shining, it's winter in real life and all the trees are leafless. I keep running and following Andrew through this almost jungle like area. I kept trying to pass him but I just ran out of energy every time I caught up with him.
    7. Cawadoody and My old job

      by , 03-01-2013 at 07:15 PM
      Sleep: 12:00AM
      wake: 3:00 AM
      Sleep: 6:30 AM
      wake: 12:00PM

      1. It was a dream about a game similar to call of duty except it involved more tactics. It was a 1 on 1 game and each person set up a team of about 5-6 people who had different guns around a map. There was a moderator who started the game after both people were done, and as well we both had a character in the game, usually behind the rest so our own character was our last resort. The person I was versing and I, we both kept going even and all of our other guys killed each other off so at the end of the game it was always his character verse my character. I think I remember winning.

      2. The first part of this dream I remember is Me Adel and Trey going somewhere to eat. Me and Adel used to work at this restaurant called On the Border. He kept suggesting we go to Mcdonalds and I was like what about On the Border and he kept talking about how On the Border was disgusting and I kept saying how can it possibly be more disgusting than Mcdonalds? When we went in of course the furniture and architecture was all messed up and my old coworker Jen was hosting. We always used to do this thing where we would both say Hi back and forth to each other over and over and thats what she did when I walked in the door haha. We sat down at the bar and for some reason I kept saying racist things and I kept saying the word nigger. Then I noticed a black person sitting near me and I stopped talking about it. I looked at the menu and I couldn't recognize anything on there. There was one type of food called "archs" lol. Our friend Maia met us at the bar and she sat away and her and Adel were talking but she kept looking at me. Then I realized she told me to interview at Genghis grill at 4 the next day and I looked at my watch and it was 3:22 and I felt dissapointed because I had almost let her down.
    8. The yard sale heist adventure 2/27

      by , 02-27-2013 at 10:44 PM
      Sleep: 5:00 am
      Wake: 11:45am 12:50 pm 2:00 pm

      First dream I had me and my friend James were hanging out. This guy had stolen his stuff and was selling it at a yard sale. Apparently the bad guy was either Jim Carey or a guy that looked like him. So we steal it back and Jim Carey says to call 911 and we run away, but we already have a plan for escaping. We have ropes and we jump down this well to a sewer and Jim Carey says "You gotta be KIDDING me!" and we run through the sewer to the other side and on the other side we have to climb out then climb up this big wall. The wall looked like storage crates you see on a ship or plane and we had to claw into the metal on the way up. Half the way up the wall we hear Jim Carey fall down the well and scream all the way down. We assume he is dead and that is the last of him. My friend James was using a crowbar and he threw it down for me to use after, I had trouble climbing up the wall so he went back down to help me, and saved me before the metal bent too far and broke. This was all during the day. The crowbar fell on something that was coming out of the wall of the same material, so it could rest almost half way up the wall while still laying there for me to use to climb up the wall. Once we got to the top there was a door into a room. We opened one of the coffins of James relatives and she was really old and also very rude. Her eyes and hair were disgusting and her eye kept getting tangled into her hair when she talked. She kept talking about how bad a family member James was and that was the end of the dream.

      The second dream I had I was going from door to door in the neighborhood first trying to ride my bike. I kept riding it through peoples garages and when a garage closed I had to bike around their house. Eventually I ended up with a boogie board and I got a running start then slid on the boogie board all the way into a pool where a bunch of people there. I saw my old Co-worker Sam and a bunch of people there and that was the end of the dream. The pool was way too crowded.

      I also had a dream me my friend trey and my brother Joey were in the basement playing call of duty. My brother said we are all atheists here even though my brother is not an atheist in real life. Don't remember any other part of that dream.
    9. Going to DC

      by , 02-27-2013 at 12:22 AM
      I did not record this in my written dream journal because it was a nap, because I only had 4 hours for I had to study for a quiz til 4 am then take the quiz at 9:30. Grades are a higher priority than lucid dreaming so I had to skip the entry for now, I'll try to record it in my written dream journal later.

      During my nap I had this dream, I was in a taxi cab and me and Russell were going to see Obama in DC, and we were driving the taxi cab. He parked it in the middle of the street then started walking, and I went to hang out with my dad and his girlfriend who were also driving a taxi cab, and my cousin and father were leaving their taxi cabs so my other cousin brooke would just pick them up. After my dad parked the car I had my schoolbooks and papers with me and I didn't know who I would be riding back with or what I would be doing after the speech Obama was going to give (never seen Obama in real life why is he always in my dreams?) so I had my school books and papers and I was going to hide them in Brooke's yard. I didn't know where to hide them and it was at night and although I've never seen her house in real life in the dream it was a normal suburban house and it had a smaller side house to the left of it if you are looking at the house. I was still looking for a place to hide my books and papers when the dream ended.
    10. Movie Theater and the ride home 2/25

      by , 02-25-2013 at 10:57 PM
      I only remember one very long dream last night, and I only remember segments of it.

      I was in a movie theatre in the lobby. There was a hallway with structures and benches in the middle with movie posters on triangular prisms coming out of the ground like in some malls where you can see three different movie posters if you decide to walk around the structure. I remember there was a guard standing next to the wall but I was just kicking the wall next to a moving sidewalk, one of those things at an airport. I decided to go inside the movie theatre and I sat near this random girl in the corner of the audience section? what do you call the area where all the seats are? the auditorium? stadium? whatever. No one was there so I got up and left to go back into the lobby and continued to kick walls while I was on the moving sidewalk. When I went back into the theatre there were many people there and I chose one of the only seats left, which was next to this girl I have known for a long time named Melanie. For some reason I remember she was wearing a white t shirt. There was tension between us but neither of us said anything for most of the movie, at one part she lazily put her arm over the armrest so it was dangling over my lap. I did nothing and after a while she put her arm back and nothing happened between us.
      I feel as if this might have been a different dream or happened right after the first dream. I was walking home in this field. There were two roads that if the field was a rectangle, I would start at the top left corner and go down a bit then go across horizontally. There were roads on the edges of the field and as I walked through the field a car drove past me and threw a firework out the window, it had already been lit a while ago but for some reason there was still a few explosions left, and after the car drove for a bit it crashed in the distance. Further down the field police with a megaphone told people to walk with their right sides to the road, so I had to walk backwards as I was going from the top left to the top right. As I was walking backwards on the side of the road I saw a policeman staring at me from the back of a bus as he was going the opposite direction and I was walking backwards to follow the police order. The field seemed to be in autumn at dusk. I remember dark orange being a color a lot.
    11. 2/24 Bars, Cruise ships, Video games

      by , 02-24-2013 at 09:08 PM
      Non-Dream [COLOR="#4B0082"]Dream[/COLOR] [COLOR="#DAA520"]Lucid[/COLOR]

      Ok well haven't posted in a while but here goes. I don't really know the chronological order of these events so my dream may be told out of order. The facts and events are what actually happened in my dream, although they might be in the wrong order, and some parts are also missing as I don't remember the entire dream.

      Sleep: 4:00am
      Wake 2:15pm

      1. [COLOR="#4B0082"] My first dream was in the basement of my moms house, where I live. For some reason instead of one bar under the stairs there were two smaller bars next to this great view of a window thats the size of a jacuzzi? It went from the ground to the ceiling and there were two bars on the side. Both of them had this green tile on top like the bar we have in real life. I realized I usually spent time at one bar and I just was getting comfortable to the other bar when something happened and I went into another room where my mom put in a third bar that was much bigger. It was a big oval and stretched as far as a schoolbus lengthwise. On one side there was beer on tap and my grandparents were testing it out, I asked my mom what happened to the old bar and she said she got rid of it. I felt sad and that was the end.[/COLOR]

      2. [COLOR="#4B0082"] The next dream I remember is I was on a cruise. Apparently it was a pretty shitty cruise now that I think about it because it only had rooms on one side and pools on the other. Apparently we were docked in Japan and I was walking in my bathing suit to the pools side of the boat. I was just trying to find a hot tub to get into. The architecture was weird[/COLOR] let me explain the top of the boat in MS Paint.


      [COLOR="#4B0082"]At first I saw a father helping his daughter down the waterfall steps, which was cool and cute at the same time. Then I got into the hot tub, and there was this family in there. The father was sitting across from me, they had a daughter to both of our sides and the mother was sitting on the top of the hot tub. The father started telling me this amazing cop story and I was trying to pay attention so i tried to get comfortable. I tried to get comfortable but I kept leaning towards his daughter and he kept getting more suspicious, I tried to move away but it was just awkward. I looked to the wife and she filled in some of the story while the father told it. I eventually left the hot tub to go look off the side of the cruise ship. It looked like a Japanese harbor, and then for a few seconds[/COLOR][COLOR="#DAA520"] I went lucid. I didn't even try to do anything my subconcious already knows that I am going to wake up if I do anything exciting. I decided to just sit there and enhance the view. It suddenly turned to night and the sky had so many stars and there was a beach way down below me. Shortly after that I lost the lucidity[/COLOR] [COLOR="#4B0082"]and my dream continued.
      3. [COLOR="#4B0082"]I had a dream me and my brother were playing call of duty, and we decided to play this other game. We looked like little slime people, like yellow gum drops except everyone had white hair and glasses, which were supposed to portray they were old. At first me and my brother were racing against each other, and you had to press A fast to win the race. I ended up doing the trick where you put the sleeve over your finger and rub the button across to be able to press A extremely fast. My dad was in the background and said something then asked if he could play. After that we watched another team of two try to beat my and Joeys added score. I handed my dad the controller and that was the end of the dream.[/COLOR]
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Mr Suave-cruise-pool.jpg  
    12. movie theatre

      by , 02-22-2013 at 03:59 AM

      I only remember the second part of the dream, my entire family was at a movie theatre and my brother and sister were drinking from a water fountain outside. Inside the theatre a few relatives of mine kept talking on the phone but nobody in the theatre really yelled at them or anything besides occasionally glancing at them. My grandpa was leaving my sister a voicemail message in the theatre about how he was sorry he couldn't make it to her birthday and then I realized it was Christmas day in the dream. Then It showed on the screen how many people were sitting in the theatre. And the camera went to us, at the top of the theatre down these giant tunnels of seats that sat about 100 people each to the screen at the bottom. At that point I woke up.
    13. text message

      by , 02-15-2013 at 06:30 PM
      I was just looking at a text message Ihad got from my friend jesse, forgot what it said..

      also had a dream where my mom lost her credit card, she asked me if i had seen it

      Updated 02-15-2013 at 07:23 PM by 60885

    14. Gettin a tiny bit of Dream Recall back

      by , 02-14-2013 at 06:29 PM
      all I remember is I dreamed I was just playing call of duty, i was looking down the scope of a sniper rifle and got a double kill lol.

      Hey at least I'm improving since last night:P
    15. :(

      by , 02-13-2013 at 06:24 PM
      Went to sleep around 1:30, woke up around 6, tried to go back to bed and perform WILD, accidentally fell asleep. Woke up at 9, tried to perform WILD again, could not go back to sleep. Do not remember the slightest hint of having any dream.... nooooo
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