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    1. 06/26/12.Two Small LDs WBTB and DEILD

      by , 06-27-2012 at 04:36 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      I normally do not bother journaling small unimpressive LDs, but I am now for the Comp. Thread. It is good for me anyways. I had taken ambien but no alcohol. Drinking seems to be the worst for my LDing. I have been under lots of work pressure, and have been having nightly drinks. Last Comp. this totally ruined my score. I had good luck with ambien w/out drinking, but the dreams where short and unimpressive.

      1st a WBTB that succeeded but I could not stay concious long due to the sedative. I woke up and looked on Dream Views and then laid on my back and counted breaths. The WILD was successful after only 5 minutes or so. When the sense of my body was gone I appeared in a dream that just had confusing noise and rapidly shifting images. I remembered the Comp and my first goal of flying. I focused and was having trouble, again due to the sedative. After about 20 seconds I took off in a swan dive kind of flight. The visuals switched to 3rd person, but the tactile was vivid feeling of me flying. I only got to fly for less than 1/2 a minute, because I was so drugged I drifted into unconciousness. Dur~1-2 minutes.

      2nd DEILD I woke from a disturbing confused dream. I stayed still and followed the trail of the last dream to enter a dream. I was suddenly lucid, and surrounded by vague DCs who all were all trying to make me panic about a deadline or something. I also got a feel of adernalin like I was in a hurry and in trouble. LAME! I calmed down and realized I had stepped in to a work stress dream. I finally told the DCs to leave me alone as it was a dream and the work stuff was bothering me. The dream became unstable and I awoke.

      Pretty lame results, but I need the ambien due to my job. I will skip it when I can, and have stoppeed having drinks, so that will help.
    2. 05-25-12 Exit the White Room

      by , 05-26-2012 at 09:43 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      I woke from a dream and decided to do a DEILD, which worked. I did not enter the dream I had been in though. I was back in that "Clear Light of the Mind" mode I describe in a post from earlier in the night. While this state is supposed to be some grand spiritual end, I am not all that impressed. I call it the white room after the training area in the matix.
      I decided to create a dream in the white room, so I went about diong a RC (wow, no body, yep a dream), and started to form a body, but my wife woke me and it was time to get up.
    3. 05-25-12 Short DILD

      by , 05-26-2012 at 09:38 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      I was walking past some metal tube shaped object, when my foot brushed it, and a label fell off it. I found that odd and stopped to do a RC. Yes, definately a LD. I tried to stablize, but ended up waking up.
    4. 03/15/12 Shorted Out WBTB

      by , 05-16-2012 at 05:43 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      I do not know what went wrong with this one. All I can figure is that the heavy dose of sleep aids, plus wine, messed up my internal dream works. I did a WBTB and at some point realized I was all confused and perhaps was aware in my sleep. I decided to do a RC. My main RC is a gravity check in which I attempt to levitate. I tried to levitate and my body came into focus. I suppose I was levitating, but I will not count this short levitation to be flight for the competition thread.
      I realized right away that my preseptions were all messed up. My body was distorted, kind of warped, and even though I felt myself floating, I had no ground or objects to refer against. So, it was I dream, yay, I got lucid. Then the odd part. My head started to kind of spin and get confused. I almost felt an electrical short going on. Remember the screeching noise in the scene when Neo fir takes the pill. Everything faded out into some odd stuff I can not recall. Dur ~1 minute
    5. 04/25/12 Mirror WILD

      by , 04-27-2012 at 04:35 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      I did a WBTB and when a dream finally started I noticed my hair was differant than normal. I was lucid and ran my fingers through what seemed like a long afro. I normally have short straight hair.
      I wanted a mirror. I did basic summoning by wanting a mirror and just turning, expecting to see one. I looked in the mirror and had a great time. I could pass my fingers infront of my hair to make it grow or stand on end or straighten. I could warp my facial features and it was alot of fun.
      In truely bad form, I got caught up in this and did not stabilize. I eneded up loosing lucidity and wandered off. Lucid Dur~2 minutes.
    6. 04/21/12 Recieving a Dream Lesson.

      by , 04-22-2012 at 07:07 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      I suddenly realized I had been dreaming and looked around. A woman was sitting near by me and was teaching something. I tried to pay attention now that I am lucid. She is teaching mesome fine details about lucid dream reality. It all makes sense as she is teaching it, but upon waking the details have become vague. I ooften feel like things said tome in a dream make good sense, but can nott remember any details later.
    7. 04/20/12 Broken Bead Chain.

      by , 04-22-2012 at 07:03 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      A very short DILD. I was staanding around in a dream and looked into my hands. I was holding a bead string. I saw that it broke and beads started falling. However, they were falling into darkness. Nothing was around other than me. I did my gravity RC and started levitating. I became lucid annd levitated around in the dark for a minute, but at that point I lost my recall. My job has been a big stress and is affecting my dreams.
    8. 04/17/12 DELD The 10 Years Over Due Term Paper.

      by , 04-18-2012 at 04:26 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      The initial non-lucid had been going on for awhile, it was about how I had a major paper due in the morning. Failing to have it done may get me thrown out of school. I had not even opened a book and should have started weeks ago. I met with all sort of confusion and things preventing me from getting it started. There seemed no hope.
      Wait? How long has it been sinse I went to school, 10 years? What is the paper actually on, and how did I graduate and still owe someone a paper? All of these questions made me decide to RC. I use a gravity RC, so I attempted to levitate. Sure enough I was able to float up off the ground. I looked around and most of the scene was the familiar gray blue of my dreamscape. A desk full of books and me, were the only strong visuals. Suddenly the desk was about to fall apart and I knew it was full of chimes. I floated over to it and tried to hold it together. I knew I should not let the dream capture me, so I started to try and stablize. I looked at my arms around the desk, but at that point I woke up. Dur ~1-2 min.
    9. 04/15/12 WILD Hanging out with a Family in and out of Lucidity

      by , 04-16-2012 at 07:56 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      My 4th or 5th WBTB attempt of the night was successful. I had been watching HIs patiently while chanting the manta "Watch for the dream, ride a horse" The HIs suddenly were under my control and my physical body was gone. Score! Third LD in the night. I played wit the images trying to summon images that seemed like a dream I could enter. My recall is fuzzy as to which scene I finally decided to step into. I think it was a park or something with trees, but it is blurry now. I visualized my self with a complete dream body and walked into the scene. I took some extra time to stablize, but could have ddone better. I examined my hands and and counted my fingers. I like to force the hands to form properly with only 5 fingers. I moved and worked the hands in various positions. I got excited to try to do stuff for the competition and should have patiently did a more advanced stablizing, but that is how it goes.
      I looked around for something to do. A man was standing nearby and he was feeding squirels or something. I decided that interact with a DC was something that the competition called for (it is so hard to remember the goals in the LD!) I walked over to him and said 'Hi' He looked up and did not say anything.
      I decided that if there was only one DC it should be a hot woman. I actually completed my first of three dream goals with out thinking about it. That is Advanced Summoning. I made the man disappear like he was teleported and in his place I summoned a nice sweet and pretty young woman. She wrapped her arms around me and in the excitement I lost my lucidity. I should know better.
      The dream went on for awhile but I went back and forth between non-lucid and semi-lucid. I never got lucid enough again to grab control and re-establish full lucidity. We went to her house and I interacted with her family in a few scenes that were vivid, until I could not find her or anyone, and I awoke. Dur of lucid parts ~4 minutes.
    10. 04/15/12 Disembodied in the White Room.

      by , 04-16-2012 at 07:37 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      I had been attempting my 2nd WILD try, then lost awareness and suddenly found myself lucid. It may be a WILD but as I am reporting on the competion thread, I want to be very fair. I lost all awareness prior to this so I will just call it a DELD which is worth less points. I became aware that i was totally disembodied and floating in a void. I casually checked to see if I was awake. No awareness what ever of my body, so I was asleep. I realize this is the blank slate kind of LD like the white training area in the matrix. I rotate my feild of vision 360 but nothing is there other than maybe slight variations of grey. I attempt to form a body. I bring my arms up and it is trippy.The blur into existance and it is bazaar suddenly being only a pair of arms. I never goot farther, because a loud vehical was warming up some where out side and I woke up. Dur~2 minutes.
    11. 04/15/12 Mirror WILD

      by , 04-16-2012 at 07:25 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      I worked myself up trying to get back into serious LDing for the competition thread. Neither of my LDs from last night are very special, but it is a good start. The first one was my 3rd attempt last night for a WBTB WILD. I kept chanting internally "Watch for the dream. Ride a horse" I want to summon a pegusus for the task of the month, but plan on starting out with a normal horse first.
      All of a sudden the HIs which had been swirling around formed all sorts of horse images, mostly horse heads in profile. I attempted to form a dream body and almost messed up the WILD. It was to soon, so I relaxed and kept the mantra going and just watched. After a minute it settled down into a sceeninside my house. I stablized by clappingand carefully observing the details while gently rotating in a full circle. I noticed something out of place for the house. The bathroom vanity was in my front room. I decided that looking into a mirror is fun and challenging, so I tried it. The mirror on the wall wanted to shift at angles that did not reflect me so I dream controlled it into place. I looked into it. At first the image was way back like i was a long ways away and my image had a big glowing star on my fore head that created rays like a cross. I brought it closer, and remembered someone on DV saying you always look different in a mirror. I personallyy have not found this. I was looking into the mirror at a reasonably good copy of myself. I should have been less fixated and remembered to do a better stabilization.
      I lost lucidity at this point and the dream went on, but the details aall get blurred. Dur~3 minutes.
    12. 04/13/12 3 more Short DEILD

      by , 04-14-2012 at 04:42 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      Nothing exciting. I know me being heavily sedated is a re-occuring theme, but I must make some sacrifises for my job. It take until morning for them to wear off enough for me to have any recall or control. I used my snooze alarm to do DEILDs and had 3 (almost made me late for work). They were short and plain, just the sort where you go "oh wow, I did it, I am lucid" only to loose it a minute later. The 3rd one was a little better and I had enough time to play with mass TK for a minute. I just picked up everything in the dream, mostly small unclear objects like stones and such. I played with flipping them all into the air over and over like I was flipping pancakes. There was actually very clear sound effects that when with this alot like pop corn popping. So kind of fun, and probablly pretty good for a work night, while so sedated. Dur. each between 1-2 minutes, the 3rd was maybe 2-4 minutes.
    13. 04/12/12 Short DEILD

      by , 04-13-2012 at 04:15 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      The non-lucid dream involved an old female friend of mine refusing to let me into a house. I guess I had told someone something about a couple who are mutual friends of mine and the DC. My alarm interupted this dream.
      I then di a DEILD and soomthly entered the same scene lucid. My snooze on the phone I was using is only 5 minutes, so I had to hurry. I did not have time to stablize or anything, so I just decided to try and resolve the dream scenario. I summoned a gift out of my pocket and explained that what ever I said was an accident, and to please give them this gift. She opened the door and accepted the gift. Then the alarm went off again. Short and boring, but better than nothing. Dur~3 minutes.
    14. 04/11/12 Chain of 3 DEILDs

      by , 04-12-2012 at 07:15 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      I may have been briefly lucid a half dozen times prior to this last night, but if so it was just in minor little phases and my recall is too blurry, so I will ignore them. The real action started near morning. I took a heavy dose of sleep aids so it is no wonder my recall was messed up. I had a vivid non-lucid that went on for a long time. It involved me being surrounded by a large group of people whowere going to force me to fight some young guy in a ring. The young man had vast martial arts training. My only real hope was that being so young, he could only have a limited amount of training assumig hehad waited until 12 to start, then maybe I would be ok. I took pictures with my phone of all the crowd,but then realized it was a bad sign they allowed this. As in, they did not plan on letting me live. I woke up from this.
      then did a DEILD and being lucid I changed the story to them giving me a day to prepare. I tried to do a realitycheck and stablize. The oddest thing happened. I would have a body as long as I passively observed the story and only guided my actions within the story. When Iwould stop and try to take direct control, such as look at my hands, my body would fade. I was fully lucid, but seemed forced to play out the scenario. What the F***! If I was playing along with the impending fight scene I did just fine and could exert control realated to the story, but I was being forced toplay along. I wanted to go find and ride a pegasus not get my ass kicked in a cage match. I wonder if the heavy sedation from sleep aids is why I had so little say over things?
      The short version is I went and talked to various teachers from my past and asked them about the morals of just snapping the guys neck or at the least destroying an elbow joint. I actually did two more DEILDs but still the same theme was forced on me. I gained a bit more dream control on the scenes that evolved around the story. In the 3rd and final LD I was face to face with him and they were constructing a ring. I was upset because the floor of the ring had a spring board effect. That meant that while his kick boxing could shatter my face, me slamming him into the ground would have little effect on him, despite it being a valid lethal move. I suddenly realized he was probably being forced into this. I just started erasing DCs one after the other, until we were the only ones left. We then decided not to fight. Having succesfully finished the story, I was allowed to continue and do other things, but I woke up before long and it was late in the morning, so I had to wake up
    15. 03/29/12 - 04/10/12 Many Short LDs I have not journaled.

      by , 04-12-2012 at 01:03 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      I have been very stressed out with work situations. I have sort of lost focus on LDing and my journal. I have had about 12 LDs I did not journal in this time. Many were other world lectures and there fore had no plot and little I could record here. I actually was allowed to teach as an assistant in one, so it was sort of special. I had some basic short ones, but not interesting enough to go back and detail them individually. Stuff like my cat getting sprayed by a skunk, me lifting a pick up truck full of gravel and spinning the truck so it became full of Maragreta drinks instead, and so on. I plan on taking part in the competition thread, so I need to get back into the swing of things. I will start actively recording the LDs starting with any that happen tonight, but I think I will drop any kind of numbering system.
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