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    Just Another Dream Journal

    Nothing special.

    1. Snippets

      by , 06-22-2011 at 02:28 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      The first one that comes to mind is being a very heavyset man. He measured my butt and then told me how much I weighed (131 lbs) and how much of that was fat. Then we went somewhere and was eating something (saltine crackers?) but I ended up hiding them in a drawer so we wouldn't eat them all at once.

      I remember something about running across a busy street with someone (my ex or my hubby). One of the Elders was on the other side and the person I was with rushed over to say hi. They shook hands and I was jealous the man with me wasn't shunned (ignored).
      We were on a date or sorts and I kept almost ruining it by talking about serious things (The oppression of women was one topic lol), but I ended up turning the date around.

      In another dream, I was riding in a car with my dad driving. I was speaking to him about religion and what spirits were/were not. Then I talked about the "afterlife". I closed the conversation by telling him that some of what I said weren't Biblical, but I knew they were correct. I also said, they were my own ideas and not to hold it against any Jehovah's Witnesses he might run across. (A lot of what I told him was stuff I don't believe IRL lol)

      >>The religious dreams came about from seeing former Congregation members these last few days while out and about.
      I spoke to my mom last night about my dad and my ex
      I feel fat
      My daughters friend thinks our house is haunted, lol, so the bit about spirits came from there.

      I'm surprised I remembered anything at all. Very early this morning, the rabbit woke me up thumping his feet. My daughter has a second friend staying with us and he doesn't know how to close the bathroom door when he's done. Animals ventured in the bathroom which scared bunny. Judging by the water on the toilet seat and the lack of water in the bowl, I'd say both dogs ventured in. Thankfully, they were more interested in toilet water then the rabbit. Needless to say, I brought bunny into my bedroom.
    2. Vampires, Werewolves, Flying

      by , 06-20-2011 at 05:41 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      All amount to a bunch of really awesome dreams.
      If only my daughter hadn't kept waking me up and I remembered it all. Now I'm left with mostly snippets.

      There were 2 groups. One was new and made up only of werewolves. They hated the older group which consisted of both. They felt the werewolves should be with them (with the older group, a vampire was the leader).
      There was also some sort of infection going around that drove people insane. I guess it turned them into a sort of zombie. The only way you could tell was by having sexual relations with the males and looking at the semen. If it was bloody, they were zombies. In the dream, werewolves and vamps could procreate.
      The new group was tested against their will once they were overpowered. They were all clean. Someone got into the head of the new groups leader and showed him that there WAS a better way. Peace could exist between everyone.

      A human was with the old group. During a battle she nearly died but the leader saved her. The leader was asked why- the attacker said she would make the leader a perfect mate in the next realm. The leader told the questioner there could be no such joining in the next realm because the vamps are of a different mind and such complete knowledge would completely kill the essence of a human.

      A member of the old group was diseased however. He disappeared, taking the young daughter of the human with him. He went back in time and set up raids, killing all he chose. But then the leader eventually found him, some years later. The leader dug a hole and disposed of the body of his former friend.

      That's all I recall. I had a role in the dream, but I don't recall what it was. I only remember the gist of an awesome story. Parts I skipped over include a female vamp causing trouble for the new group because he denied his son. He said spirits cause pregnancy, not joining where werewolves and vamps are concerned. He said another made her pregnant but the child was obviously his.
      Before the new group was tested, time passed in slow motion. And one of the new members was upset because the woman testing him was like a mother to him.

      I don't recall much of the flying dream. There was an accident with an RV. I got lost trying to lead some people to it. I was flying to get a better view.

      Updated 06-20-2011 at 05:44 PM by 23745

    3. *rawr*

      by , 06-17-2011 at 03:18 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      More sucky recall. My daughter kept coming in my room and waking me up.

      I recall snippets of:
      A tray full of cockroaches. Apparently, they were my pets (I LOATHE roaches). I also had a hutch filled with baby rabbits. The hutch looked like the upper cabinet of a my writing desk. I worried they starved to death because I had forgotten to feed and water them. When I opened the doors though, they were all okay. Then everything got loose and I was trying to put the roaches and rabbits back where they were supposed to be.

      >>I found a bird on my daughters bed the other day. When I picked it up to throw it out, maggots fell everywhere. I think maggots are cool. But I had a conversation with my son and he said he feels about maggots the same way I do about roaches. Plus, I murdered a moth on my wall that looked like a roach. So, that part of the dream is easily understood.
      >>I only fed and watered Cuddlebug (our rabbit) once yesterday. I kept telling him, I'd get his goodies before I went to bed, but I forgot. That explains part of the bunny dream. I don't know why he multiplied though lol
    4. Recall... Grrrr

      by , 06-16-2011 at 02:31 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I crashed hard this morning at around 2AM. And I woke up quickly at 9AM. I took the trash to the road and brought in some laundry from outside. Then I checked my email and was shocked that a good sum of money was added to the child support credit card *wtf* I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth however.
      I then called my hubby.
      So, I've forgotten my dreams.

      I only recall snippets of swimming with sharks and car crashes.
    5. Zombies

      by , 06-15-2011 at 12:13 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      The best dream I had last night was of zombies. These were the fast kinds. But they were dumber lol. Most of the time, they just went in a straight line. If that went to food, great. If not, oh well, forward they continued to march.
      I was beginning to think avoiding them and escaping death was going to be an easy thing. Then they became smarter and started crawling along the tops of walls of bottoms of ceilings- slithering across them as if snakes.
      A group of people and I were in a large house, but everyone was picked off one by one. Then there were three of us and one young woman snapped. She ran out of the room we were in to find someone. I closed the door behind her and stood in front of it, hearing her be killed.
      I don't remember how it ended.

      Then I dreamed something strange about baby birds and ants. At first, all of them were inside a shoe box or something. But then I found a nifty closet with a tree stump inside it. I then poked holes through the floor around the stump so the ants could leave for food. I never thought about RC-ing lol, but I bored holes through think particle board flooring with only my fingertips lol
      Then I dumped the shoe box. The first thing I noticed was a smell like poop, then I saw cat turds, then I noticed the baby birds for the first time. There were 4 but I only noticed 2 in the darkness. They were grayish colored with a mop of black tipped feathers on their heads.

      I flew a lot during my dreams, but I don't recall the circumstances. I vaguely recall something about outer space and a dying planet.
    6. Smart Alec

      by , 06-07-2011 at 07:34 AM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      Before I forget this little gem of wisdom from some DC in my last dream:
      "Follow the buns before you're over 40 and flipping buns"
      The character I was playing in the dream was torn between love and a possible future elsewhere. Sadly, I've forgotten the details of the dream other than that quote.

      There was some other weird dream. I was walking through a town with a guy (my hubby I think). We talked about the "No littering" signs and how even the smallest towns should have enough money for them. Then we passed a wedding and hubby brought me in to it. I was carrying a book and for some reason, the cake was on the ground under a table. When I set my book down, it fell onto its side but only grazed the green colored trim along the bottom of the cake. Someone was about to make a toast or something, but hubby walked over to the person and said the name of the drink (which was something really confusing and long in Spanish). Everyone applauded, then he hubby gave the drink to me. It was red colored, almost like tomato juice (in consistency too- though not quite) and served in a chilled, tall and slender glass.
      I chugged it, but it was really strong. It was a little spicy and very potent. Hubby had to hold me up as I finished it.

      Then the dream somehow changed and I was with a woman, discussing the dangers of that drink. Very randomly, a snowy apparition would jump out at you. It was a curse from the drink, but it was more annoying than scary. My apparition followed me though a house and popped up here and there. The most impressive time was outside a bedroom window. His image sort of overlapped with mine, then I mimed angry to tell him to leave me alone lol

      In another dream, I was like a strange robot or something and people could pay for the use of my body (like some movie I saw months ago but forget the name). A tranny used me once and afterward I was sure he had used me for sex lol.

      In another dream, I was walking through a town and I saw to JW's. They were carrying guns though, and I commented to someone that I was asleep. They asked why and I said because Jehovah's Witnesses are peaceful and passive and would never walk around with firearms. But I let it pass so I wouldn't wake up.

      All of these dreams occurred between 11:15PM and 2AM

      The dream of the drink was inspired by the grossest foods thread in the Lounge.
      The one about the JW's was because I saw a JW last night while speed shopping.
    7. Adult content

      by , 06-05-2011 at 10:07 AM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      Sort of

      I've been having a LOT of sex dreams lately. But I can't get no satisfaction even in my sleep

      The most memorable was from yesterday. I saw my ex-hubby out shopping. He was trying on another pair of black jeans (all he really wore back in the day) but I was wearing a sexy red dress. He saw me. Next thing I recall is we're in a room somewhere. He's mad about something and he whips out the palest, most swollen "member" I've ever seen. He tells me to suck it and I tell him "no. F*** me." He looks surprised that I told him to have sex with me.
      Then the dream fast forwards to AFTER the freagin fact and I was worried I had gotten pregnant. He had 5 new kids and I commented to myself that he was definitely still fertile. I worried about how I would explain my pregnancy to my hubby seeing how we haven't had sex in almost a year.

      I ended up taking a nap from about 1:30-4:30AM. I had what started out as a normal enough dream.
      I was at a gas station, trying to fill up, but a motor bike was blocking me and there were tons of cars around. I got out and moved the bike, but the kick stand wouldn't hold it. Someone in another car was good naturedly laughing at my plight. I eventually laid the bike down. Next thing I recall is being unable to control my mini-van. I almost ran over a cop who was directing traffic out of the gas station.

      At some point, I went to sleep in the passenger seat of my van. I woke up to find it filled of guys. Instead of just 2 seats in the front, as in real life, the vehicle had a bench seat. I then played passive-submissive, laying my head on the shoulder then lap of one of the car jackers. He took the bait and placed his hand on my stomach. My stomach?! Really? I was ready to have sex with the whole lot of them, but the leader made it clear that absolutely no harm would come to me. Me. Who was still pretending to be asleep. Arg.

      Then I dreamed I was a wild horse o something- in heat- and I didn't get lucky then either.

      Then the dreams went to the somewhat mundane. I was trying to take care of my own needs while hiding under a blanket with my niece and a couple other kids in the room. Nothing. Too distracted.

      Then, the dream became weird and my mom showed up, upset, because she found strange stuff under my mattress when she came over to clean. The items were small. Some sort of paper trinkets with stuff written on them and some notes. She told me to be careful sleeping on that stuff or something (?) might just happen to me. I didn't even remember what they were but I had the impression they were magic related.
      Then my p-doc showed up for a VERY open session. There was another doctor AND my family in the room. I don't recall if we actually spoke. He listened to everyone else complain about me, then he handed me my file.
      I worried that he was moving or "firing" me, but that didn't seem to be the case.

      Then the dream changed again and I was at a bar, trying to pick someone up. No luck. I woke up.

      I wish my period would hurry up and get here so my hormones will get back to normal. This is just crazy!
    8. Persecution

      by , 05-03-2011 at 01:59 AM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I slept forever yesterday and today, but I still only recall fragments of dreams.

      The most disturbing one was of religious persecution against Jehovah's Witnesses. They were on the run and I was a sympathizer but that's really all I recall other than there being a video which was made of the whole thing and Bon Jovi (sp) was one of the actors. I liked his character the most because he reminded me of the younger brother from the show "Numbers" (which I had watched hours of lol)

      In another dream, which may have tied into the one above, there was a woman on the run, hiding with her young daughter. They were staying in a huge run-down bus. There was litter strewn about the inside of the bus and crystals were growing in one corner where water had dripped for years. I told myself that shouldn't be possible, lol, but the dream continued. I had no role at all.

      In another dream, a car fell off a very tall bridge and flew down onto a roadway underneath it. (I've had that dream several times before. The roads remind me of amusement park rides which are impossibly high in the air).

      There was a dead body in one dream, a little girl who had mutated to having 5 breasts- some of which looked almost decaying. I had a baby in one dream, and in another I fought with my mom telling her I was going to run off and live in the woods like I had always wanted to.

      That's it.
    9. Dry spell

      by , 04-30-2011 at 07:28 AM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I don't recall too much about my multitude of dreams. I've been sleeping a lot because I starting taking allergy pills a couple days ago.

      In one dream, hubby was approaching me for sex, but when I started getting undressed, he said I was fat... when I started putting my clothes back on, he tried to backtrack and said it's just how I am. He became interested in me again, but before anything could get started, I asked religious questions about some book we had been reading. Then he got into a different bed and I was ANGRY lol
      He recommended some book for me that had been rewritten so 9th graders could understand it.

      Then I was at a religious meeting. I signed a 2 pieces of paper to show I attended. My signature bothered me because one of them was slanted to the right and the other was upright (I do that in real life too). And then I very loudly heard someone say "Run!" And I woke up. A moment later, the dogs started barking and growling. I got out of bed, but the dogs are just being loud and playing.
    10. Very Rare: Pleasant dreams within lol

      by , 04-20-2011 at 12:32 AM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I took a nap earlier from around 5-7PM

      In one dream, three people switched places with "doubles" who lived in a different era. I lived in a huge house and had a servant who was horrible at her job lol. Germs weren't known about at this time and I kept trying to explain what they were and why they were important.
      Then my hubby and I were talking with some gentleman about cryto-machines. I compared it to a typewriter and my hubby (who "time traveled with me) called me an idiot and was embarrassed for me.
      >>That's about all I recall from that dream, but it was inspired, in large part, by a conversation about germs that I had with my 16 yo before I fell asleep.

      In another dream, I was putting pictures together for my son-in-law and his new wife. She is absolutely gorgeous. But putting the pictures together was turning out to be a major pain because hubby wanted me to include a bunch of pics about model airplanes from a show he and his son had gone to. The pictures of the wedding, had the music from the wedding embedded in them lol.
      Then I got a phone call from my step-daughter. She was having some sort of very minor allergic reaction and we talked about a video game for awhile before she had to go.
      >>>That dream was inspired by my hubby telling me he spoke with his son last night before I went to sleep the first time. He and his wife just bought a new house and they're expecting their first baby by Winter.

      In the thoroughly enjoyable dream, my 14 yo daughter was pregnant. We could see the baby move inside her belly. She was weirded out until I showed her what parts of the baby could be made out. First it was a foot, the a butt and an elbow.
      She left my room but came back a few minutes later holding the baby. I grabbed a tape measure and measured him to be 23 inches long. He was perfect. He had blond hair and blue eyes like his mom. I was worried that he came out too soon, but he was perfectly viable. There were two carriers in my room. One rocked and was slightly bigger than the other, so I told her to place him in it. But it belonged to Andrea (supposed RL cousin) who had just lost a baby (sort of- her young children were stolen by the State for good IRL). I told her it was okay- that we would switch seats before visiting her.
      Then my daughter left to clean out 1 of 2 bottles and fill it for him. He picked up a dirty one that had once contained juice and took a tiny taste before I took it from him. I told him "yuck", sticking out my tongue a little and crinkling my nose. He thought it was the funniest thing ever and smiled every time I did it.
      Then I did something else which he thought stupid and some sort of rating system was initiated lol.
      When my daughter walked back into the room, the baby was gone. He went back inside her belly for a while longer
      >>>>That dream was inspired, in part, from me always telling said daughter that she's not "allowed to be a girl". She used to be a tomboy but now she's interested in the opposite sex and she gets all dolled up for them. I'm not ready for my "baby" to grow up just yet. Her bestfriend is a 19 year old boy. She's known him since she was about 7 years old. So the other part of the dream is me being afraid he'll get her pregnant.

      All I recall from last nights dreams was driving somewhere to hide a body. That dream came from watching a movie "Night Train" the day before.
      I had slept from around 6AM-1PM
    11. Who knows...

      by , 04-18-2011 at 09:09 AM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I ended up taking a nap from 1AM-3:30AM.

      I had a dream that was a combination of the "Gimsons" (Simpsons) and Family Guy but I couldn't remember the name of Family Guy, so in a later dream I was arguing with people (?) about it and I lost the dream because of it lol So, who knows what all that was supposed to be about

      In another dream, I watched a series of events unfold where something at a dining room table caught on fire and fell onto something else (a spoon, I think) which landed on another thing and made an alarm clock go off. I then watched (in first and 3rd person) as an Asian woman walked through a lot of different rooms to get to the back of the house. For some reason, the cops were called. They asked her if she understood what "A Beautiful Mind" was about.. that the man KNEW things (mathematically) and didn't have to go through the motions like she was (paraphrasing- can't remember the exact words anymore). She then went on to explain herself, which I've also forgotten.

      The next thing I recall is being on a bridge... no, under a bridge. There were work trucks and stuff on top of the bridge which I guess, wasn't a bridge at all but some sort of dock or loading station or ??? Another series of events unfolded. The bridge splits in half and the vehicles started falling off. Everyone starts running, but their struck and killed by the vehicles. A woman is knocked out so some blond-haired guy picks her up and starts running with her. They're grazed by something, though and the woman falls into the water. She's floats next to a pillar and I keep hoping she'll wake up, but she doesn't and drowns.
      There was a conversation going on between the people before the bridge collapsed, but I've forgotten it.

      In another dream, I found an enormously fat man using my shower. I give him a towel and everyone starts talking. My family (not real family, "I" wasn't in the dream) loved him. My dream husband loved him so much, he wanted the man to stay with us. The fat man had lots of problems with his mom and supposed friends, so hubby starts calling people from the guys cellphone and telling them they were through.
      I put on the mans pants (?!) and disguised myself as a man and went outside for a walk. But as I walked, I remembered how badly the fat man smelled and I couldn't believe I was wearing his clothes.
      When I returned home, the man had vanished. He returned to his mom thanks to my hubby's calls lol
      There was some reference in the dream to "feeling my man-titties" lol but I don't recall the context.

      In another dream, a cat made itself split in two so one half could suck on (eat) my 18 yo sons face and the other could suck on his leg. I plied the creature off of him, but then tried to joke about it with my son, saying "See how much this cat loves you? It tore itself in half." He laughed then walked off. Then I talked to him about something I had seen on TV about a "water cat" which does the same thing, but I concluded our cat isn't aquatic and is much too large to be related.

      I recall a snippet about flying, something about GPS in a car and still getting lost and a hotel conference. But I've forgotten the details of those.
    12. Disturbing

      by , 04-17-2011 at 10:29 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      Damn allergy pills. I crashed at 5AM and woke at 5PM. I'm sleeping way too much. I was supposed to go to the Farm today to pick up stuff, so my son came into my room almost every hour since noon to question and insult me for my inability to wake up. I don't recall much about my dreams. From what I do recall, I think I'm glad lol

      I don't recall the story behind the actions, but I was in a large house. People were tied up everywhere. I had killed several of the people but someone (?) I was with was supposed to dispatch of 2 others in an upstairs bedroom. He couldn't do it, so I took the Sling Blade from him and with complete lack of emotion, I slit the first mans throat. I can still remember the resistance I felt from the skin. Blood ran down his his neck but he still tried to talk.
      I wondered if I cut deeply enough, but shrugged it off. I then killed his friend.
      >>Dream may have been inspired in part by watching "Harpoon: Whale watching Massacre" before falling asleep (It's a horrible movie BTW, and I do NOT recommend it lol). The Sling Blade came from another show though "Sling Blade" that I watched over a week ago.

      In another dream, I was pregnant but I didn't want to be. I was a dark haired woman- not myself. I recall hardly anything about this dream. I may have killed 2 little kids. The phase "A crying woman is a scheming woman" kept playing through my mind (which came from the movie "Antichrist")

      There was something in some dream about losing items. I had a plastic organizer/container of sorts. It was dumped and the contents became wet and/or lost. I seem to also recall something about scores of dead animals.

      Maybe I should stop watching horror movies before sleep lol
      But I never dream about the ones I actually love, like Offspring. Antichrist seems to affected me on a psychological level (disturbing imagery), so it will be in my dreams for a good while yet.
    13. Finally

      by , 04-16-2011 at 01:49 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I finally had some good dreams.
      I went to sleep a little after midnight and I woke, permanently, at 8AM. I'm still taking allergy meds which have been knocking me out.

      One dream was based off a 2009 movie, Antichrist, which I watched before falling asleep. Only my hubby was acting as my therapist and he was evil. I don't recall much about that dream because it was the first one that I had and I woke several times through the night.

      Another dream was inspired, in small part, by Fantasy Kingdoms. I had a pet griffon that I was riding around my grandmothers property. Below us were several other animals- horses and foals. One foal took off, got into another pen (animals I don't recall) and then into the woods. I was annoyed and told it to have a nice life or come back when it was through because I wasn't going to chase it down.
      From my birds eye view, I then started counting the foals. There were 7 at first then I saw others which brought the number to 12.
      Then my daughters were on the griffons back with me. My boys were (?) also in the air and I asked one of them to take a picture of us but the camera wouldn't work and I became annoyed again (inspired by my 16 yo wanting to use my broken camera yesterday).

      There was something strange about the horse pen and the one joining it... ??? I recall a revolving door. It was in my hubby's house lol. I was putting stuff away but the door was stuck. He was annoyed at me because it sounded like he wanted me to put stuff away on the forth floor (which he doesn't have). When I finally understood him, I said "Oh, you mean the Entertainment Room" but he was annoyed by that notion because it was now just used for storage.
      I got down on my hands and knees to work out whatever was jamming the door. In each section of the revolving door was an animal. The one that caught my attention most was a red fox (from Antichrist).
      I'm starting to think these are details from dream one lol

      Because the next thing I recall about the animal pen was my cat Jasper eating something on the wall that divided the pens. I thought it was a critter and I became sad. Then I realized it was just some sort of jellified goo.
      Then I was on my grams back porch. I found some chains- one of which had a stirrup at the bottom. The other stirrup had broken off and the two sections joined then branched off to two other chains which made up the reins. I wondered how I could use them on my griffon.
      There were a bunch of emotions and thoughts in this dream. My grams and uncles were all still alive, but grams was annoyed with me (though I don't recall actually interacting with her OR my uncles). I thought about my uncles horses and how they were put to sleep because my uncle couldn't care for them anymore (one uncle and the horses still live IRL).

      I recall a bunch of dream snippets. I don't know how they fit into the whole or if they were dreams of their own.
      In one, I was going to school. I missed a lucid opportunity because I thought "I'm actually going to pass because I know where my classes are this time". In other dreams about school, I always fail because I become hopelessly lost. There were scenes from the actual classroom setting, but it's all become a blurr.

      In another dream, I was thin but pregnant. I thought I would kill myself if it turned out I wasn't pregnant or if I lost the baby. I could feel it moving inside me, which has always been a feeling I cherish.
      My hubby needed a kidney and I was going to give him one, but it had to be done by a certain date and I realized I could do nothing until after I had the baby. Then I found out hubby was divorcing me. He and I talked for awhile and he was distant and cool.

      In another dream, I was at a car garage (?). Hubby wanted me to get his vehicle- or something out of it- and he told me where a hide-a-key was. The car was unlocked though.

      Another snippet was of me putting a cigarette down in his garage. When I returned, I was looking for the griffon lol then realized I was confusing life and dreams

      It's storming here. We may lose power, which is why I've saved and added to this post so many times.
      Going to get off of here for now...
    14. Ugh... really?

      by , 04-15-2011 at 02:13 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I was extra sleepy today because I've been taking allergy meds, so I crashed at about 15 minutes before 6AM
      At 6:30, my daughter came back to my room, complaining of having the crud that's wiped me out. She had a fever so I sent her back to bed. Hopefully, she wont get taken by the State for this one absence!
      I went right back to sleep then woke ??? with my mouth full of blood. I had been chomping down on my gum again.
      I went right back to sleep again, then my son woke me at 8:50. Someone was at the door. Crap! Was it the State already?
      Nope. Just one of the women who work for my hubby. She needed me to sign tax papers.
      Now I'm awake for a couple of hours and I remember nothing about my dreams.
      The area on my gum looks nasty and it's throbbing *sigh*
    15. Burial

      by , 04-15-2011 at 12:00 AM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I've not been recalling much about my dreams lately.
      I went to bed this morning at 7:30 and woke at 11:30. I was sitting almost cross-legged with my head on the bed in between my knees. I woke when I started coughing up a lung.
      I went back to sleep at around 1PM and woke at 4:15.

      The only part I remember about any of my dreams is of a man being buried. I was in some enormous dumpster type thing and a couple men (?) were throwing dirt on top of some other man (?). Eventually, though, the man being buried started coughing and moving. Everyone quickly climbed out of the dumpster and one of the guys I was with closed it, locked it and "sealed" it with another series of locks (oddly enough, the lock and sealing mechanisms were the most memorable and vivid part of the dream). I was distraught. I felt if they were going to leave the man in there, they should kill him.
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