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    Thread: DV Chat Quotes

    1. #1276
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      Technically Staff chat, but too great to not post.

      [23:35:32] <@spellbee2> Meenage Tutant Dyslexic Turtles! Shurtles in a Taft Hell. Purtle Tower!
      "Going through life worrying about the little things is like cooking with motor oil instead of cooking oil. Sure, you can still probably pull it off, but it'll leave a bad taste in your mouth in retrospect." - Me, apparently

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    2. #1277
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      [13:27] == OneUp [[email protected]] has joined #DVLounge
      [13:28] <OneUp> !bacon me
      [13:28] <BaconBot> Need... Moar... Bacon!
      [13:28] <BaconBot> OneUp prepares me a hot steamy pile of bacon.
      [13:28] <OneUp> !bacon OneUp
      [13:28] <BaconBot> OneUp prepares OneUp a hot steamy pile of bacon.
      [13:28] <OneUp> wtf
      [13:28] <OneUp> !bacon himself
      [13:28] <BaconBot> OneUp prepares himself a hot steamy pile of bacon.
      [13:28] <OneUp> there we go
      [13:29] <OneUp> aright thats all I needed
      [13:29] == OneUp [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Page closed]

    3. #1278
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      [21:59] <JadeGreen> !ping
      [21:59] <BaconBot> pong


    4. #1279
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      2 of OurBest™, at their best™

      [19:25] <Mismagius> ♫Oh spellbee, spellbee, wha'cha gonna do? Got a warrant out for you~♪
      [19:28] <spellbee2> ♫You'll never catch me, so you better not snore. Though I just paid off my speeding ticket, I'm not afraid to get more.♪
      [19:31] <Mismagius> ♫Spellbee, spellbee, you program quite well but you're still gonna go to hell♪
      [19:32] <spellbee2> ♫You're never gonna catch me, you'll never get the bust. Because I am an expert in C++ ♪
      [19:35] <Mismagius> ♫spellbee's skills are quite a thrill but he's still going down hill!♪
      [19:36] <spellbee2> ♫Of course I am, don't you know me? The only law I follow is the one of gravity.♪
      [19:38] <spellbee2> ♫I'll soon have you off running scared, at a rate of 9.8 meters per second squared.♪
      [19:39] <spellbee2> ♫You better back off before I hurt ya, with my sick flow's momentum and inertia.♪
      [19:40] <Mismagius> ♫Don't forget Murphy's Law, everything you touch turns to dust♪

    5. #1280
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      [18:25] == Mismagius^^ [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 90 seconds]
      [18:26] <@spellbee2> Enemy Mismagius^^ has fainted.
      [18:26] <@spellbee2> Mismagius earned 24 XP
      [18:28] * Mismagius levels up to level 28
      [18:29] <@Mismagius> lol
      [18:31] <@spellbee2> Mismagius is trying to learn FLY, but Mismagius can't hold more than 4 moves!
      [18:31] <@spellbee2> Delete a current move to make room for FLY?
      [18:32] <@Mismagius> YES
      [18:34] <@spellbee2> Choose move to get rid of: SNEEZE | MAKE RAMEN | MODERATE | BE AWESOME
      [18:35] <@Mismagius> Oh wow, that's a pretty easy one. SNEEZE
      [18:36] <@spellbee2> 1, 2, and.... POOF!
      [18:36] <@spellbee2> Mismagius forgot SNEEZE...
      [18:36] <@spellbee2> and Mismagius learned FLY!
      [18:37] == Mismagius^ [[email protected]] has joined #DVLounge
      [18:37] == mode/#DVLounge [+o Mismagius^] by anderj101
      [18:37] <@spellbee2> A wild Mismagius^ appeared!
      [18:37] <@spellbee2> Go, Mismagius!
      [18:37] <@Mismagius^> Sorry, was so excited I flew out of range of my wifi
      [18:37] * Mismagius^ kicks Mismagius in the shins
      [18:38] <@spellbee2> Mismagius^ used KICK.
      [18:38] <@spellbee2> It's super effective!
      [18:39] == Mismagius [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 90 seconds]
      [18:39] <@spellbee2> Mismagius has fainted.
      [18:39] <@spellbee2> spellbee2 has no more usable Pokemon!
      [18:40] <@spellbee2> spellbee2 blacks out...
      [18:40] * spellbee2 [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 90 seconds]
      [18:40] <@Mismagius^> lool
      Mismagius and AstralMango like this.
      "Going through life worrying about the little things is like cooking with motor oil instead of cooking oil. Sure, you can still probably pull it off, but it'll leave a bad taste in your mouth in retrospect." - Me, apparently

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    6. #1281
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      We need more crappy drawings, so here's mine.

      Quote Originally Posted by Lichi View Post
      [21:59] <JadeGreen> !ping
      [21:59] <BaconBot> pong

      "Going through life worrying about the little things is like cooking with motor oil instead of cooking oil. Sure, you can still probably pull it off, but it'll leave a bad taste in your mouth in retrospect." - Me, apparently

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    7. #1282
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      Old, but too good not to reply with.

    8. #1283
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      ^^^ OMG!! YES!

      [16:28:10] <@spellbee2> like Mavis Beacon or whatevs
      [16:28:17] <@spellbee2> call it Bavis Meacon
      [16:28:20] <@Mismagius> ooh
      [16:28:22] <@Mismagius> haha
      [16:29:47] <AstralMango> s/Beacon/Bacon/
      [16:29:48] <BaconBot> Who moved my bacon?
      [16:29:50] <BaconBot> <spellbee2> like Mavis Bacon or whatevs
      [16:30:13] <AstralMango> I ate your bacon. Sorry, not sorry, Baconbot
      [16:31:38] <BaconBot> AstralMango: You did what to my bacon???
      [16:31:47] <@anderj101>
      [16:31:52] <AstralMango>
      [16:32:03] <@anderj101> We're getting bacon pizza tonight.
      [16:32:07] <@anderj101> Bacon and garlic.
      [16:32:10] <AstralMango> Oh yum
      [16:32:14] <AstralMango> Two of my favourite things
      [16:32:17] <@spellbee2> dang it, stop making me hungry
      [16:32:22] <@anderj101> It will keep the vamps away and make he happy at the same time!!!

    9. #1284
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      [15:24] <@spellbee2^> you're making me bee-lush
      [15:24] <AstralMango> :p
      [15:24] <KingCobra> lol
      [15:24] <AstralMango> I can't bee-lieve you just made that pun
      [15:24] <@spellbee2^> i know, i really should bee-have better
      [15:25] <KingCobra> You can bee funny with those puns
      [15:25] <Kalico> XD
      [15:25] <@Mismagius> You beeter stop that now
      [15:25] <@gab> is that the image that's full of misinformation?
      [15:26] <@spellbee2^> would it bee-hoove me to stop?
      [15:26] <Kalico> brb
      [15:26] <@gab> bee all you can bee
      [15:26] <@spellbee2^> bee are bee?
      [15:26] <@gab> bee what hooves you
      [15:26] <AstralMango> lol
      [15:26] <@gab> all I cut today was pineapple
      [15:26] <AstralMango> Stop it guys, these puns are giving me hives
      [15:27] <@spellbee2^> too bad, honey
      [15:27] <@gab> you mean bee-hives
      [15:27] <@gab> or bee-hinds?
      [15:27] <AstralMango> Me thinks this should be on DV quotes >u>
      [15:27] * spellbee2^ shakes his bee-butt
      [15:27] <Kalico> back
      [15:27] <@gab> "then I saw her face, now I'm a bee-liever"
      [15:27] <AstralMango> wb
      [15:28] <Kalico> Im printing stuff out for tonight
      [15:28] <KingCobra> These bee puns are just WINGING it
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    10. #1285
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      [13:51] <@spellbee2> my forehead is so oily that i just stuck a quarter to it
      [13:52] <@spellbee2> just felt like sharing
      [13:52] <@Mismagius> lool
      [13:52] <@spellbee2> just putting in my two cents... or should i say, my 25 cents :P
      [13:54] <@spellbee2> okay, i just added a ton more. now my forehead is worth $1.10
      [13:54] <@spellbee2> i'm very bored
      JadeGreen, Ginsan and spellbee2 like this.

    11. #1286
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      Attempting to steal BaconBot's stash of bacon!

      [08:32] <AstralMango> Let's all talk about how we're gonna sneak some bacon from BaconBot
      [08:33] <@spellbee2> i'll cover his ocular inputs, you take out his bacon sensors
      [08:34] <@spellbee2> if he can't sense the bacon, he can't hog the bacon
      [08:34] <@spellbee2> hehe, hog. i'm clever.
      [08:34] <AstralMango> First we gotta go through the lasers though
      [08:35] <AstralMango> His base is guarded
      [08:35] <@spellbee2> good thing i know the access code
      [08:35] <@spellbee2> it's 84C0N
      [08:35] <AstralMango> pfft
      [08:36] * AstralMango steals BaconBot's bacon sensors
      [08:36] <@spellbee2> ow, i just sneezed and bit my tongue really hard
      [08:36] <AstralMango> Oh ouch
      [08:37] <@spellbee2> 'tis only a flesh wound
      [08:37] <@spellbee2> let's get that bacon
      [08:37] * AstralMango sneaks around BaconBot
      [08:37] * AstralMango signals spellbee2 that it's all clear
      [08:38] * spellbee2 throws bacon grease in BaconBot's eye sockets
      [08:38] <AstralMango> Oh no good, his bacon is in a safe
      [08:38] <@spellbee2> better than it being in a dangerous
      [08:38] <AstralMango> Know the passcode, or should we blow it up?
      [08:39] <@spellbee2> wait, the safe is made entirely of ham
      [08:39] <@spellbee2> are you thinking what i'm thinking?
      [08:39] <AstralMango> Oh definitely
      [08:40] <orationem> lol
      [08:40] * AstralMango grabs a knife and fork out of nowhere
      [08:40] <@spellbee2> oh, orationem. you're here just in time for the feast
      [08:40] <AstralMango> Come on, join us! We're gonna eat some yummy ham!
      [08:40] <AstralMango> And then grab the delicious bacon within
      [08:41] <orationem> reminds me i needto find breakfast
      [08:41] <@spellbee2> oh wait, you don't eat meat. um, maybe BaconBot's got a roasted pig with an apple in its mouth somewhere around here
      [08:42] <orationem> preferably before noon
      [08:42] <orationem> and lol yeah, im veg
      [08:42] <AstralMango> That might be hidden in BaconBot himself
      [08:42] <AstralMango> Hmm
      [08:43] <@spellbee2> my god... his inside... they're all...
      [08:43] <@spellbee2> ...vegetables
      [08:43] <@spellbee2> PLOT TWIST
      [08:43] <orationem> must food. then goback to being crazy
      [08:43] <orationem> ooh
      [08:43] <AstralMango> BACONBOT WHAT ARE YOU HIDING
      [08:43] <orationem> lol
      [08:46] <@spellbee2> i've got the bacon
      [08:46] <@spellbee2> wait a minute... this is... tofu!
      [08:46] <@spellbee2> oh wait, this isn't BaconBot's fortress. this is FakinBot's fortress.
      [08:46] * AstralMango facepalm
      [08:47] <@spellbee2> i told you we should've taken at left at the giant donut sign
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    12. #1287
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      [19:50:42] <JadeGreen> I think the true purpose of the dreamviews chat is to walk in on such a random conversation that you have no choice but to reality check.

      "Going through life worrying about the little things is like cooking with motor oil instead of cooking oil. Sure, you can still probably pull it off, but it'll leave a bad taste in your mouth in retrospect." - Me, apparently

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    13. #1288
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      <CaioContieri> did rarecola and cannislucidus disappear for good ?
      [10:39] <CaioContieri> where r the old peeps
      [10:39] <@gab> I'm sure they'll be back
      [10:39] <IBeauty>
      [10:39] <naturespirit>
      [10:39] <CaioContieri> tell us the dream IBeauty
      [10:39] <CaioContieri> don't be sad
      [10:40] == IBeauty [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
      [10:40] <DannyCool>
      [10:40] <CaioContieri> did depression just hit the whole chat?
      [10:40] <CaioContieri>
      [10:41] <naturespirit> :'‑(
      [10:41] <DannyCool> yipedeeeedoooooooooodahhhhhhhhhhhh
      [10:42] <DannyCool> ((

      Immense depression.. :'-(
      JadeGreen likes this.
      Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

    14. #1289
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      [15:39] <@spellbee2> all my ads on webpages are for 5V Step-Dwon Voltage Regulators.
      [15:40] <@spellbee2> i don't know whether to be more scared of the ad service's tracking capabilities
      [15:40] <@spellbee2> or more ashamed of my own hobbies and lifestyle choices
      [15:46] <DannyCool> Rex Tillerson has a lot to be ashamed of. Exon Mobile has covered up climate change for years and promoted oil even though they knew about climate change in the 70s
      [15:47] <@spellbee2> oh, well that really puts my apparently insatiable appetite for 5V Step-Down Voltage Regulators into perspective then
      [15:47] <DannyCool> lol
      [15:48] <@spellbee2> "5V Step-Down Voltage Regulators" is a fun phrase. it's kinda like that "Lightly Fried Fish Filets" thing from that one meme
      [15:48] <@spellbee2> http://i.imgur.com/7QpXVky.jpg
      [15:48] <DannyCool> Tillerson is a petroleom engineer not a 5V Step-Down Voltage Regulators
      [15:49] <@spellbee2> maybe not
      [15:49] <@spellbee2> but it's obvious he needs to Step Down
      [15:49] <@spellbee2> OHHHHHHHHH bringing it full circle
      [15:49] * spellbee2 places the crown of comedy upon his Voltage-Regulated head
      "Going through life worrying about the little things is like cooking with motor oil instead of cooking oil. Sure, you can still probably pull it off, but it'll leave a bad taste in your mouth in retrospect." - Me, apparently

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    15. #1290
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      Quote Originally Posted by AstralMango View Post
      Attempting to steal BaconBot's stash of bacon!

      [08:32] <AstralMango> Let's all talk about how we're gonna sneak some bacon from BaconBot
      [08:33] <@spellbee2> i'll cover his ocular inputs, you take out his bacon sensors
      [08:34] <@spellbee2> if he can't sense the bacon, he can't hog the bacon
      [08:34] <@spellbee2> hehe, hog. i'm clever.
      [08:34] <AstralMango> First we gotta go through the lasers though
      [08:35] <AstralMango> His base is guarded
      [08:35] <@spellbee2> good thing i know the access code
      [08:35] <@spellbee2> it's 84C0N
      [08:35] <AstralMango> pfft
      [08:36] * AstralMango steals BaconBot's bacon sensors
      [08:36] <@spellbee2> ow, i just sneezed and bit my tongue really hard
      [08:36] <AstralMango> Oh ouch
      [08:37] <@spellbee2> 'tis only a flesh wound
      [08:37] <@spellbee2> let's get that bacon
      [08:37] * AstralMango sneaks around BaconBot
      [08:37] * AstralMango signals spellbee2 that it's all clear
      [08:38] * spellbee2 throws bacon grease in BaconBot's eye sockets
      [08:38] <AstralMango> Oh no good, his bacon is in a safe
      [08:38] <@spellbee2> better than it being in a dangerous
      [08:38] <AstralMango> Know the passcode, or should we blow it up?
      [08:39] <@spellbee2> wait, the safe is made entirely of ham
      [08:39] <@spellbee2> are you thinking what i'm thinking?
      [08:39] <AstralMango> Oh definitely
      [08:40] <orationem> lol
      [08:40] * AstralMango grabs a knife and fork out of nowhere
      [08:40] <@spellbee2> oh, orationem. you're here just in time for the feast
      [08:40] <AstralMango> Come on, join us! We're gonna eat some yummy ham!
      [08:40] <AstralMango> And then grab the delicious bacon within
      [08:41] <orationem> reminds me i needto find breakfast
      [08:41] <@spellbee2> oh wait, you don't eat meat. um, maybe BaconBot's got a roasted pig with an apple in its mouth somewhere around here
      [08:42] <orationem> preferably before noon
      [08:42] <orationem> and lol yeah, im veg
      [08:42] <AstralMango> That might be hidden in BaconBot himself
      [08:42] <AstralMango> Hmm
      [08:43] <@spellbee2> my god... his inside... they're all...
      [08:43] <@spellbee2> ...vegetables
      [08:43] <@spellbee2> PLOT TWIST
      [08:43] <orationem> must food. then goback to being crazy
      [08:43] <orationem> ooh
      [08:43] <AstralMango> BACONBOT WHAT ARE YOU HIDING
      [08:43] <orationem> lol
      [08:46] <@spellbee2> i've got the bacon
      [08:46] <@spellbee2> wait a minute... this is... tofu!
      [08:46] <@spellbee2> oh wait, this isn't BaconBot's fortress. this is FakinBot's fortress.
      [08:46] * AstralMango facepalm
      [08:47] <@spellbee2> i told you we should've taken at left at the giant donut sign
      Spoiler for Big Comic:
      "Going through life worrying about the little things is like cooking with motor oil instead of cooking oil. Sure, you can still probably pull it off, but it'll leave a bad taste in your mouth in retrospect." - Me, apparently

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    16. #1291
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      [22:44] <JadeGreen> I "died" and got reincarnated as Luke Skywalker and I had to blow up the death star
      [22:44] <@spellbee2> pfft, okay then
      [22:44] <JadeGreen> but somehow In my semi lucid state I got the idea to get out of my ship in a space suit and sit in the middle of the laser dish
      [22:45] <JadeGreen> then when the laser fired I pulled out my lightsaber and deflected the death star beam back at itself
      [22:50] <JadeGreen> (also I'm pretty sure some hardcore star wars fan could tell me why my plan to destroy the death star wouldn't work.)
      [22:50] <@spellbee2> well it's fairly obvious that you weren't in the laser dish, you were in the satellite TV dish
      [22:50] <@spellbee2> so all you did was deflect the signal from the Super Bowl, right at the end of the 4th quarter
      [22:51] <@spellbee2> which probably made Vader even angrier, so he'll probably blow up another planet to relieve the stress
      [22:51] <JadeGreen> If there's one thing stormtroopers won't miss, it's the super bowl
      [22:52] <JadeGreen> Though I heard the Rebel Alliance quarterback is a Rancor
      [22:52] <Him> They miss everything
      [22:53] <@spellbee2> hehe

    17. #1292
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      [22:01:51] <@spellbee2> Actually... I wonder if I could swipe out a sentence with my tongue.
      [22:02:20] <Him> I'm sure you could
      [22:02:25] <@spellbee2> Oh no, now I'm super curious.
      [22:03:12] <@spellbee2> Alright, I'll hold out my tongue to dry it out so I don't get a ton of saliva all over my screen.
      [22:03:26] <@spellbee2> Someone give me a sentence to type.
      [22:03:53] <JadeGreen> the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
      [22:03:58] <JadeGreen> or whatever that sentance is
      [22:04:08] <JadeGreen> the one that uses every letter of the alphabet
      [22:04:48] <@spellbee2> Alright, I'll do that. Here I go. Starting...
      [22:04:49] <@spellbee2> Now
      [22:05:33] <@spellbee2> The wino Brian Fox í obey the posy roof.
      [22:05:45] <@spellbee2> Did I do it?
      [22:05:55] <JadeGreen> sort of ...
      [22:06:18] <@spellbee2> That was super hard.
      [22:06:23] <@spellbee2> And now my tongue hurts.
      [22:07:17] <@Mismagius^> lool
      [22:07:32] <@spellbee2> The things i do for this forum, man...
      JadeGreen and naturespirit like this.
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    18. #1293
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      [22:20] == JadeGreen [[email protected]] has joined #DVLounge
      [22:20] * JadeGreen flies in
      [22:20] * JadeGreen lithobreaks
      [22:20] * spellbee2 super jumps and lands on JadeGreen's head
      [22:20] * JadeGreen dies
      [22:21] * JadeGreen 's ghost rises up
      [22:21] <JadeGreen> aw crap i'm dead
      [22:21] <@spellbee2> at least you're a ghost
      [22:21] <@spellbee2> and not a zombie
      [22:22] <JadeGreen> yeah but if I was a zombie at least I could still eat something
      [22:22] <JadeGreen> now I cant touch anything
      [22:22] <JadeGreen> I wonder
      [22:22] <JadeGreen> can a ghost stick their own arm through their own body?
      [22:23] * JadeGreen observes self-intangibility
      [22:23] <@spellbee2> i've always imagined so, yeah
      [22:23] <JadeGreen> well i'm going to go haunt that kid from my third grade class who never let me have a turn on the teeter totter
      [22:24] <@spellbee2> good, sounds like he deserved it
      [22:28] * JadeGreen comes back
      [22:29] * JadeGreen looks like he's seen a ghost
      [22:30] <@spellbee2> did you pass a mirror?
      [22:30] <JadeGreen> sort of
      [22:30] <JadeGreen> remember that kid I said I was going to haunt
      [22:30] <@spellbee2> yeah
      [22:30] <@spellbee2> is he dead too?
      [22:31] <JadeGreen> no he was taking a shower
      [22:31] <@spellbee2> ewwww

      This was from a couple days ago. Had it saved as a word doccument on my desktop.
      spellbee2 and naturespirit like this.

    19. #1294
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      JadeGreen just blew my mind!

      [19:18] == JadeGreen [[email protected]] has joined #DVLounge
      [19:18] * JadeGreen warps into the shared dream
      [19:19] <FireFlyMan> voip
      [19:19] * JadeGreen realizes he's upside down
      [19:19] <FireFlyMan> how's it going JadeGreen
      [19:19] <JadeGreen> cartoon gravity kicks in
      [19:19] <JadeGreen> good. Hi FireFlyMan
      [19:20] <madmonkey|BRB> wut
      [19:20] <madmonkey|BRB> !back
      [19:20] == madmonkey|BRB has changed nick to madmonkey
      [19:20] <madmonkey> dude why did you mention shared dreaming?
      [19:20] <JadeGreen> just as a joke
      [19:21] <madmonkey> i just had a wonderful conversation with someone on here about shared dreaming
      [19:21] <JadeGreen> pretending the chat is a shared dream
      [19:21] <madmonkey> that must mean dreams are magic and we are in a multivers made out of dream bubles
      [19:21] * madmonkey is being sarcastic of course
      [19:21] <JadeGreen> hey could somebody do me a favor and mash their number keys a bit
      [19:21] <madmonkey> but really though shared dreaming stuff is so interesting haha
      [19:21] <madmonkey> 4845154154612652
      [19:22] <JadeGreen> perfect
      [19:22] <madmonkey> the chat is now a random number generator
      [19:22] <madmonkey> is there anything this chat cant do?
      [19:22] <JadeGreen> four quadrillion eight hundred and fourty five trillion one hundred and fifty four billion one hundred and fifty four million six hundred and twelve thousand six hundred and fifty two
      [19:22] <madmonkey> woh

    20. #1295
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      [11:49:31] <JadeGreen> Have either of you been to Viagra falls before

    21. #1296
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      Great chat guys!

      [20:03:59] * TranceWalker ([email protected]) joins #DVLounge
      [20:04:04] <slash112> a meditation that is supposed to help the whole world
      [20:04:07] <slash112> yo TW
      [20:04:16] <TranceWalker> hello
      [20:04:28] <TranceWalker> I hit live discussion I see
      [20:07:58] <slash112> half-alive discussion*
      [20:08:03] <slash112> more like, struggling for life
      [20:08:32] <mouzaa> yup
      [20:08:43] <TranceWalker> huh
      [20:10:56] <mouzaa> it wasnt really a discussion
      [20:11:25] <slash112> and now we're discussing the non-discussionness of the discussion
      [20:11:38] <mouzaa> noo to metaa
      [20:11:45] <slash112> :}
      [20:29:17] * TranceWalker ([email protected]) has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)

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