Originally Posted by Mzzkc
You cannot deny that the self-awareness you're talking about comes with its own set of schematic associations, namely "anything is possible and everything is simple." These underlying, realized expectations put you in a very high seat of power and control over your lucids due to their inherent nature.
Yes I can, and will.
Mzzkc, I think you may have completely missed what I was saying about self-awareness, so I’ll try one more time, and then I will give up:
Self-awareness has nothing to do with expectation. Let me repeat that: self-awareness has nothing to do with expectation. You may wish it to do so, to keep your unifying theory to one line, but you cannot. You may try to belittle it by calling it a simple result of your schematic associations, but it is not. By any measure.
I did not once, ever, say that self-awareness “comes with its own set of schematic associations, namely ‘anything is possible and everything is simple,’" I’m not sure where you got that from my post. Self-awareness certainly opens the door for you to intellectually, during the dream, remember that anything is possible, because you know through self-awareness that what you are in it is all a dream of your creation, but that is not due to a set of schematic associations or pre-programmed expectations or any other important-sounding terms. We are not pocket calculators, Mzzkc, we are sentient beings, and it is self-awareness, not expectations or schema, that make us that way. Don’t confuse the tools we use to understand our big picture with the big picture itself.
Self-awareness is, simply, awareness that you exist in your world and, because of that existence, have an influence on your world. No more, no less. It is not a product of anything, and it in no shape or form is a result or cause of expectation. It is simply awareness that You, with an upper-case “Y,” exist -- there is an “I” in the room, and, even in waking reality, that “I” has something to do with the room. And that “I” is not the solution to a group of equations, functions, or whatever; it simply is. No more. Now, if you are willing to work with that, try rereading my post with that in mind and see if you can understand what I meant by self-awareness. If you can’t, then I give up. If you assure me you can, and then you come back with the same attempt to install it into, or dismiss as not a part of, your formula, then I promise I will also give up.
As I've been saying, expectation and attention are the key components in determining dream formation. Understanding how dreams are formed let's you understand how to consciously form them, i.e. what all dream control is.
Maybe here is where our misunderstanding lies: In all honesty, I don’t give a crap about dream formation. Never did. For me LD’ing is a state of consciousness, and the dream itself is secondary -- the dream is sort of the runway from which the LD flight takes off. Dream formation is a thing that my dreaming mind takes care of for me, and is often the thing I rebel hardest against. On that note, you may have misunderstood my statements about memory as well, though everything you wrote about it is completely true on its own. I am am not talking about using memory to manipulate archetypes or what have you. I am talking about maintaining your conscious memory in a dream to remember who you are and what it is you want to do in this current conscious state. Period. Please don’t attach another explanation to that statement -- trust me when I assure you I have read all about archetypes, expectation, schema etc, too, and yes, they are very important to normal dreaming. They are not, however, fundamental to advanced lucid dreaming. They are important, sure, because they comprised the initial dream environment, but to me they represent not laws but hurdles to the higher consciousness that LD’ing promises. To make them, and nothing else, the law is to reduce LD’ing to a biological function that cannot be improved upon. For me, that is not true, and certainly not very appealing.
Notice I've said nothing about attention. That's because you got that right on the money. Attention is indeed fundamental to LD'ing, in every way you said, and shifts in attention are indeed the way to change your dream. I tend to wander from your theory a bit when I consider attention more a quality than a function; in other words, you need to maintain attention to your state of consciousness and to, yes, your self-awareness, in order to have any ability to manipulate (or completely step away from) your dream. But that could just be semantics.
So that's my defense of my corollary. I doubt you'll like it, but I hope that you'll give it some thought before you set about trying to fit everything I said into your existing theory. After all, isn't it more important to revise things like this than it is to stand by them, no matter what?
Enough words. Time for a nap...