Though my opinion on this is already up there somewhere, I'd like to toss in a little more about the "natural" question in the poll, just in case it wasn't clear:

By "natural," StephL wasn't suggesting that there may be a problem with what we know here at DV as natural lucid dreamers -- those few special folk who become aware in dreams without trying. Though I guess you could ask the question in that context, the initial context (from that other thread) was one that asked what would happen if suddenly, by new medicine or machinery, everyone could LD without trying and without mental preparation. In other words, you just pay your money, get your "DreamBox 650" or maybe a "Somnambulex" pill, go to sleep and bam, you're lucid.

LD'ing without effort seems to me to be a pretty good target for abuse, especially given the unmatchable levels of escapism it can endow on a bored user. Or I could be wrong, and maybe we're ready as a society for this sort of consciousness option.