I wish I knew people at my job or friends that cared or talked about lucid dreaming. I feel so bored when I'm at a party and people talk about boring things like their manicures, pedicures, career, sports, money, politics, and gossip. lol I'm sooooo bored of these people!!! Help! I hope I don't have to deal with people like this tonight at this shindig I'm going to 2night. I'm not a stuck up person or mean...I just get bored easily with mundane conversations. I truly do love humanity but I just hate redundant conversation and pointless get-togethers. Am I the only one???

This is the very core of why I suffer social anxiety because I am afraid of being so dreadfully bored out of my mind that for hours all I can do or say is the following as people talk:

nod in accordance
say, "I understand"...over and over.
"That's crazy!"
"Really? Wow!"
