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    Thread: Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain

    1. #9201
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      I think I must have misread something in the False Myths thread and think you like girls. So I was rather shock when I saw your fiancé is a guy.
      No misread, I am bisexual. =)


      Sounds like you and your mother are going through hell right now. Why not let CPS get involved. In my experience, the one good thing they actually do is make sure kids get medical and psychiatric attention when needed. I don't know how different Texas is compared to West Virginia, but it might be worth looking into.
      How old is your brother? Another option is to go to Court and have him declared unruly. It's only a status offense here, which means there's no criminal record, but it starts the ball rolling in getting helpful attention.
      My mom has been avoiding the involvement of CPS because not only does she have me to worry about as well but the stress, time, and money necessary when CPS gets involved is not something she is looking forward to having to deal with. We have considered the latter as an option but decided that a mental health facility might be the way to go instead, that was before we had any idea of what a horrid experience that would be.

      Do you need a mental hospital yet too?

      One, your fiancee sounds like a fucking loser.

      Two, you made the mistake of going to an acute care facility.
      He likely has not just had a breakdown, but developing some sort of schizophrenia or mania.
      You need to get him to a psychologist (when the meds wear off) who will be able to commit him or whatever course of treatment they think is right. But it's usually commitment for psychological and medical treatment until they are stable, and then continued outside of a facility after that.

      Your mother needs you, but obviously you need her coz your fiancee is a dick. Share your emotions with each other, don't let it be a one way thing, otherwise you'll be taking on all the pressure yourself.

      I'm very, very sorry about your dog.

      EDIT: Just realise the first bit of this post sounds really harsh, I didn't mean it like that at all.
      First off, your post didn't sound harsh at all! You were spot on with everything I am already feeling. I might need a mental hospital soon with the way things have been going. I am so tired.

      You're right my fiance does sound like a looser, that's because he is most of the time.

      We are currently looking for feasible psychiatric care until we find such we are hoping that the current drugs will keep him mild enough to keep all of us safe.

      I finally broke down today in front of my mother. She was expecting it. She knew that I was holding everything together for her and after my breakdown she reassured me that although she has a lot on her plate she is still my mother, available anytime for me to lean on. Not that this will change much. I feel like she needs me right now more than I need a mother. I don't plan on letting what happened today happen again.

      I don't think that the news about my dog will fully sink in until I get home and see the burial space. We were staying out of town as my grandmother's is closer to the hospital and our neighbors had to call and let us know that he had been hit by a car. Thank you for your condolences.

      Thank you all so much for your care and advice. It means everything to me at a time such as this. Your support is much needed and appreciated.

      Have nothing but contempt for my childs mother. Hate that I got myself in a situation with her that spawned birth. Hate smelling her perfume, hate having to conversate with her, hate being around her. Hate part of myself for not getting out when I should have. She had some good _____ though.
      Holy crap! A kid!? I have missed so much. I am sorry that such a beautiful thing has to be tainted by such a situation. My dad is in the same position with his second wife, the mother of my half siblings. She is currently in rehab after her third DUI and possesion of exctasy. I love my stepmom to death but she is one crazy bitch. Needless to say, I can understand to an extent. If you ever need to talk I am available. P.S - I miss you! PM me some time.
      Last edited by Shaelyn; 06-15-2012 at 05:00 AM.
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    2. #9202
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      I have no idea what fraction of that bag of potato chips (sour cream and onion) I just ate, but it HAS to be over half. I have never in my life shoveled chips into my face that quickly.

      I probably should have had an actual meal for dinner...
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    3. #9203
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      I shit my pants twice in the past week so I feel like:
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    4. #9204
      Soñadora Suena's Avatar
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      I guess some jerks decided to rob my fiancee's parents. They took an xbox and a laptop. My fiancee is really pissed off, and I think he's going to do something stupid. He apparently already had two shots before he got home from work and decided to come home and get some bullets for his dad's gun-- "For Protection." It still makes me a little nervous. Gee, what are two emo-y punks with an xbox and a laptop going to do? -.-

      His pride is so ridiculous, he's getting all bent about this when he's got us here at home. What the hell am I going to do with a paycheck you left on the counter? What in the hell does that mean?

      Anyway, that isn't what I originally wanted to rant about. So, that aside.

      I think my cat is really sick or something. I haven't had many cats in my life so I can't tell if he's just... being a cat. I'm starting to get worried though. He's usually pretty hyper (I've ranted about his biting when he plays), but for the last two days he has been very lazy and lethargic. Today, he seriously slept for about 7 hours in one spot and didn't leave it once. I picked him up and he's just limp and lazy-like. He's still eating and drinking water, but he's not playing with my son like he usually does, or coming up to me and craving my attention. I don't think he's been using his litterbox as frequently either. But he doesn't seem to be going anywhere else inside the house, and he hasn't been going outside either. His eyes are all glossy, too, and I've had to wipe some gunk out of it twice now. Is he crying? His little body seems a little warmer too, like he's running a fever.

      He hasn't been showing any agitation and he doesn't mind my being near him or being picked up, or even my one year old. He still purrs and likes to be pet.

      I don't know what the hell but I guess I'm going to call the vet tomorrow. This behavior is just so sudden, it scares me. I wonder if that dog that attacked him the other day hurt him more than I thought? I don't see any sores... ugh. I just hope he's ok. If I've failed this cat then I'm seriously never getting an animal again. :/

    5. #9205
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      Set fire to everyone!
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    6. #9206
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      You sick Warheit? Hope you feel better soon!

      Shaelyn, hehe, are names are too similar I can't picture you sanely going through all you are. Because of your YouTube video, you look to be about 16- too young for a jerk of a fiancee I'm glad to hear you broke down a little and your mom was there for you. It's important to get all that stuff out sometimes. And I understand all about CPS. I wouldn't deal with them either if I didn't have to. I hope y'all find something that works for your brother.

      Suena, did he leave the check there in case he gets sent to jail? I hope this isn't too cruel, but my first thought was "Yay! The jerk might do something stupid and go to jail for a while and give Suena a much needed break!"
      That dog attack was several days ago, wasn't it? I'm sure he would have shown some sign of injury before then. Was he wormed? We've lost kittens in the past to run-of-the-mill round worms. They were always lethargic before passing quickly. Getting ahold of a vet is a great plan.

      My rant is my youngest son. I normally get along with him just fine. I can tune him out when needed (he can talk for HOURS) lol But he also pushes all the wrong buttons sometimes. He left his clothes out night before last. I told him this evening, to bring them and my clothes pins back inside. I started nagging him about it (3 times over about 2 hours). I told him one more time and he told me to tell him why it was so important to do it NOW. It wasn't yet dark. There was plenty of time, he said.
      I told him "Because I said so." He argued "That's not a reason!" I told him I didn't HAVE to have a reason. If I want him to do something, he should just do it. He kept arguing with me. I stepped out of my doorway to strangle and yell at him, but I just shut my door in his face instead. He was smart enough to walk away.

      An hour later, he still hadn't brought the clothes in. It was dark. I told his brother to tell him to bring them in or I would throw them away. He still stalled. So I told his brother to tell him he had 10 minutes.
      Next thing, my youngest comes into my room and tells me "You can shut up now. I brought them in." WTF you just say?!
      Instead, I took a breath and told him "You can't leave stuff outside. The moisture will ruin my clothespins."

      He harrumphed and then just left.

      And now he just left my room, after spending about 2 hours sitting on my floor ranting about everything under the sun and telling me to shut up whenever I countered anything he said that I didn't like... such as his plan to move to Florida and sell Crack, and how he's 99% suicidal and he'll likely be dead before he's 19 so why does it matter what he does?

      Then he said "Or I can sell Mexicans" WTF?! I asked him to clarify that one and he said "People do it all the time. You know, sell people into the sex trade."
      I told him I would disown him if he ever even seriously thought of ever doing anything like that.

      Speaking to that boy is absolutely exhausting. He's all talk, no action, and he has a very weak grasp on reality. For instance, (in his world) I can give him $200. and he could have someone transport illegally almost anywhere. I ask him "Where the heck do you get your numbers from? You pull them out your butt. It would cost a LOT more than that!" He talked about making his own drugs and selling them on Pensacola Beach. I asked him what he would do if that's someone else's turf and they shoot him. I don't know why I try to reason with him, I just end up feeling crazy too.
      He always says stuff like "I'm ugly. I'm stupid. I can't do [x, y, z]" I've finally gotten to the point where I tell him he's just fishing for compliments.
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    7. #9207
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      Quote Originally Posted by greenhavoc View Post
      re: Anyone know how Deery is doing?
      really good qvestion

      no idea, sadly

    8. #9208
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      Quote Originally Posted by OpheliaBlue View Post
      Vat are you? Cherman?

      But yeah, I have been wondering where Deery's been.

    9. #9209
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      Cut up hot chillies without using gloves. Wiped my eyes. HOLY BLOODY HELL AM I IN PAIN.

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    10. #9210
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      Wolfwood. Be careful next time! Sounds very painful indeed!!

      My rant is that I decided to try more natural caffeine. The Dollar Tree is selling a supplement called "Energy Tabs". The pills contain Guarana, Green Tea and Ginseng which 'supplies 80 mg of Caffeine'.
      I've been taking one with little effect, so I took 2 about an hour ago. I'm very jittery, and yet I'm still about to go take a nap
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    11. #9211
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      No internet until Tuesday. Lazy Comcast. Typing this from a parking lot near Home Depot (Because my phone said there was a McDonald's here, and it LIES!) Fine besides that, honest. Just that life without internet is like life without water to me.

      See y'all on Tuesday.

      Edit: My phone wasn't lying, I'm just very dumb. The McDonalds in question was inside the nearby Walmart. I mean, I wasn't sure how I was supposed to know that, but I still feel dumb. Oh well, everyone makes a fool of themselves on the internet at some point or another.

      You still probably won't see me much until Tuesday. Walking a mile one way to get to this Walmart will get old fast, and so will eating McDonalds just for an excuse to use their Wifi. xD
      Last edited by Singularity125; 06-16-2012 at 02:09 AM. Reason: I had a derp.
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    12. #9212
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      I got banned from FunnyJunk for a day with the reason 'copyright infringement' (I never claimed the content as my own, but I also could not find the original author) when the owner of the website is under investigation for the exact same reason (look up FunnyJunk vs. TheOatmeal). Fucking hypocrite.

      Ah well, what can you do.
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    13. #9213
      khh is offline
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      I going on a trip today. I should be exited about it, excited about meeting my best friend's dad for the first time, excited about going to Italy. But instead I'm feeling anxious... Doesn't help that I won't get any sleep tonight. Oh well... Hopefully it'll be all right.

      Also.... Yesterday I was smoking some hash with some people. It was pretty good, I think. At some point I noticed there was a fine overlay of blinking red and green squares in my vision, and as time passed they got stronger. Kind of like when you have a layer in photoshop and adjust the opacity. When it was at about 50 % we were done smoking and decided to go back inside. When I turned to walk the world got dark and I thought the light had disappeared. It was totally black, I couldn't see anything, but I wasn't alarmed as I simply thought the sun had gone down or something and that it was just suddenly totally dark outside. I didn't notice how unlikely this sounded. I tried to follow my friends in the darkness, but I was suddenly having trouble balancing and stumbled about for a bit. Then a friend came over to me and asked if I was all right, and it was like I looked up and I could see him and the world again. However it didn't feel like I had been unable to see before, more like if I had been looking down or "into" my mind. I felt pretty unstable for a bit, but sat down in a comfy chair and after 15 minutes or so I felt normal again. So has anyone had anything like that happen to them from regular hash before? How much of a noob did I look like?
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    14. #9214
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      Warheit was banned. Not disputing any reasons he was banned for, its so strange how people, particularly on the internet, have multiple personalities, or act so contradicting. The guy took the time to write out a couple whole huge PM in response to my help thread and was very helpful and nice and stuff and now he does shit that gets him banned.

      I do and say stupid shit too, so I can't really complain. It is just funny how people act in so broadly different ways.
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    15. #9215
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by khh View Post
      Also.... Yesterday I was smoking some hash with some people. It was pretty good, I think. At some point I noticed there was a fine overlay of blinking red and green squares in my vision, and as time passed they got stronger. Kind of like when you have a layer in photoshop and adjust the opacity. When it was at about 50 % we were done smoking and decided to go back inside. When I turned to walk the world got dark and I thought the light had disappeared. It was totally black, I couldn't see anything, but I wasn't alarmed as I simply thought the sun had gone down or something and that it was just suddenly totally dark outside. I didn't notice how unlikely this sounded. I tried to follow my friends in the darkness, but I was suddenly having trouble balancing and stumbled about for a bit. Then a friend came over to me and asked if I was all right, and it was like I looked up and I could see him and the world again. However it didn't feel like I had been unable to see before, more like if I had been looking down or "into" my mind. I felt pretty unstable for a bit, but sat down in a comfy chair and after 15 minutes or so I felt normal again. So has anyone had anything like that happen to them from regular hash before? How much of a noob did I look like?
      Sounds like low blood pressure. Did you stand up quickly at any point in the beginning, particularly right when it first started? Could've been a head rush.... Those things get really trippy, the particularly bad ones practically put me in a k-hole. The last time it happened a friend and I were making carrot cake, and at one point he handed me a spatula and I spent a good few minutes staring at it thinking "What the hell is this thing?? Am I supposed to eat it??", and finally I ended up yelling "Why did you hand me this!?" Then it all slowly started coming back. X) Of course, weed is sometimes just really trippy even without head rushes, too. The last time I got something like you described I had a white-out feeling instead of a black-out, and then things slowly started coming back into focus except that I was just watching everything that was happening on some kind of TV feed of my mind and making commentary on it, things like "Didn't we do this two weeks ago?" and "Oh look, someone's talking to me, and I'm responding to them! I wonder what I'm saying?" I haven't had everything go black before, but that has happened to me a good amount of times. One time I stood up really quickly and the whole room flipped upside down and I almost lost consciousness, I was kind of stuck in a trance where I couldn't differentiate between any aspect of my sensory information and I just felt like I was waiting for something to happen but everything was perfectly normal, until I snapped out of it and realized how odd it had been. Weed is strange sometimes.
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    16. #9216
      Dreaming Shaman ZeraCook's Avatar
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      I felt like treating my dog today so I got her a Bone that still had alot of meat on it and set her outside hooked up so she could enjoy it and the sun, She also has a spot in the shade if she wants. But anyways I left her out there while I was inside and some dog come running up and tried taking her bone and my dog protected it and now she is all bit up. It really bums me out, Now she has bite marks all over her face and hasn't even been chewing on the bone since. I took a BB gun to the dogs, and the owner on the streets tried to get mad, but I don't care I was pissed and if they want dogs they should have them trained, my dog doesn't even venture far and if she tries to run something I just have to say her name to get her to come right back to my side, so anyone should be able to do it. Ugh. anyways I told them next time it would be a .22 but I don't think I really have it in my heart to shoot a dog to death.
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    17. #9217
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      Quote Originally Posted by ZeraCook View Post
      I felt like treating my dog today so I got her a Bone that still had alot of meat on it and set her outside hooked up so she could enjoy it and the sun, She also has a spot in the shade if she wants. But anyways I left her out there while I was inside and some dog come running up and tried taking her bone and my dog protected it and now she is all bit up. It really bums me out, Now she has bite marks all over her face and hasn't even been chewing on the bone since. I took a BB gun to the dogs, and the owner on the streets tried to get mad, but I don't care I was pissed and if they want dogs they should have them trained, my dog doesn't even venture far and if she tries to run something I just have to say her name to get her to come right back to my side, so anyone should be able to do it. Ugh. anyways I told them next time it would be a .22 but I don't think I really have it in my heart to shoot a dog to death.
      I would have done the same thing. Sucks man... Poor dog.

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      Made edibles, forgot to add oil, they turned out weak.
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    19. #9219
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      I just stubbed my fucking toe!
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    20. #9220
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      Shaelyn. I hope your poor toe survived

      Khh, HAVE FUN! I understand the anxiety of traveling though

      Just think of all the exercise you'll get Singularity

      No real rants from me. I had a nice 2 hour nap but now I'm sick of sleeping, so I took caffeine to help keep me going for a good while (I hope )
      My anxiety still flares whenever I leave the house. I mean, I was even nervous bringing the trashcans up from the road. What if the Dollar Tree creep happened to drive by, then he'd know where I live
      But my anxiety is old news, so I'm more resigned than ranting...
      Bunny is fine. I think the red clovers I was feeding him simply tinted his urine red. He's now eating pellets and is back to normal.

      Later today, I'm going up in hubby's attic to see if we still have some mattresses. If we do, they'll be wrapped completely in thick plastic, so they should be in perfect use. Should be. Depends on how persistent the mice were.
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    22. #9222
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      So today I went to the Branson landing. It was really fun until I got the cops called on me. I'm pretty sure the SOB deserved what he got. I didn't go to jail for punching him, but I almost went to jail for telling the security guard to stay out of my business. And getting sarcastic with the police didn't make them very happy.

      This all happening to the most laid back guy in the world.

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    23. #9223
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      Quote Originally Posted by Warheit View Post
      I shit my pants twice in the past week so I feel like:
      It's alright man, if you're an adult and you haven't shit your pants, you're either a liar or you're not taking enough chances.
      It happens....

      Quote Originally Posted by mikeac View Post
      I got banned from FunnyJunk for a day with the reason 'copyright infringement' (I never claimed the content as my own, but I also could not find the original author) when the owner of the website is under investigation for the exact same reason (look up FunnyJunk vs. TheOatmeal). Fucking hypocrite.

      Ah well, what can you do.
      Come over to the dark side.
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    24. #9224
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      Quote Originally Posted by DaveTheJoker View Post
      Warheit was banned. Not disputing any reasons he was banned for, its so strange how people, particularly on the internet, have multiple personalities, or act so contradicting. The guy took the time to write out a couple whole huge PM in response to my help thread and was very helpful and nice and stuff and now he does shit that gets him banned.

      I do and say stupid shit too, so I can't really complain. It is just funny how people act in so broadly different ways.
      He got upset by a simple forum game on his first day here and kept insulting me in PMs. ON HIS FIRST DAY.

      I knew that it'll happen sooner or later Can't say that i feel sad for him.
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      I realize that i'm dreaming.
      I realize that i'm dreaming.

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    25. #9225
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      Quote Originally Posted by DaveTheJoker View Post
      Warheit was banned. Not disputing any reasons he was banned for, its so strange how people, particularly on the internet, have multiple personalities, or act so contradicting. The guy took the time to write out a couple whole huge PM in response to my help thread and was very helpful and nice and stuff and now he does shit that gets him banned.

      I do and say stupid shit too, so I can't really complain. It is just funny how people act in so broadly different ways.
      I'm curious about his ban reasons too. Now I'm having delusions that I'm banned as well. @_@ He's been nice to me so I don't have any bad feelings towards him.


      I know I had rant about this before but my diarrhoea is back again. I should probably visit a doctor but I want to test if sleeping early would help it. It did, it reduced the frequency from once per few days to once per week or so. I really hate the pain from stomachache, it's one of those feelings that wouldn't go away no matter how you sit or lie or curl up as a ball.
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