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      Nyanko-sensei!!! and ty, my profile pic is one of my cats as a kitten
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      Saluton, mi tre ŝatas vian uzon de esperanto kaj aliaj lingvoj.
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      Hi, I just wanna come by and say I love your avatar (Night Vale)
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      Not sure what the etiquette is on this site for these types of things, but it sure was pleasant to see that (1) next to likes received on my profile. Thanks.
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    About Keitorin

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    About Keitorin
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    Your name is KEITORIN. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for various FANDOMS at any given time. You like to dream but you are NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. You have a fondness for LANGUAGES.

    You have a hard time staying on track because of so many INTERESTS.

    What will you do?
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    Reading, writing, animanga, languages (Japanese is #1), Tumblr, poly, kink, lgbtqiap, feminism
    Bulgereek Nookstain
    How you found us:
    Wikipedia's entry on Lucid Dreaming


    "Often I will spin a tale, never will I charge a fee. I'll amuse you an entire eve, but, alas, you won't remember me. What am I?" - Sloth Demon, Dragon Age: Origins mage origin

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    Page 16 of 30 FirstFirst ... 6 14 15 16 17 18 26 ... LastLast
    1. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by mimihigurashi On thread : Shawn Spencer Awareness And Recall Exercise
      Precisely. Environmental/sensory awareness is typically not what triggers lucidity. Myself, and I'm sure many others, have had dreams where everything looked, sounded, felt, etc very realistic and...
      Liked On: 10-30-2014, 02:51 AM
    2. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by Verre On thread : Fake Dream Journaling?
      I've always been obsessed with recording my dreams as accurately as possible... but of course, that's kind of a lost cause to begin with. Here are some ways that I've found that the nature of...
      Liked On: 10-30-2014, 12:31 AM
    3. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by SinisterDezz On thread : Ned help with falling asleep quicker
      I am seriously glad to know I am not the only one daydreaming when falling asleep. I just picked up the practice on my own a few weeks ago. Works like a charm. Can't go too deep, or else you will...
      Liked On: 10-28-2014, 03:27 AM
    4. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by Noell On thread : Ned help with falling asleep quicker
      If thinking about nothing doesn't work for you, then maybe you could try what I used to do: Lay in bed and daydream. Think about something that you like or would like to do, like maybe include...
      Liked On: 10-28-2014, 03:25 AM
    5. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by Isildil On thread : Hi!
      Hello, my name is Raquel, I'm from Mexico and I'm interested in becoming lucid in my dreams. I've already had 2 lucid dreams, and I want MOAR! :content: I hope I can make good friends from this forum...
      Liked On: 10-28-2014, 02:31 AM
    6. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by Onawa On thread : Hello and thank-you
      Hello. I am a lover of dreaming. I'm grateful for this site and what I've been reading here for the last few weeks. I'm 36 years old, and Ive been an active dream student and vivid dreamer for...
      Liked On: 10-28-2014, 01:44 AM
    7. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by Verre On thread : Have You Ever Dreamt of an Object/Dress/Piece of Art/Music/Material thing and then Realized it IRL?
      I'm also fascinated by the connection between dreaming and music! There's definitely something to this. A couple years ago I began exploring music in my LDs, with surprising results. I have...
      Liked On: 10-27-2014, 02:49 AM
    8. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by ThreeCat On thread : Have You Ever Dreamt of an Object/Dress/Piece of Art/Music/Material thing and then Realized it IRL?
      I have seen something in a dream, only to realize I will never own one :cackle: Does that count?? :D But seriously, I once dreamt a short story. I then woke up and wrote it from memory. A...
      Liked On: 10-27-2014, 02:40 AM
    9. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by Creation On thread : Have You Ever Dreamt of an Object/Dress/Piece of Art/Music/Material thing and then Realized it IRL?
      Shure, I could make a thread about them in the near future. But if you can´t wait I could post a link to my deviantart page. I have uploaded a few of them there. I wish people would invent a...
      Liked On: 10-27-2014, 02:37 AM
    10. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by Sensei On thread : Task of the Month for October 2014
      Don't know if this counts. I am dreaming again... I know it. I need to stabilize. I check my pockets and realize that I am wearing sweat pants. I never have anything in my pants pocket... rub my...
      Liked On: 10-27-2014, 02:19 AM
    11. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by Dark_Merlin On thread : Task of the Month for October 2014
      I have been keeping the bonus goal of playing an instrument that doesnt exist at the front of my dream incubation, and almost succeeded last night! I had a dream last night where I was singing by...
      Liked On: 10-27-2014, 02:09 AM
    12. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by CanisLucidus On thread : Task of the Month for October 2014
      Heh, yes I do have some fails! I attempted the "play an instrument that doesn't exist IWL" Task of the Month, and even got some help from Dreamer but totally failed to capitalize! This was a close...
      Liked On: 10-27-2014, 02:05 AM
    13. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Task of the Month for October 2014
      I got lucid several times last night, and even tried to recall the tasks. But somehow I thought 2 of them were: - Teach something to, or learn something from a DC - Eat a booger And I told...
      Liked On: 10-27-2014, 02:01 AM
    14. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by Jack2245 On thread : Task of the Month for October 2014
      I managed to have my first ever LD last night after trying for like a year, anyway I noticed It was a dream when they're was a tv on the stairs, I immediately tried doing the pumpkin task, I thought...
      Liked On: 10-27-2014, 01:59 AM
    15. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked post by Aristaeus On thread : Task of the Month for October 2014
      I managed to fulfill the basic and advanced tasks in one fell swoop. I honestly did not think I would be able to do it, what with mine recent overwork-induced dry spell. The basic task is highlighted...
      Liked On: 10-27-2014, 01:49 AM
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    View Keitorin's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Free stuff and bad guys

    by Keitorin on 10-31-2018 at 03:58 AM
    It begins with me commenting that a bunch of people had left their stuff behind in this big bus-type vehicle. Me and others start going through everything, realizing that there was quite a lot of stuff, plus a whole bunch of drawers. Little things keep falling out of overheard compartments, once a big coin, another time a folder. Somewhere along the way I start thinking of the people as students, as there are a lot of notebooks and textbooks. There’s also this partition full of clothes I’m excited to explore.

    Suddenly the tone changes. The bus had been in an accident.

    I remember carefully making my way to a bathroom and washing my hair, like something had gotten in it. There were multiple used towels and I had to decide one which to dry my hair off with.

    I’m following my sister as she walks toward an Asian women standing beside some tables with lids made of wood. As we approach, my sister says, ‘Don’t worry, this is my little sister.” The woman still seems worried but she allows me to help. We need to empty all these cases of valuables fast because bad guys could be coming.

    I’ve got a handful of these golf ball size rocks when she tells me to “get the stones”, and I look over and see different colored shining small stones.
    There is an Asian boy standing in front of me, about nine years old. The woman watches in horror as he takes an earring and pierces my thumb with it. I’m trying to keep calm (even though I felt no pain). The woman says, “He’s trying to scar you.” I hand him the next earring, a blue stone in it, and he repeats the process (old earring gone).

    It’s fuzzy here but there was a bad guy, and as we were trying to get away, we came across the severed head a black guy who had been on our side. Another guy (who reminds me of Chris Farley) was missing, and the bad guy pointed and said ‘he’s there’. It was the place of the accident. It looked like a steel railing had been rammed into.

    I run into the clothes partition, clothes strewn everywhere. I get down and start crawling into the corner through them, confident that there’s a way out there.

    I’m outside and see three orange cats in different places, and I know that they belong to the students from the bus. I say something like ‘this is why I didn’t bring my cats, they’re indoor only’. I feel like just before I said that, I questioned where mine were. I also remember there was another scene of looking in a wooden pen at three fluffy cats of mixed colors.

    My sister is driving me in some small vehicle while I pretend to be injured. I’m at the front of the vehicle lying on my back on a slab of wood. She kept getting mad at people in the way, and there was this one man in particular who jumped from a bike or something into the back of a van where the doors were open. He’s crouched inside looking out at us when my sister suddenly spits at him. The man says something about ‘fire’ and I felt that something was wrong about that. Should not be fire but something else. Then I spit too and hit the back of the passenger seat. I was waiting for the reaction, because my spit was acid.

    I don’t know where this fits in, but I was talking to my friend Cole and I said something like ‘oh no, we left our cards at the bleachers’. We had already picked up most of them but left behind some less desirable ones. I got excited thinking about this one there of Pizza from Food Fantasy, but assured Cole that it would be wrong to steal it even when the owner left it behind. The cards themselves were actually floating, shimmering over the seats and you just touched them to obtain them.

    Clothes: When am I not thinking of clothes lately.
    Sister: Been thinking about her lately, we’re doing a movie night soon.
    Earrings: I think it was yesterday that my mom told me about this trick to clean tarnished earrings.
    Orange cats: My own new cat and an outside cat I saw/talked about recently.
    Cats in pen: Saw a gif of a dog squeezing in with another dog into a cage thing yesterday.
    Cards, Pizza: From the current event in an app game I play called Food Fantasy. Maybe also from Magical Days: The Brats’ Parade since I’m playing an event there too.
    side notes , non-lucid

    4 fragments

    by Keitorin on 04-20-2016 at 06:30 PM
    Fell asleep: 12:10 A.M. (with 50mg trazodone)
    Woke up: 9:25 A.M.

    9 hours 4 minutes sleep last night
    7 hours 10 minutes restful sleep
    1 hours 53 minutes restless sleep

    79 % restful sleep

    Fragment1: Something about a spider and one being behind my pillow. When I woke up, I was paranoid for all of two seconds before exhaustion said eff it and I went back to sleep.

    Fragment 2: Two people talking, just in time the big dude goes into the room where the other is and closes the door as an Alien movie type creature patrols by. We were there hacking into a database, and we thought it was all good until the other (me??) looks at a terminal and sees green text and numbers (like in Matrix) flashing and I warn the guy about it. Skip. We're transported on top of a mountain-island. The details are jumbled here, but we transport off of onto another island. It seems like the mountain-island was some hard place to get to, so maybe we shouldn't have left. On this island, we realize that we have to take down these orange creatures before we can keep going.

    Inspiration: The RPG event going on in Hesokuri Wars (Osomatsu-san app).

    Fragment 3: Mom is looking through my mismatched socks and finds the green/white tie-dyed one. She seems to be about to throw it away, so I quickly reach out for it and explain that I want to keep it. I start to mention that the other one has a hole in it, but my mind freezes as I recall that we already had this conversation.

    Inspiration: We actually did already talk about the socks but she thought it was fine to keep the one.

    Fragment 4: Looking in the fridge and being surprised to see that my blue flowery cup is in there and full of water. I wonder how long it's been in there and if it tastes okay.

    Wakeup times:
    1:50 A.M. for 10 minutes
    3:20 A.M. for a minute
    4:01 A.M. for 3 minutes
    4:20 A.M. for a minute
    6:40 for A.M. 4 minutes
    7:57 A.M. for three minutes
    8:10 A.M. for 2 minutes

    I remember waking up once for the spider dream, once because my cat was sleeping on my back, and once because she was rustling a bag and I sat up and saw that it was stuck on her head... I know a woke 2-3 more times for dreams but was too tired to do much about it. I stayed up a bit late reading. @_@
    dream fragment , side notes

    Tiny fragment

    by Keitorin on 04-19-2016 at 06:06 PM
    Fell asleep: 1:20 A.M.
    Woke up: 8:05 A.M.

    6 hours 27 minutes sleep last night
    5 hours 25 minutes restful sleep
    1 hours 2 minutes restless sleep

    84 % restful sleep

    Fragment: Escaped a cave (inspired by a game I'm playing IWL), going through multiple look-alike rooms to find mine, dad was in the dream at some point, I hid beside my bed from the people looking for me, I tried a bit of something someone was making (some kind of sweet), I did something on my Kindle but I can't remember what now.

    There was more, but I stayed up late trying to get something done and slept too deep to care about remembering. u_u

    Wakeup times:
    5:55 A.M. for 15 minutes
    7:03 A.M. for a minute

    3 fragments

    by Keitorin on 04-18-2016 at 06:11 PM
    Fell asleep: 11:03 P.M.
    Woke up: 8:05 A.M.

    8 hours 39 minutes sleep
    last night 7 hours 2 minutes restful sleep
    1 hours 36 minutes restless sleep

    81 % restful sleep

    Fragment 1:

    I'm in a house. Dogs keep coming up to me, they seem really friendly and cute, but then? Then they start snapping out at me by jumping and shoving at me, and worst of all, taking big chomps out of my limbs! I'm terrified, but the others in the house don't seem to be taking it seriously, they just say the dogs have some emotional issues. The other dogs are outside or something, but there's one left in the house that's also cute and friendly looking, but I'm just waaaiting to get chomped on again. ;A; There was more to this but it was a really early dream and I didn't log details before going back to sleep. I'm not good at describing things but the dogs were on the small side and lean, brown/gold colored.

    Fragment 2:

    I'm sitting by my grandma F. (dead IWL). I remember picking up a notebook/diary and turning to a page written in 1992. Grandma wants me to read it. I'm having a hard time seeing what's written on the page though because of the darkness, so I try using the backlight on my activity watch, but it doesn't help much, just enough to see a small, faded paragraph written at the time in pencil.

    I come across a page made in 1988. It has words cut out from magazines, and I realize it's our names. I remember seeing dad's name. Either I knew or someone told me that I made that page. But after a moment I'm like 'wait a minute I was born that year how the heck would baby me make this'.

    I remember going through a tall stack of magazines. One was 'Pokemon'.

    Some people are talking in the background and one (mom?) asks grandma if she wants a taco. I'm thinking about the heartburn when she says yes. She says something about how she'll need cough(?) syrup, and I replied that I was just about to say something about the heartburn she'll have.

    Fragment 3:

    This is a bit jumbled, but... An audience, including me, is watching two black singers on stage. It's kind of dark, but someone just beside the stage to the left notices someone else has snuck up there. As we watch, they become part of the performance, dancing in the middle. They seemed to have thick, stringy hair and a round face.

    Back to me watching, I see that instead of a man, a tiger is dancing and singing with them. At the end, he transforms back into a tall, thin man in his late twenties maybe with brown/blond hair. The crowd boos, and I think it might be because it's a white man singing songs typical of black men.

    I think I knew what song they were singing on the tiger part but I forgot.

    Wakeup times:
    1:30 A.M. for 25 minutes
    3:50 A.M. for 1 minute
    4:20 A.M. for a couple minutes
    6:40 for a minute

    Two fragments

    by Keitorin on 04-17-2016 at 06:59 PM
    Fell asleep: 1:55 A.M. (with 25mg trazodone)
    Woke up: 8:10 A.M.

    6 hours 14 minutes sleep last night
    5 hours 10 minutes restful sleep
    1 hours 4 minutes restless sleep

    83 % restful sleep

    Fragment 1:

    Apparently my Uncle J made a surprise visit, and he transported his pool water with him and put it in a ditch. We went there to see him. The water was turquoise blue. I got upset because K, J's daughter, was there too, and no one had told me. This would be the third time my sister had surprised me with her and put me in a vulnerable position.


    I was in the water and trying to swim around, but it was just way too shallow and uneven for it.

    Note: While my sister did hurt me twice IWL, one time involved school friend A and the other another school friend (L) and her dad. K had nothing to do with it, but my dad was talking to J & K via Skype yesterday.

    Fragment 2:

    Cole (Pillywiggin on here) showed me about 7 sheets of paper. They were all from penpals he was writing to. I was surprised and like "why didn't you tell me? :O". They all had fanart drawn on them, some had a little text, some had a lot, but they were all in Japanese.

    -Detective Conan. Doodles of Conan mainly I think. There was a lot of text on it and I was worried Cole wouldn't be able to read it all. Some part of me asked why Cole would have this, because he isn't into DC like me.
    -Undertale. I remember a small Toriel doodle.
    -Sailor Moon. The page was mostly filled with a colored illustration of Sailor Moon.
    Aaand that's all the ones I remember. :'<

    Cole said that the art he'd sent back was all from the Homestuck game he'd been making but had never finished.

    I was really curious about doing it too, but I wasn't that great at art like Cole so I was worried what I'd put in my letters.

    Wakeup times:
    7:25 A.M. for 20 minutes

    General notes:

    I find it so interesting when I question things in the dream idly. I can see where it could lead to becoming lucid if more awareness was in the picture. It's kind of amusing to be going along in the dream and be like 'but x doesn't make sense' and such and still just...keep going. Either because you make up an excuse or because you shrug it off. *smh*