Quote Originally Posted by MarcUK View Post
Patrick 45 is right, though it's not easy achieving. I am a Christian struggling with this very thing. But the real underlying issue here is much deeper. Lucid dreaming is a step towards darkness, where it's possible to meet spirits of wickedness. Before I was saved I had real encounters with real spirits of darkness. Christians should avoid learning to Lucid dream as it opens a door that is very hard to close. Be careful.

In Christ
Let me just say that I am a Christian, and a firm one. And I don't believe lucid dreaming opens your mind to evil spirits. Why? Well, because the Bible is pretty clear about Christians needing to 'take [their] thoughts captive'--basically, to have control over your own mind. Kind of like how you should have control over the rest of your muscles. And what does lucid dreaming do? It allows you to have a greater level of mental control. So actually, then, you're more vulnerable to evil spirits and influences while NOT lucid dreaming! That's when you aren't in control, and when anything can happen. But if you're lucid, things can only enter your dreams if you allow them to, or, if they got in before you were lucid, you can kick them out.

Now, I'm not saying evil spirits can even get into your dreams at all if you're a Christian. I don't know, but I think not. As a believer, evil spirits do not control you. If you see one in your dream as a Christian, you are either not living like you should be, or it is just a fabrication of your own mind, probably as a result of fear or anxiety. But not a real spirit.

That doesn't rule out the good spirits, however. The Bible also lists TONS of places where angels or God Himself made contact with humans via dreams (often lucid dreams! Yes, really! Hint: look for the word 'vision' instead of 'lucid') so I find it hard to believe that it's so dangerous to learn to lucid dream. Everywhere I look I see only benefits.