This topic is for the Lucid Tasks that are assigned by the Lucid Task Club and the On-Topic Administrator. Please attempt any or all of these tasks throughout the month.

Report back in this thread, even if you didn't successfully accomplish the task. Your efforts should make interesting reading! This is required in order to get credit, it is no longer sufficient just to say that you did it.

When you complete a task: go to your control panel, then to permission groups, and request to be in the group that applies to the task that you've done: either a basic or an advanced or both (specify in the description field if it was the bonus task). Of course you still need to post the dream here because we check.

Whoever completes any of these tasks gets the following goodies until the end of the month:
  • Your name will be displayed in ORANGE in the online members list at the bottom of the main forum page.
  • You will receive a special title and badge.
  • You will receive access to the "Lucid Task Club" which is a limited access forum for people that complete a lucid task each month. Members of this club can submit suggestions for the next month's tasks.

Tasks for this month:

Basic Task i - Start talking to a DC in gibberish. See how they respond.
Basic Task ii - Find a mirror and describe your reflection.

Advanced Task i - Visit school/work (somewhere that you'll have an audience) naked.
Advanced Task ii - Find an ocean and go parasailing.

BONUS TASK!! - Find a dinosaur egg, then sit on it and hatch it. Describe what hatches.