I almost did basic task I!

Having read the basic lucid dream task for August on Dreamviews, I went to bed chanting 'I will have a lucid dream and find out the meaning of life'. It was an unsuccessful attempt at WILD but I managed to gain lucidity in the middle of a regular dream. I don't remember what was happening before I became lucid but as soon as I realised I immediately remembered I needed to as a DC about the meaning of life (Sidenote: It was also then that it was brought to my attention just how loud and overexcited sounding my dream voice is).

There was quite a crowd of DCs and I picked out a woman wearing a red and white toga to consult on the basis of 'she looked intelligent'. I made her walk to me (she almost walked through me) and I asked... or should I say screamed at her to tell me the meaning of life. She replied with something completely irrelevant. Unsatisfied I picked another DC (on the basis of how cute he looked) and asked him instead and to my surprise I actually got an answer! He told me 'the meaning of life is not to live well, but to...' and I cannot remember what the end part was!! I was so gutted when I woke up especially since I remember repeating the line a few times in the dream to make sure I remembered. I remember it containing something about a museum though. Then I kissed him which fed back into another non-lucid dream.

I'm going to try again and hopefully remember the answer this time!