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    Thread: Mancon's In Depth WILD Guide

    1. #1
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      Thumbs up Mancon's In Depth WILD Guide

      Hey everyone, I have been practicing WILD for a while now, and pretty much have it down, Mostly thanks to Naiya and the helpful guides here on the site! Now I want to make my own WILD guide to help you guys! Let's jump right into it:

      Abbreviations you should know:

      WILD = Wake Initiated Lucid Dream
      SP = Sleep Paralysis
      HH = Hypnotic Hallucinations

      What is a WILD? +Other definitions

      A WILD is a wake initiated lucid dream, but what does that mean? It means you go directly from waking state into the dream state. You trick your body into thinking you're asleep, but really you are awake!

      What is Sleep Paralysis? Sleep paralysis is when your body becomes temporally paralyzed so you don't act out your dreams! During a WILD, when you reach sleep paralysis you often see HH.

      What are Hypnotic Hallucinations? HH are hallucinations created by the brain when you are deeply relaxed. During SP many people experience HH and sometimes it can be quite scary. Don't worry! The HH is NOT real and will not harm you! HH can also come in all 5 senses. My first experience involving HH, I saw/heard/felt frogs all over my bed!

      Before You Get Started

      Like I say to everyone, confidence is important when it comes to everything involving lucid dreams. WILDing is easy, you WILL do it! Close your eyes and visualize yourself getting to SP, and then into a dream! That will be you in the future! It won't maybe be you, it WILL BE! If a negative though comes into my head, I imagine the thought in a ridiculous voice and don't take it seriously.

      When Should You WILD?

      When I was new to WILDing, I wanted to get into it right away! I decided to attempt WILDs before bed, instead of waking up in the middle of the night. Bad idea. I had no success whatsoever. Yes, WILDing before bed is possible but definitely not recommended especially with newbies!

      I would definitely recommend doing a WBTB in order to WILD.

      So how long should I sleep before waking up to WILD?

      Well, you need to wake up right before, or during REM, and everyone's REM time is different! I would try waking up somewhere between 4-7 hours after you fall asleep in order to attempt a WILD. Just experiment with waking up at different times and you will find the right time for you!

      Waking Up

      When you wake up for your WILD you could be too awake or too sleepy, this is what I do:

      1. I am too awake!
      You need to focus on relaxation.
      I have put together a list of what I do when I am too awake.

      A. I have seen a great relaxation technique in other guides here on the site, and it is called the Tense-Relax technique. The idea is to focus on each separate muscle, tense it, and then relax it completely. Start from the bottom up or the top down, focusing on each muscle.

      B. Breathing is very important when it comes to relaxing. I start by breathing in air through my nose, holding a few seconds, and then letting it out. It helps me if I imagine breathing in positive things through my nose and then breathing out any negative things through my mouth. It improves my confidence, and ability to WILD.

      C. If you are still not relaxed, listen to some calming music. I have put together a list of music I listen to for relaxation:
      Relaxing Ocean Waves
      Relaxing Nature

      It also helps to visualize myslef somewhere relaxing while listening to the music.

      2. I am too relaxed!

      You need to get up and walk around. Pay attention to objects, what they look like, smell like, taste like, etc. If I am really tired I put some cold water on my eyelids. Drinking water always helps me too.

      Remember to empty your bladder before WILDing!

      Starting the WILD

      Lay down, and stay still. Don't focus on anything too hard, and just let your thoughts run through your head. Don't pay attention to your thoughts too much, but be aware of them. These were my thoughts when I first attempted WILDing:

      Okay, so I just stay still.
      Stay still
      Stay still
      Keep still
      That itch is itchy, but I need to stay still.
      I want to move.
      Oh my gosh, I am attempting a WILD
      Keep still
      Will I ever get into SP?
      keep still
      stay awake
      Why isn't this working?

      I was focusing on my thoughts too much, and way to worried about WILDing. You have to let them pass through, if you want to get to SP and remember you can WILD!

      After 10 minutes of laying completely still, I roll over, as suggested in Yoshi's Technique. Then if I don't enter SP after 10 more minutes, I roll over again.

      How Do I Stay Aware?

      Sometimes, if I feel like I am falling asleep I focus on my breathing and count my breaths from 1-10. Once I get to 10 I start back over at 1. Sometimes, I listen to a noise in the background like a fan, but remember not to focus too hard on the sound.
      I have seen people suggest causing physical discomfort while attempting to WILD in order to stay awake. I don't recommend this because you think about your physical body too much, and it isn't comfortable.

      I don't think I ever have SP...

      Unless you sleepwalk, or have a sleep related illness that lets you act out your dreams, you have SP. Don't worry!

      How do I know I am in SP?

      Not everyone experiences HH, so how do they know they are in SP? Usually you will fill heavier, and a bit of numbness. Sometimes, you have a change in awareness or thoughts during SP.
      Remember, do not try to move to test if you are actually in SP! Just stay still, and stay relaxed.

      You're in SP!

      Congrats on making it this far, but remember not to get too excited! Once you enter SP you might start to experience some HH. Don't focus to hard on your HH, just watch it come and go, calmly. Remind yourself that HH will not harm you in any way. After a couple a minutes, images should expand and you are in a dream! Congrats!

      So, is it possible to alter your HH?

      Yes, it actually is! When SP is starting imagine your HH changing to what you want it to be. For example, If I wanted to see a park I would imagine how that park looked, how it felt, who was in it, what is sounded like, etc. This works very well for people who have a vivid imagination.

      What are common HH?

      Colors, whispers, stars, and vibrations are all common when it comes to HH.

      Dream Stabilization

      Stabilizing your dream is important to do with any lucid dream, but especially with WILD. So how do you stabilize your dream? Stimulate your senses. Look around at your dream scenery and concentrate on what everything looks like. Feel the ground, smell the air, taste any food, etc. It is also recommended to spin around or rub your hands together to stabilize the dream. Read more about stabilization here.

      False Awakenings

      Sometimes you think the WILD has failed when really you are having a false awakening! A false awakening is when you dream of waking up. This is quite common when it comes to WILDs, and if you think the WILD has failed ALWAYS make sure to do a reality check to see if you are having a FA!


      Help! I itch everywhere when I try to WILD! How can I stop this?

      Well when you are first starting the WILD out and you start to itch, it is best just to scratch it and not focus too much on it.
      When have an itch, it takes over your thoughts which is bad. Once you get deep into the WILD and have an itch, I either try to ignore or focus on it. For me, if I focus on an itch then it will go away. Remember, try not to let itches take over your thoughts, think of something else. Sometimes if I think about water, the itches go away.

      The Urge to Swallow

      If you have the urge to swallow, go ahead and swallow. Thinking about the urge, will make it worse. Just stop thinking about it. If you have real issues with this, then during the day focus on your breathing, take control of it, and then let go of the control. You did this by distracting your thoughts. If you find it hard just keep practicing and it will get easier!

      Thank you for taking the time to read this guide! Good luck!

      Other Helpful Guides:

      Yoshi's WILD Technique
      CrazyInsane's WILD Tutorial
      The Wiki WILD Tutorial
      Jeff777's Free Falling WILD Technique

    2. #2
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      Nice guide Mancon!

    3. #3
      Member Evolventity's Avatar
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      Simple, understandable. Your guide makes SP seem less scary. Good job!

    4. #4
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      Nice guide, man :3

      Any questions about lucid dreaming? Drop me a PM here!

    5. #5
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      Thread title changed to, "Mancon's In Depth WILD Guide" by request.
      Mancon and fOrceez like this.

    6. #6
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      Very nice tutorial! I SHALL ATTEMPT THIS

      Signature by Evolventity

    7. #7
      Once again. Raspberry's Avatar
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      Nice one Mancon Another awesome WILD tutorial added to DV

    8. #8
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      That itch is itchy, but I need to stay still.
      I don't know why, but that made me laugh. I hate itches!

      Anyhow, great guide Mancon; you've covered everything important. It will help lots of people new to WILDing!
      We all live in a kind of continuous dream. When we wake, it is because something,
      some event, some pinprick even, disturbs the edges of what we have taken as reality.


      SAT (Sporadic Awareness Technique) Guide
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    9. #9
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      I was always a dreamer, in childhood especially. People thought I was a little strange.-Charley pride

    10. #10
      Member Oneironautic's Avatar
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      forget itches, what do I do if I have a MASSIVE SNEEZE?

      nice tutorial btw

    11. #11
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      Thanks everyone

      Quote Originally Posted by Oneironautic View Post
      forget itches, what do I do if I have a MASSIVE SNEEZE?

      nice tutorial btw
      This works for me:

      -Think very intensely about the spot right between your eyebrows. Keep imagining that something is touching it until the sneezing feeling subsides.
      -Think about cabbage (Weird, I know but it seems to work for me!)
      -Allergy Pill?

    12. #12
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      thank u nice tutorial

    13. #13
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      This guide is awesome! Great work! Time to try it out and maybe get my first WILD
      "Are you out of your mind?
      You dug yourself into a liar's hole
      You made a little spark to live inside
      It's now a f***ing fire out of control"

    14. #14
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      Quote Originally Posted by Evolventity View Post
      Simple, understandable. Your guide makes SP seem less scary. Good job!
      It's not at all

    15. #15
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mancon View Post
      -Think very intensely about the spot right between your eyebrows. Keep imagining that something is touching it until the sneezing feeling subsides.
      That really works; I've done it a few times.
      We all live in a kind of continuous dream. When we wake, it is because something,
      some event, some pinprick even, disturbs the edges of what we have taken as reality.


      SAT (Sporadic Awareness Technique) Guide
      Have questions about lucid dreaming? DM me.

    16. #16
      Once again. Raspberry's Avatar
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      Apparently if you think about white horses it stops you sneezing.

    17. #17
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      Quote Originally Posted by Karlitaki View Post
      thank u nice tutorial
      Thanks! I'm glad this helped you with your first WILD!

      Quote Originally Posted by Korley View Post
      Apparently if you think about white horses it stops you sneezing.
      I read white horses as the white house, haha.

    18. #18
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      0.5 lol ?
      Me Likey , Great tutorial! detailed ! but when i try to WILD do I need to close my eyes ? or keep it open ?! and yeah the itches KILLS ME ! it makes me to roll over and hope for DILD xD !

      btw I also read white horses as the white house xD

    19. #19
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      Quote Originally Posted by PsychoPirate View Post
      Me Likey , Great tutorial! detailed ! but when i try to WILD do I need to close my eyes ? or keep it open ?!
      Thanks! I got this same question 3 times in the last two days! Here's the answer:

      When you are WILDing you are tricking your body into thinking your asleep. So to do that you have to act like your asleep, and when your sleeping your eyes are closed, not open! So keep your eyes closed while WILDing! Good luck!

    20. #20
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      Excellent guide Mancon
      I was just wondering, is it necessary to switch positions, after about ten minutes?
      I think I'd be more comftorbale just lying on my back? Because if I switch to my favourite postition (On my side, and hand under my pillow)
      It'd be to comftorable , and I'd slip into sleep. Or is it fine to go back and forth between those two, and just fall asleep in one of them?
      And how come we can succesfully wild in naps, but not when you go to bed? Just curious?
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    21. #21
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      Quote Originally Posted by yuppie11975 View Post
      Excellent guide Mancon
      I was just wondering, is it necessary to switch positions, after about ten minutes?
      I think I'd be more comftorbale just lying on my back? Because if I switch to my favourite postition (On my side, and hand under my pillow)
      It'd be to comftorable , and I'd slip into sleep. Or is it fine to go back and forth between those two, and just fall asleep in one of them?

      And how come we can succesfully wild in naps, but not when you go to bed? Just curious?

      1.) No you don't have to switch positions! Switching positions every 10 minutes just helps people, who have a really strong urge to move and constantly worry about moving. So nope, you can stay in the same position!

      2.) When you are sleeping during the night you first go into NREM 1 which only lasts a couple minutes. Then you slowly go through NREM 2 and 3, and finally after 90 minutes you enter your first REM cycle.
      During a Nap you go through NREM 1 and then right into REM since the purpose of naps is to briefly relax and give you energy. When you nap, you haven't been up for the whole day and you don't need to sleep, so you enter REM faster. As the day goes on you get more tired, and after about 12 hours the brain needs to rest for a bit.

      Hope I explained it well, and wasn't confusing!

    22. #22
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      I tried it last night and for the first time in about 4 months I succeeded!
      The relaxation music you posted worked like a charm and I totally forgot about my body because it was so hypnotizing and suddenly I felt a wave of energy flowing through my body and it got so heavy. At first I was a bit shocked because this never happened before but then the wave came again and my body felt like I was pinned down.
      The bad thing was: I couldn't finish because my cat came inside my room and jumped on my stomach
      Nevertheless: THANK YOU!
      Mancon likes this.
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    23. #23
      Sleeping LonelyTurtle's Avatar
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      Nice guide!
      litte tidbit of info though, sleep walking doesn't occur during REM period sleep so it wouldn't be a problem.

      Lucid Dream goals: (O=done, could be better. X=done.)» (Fly -X)» (Talk to my DC friend - ) (Have a WILD - ) (Have sex - ) (Meet my DG - ) (Go through a wall or window -X) (Go to space - ) (Go to Pandora - ) (Conjure things -O ) (Complete a task of the month - )

    24. #24
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      Great Guide!
      I am fairly new to LD'ing and I think this will help me a lot in my future attempts. Last night I knew I was in SP but I either got too excited that I made it that far or I just focused on my SP feeling way too much, because I was in it for probably 20 minutes with no further advances into sleep or the dream state, and I finally gave up and just went to bed. I was also trying this upon first going to sleep, not after 5-6 hours of sleep, so I have a feeling I will have more success from now on, thanks!

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      Quote Originally Posted by LonelyTurtle View Post
      Nice guide!
      litte tidbit of info though, sleep walking doesn't occur during REM period sleep so it wouldn't be a problem.
      Taken from here:

      They are categorized as those occurring in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep; those occurring during non–rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep; and miscellaneous types that do not relate to any specific sleep state.
      Sleep walking can occur in REM and NREM. Not trying to be mean, but thanks for telling me anyway

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